Geoffrey Hinton Quotes

By Alan Reiner – July 18, 2024

‘The pooling operation used in convolutional neural networks is a big mistake, and the fact that it works so well is a disaster.’ – Geoffrey Hinton

‘Early AI was mainly based on logic. You’re trying to make computers that reason like people. The second route is from biology: You’re trying to make computers that can perceive and act and adapt like animals.’ – Geoffrey Hinton

‘Any new technology, if it’s used by evil people, bad things can happen. But that’s more a question of the politics of the technology.’ – Geoffrey Hinton

‘In A.I., the holy grail was how do you generate internal representations.’ – Geoffrey Hinton

‘The role of radiologists will evolve from doing perceptual things that could probably be done by a highly trained pigeon to doing far more cognitive things.’ – Geoffrey Hinton

‘All you need is lots and lots of data and lots of information about what the right answer is, and you’ll be able to train a big neural net to do what you want.’ – Geoffrey Hinton

‘Most people in AI, particularly the younger ones, now believe that if you want a system that has a lot of knowledge in, like an amount of knowledge that would take millions of bits to quantify, the only way to get a good system with all that knowledge in it is to make it learn it. You are not going to be able to put it in by hand.’ – Geoffrey Hinton

‘I have always been convinced that the only way to get artificial intelligence to work is to do the computation in a way similar to the human brain. That is the goal I have been pursuing. We are making progress, though we still have lots to learn about how the brain actually works.’ – Geoffrey Hinton

‘Once your computer is pretending to be a neural net, you get it to be able to do a particular task by just showing it a whole lot of examples.’ – Geoffrey Hinton

‘Now that neural nets work, industry and government have started calling neural nets AI. And the people in AI who spent all their life mocking neural nets and saying they’d never do anything are now happy to call them AI and try and get some of the money.’ – Geoffrey Hinton