‘If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.’ – Henry Ford

‘We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.’ – Walt Disney

‘Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.’ – Denis Waitley

‘You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward.’ – Conrad Hall

‘Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.’ – Victor Kiam

‘A lot of things are going to happen that you can’t necessarily control all the time, but you can control what you do after it happens. So that’s what I try to do, keep my head up, keep moving forward, stay positive and just work hard.’ – Lonzo Ball

‘There’s no time for regrets. You’ve just got to keep moving forward.’ – Mike McCready

‘I will keep America moving forward, always forward, for a better America, for an endless enduring dream and a thousand Points of Light. This is my mission, and I will complete it.’ – George H. W. Bush

‘You have to come to your closed doors before you get to your open doors… What if you knew you had to go through 32 closed doors before you got to your open door? Well, then you’d come to closed door number eight and you’d think, ‘Great, I got another one out of the way’… Keep moving forward.’ – Joel Osteen

‘Life is about how much you can take and keep fighting, how much you can suffer and keep moving forward.’ – Anderson Silva

‘Don’t hold on to the past; it won’t help in moving forward. Dare to dream big.’ – Rajeev Suri

‘Looking back isn’t going to help you. Moving forward is the thing you have to do.’ – McKayla Maroney

‘Find the confidence in whatever way you can to just keep moving onto the next page. The only way you will finish projects and get better is to keep moving forward.’ – Charles Forsman

‘Whatever happens, I’ll just keep moving forward. Like an avalanche.’ – Michelle Phan

‘I am able to get up and dust myself off and keep moving forward. I’m very stubborn.’ – Rita Moreno

‘The only person that ever stumbles is a guy moving forward. You don’t stumble backwards; you stumble forward, and you never stumble when you’re stationary. So don’t worry about stumbling. Keep pushing it forward.’ – James Carville

‘I think that the power is the principle. The principle of moving forward, as though you have the confidence to move forward, eventually gives you confidence when you look back and see what you’ve done.’ – Robert Downey, Jr.

‘It’s just life. You have to be able to get up, face your flaws, and just, whatever it is, a step, an inch, you just got to keep moving forward.’ – Monty Williams

‘Baby steps count, too, as long as you’re moving forward.’ – Chris Gardner

‘As long as you’re moving forward whether it be one step or ten feet man, you got to keep going.’ – Josh Barnett

‘I am grateful for all the moments that I have, and I’m moving forward one step at a time to the future.’ – Park Bo-gum

‘It’s a long road, so we are just trying to stay focused and grounded and keep moving forward. I’ll take it, though.’ – Sturgill Simpson

‘The longer we keep looking back in the rearview mirror, it takes away from everything that’s moving forward.’ – Dan Quinn

‘With each step I take, I see that my ability to perform gets a little better. So until it starts getting worse, I’m going to keep moving forward.’ – Rivers Cuomo

‘My trust in a higher power that wants me to survive and have love in my life, is what keeps me moving forward.’ – Kenny Loggins

‘Everything happens just like it’s supposed to happen; you’ve just got to roll with it and keep moving forward.’ – Joseph Benavidez

‘Mistakes are acceptable if they’re the result of moving forward.’ – Andrew Yang

‘My attitude has always been, if you fall flat on your face, at least you’re moving forward. All you have to do is get back up and try again.’ – Richard Branson

‘Everything for me is either a learn or a win. I just keep moving forward, and that’s about it, honestly.’ – Pat McAfee

‘The technology keeps moving forward, which makes it easier for the artists to tell their stories and paint the pictures they want.’ – George Lucas

‘Obviously, I have a lot of memories here… but at the same time I’m going to put all my energies into moving forward and doing my best for the Thrashers.’ – Peter Bondra

‘All I can do is keep moving forward.’ – James L. Dolan

‘There’s an awful lot of future out there, and what you got to do, is you go to out and grab it, wrestle it to the ground, accept the challenges, and then decide. You’ve got the skills. You’ve got the knowledge. You’ve got the love, and you’re capable of moving forward and making a great life yourself.’ – Gene Kranz

‘Life doesn’t always end up where you want it to go; you have to be an optimist and keep moving forward.’ – Tinsley Mortimer

‘You only progress by changing things, by moving forward.’ – Naughty Boy

‘Forgiveness is a way of opening up the doors again and moving forward, whether it’s a personal life or a national life.’ – Hillary Clinton

‘Try to write at least 500 words a day. You may ditch 499 of them tomorrow, but you will still be moving forward.’ – Jojo Moyes

‘Just keep moving forward.’ – Oksana Masters

‘It ain’t about going backwards. It’s about moving forward.’ – Jay Rock

‘I find that the best way to do things is to constantly move forward and to never doubt anything and keep moving forward, if you make a mistake say you made a mistake.’ – John Frusciante

‘If someone says something hurtful to you or makes you feel down on yourself, then you just gotta stay positive and keep moving forward because they might not know much about you, or they may not understand the situation.’ – Jazz Jennings

‘And I love that even in the toughest moments, when we’re all sweating it – when we’re worried that the bill won’t pass, and it seems like all is lost – Barack never lets himself get distracted by the chatter and the noise. Just like his grandmother, he just keeps getting up and moving forward… with patience and wisdom, and courage and grace.’ – Michelle Obama

‘Own up to your responsibilities and your mistakes and be a better person moving forward.’ – Dwayne Haskins

‘It’s a wonderful world. You can’t go backwards. You’re always moving forward. It’s the wonderful part about life. And that’s terrific.’ – Harvey Fierstein

‘The best career advice I’ve gotten is to stay focused, keep moving forward.’ – Tyga

‘When one takes action for others, one’s own suffering is transformed into the energy that can keep one moving forward; a light of hope illuminating a new tomorrow for oneself and others is kindled.’ – Daisaku Ikeda

‘The biggest sacrifice to me is to not be in an atmosphere where I can keep writing and moving forward.’ – Trey Anastasio

‘The next generation has always been and will be better than the previous one. If it is not, then the world would not be moving forward.’ – Kapil Dev

‘There is no standing still because time is moving forward.’ – Greg Lake

‘I think it’s important to keep moving forward so that the soul can grow.’ – Gauri Khan

‘Man maintains his balance, poise, and sense of security only as he is moving forward.’ – Maxwell Maltz

‘The most important thing any broken individual can do is keep their chin up and keep moving forward.’ – Matt Hardy

‘The blame for election interference belongs to the criminals who committed election interference. We need to work together to hold the perpetrators accountable, and keep moving forward to preserve our values, protect against future interference, and defend America.’ – Rod Rosenstein

‘It’s exciting setting goals and moving forward with them.’ – Amber Frey

‘People wait in line to see me, saying there’s plenty of living to be done even if you have an HIV diagnosis. People say they are 10- or 15-year survivors and still moving forward.’ – Greg Louganis

‘I don’t dwell, I’m not a dweller. I just like to keep moving forward, because life is short.’ – Shirley Ballas

‘Look at what you want to change, gather a few people who believe in it like you do, and start moving forward. It’s important to remember that you don’t always need a destination. Sometimes, you just have to make forward motion. And you absolutely can.’ – Debby Ryan

‘It’s always relevant – moving forward into the future and finding out who you are. I think those themes never get stale.’ – Joshua Henry

‘In spite of our agonizing history, Native American people find much to celebrate. The songs, the dances, the culture and traditions surrounding planting and harvests, the prayers that are sent upward for healing and peace, and the welcoming of children into our families, are all reasons for us to keep moving forward with optimism.’ – Deb Haaland

‘The biggest challenge for me has been in coping with my perfectionism. I have a stiflingly hard time moving forward in a project if it’s not ‘just right’ all along the way. The trap I so easily fall into is rewriting and rewriting the same scenes over and over to make them perfect, instead of continuing on into the wild unknown of the story.’ – Laini Taylor

‘Being accountable to myself to achieve consistent health and wellness moving forward is on me.’ – Al B. Sure

‘It takes a lot of courage to stay in power, but I am pledging to you to have the courage to continue moving forward.’ – Jovenel Moise

‘I don’t talk to old people; they try to find ways to stay static. Young folks are the ones with the ideas and constantly moving forward.’ – Prince

‘I am fighting for those middle-class families who want us to deal with our debt and deficit, but they also want the investments that are critical to our country moving forward.’ – Patty Murray

‘I’ve always been taught that life is a series of chapters, and it’s all about moving forward and not carrying around baggage.’ – Alesha Dixon

‘There is no question we need an energy policy overhaul in America. A key part of that overhaul must include moving forward aggressively with expanding nuclear energy as a renewable energy source. Storing nuclear waste is an important piece of that effort.’ – Erik Paulsen

‘President Trump wouldn’t stick to politics, so he got to jump into sports. So I feel very comfortable now, moving forward, jumping back and forth. Sports to politics, politics to sports.’ – Shannon Sharpe

‘Designing a station with artificial gravity would undoubtedly be a daunting task. Space agencies would have to re-examine many reliable technologies under the light of the new forces these tools would have to endure. Space flight would have to take several steps back before moving forward again.’ – Andy Weir

‘Forward, always moving forward, from the time I can remember – a kid. I was short, and the big guys would take advantage; I had to turn myself into a body puncher. By that time I was in reform school, they’d have a boxing match every week; they’d bring guys in from outside to fight me.’ – Jake LaMotta

‘A transitional government is the beginning of a transfer of sovereignty. It’s a question of Iraqi security and moving forward with the political process.’ – Joschka Fischer

‘I’m 15 and everything I’m doing right now is really exciting to me, so, actually, whatever I’m into at the moment, I’m somehow able to stay very focused on. I just keep moving forward.’ – Aidan Gallagher

‘A lot of emotional stress that people go through, some people figure out a way to handle it. They have a strong enough support system to keep going and keep moving forward. And some people, they feel like they don’t have that outlet.’ – Terrell Owens

‘I am pretty embroiled in moving on and moving forward with music.’ – Andy Summers

‘I love to get on the road, but I also think arriving is such a thrill. Turning up at the train station in Mumbai, for example, to see people hanging off all the wonderful old carriages. It’s extraordinary – everyone sitting with their chickens on their laps, moving forward but not going anywhere fast.’ – Anouska Hempel

‘I want to help transgender individuals who might be struggling realize that they have to love themselves and stay true to who they are because if they keep moving forward, and keep a positive attitude, then things will get better.’ – Jazz Jennings

‘I agree that it is not just the extremists who harbor bad thoughts or engage in bad acts, but they are usually the source of the polarization and try to keep education and communication of the main stream from moving forward.’ – Joichi Ito

‘My style is to stay on the offensive: to take risks, to recover very fast when you make a mistake, but to keep moving forward.’ – Newt Gingrich

‘The first thing you learn is sacrifice and how to keep moving forward in life, helping your parents to put food on the table. You learn to fight with your work. Then you start to learn values. That’s why, every time I pull on the Argentina shirt or any other, I think about the things that happened to me when I was a kid.’ – Angel Di Maria

‘I was getting a little bored with my hair. It’s kind of a symbolic thing, just getting rid of the past, moving forward. It’s amazing what a reaction you get when you cut your hair.’ – Pamela Anderson

‘I’m all in on the Los Angeles Clippers. We’re moving forward. We’ve got to work to be the best we can be to take advantage of all the assets in the community.’ – Steve Ballmer

‘The largest challenge that we face, from my perspective, is the ability to continue moving forward so the agency will have a single mission: that is, to provide decent, safe, and affordable housing.’ – Alphonso Jackson

‘This mandate that I seek is about continuity and sustainability against disruption and stagnation, about moving forward versus regressing. We have to safeguard what we have already achieved. We cannot put at risk what we have; we cannot gamble away our future.’ – Najib Razak

‘I am the kind of person who does not like to carry baggage. In fact, I don’t go back and listen to my own music. I believe in closing chapters and moving forward. That’s what gives me peace.’ – A. R. Rahman

‘Government spending is being restrained, the economy is making progress and moving forward, and the pro-growth, tax cutting policies put in place have allowed businesses to grow, which has brought in additional tax revenue to help pay off the debt.’ – Bill Shuster

‘You just keep moving forward and doing what you do and hope that it resonates with people. And if it doesn’t, you just keep moving on until you find a project that does.’ – Octavia Spencer

‘Individually and collectively, Cherokee people possess an extraordinary ability to face down adversity and continue moving forward.’ – Wilma Mankiller

‘I struggle with my training sometimes. The thing I look at is if you keep getting up and moving forward, you’ll be successful. That’s the way I’ve lived my life. I’m not going to stop doing something because somebody says it’s time. I’m going to stop it when my body says it’s over or the fans say, ‘we’re done watching you.” – Ken Shamrock

‘President Obama has a good sense not just of the economic requisites for financial crisis firefighting but also how you build political support for moving forward on reforming the financial system, making sure that the banks are carrying enough capital.’ – Lael Brainard

‘I find that a man is as old as his work. If his work keeps him from moving forward, he will look forward with the work.’ – William Ernest Hocking

‘In Cleveland there is legislation moving forward to ban people from wearing pants that fit too low. However, there is lots of opposition from the plumber’ union.’ – Conan O’Brien

‘America is moving forward and gaining strength. We have been tested, and we have proven ourselves to be a tough, resilient and resourceful nation.’ – Bill Frist

‘It is our duty and our privilege to keep America moving forward.’ – Bill Frist

‘We know that, when it comes to technology and the economy, if you’re not constantly moving forward, then – without a doubt – you’re moving backwards.’ – Bill Owens

‘I’m always moving forward.’ – Debbie Allen

‘Our national security is at risk when we rely on foreign oil to keep our economy moving forward.’ – Bill Shuster

‘But a lot of the old fans are listening to a lot of the younger music. So I gotta keep moving forward, and they’ll move forward too.’ – Babyface

‘The U.S. has the finest research scientists in the world, but we are falling far behind other countries, like South Korea and Singapore, that are moving forward with embryonic stem cell research.’ – Louise Slaughter

‘There is trust in there being a Spirit who loves me and wants me to have love in my life. I trust in this higher power, it is what keeps me moving forward no matter what happens.’ – Kenny Loggins

‘As much horror as we have always created, we are a species that keeps moving forward, seeing new sights in new ways, and enjoying the journey.’ – Martha Beck

‘The team is very enthusiastic – everyone is trying hard to do their best, and everyone is putting a lot of effort in to moving forward and getting the right results and it’s a very good, close-knit team.’ – David Leslie

‘People so far have been very fond of the Robert Altman movie, as I am, and when one things goes well it shines light on your other projects and now I seem to have a number of projects that are moving forward.’ – Bob Balaban

‘From an early age I was told that I was expected to do more than continue to run a small business. Education was important and seen as a way of moving forward.’ – John Pople

‘I definitely feel we’re moving forward. There’s a lot more understanding… there’s less fear and we’re working on there being less hatred.’ – Melissa Etheridge

‘I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth, environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.’ – Al Gore

‘We don’t want to go back to the same policies and the same practices that drove our economy into a ditch, that punished the middle class, and that led us to this catastrophe. We have to keep moving forward.’ – David Axelrod

‘I came to the conclusion months ago, and I said it to members of Congress, that the only way people are going to fully appreciate what this reform is if we pass it and implement it and it becomes not a caricature but a reality, and I still believe that. So I think it will be easier to sell it moving forward than it was to this point.’ – David Axelrod

‘I’ve been sober now for a couple of years and I’m taking my sobriety very seriously – one day at a time and I am moving forward in my career.’ – Daniel Baldwin

‘I have worked very hard on being aware of my childhood but moving forward and not letting it bring me down emotionally. That is a hard thing – especially when you have children of your own and you remember what happened to you at that age.’ – Samantha Morton

‘The big picture is the Trials and Olympics. I just have to keep focused for that, keep moving forward.’ – Ryan Lochte

‘You can tell when something’s not moving forward anymore. When the doubts you have about it don’t go away.’ – Jeffrey Eugenides

‘It is the Democrats who get the economic engine of this economy moving forward again.’ – Terry McAuliffe

‘The past 6 and a half years have been the most amazing years of my life. It’s sad it has come to an end but Avril and I are still family and moving forward in the most positive way possible.’ – Deryck Whibley

‘Actually, as president of the Conference of Mayors, we passed the Simpson-Bowles plan as a template, as a template, as a frame work for moving forward and the president has done the same.’ – Antonio Villaraigosa

‘We can go back to economic plans that are only designed to benefit the wealthiest among us, like Mitt Romney. Or we can keep moving forward with President Obama’s vision for a growing economy that works for middle-class families in North Carolina and all across the country. For me, for North Carolina and for America, it’s an easy choice.’ – Bev Perdue

‘I’ve found that sitting around and obsessing about projects moving forward, when there’s actually nothing I can do about it, at a certain point, is really counter-productive.’ – Danny Strong

‘In the 1980s, we were advised, why don’t you follow Reaganomics or Thatcherite economics. We said, yes, there are good points, let’s see how we can fit them in the Indian economy. Every country has its own way of moving forward.’ – Pranab Mukherjee

‘In the next four years, President Bush will continue to keep America safe, our enemies on the run, and our economic progress moving forward. Texas is the home of our President, and we will make sure that is true for another four years.’ – Henry Bonilla

‘If you look at a lot of the songs I’ve been involved in, there’s always been this retro vibe. I started getting worried that I wasn’t moving forward very much, nor was I even in tune with the music today. I almost scoffed at it.’ – Nate Ruess

‘Well, I think the way to go is civil unions. But I do think when you talk about the Republican Party and the debates that are going on within the Republican Party on a number of issues, what I’m hoping is that they will get to a point where they will work with us on moving forward with this economy.’ – Amy Klobuchar

‘I think what’s been lacking from our discussion for a long time is really that other part of what a Budget chair does, which is set the priorities for this country in terms of making sure we invest in the right places, in education, in job training, and to make sure we do a balanced approach moving forward.’ – Patty Murray

‘The 1992 crisis proved that the existing system was unstable. Not moving forward to the euro would have set up Europe for even more disruptive crises.’ – Barry Eichengreen

‘Food is ever-changing and ever moving forward and getting more and more complex.’ – Alex Guarnaschelli

‘Rock n’ roll is our religion, and we will continue to lose disciples as we go, but we pick up the fallen flag and keep moving forward, bringing forth the good news that our heroes have helped create, their bodies lost, but their spirits and their good work everlasting.’ – Steven Van Zandt

‘My writing is progressing slowly, but at least it’s moving forward. I’m sure that’s the case. The only problem is that I’m never absolutely certain that what I’ve written is any good.’ – Mikhail Bulgakov

‘The question was, in a sense, at Princeton Review, how much value was I adding as a public company CEO. I was adding less than other people might’ve… I think you want to move on when you’ve given your best work and then feel that you’re not going to add as much value moving forward.’ – John Katzman

‘We have been talking with leaders: Change is coming; you can no longer have a closed regime with an open society – satellites, social media, the Internet – you have this kind, this kind of society moving forward, and you are running this closed regime; this is not sustainable. This cannot continue.’ – Ali Babacan

‘Abraham wasn’t perfect. He failed, made mistakes. But, he would go back, get right with God, and then just keep moving forward. He didn’t quit when things got hard. He just kept on going. And everywhere he went, God was there. God was with him.’ – Anne Graham Lotz

‘I certainly can’t complain. I work six days a week, if not seven, and eighteen hours out of twenty-four – fortunately, with a great deal of pleasure. Why? Because I only do something if I want to do it; I need to feel a desire, to find pleasure in moving forward, creating, moving, inventing.’ – Alber Elbaz

‘I never wanted to go back and relive the glory days; I just want to keep moving forward. That’s what I took from punk. Keep going. Don’t look back.’ – Paul Simonon

‘It’s essential to have sacred time for writing. All successful authors have some daily commitment to keep on-track and moving forward.’ – Dani Shapiro

‘I fear that my mind would starve and that I might find myself in danger if I had no visual information, that it’s chiefly the light, the shapes, the spaces, the colors that I see that compel me to keep moving forward in life and that keep me safe.’ – Rosemary Mahoney

‘There’s some real dark days where you just feel like the story is falling apart in every one. Just keep moving forward, even when you are bluffing, even when you don’t quite know what is going to happen next.’ – Dan Scanlon

‘I often feel intellectually frustrated when I’m in a position where I’m not moving forward; when I’m not enquiring about something.’ – Eleanor Catton

‘Sometimes I get insecure about being a real director because I look at the great directors, and they have such command. But maybe that keeps me critical of myself. Maybe it keeps me moving forward.’ – Ben Affleck

‘Most of us grew up with video games in the household, either the original Nintendo in the living room or hoarding quarters for that trip to the arcade. And as time moves on, that line of nostalgia will keep moving forward where ‘Frogger’ gets replaced with ‘Street Fighter 2’ or ‘Resident Evil 4.” – Rob Manuel

‘Growing up, I think I always had a sense of art: a sense that there was poetry in the world. I didn’t know where I was going to find it. I didn’t know where I was going to fit in, that was for sure. But I kept moving forward. There wasn’t a future in anything other than movement.’ – Lance Henriksen

‘As a melody instrument player, it’s all about getting from one note to the next, and those intervals and how you navigate your way through these vertical structures of chords. You realize that everything’s moving forward, and it’s all linear.’ – David Sanborn

‘One of the things I learned as a young semiotics nerd was that if you have plot moving forward, no matter how banal the facts of it, simply the fact that the plot is rolling forward makes you wonder what’s going to happen next, which creates suspense. So you can control peoples’ attention simply by having things move forward in a story.’ – Ira Glass

‘If you’re a writer, write. You just keep writing. And if you’re a filmmaker, you keep doing what you can to keep telling your stories; you don’t stay on the one. Keep moving forward and doing what you can to tell whatever story you can tell, be it via writing, be it via filming it.’ – Dana Brunetti

‘Three hundred words in a day is not a lot. So much of it is thinking before writing. And then there’s the cutting. But you do what you do and keep moving forward.’ – Holly Black

‘When my husband Charles passed away in 2000, I took over as chair of our family’s foundation. As I was mourning his loss, I also had to keep the foundation moving forward and to chart a course into what was then a very male-dominated philanthropic world.’ – Lynn Schusterman

‘From opposing unfair trade deals to fighting for a fair financial system, Hillary Clinton has shown she puts working families first. She knows as president that her first job will be creating jobs for the middle class. I am proud to endorse her today because I know she will keep Ohio moving forward.’ – Sherrod Brown

‘It’s not anti-Catholic to question, nor is it anti-Catholic to be honest about the previous shortcomings of the church, because that is the only way we can ensure its strength and dignity moving forward. It is, however, very Catholic to forgive each other and to never stop loving each other.’ – Donna Brazile

‘I fervently believe that education is the key to moving forward.’ – Chuck Fleischmann

‘I have had no concerns in the past and have none moving forward regarding the Navy’s ability to effectively address any potential natural or man-made threat to Naval Station Mayport and any military asset located there, including any future nuclear aircraft carrier.’ – Ander Crenshaw

‘Moving forward, I will be committed to building a stronger team so that the GOP can compete and win statewide in 2018, including the possibility of being a candidate in that cycle.’ – Chris Gibson

‘What matters is moving forward and focusing on practical results for the American people.’ – Evan Bayh

‘We are organized, we are moving forward, and the Clinton machine may not like it, but we’re prepared for the fight.’ – Paul Manafort

‘President Clinton’s record of advocating for the middle class and creating millions of new jobs and opportunity for Americans is second to none. I’m looking forward to campaigning with him and talking about how we keep New Hampshire moving forward and build a strong, innovative economy with the best workforce in the country.’ – Maggie Hassan

‘The challenge is sort of capturing the issues that Oregonians feel strongly about and moving forward on those.’ – Kate Brown

‘Any psychologist will tell you that healing comes from honest confrontation with our injury or with our past. Whatever that thing is that has hurt us or traumatized us, until we face it head on, we will have issues moving forward in a healthy way.’ – Nate Parker

‘If just the presence of Tidal causes other companies to have better pay structure or to pay more attention to it moving forward, then we’ve been successful in one way. So we don’t really view them as competitors. As the tide rises, all the boats rise.’ – Jay-Z

‘I actually see a lot of the pain and destruction, like Black Lives Matter, in the long-term as positive because it shows that we’re moving forward; we’re evolving and moving and challenging the frontiers.’ – Thandie Newton

‘Whenever you need something from someone else before you can move forward, it’s a dependency. We believe dependencies slow people down. We want people to be more independent, because that will keep them moving forward.’ – Jason Fried

‘It certainly would be helpful going forward for deficit reduction efforts to focus on the medium term while not subtracting from the impetus we need to keep a fragile economy moving forward.’ – Janet Yellen

‘In a time where there are divides between cultures and races, I would love to use my position to show that we are all the same inside and working together is the key to moving forward.’ – Nargis Fakhri

‘I think our culture is moving forward – slowly. And also, as we move forward, we’re witnessing some of the old stalwarts rejecting that forward motion.’ – RuPaul

‘I’m moving forward and getting new fans at every show.’ – Jon Pardi

‘I made a choice before I lost my legs that I was going to live the best life possible and that I wasn’t going to let this slow me down – and that choice has kept me moving forward.’ – Amy Purdy

‘How do we make a record that’s true to the vibe of the band but still maintain the pace of moving forward and doing something fresh?’ – Andy Biersack

‘To me, I will be a stronger person if I’m moving forward, doing the work I want, and continue to drive: force the purpose that I want to create versus doing what other people think I should be doing, which is never a way to live.’ – Payal Kadakia

‘What’s crucial is to never get stuck. Making hard decisions is such an important part of being a startup in order to keep moving forward.’ – Payal Kadakia

‘Many people who have insurance can’t even use it because they have $10,000 or higher deductibles. This is something families are facing all across the nation. They’ve asked for relief; this was front and center on President Trump’s agenda and our agenda in Congress, and we’re moving forward on it.’ – Steve Scalise

‘We’re not going to let some unelected bureaucrats in Washington stop us from moving forward with our agenda, but at the end of the day, CBO is not the Holy Grail.’ – Steve Scalise

‘Over a year’s time, I felt like I squeezed in five years of touring experience, which was a really huge help moving forward.’ – Washed Out

‘Obviously, I never want to make the same record twice. I want to keep moving forward. That’s the real challenge, I think.’ – Washed Out

‘At this point, I’m just grinding through it, trying to establish strikes in the zone with my pitches, using some information the opposition gives me, and kind of moving forward in that regard.’ – Jake Arrieta

‘I’m moving forward to do the best.’ – Pablo Sandoval

‘College was a very necessary step along the way to my professional career. As I look back, I realize how much of an eye opener it was for me in terms of moving forward and developing as a basketball player.’ – Scottie Pippen

‘A great director is someone who makes you feel like you’re moving forward.’ – Fred Willard

”The Newton Boys’ was the one time I’ve made a film with really active characters who weren’t at all self-reflexive and just plowed through their lives. There’s a part of everyone that’s like that. We have a biological imperative to keep living, keep moving forward… We have no choice.’ – Richard Linklater

‘With every album, I write above my ability, and my job as a guitarist is to catch up and be able to play it live. The thing about practicing is that once you master something, you don’t have to remaster it. You just keep moving forward.’ – Zacky Vengeance

‘Making films can be very lonely, and that’s the part I don’t like. I don’t want to feel like I’m pressing ‘pause’ on my personal life to make a movie. I want to feel like I’m still creating relationships and things are moving forward.’ – Jessica Chastain

‘My goal from the beginning was, if I ever hit it it big, I would give back. And that continues to be my goal moving forward.’ – Hannah Teter

‘I want to live my life moving forward with integrity and pride.’ – Dan Amboyer

‘Moving forward, the most successful people in the entertainment industry will be 50 percent social and 50 percent traditional, so working with Disney and being super traditional, it brought a whole different audience to me.’ – Jake Paul

‘In a first draft, I concentrate on moving forward and trying not to panic.’ – Kate DiCamillo

‘I think movies moving forward are going to become long-form storytelling.’ – Joe Russo

‘In high school, I felt pressure to fit in with groups and with people who didn’t actually want to be my friend. That’s something I learned moving forward into adulthood: to keep the people around me people who love me for exactly who I am.’ – Katie Stevens

‘I’m a fast learner, and I believe in change, and I believe in growing, and I believe in moving forward and not staying in the same place.’ – Linda Perry

‘For the most part, if you’re willing to work hard enough, you can recover from most injuries. Having that mentality really helps you keep moving forward.’ – Mike Schultz

‘I honestly do think that it is critical that we are continuously breaking records, because that represents us moving forward in exploration.’ – Peggy Whitson

‘Under Armour is not about the Left or the Right. It’s about moving forward together.’ – David Droga

‘I think the only way for you to grow and evolve is to keep listening, keep moving forward, keep jumping in and trying to experience.’ – Dianne Reeves

‘Moving forward, hopefully the platform my career has given me will allow me to continue to be a voice in culture, whether that’s doing lectures on campus or writing books or whatever that looks like. I feel like that’s really the lane that I uniquely connect with.’ – Lecrae

‘Everything has to keep moving forward in ‘Endeavour.’ Otherwise, it will stagnate.’ – Shaun Evans

‘We seriously have to question the motivation of those people referred to as climate change sceptics, who are denying the evidence of human-caused climate change and preventing us from moving forward by spreading disinformation and supporting unchecked carbon pollution.’ – Kofi Annan

‘I’m never so into the three-act movie thing. I know that’s the form that people talk about, but it seems to me, in the movie, you just have to keep charging forward. You couldn’t start over again like you do after an intermission. You just had to keep the plot moving forward.’ – James Lapine

‘Sometimes, we find what we want by also finding out what you don’t want. All of that is trial and error. Once you’re in that pit, the trial and error is important. It’s up to us; we’ve got to keep moving forward.’ – Cat Zingano

‘Artists have kids, mortgages, or drug habits, and they got to do what they got to do. But reforming and the reunion stuff isn’t me. I’m a ‘moving forward’ person.’ – Mark Kozelek

‘You’re as sick as your secrets, and my whole life was a secret, so it’s just… it’s been really healing, and I’ve found a lot of inner peace by just owning everything and moving forward from there.’ – Molly Bloom

‘My father is always with me. But moving forward and making my father more proud of me is very important. Taking care of my family, as my father did, is even more important.’ – Gennady Golovkin

‘Any time you make a change, and a major change, as you try to establish something, there’s a lot of question marks there on what’s going to happen moving forward.’ – Kurt Warner

‘You can’t dwell on the past and be down on yourself because you lost. You have to take the positive away from it and see how you can improve yourself moving forward.’ – Cain Velasquez

‘If I feel like things are getting into a routine, I want them to be different. I need to keep improving and keep moving forward.’ – Joe Bonamassa

‘I’m always going to be around the game of basketball. I plan to keep my options open as a player moving forward, but that’s not coaching. Maybe front office work, working with teams and spreading the game, maybe teaching the game to young people, that’s something that’s a very big passion.’ – Chris Bosh

‘When I came to Stoke, I expected them to be moving forward, every year getting better, but it’s not been like this.’ – Xherdan Shaqiri

‘I’m not going to the past, and it’s not tied to me, every time moving forward, and this is more important – to move forward every time.’ – Valentina Shevchenko

‘Georgians have made their decision, and now it’s my job to keep our state moving forward.’ – Brian Kemp

‘At Liverpool and England, it’s about moving forward and going in the right direction, and you don’t want to be left behind by any means.’ – Jordan Henderson

‘I wanna look forward; I wanna keep moving forward.’ – Vinnie Paul

‘Probably the most important thing in terms of just trying to navigate and moving forward into adulthood is staying busy.’ – Zelda Williams

‘We talk nonstop about what needs to be changed, and everyone has excuses for why the changes can’t happen. I believe we must change our educational system first to get the changes moving forward. I’m happy to be a voice and get in front of an audience who can help by making education a priority.’ – Rick Harrison

‘Moving forward, I don’t really know what I want to do. There is an opportunity within the media for me, but I would like to give back to football in some way if I’m able to help.’ – Karen Carney

‘Our world is moving forward on climate change. If Australia goes backwards, we will be going alone.’ – Bill Shorten

‘A stand-up act is almost like a pool. You know what I mean? It’s like a pool, and you’re always skimming little leaves out of it, messing with the chlorine level, putting up umbrellas. You’re trying to make one little stagnant body of water perfect. Whereas a late-night show is like a river, always moving forward.’ – Pete Holmes

‘I do always look back and feel faintly embarrassed by anything I’ve done in the past. I think that’s not a terrible thing, because if you don’t do that, how are you growing and moving forward?’ – Derren Brown

‘When you are injured you have to keep a positive mindset and keep moving forward.’ – Danny Ings

‘The way I look at it, every day that I’m moving forward is a day I’m not moving backward. Just the fact that I’m in the race at all is a miracle.’ – Bobby Bones

‘I’ve added to my abilities since moving to Bournemouth. You are always having to re-learn how to be a centre-forward as the game is moving forward.’ – Glenn Murray

‘The goal is to make sure everyone has got their lead pipes replaced, and I know that’s moving forward in the city of Flint. My job is to make sure that we have accountability and ensure we are getting the job done.’ – Gretchen Whitmer

‘Big wins in the first Test of an Ashes series polarise everything moving forward.’ – Glenn McGrath

‘I thought about giving up the sport, but I have a lot of good people around me: my wife, Nina, my family. Everybody keeps helping me to be positive and moving forward.’ – Amanda Nunes

‘I thought as a young coach, there were times when my head coach might have prohibited me from moving forward. I always said if I am ever in that position, I’ll do anything I can to make our guys move forward.’ – Bret Bielema

‘I dream of doing something where people are like: ‘That’s different, but it’s still something I can relate to,’ because that’s the way of moving forward.’ – MO

‘Every start is an opportunity to get better and to learn how your body is feeling and what you need to do moving forward. It’s been an evolution throughout the year.’ – Gerrit Cole

‘I believe that people make mistakes, but I also believe that you bounce back from those and I’m just moving forward.’ – Jameis Winston

‘It’s hard to keep moving forward, keep working, and keep your head up, but that’s what strong women do. Especially being a mom, I can’t fall apart.’ – Teresa Giudice

‘That’s kind of the nature of being in a progressive band – always trying new things, moving forward.’ – John Petrucci

‘I think we just need to keep moving forward in a positive way.’ – Ray J

‘Neither an almost $35 million Mueller investigation, ending in an exonerating report, nor a sham impeachment effort could deter Trump from moving forward with the business of the American people.’ – Kayleigh McEnany

‘When you see an article it always has ‘disgraced NBA referee.’ It’s embarrassing and it’s never going to be okay. Unfortunately, I have to move forward and just make things different moving forward.’ – Tim Donaghy

‘When you are at Real, it’s a challenge every day. I’m like that, I need these high goals to keep moving forward.’ – Raphael Varane

‘My past is just that, my past. I try to not think about it and only keep moving forward.’ – Tess Holliday

‘We will accept any help we can as we attempt to keep moving forward to become a better team.’ – Adama Traore

‘As a country, we should be moving forward, but instead conservative lawmakers keep dragging us back.’ – Deb Haaland

‘I don’t think there’s been many chances for people to see a black, gay, pop experience and that’s what I want to have with my shows moving forward.’ – MNEK

‘There is maybe a danger of dwelling on the past, but I think that’s far less dangerous than moving forward without learning and not being able to find joy in happy memories and things like that.’ – Mura Masa

‘I’ve had four fantastic years on ‘Strictly Come Dancing,’ but for us it’s about moving forward and the end goal is to present a shiny-floored Saturday night TV show that we all love, for example, ‘Strictly,’ ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ – those sort of shows.’ – A. J. Pritchard

‘As far as me, I’m just looking forward to the future. There’s a lot of people that look to the past. I’ve learned from the past, absolutely. I know my past absolutely. I’m not discrediting or… ignoring my past in any way, but my focus has always been moving forward, moving forward into the future.’ – Lance Archer

‘That’s the cool part about it is AEW is a very open company to moving forward and changing wrestling as a whole.’ – Lance Archer

‘I don’t think there’s a particular technology that will set the trajectory for us moving forward. We don’t want to be one of the companies that say AI is the next big thing, let’s go build an AI application for Robinhood. That might not work. It might be awkward.’ – Baiju Bhatt

‘Moving forward at 160 pounds, I feel like this where I should have been the whole time.’ – Jermall Charlo

‘Your mind wants to keep you in that rut, doing the same weight, same reps, and same exercises, never moving forward. But your body doesn’t want to be stagnant.’ – Mark Schlereth

‘I admire anyone who takes risks, especially in a creative sense, and who doesn’t play it safe. Those are the people who keep things moving forward.’ – Phoebe Fox

‘I just want to keep winning and moving forward.’ – Travis Browne

‘We are a Commonwealth that believes in moving forward, not being tied down by the mistakes of our past.’ – Ralph Northam

‘I think every step you take moving forward, and any type of success you have, you just want to cherish it for a second before you move on.’ – Jason McCourty

‘I knew Kobe pretty well and he was a guy that was always moving forward.’ – Diana Taurasi

‘As long as I win and keep moving forward, I make a statement every time I win.’ – Anthony Johnson

‘Songs, and songwriting keeps me inspired, moving forward.’ – John Waite

‘How can we let students go to school everyday in an environment where they’re afraid to be verbally or physically bullied? We are better than this, which is why we need to keep moving forward.’ – John Fetterman

‘I will stand on the side of moving forward and ensuring that we are putting in place the changes and the policies to aim for our brightest future.’ – Michelle Wu

‘I want to be able to work together in a bipartisan way, as the Problem Solvers Caucus members would have done, to continue to work on COVID-19 relief, immigration reform, health care and many other policy issues that we really need to work on to get our country moving forward.’ – Young Kim

‘Making sure borrowers are treated with dignity and protected from unwanted and unnecessary harassment is an important step to ensuring economic fairness moving forward.’ – Jake Auchincloss

‘I think my job is to do what I can to improve, to make sure I’m taking the right steps to make sure the offense is moving forward to the extent I can help it.’ – Daniel Jones

‘We understand that anything that’s been done in the past has no bearing on what we do moving forward.’ – Matthew Slater

‘There was a time when I thought I would try to pursue music professionally. But at the same time, I was also working on my acting, and that part of my career started moving forward and I never really had the time for music.’ – Tim Russ

‘Times are changing; we need to change too and start moving forward. It’s part of evolution.’ – Akshara Haasan

‘As long as everything keeps moving forward, I’m gonna keep following this career.’ – Nina Nunes

‘You can’t live in the past. You keep moving forward.’ – Mark Ingram II

‘I made a big mistake in ’17. I’m paying the price. I’m still going to pay the price, but at the same time I’ve got to keep moving forward and not live in the past.’ – Alex Cora

‘When you make a mistake, try not to make that mistake again and keep moving forward. Keep getting better each day.’ – Sony Michel