Stephen Laberge Quotes

By Alan Reiner – July 21, 2024

‘Lucid dreaming has considerable potential for promoting personal growth and self-development, enhancing self-confidence, improving mental and physical health, facilitating creative problem solving and helping you to progress on the path to self-mastery.’ – Stephen LaBerge

‘Not all lucid dreams are useful but they all have a sense of wonder about them. If you must sleep through a third of your life, why should you sleep through your dreams, too?’ – Stephen LaBerge

‘Dream research is a wonderful field. All you do is sleep for a living.’ – Stephen LaBerge

‘You just don’t get funding to go out and find God. Even if you did, you’d have to first define what you mean by ‘God.” – Stephen LaBerge

‘In the dream state, the only essential difference from waking is the relative absence of sensory input, which makes dreaming a special case of perception without sensory input.’ – Stephen LaBerge

‘We don’t teach our children how to dream.’ – Stephen LaBerge

‘Although the events we appear to perceive in dreams are illusory, our feelings in response to dream content are real. Indeed, most of the events we experience in dreams are real; when we experience feelings, say, anxiety or ecstasy, in dreams, we really do feel anxious or ecstatic at the time.’ – Stephen LaBerge

‘Dreams look real, but they’re in your mind, so you realize that the physical world is also a construction, which shows that the mind can affect reality in more ways than you can imagine.’ – Stephen LaBerge

‘Lucid dreaming lets you make use of the dream state that comes to you every night to have a stimulating reality.’ – Stephen LaBerge

‘We dream every night, all the time.’ – Stephen LaBerge