Effort Quotes
By Alan Reiner – July 17, 2024
‘An effort made for the happiness of others lifts above ourselves.’ – Lydia M. Child
‘Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.’ – Napoleon Hill
‘We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.’ – Jesse Owens
‘Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.’ – John Ruskin
‘A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.’ – Elbert Hubbard
‘Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.’ – Vince Lombardi
‘Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.’ – Paul J. Meyer
‘Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.’ – Franklin D. Roosevelt
‘Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times.’ – Aeschylus
‘Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.’ – Mahatma Gandhi
‘It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.’ – Theodore Roosevelt
‘I am a walking piece of art every day, with my dreams and my ambitions forward at all times in an effort to inspire my fans to lead their life in that way.’ – Lady Gaga
‘If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.’ – Pat Riley
‘Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.’ – Rabindranath Tagore
‘Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.’ – Heraclitus
‘All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.’ – Calvin Coolidge
‘Success is dependent on effort.’ – Sophocles
‘No one succeeds without effort… Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance.’ – Ramana Maharshi
‘I am like the sick sheep that strays from the rest of the flock. Unless the Good Shepherd takes me on His shoulders and carries me back to His fold, my steps will falter, and in the very effort of rising, my feet will give way.’ – St. Jerome
‘Great art is never produced for its own sake. It is too difficult to be worth the effort.’ – Robert Quillen
‘Be true to the game, because the game will be true to you. If you try to shortcut the game, then the game will shortcut you. If you put forth the effort, good things will be bestowed upon you. That’s truly about the game, and in some ways that’s about life too.’ – Michael Jordan
‘At the end of the day, you can’t control the results; you can only control your effort level and your focus.’ – Ben Zobrist
‘The less effort, the faster and more powerful you will be.’ – Bruce Lee
‘Our soldiers fought in the Korean War to push back communism. As a result of their effort and the effort of our allies, South Korea is free today.’ – Pierre Poilievre
‘Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.’ – Erich Fromm
‘The Revlon Run/Walk effort to focus on women’s cancer has my wholehearted support and gratitude.’ – Dwayne Johnson
‘Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved.’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson
‘Camaraderie doesn’t happen by accident; developing a strong sense of trust, accountability, and togetherness around team goals requires intentional effort.’ – Don Yaeger
‘A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.’ – Liberty Hyde Bailey
‘Positive attitude plus effort equals performance.’ – Tommy Tuberville
‘A concerted effort to preserve our heritage is a vital link to our cultural, educational, aesthetic, inspirational, and economic legacies – all of the things that quite literally make us who we are.’ – Steve Berry
‘For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward.’ – Jim Rohn
‘With hard work and effort, you can achieve anything.’ – Antoine Griezmann
‘People ask ‘do you make a conscious effort not to swear?’ – if you’re doing silly stuff you’re not tempted to put swearing in. All the comics from my childhood, who were funny without swearing, were the people that influenced me. What I do is quite traditional anyway.’ – Tim Vine
‘Try to see the good in others. When you’re tempted to judge someone, make an effort to see their goodness. Your willingness to look for the best in people will subconsciously bring it forth.’ – Marianne Williamson
‘If I am a cup maker, I’m interested in making the best cup I possibly can. My effort goes into that cup, not what people think about it.’ – Denzel Washington
‘You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset.’ – Tom Hopkins
‘I think as long as I do a good job and put in all my effort to proving that I’m worth it, then everything should be fine.’ – Lando Norris
‘Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.’ – Liane Cordes
‘At my heaviest, I was 5’8″ and 175 pounds. I ate well, but in too large quantities, and I rarely made a concerted effort to burn off the extra calories. I’d beat myself up about being overweight, even though I had the tools to be in shape. Then I’d resort to an unhealthy diet to lose the weight that was making me self-conscious.’ – Daphne Oz
‘The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply.’ – Denis Waitley
‘Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.’ – Arnold Palmer
‘You get the best effort from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within.’ – Bob Nelson
‘The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.’ – Roger Bannister
‘Simplicity is the most difficult thing to secure in this world; it is the last limit of experience and the last effort of genius.’ – George Sand
‘I’m at my best when I’m working with really talented people, and I’m there to gently suggest or guide or inspire or contribute whatever I can to their effort.’ – Harold Ramis
‘Fanaticism consists of redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim.’ – George Santayana
‘The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy.’ – Henri Nouwen
‘Believe me, if anybody has a job and starts at 9, there’s no reason why they can’t get up at 4:30 or five and write for a couple of hours, and give their employers their second-best effort of the day – which is what I did.’ – Mary Oliver
‘We can do things the cheap way, the simple way, for the short-term and without regard for the future. Or, we can make the extra effort, do the hard work, absorb the criticism and make decisions that will cause a better future.’ – Mike Rounds
‘Much effort, much prosperity.’ – Euripides
‘Life is too short to spend in negativity. So I have made a conscious effort to not be where I don’t want to be.’ – Hugh Dillon
‘The healthiest competition occurs when average people win by putting above average effort.’ – Colin Powell
‘Searching for music is like searching for God. They’re very similar. There’s an effort to reclaim the unmentionable, the unsayable, the unseeable, the unspeakable, all those things, comes into being a composer and to writing music and to searching for notes and pieces of musical information that don’t exist.’ – David Bowie
‘While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed the worst, and with continued unity of effort, we shall rapidly recover. There is one certainty of the future of a people of the resources, intelligence and character of the people of the United States – that is, prosperity.’ – Herbert Hoover
‘The one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort.’ – Chanakya
‘A winning effort begins with preparation.’ – Joe Gibbs
‘Discontent, blaming, complaining, self-pity cannot serve as a foundation for a good future, no matter how much effort you make.’ – Eckhart Tolle
‘Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle.’ – Helen Keller
‘They say it is the first step that costs the effort. I do not find it so. I am sure I could write unlimited ‘first chapters’. I have indeed written many.’ – J. R. R. Tolkien
‘Talent without effort is wasted talent. And while effort is the one thing you can control in your life, applying that effort intelligently is next on the list.’ – Mark Cuban
‘The greater the effort, the greater the glory.’ – Pierre Corneille
‘Very few people possess true artistic ability. It is therefore both unseemly and unproductive to irritate the situation by making an effort. If you have a burning, restless urge to write or paint, simply eat something sweet and the feeling will pass.’ – Fran Lebowitz
‘I always say, ‘To have a big dream requires the same effort as having a small dream. Dream big!” – Jorge Paulo Lemann
‘Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.’ – John Wooden
‘Your phone needs to recharge every night. Your laptop needs to recharge. Everything needs to recharge. Are you giving yourself space, time and effort to recharge?’ – Jay Shetty
‘Success doesn’t motivate me as much as integrity does. Everyone loses. I enjoy the pressure of showing up every single day, being focused, putting forth my best effort, getting the best out of my teammates, and enjoying the journey.’ – Becky Sauerbrunn
‘I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism.’ – Charles Schwab
‘Children are our future we must take care of them with maximum effort.’ – Naomi Campbell
‘Superhuman effort isn’t worth a damn unless it achieves results.’ – Ernest Shackleton
‘Spending time with negative people can be the fastest way to ruin a good mood. Their pessimistic outlooks and gloomy attitude can decrease our motivation and change the way we feel. But allowing a negative person to dictate your emotions gives them too much power in your life. Make a conscious effort to choose your attitude.’ – Amy Morin
‘Design is a series of creative choices – it’s a collaborative effort, an evolutionary process. You choose your fabrics depending upon what you want to say, then you work with mills to get those fabrics. Through the process, you realize what you want it to be.’ – Marc Jacobs
‘Truth cannot be brought down; rather, the individual must make the effort to ascend to it. You cannot bring the mountaintop to the valley. If you would attain to the mountaintop, you must pass through the valley, climb the steeps, unafraid of the dangerous precipices.’ – Jiddu Krishnamurti
‘I’ve figured out that life in general is a team effort; it’s a team game.’ – Joe Namath
‘Throughout human history, in any great endeavour requiring the common effort of many nations and men and women everywhere, we have learned – it is only through seriousness of purpose and persistence that we ultimately carry the day. We might liken it to riding a bicycle. You stay upright and move forward so long as you keep up the momentum.’ – Ban Ki-moon
‘Science is the search for truth, that is the effort to understand the world: it involves the rejection of bias, of dogma, of revelation, but not the rejection of morality.’ – Linus Pauling
‘Most achievers I know are people who have made a strong and deep dedication to pursuing a particular goal. That dedication took a tremendous amount of effort.’ – Donald Johanson
‘To be sensual, I think, is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself, and to be present in all that one does, from the effort of loving to the making of bread.’ – James Baldwin
‘The question of causality is complex. For some philosophers and physicists, time might not exist. And since cause-and-effect reasoning needs the concept of time – of one thing preceding another – the effort to establish causality is a mug’s game, an infinite regression of increasingly unanswerable questions.’ – Greg Grandin
‘A minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection.’ – Chuck Palahniuk
‘The individual makes a clear effort to define moral values and principles that have validity and application apart from the authority of the groups of persons holding them and apart from the individual’s own identification with the group.’ – Lawrence Kohlberg
‘Apply yourself both now and in the next life. Without effort, you cannot be prosperous. Though the land be good, You cannot have an abundant crop without cultivation.’ – Plato
‘I think the things that everyone can do are small things, but if they’re done, it will eventually help the environment. I think recycling is the biggest effort I’m making.’ – Jimin
‘We all naturally want to become successful… we also want to take shortcuts. And it’s easy to do so, but you can never take away the effort of hard work and discipline and sacrifice.’ – Apolo Ohno
‘Loving others always costs us something and requires effort. And you have to decide to do it on purpose. You can’t wait for a feeling to motivate you.’ – Joyce Meyer
‘I am suggesting that as we go through life, we ‘accentuate the positive.’ I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment and endorse virtue and effort.’ – Gordon B. Hinckley
‘The girls and women of our race must not be afraid to take hold of business endeavor and, by patient industry, close economy, determined effort and close application to business, wring success out of a number of business opportunities that lie at their very doors.’ – Madam C. J. Walker
‘I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand them.’ – Baruch Spinoza
‘As often as you fail, get up and try again. God will never let you down, so long as you don’t let Him down, and so long as you make the effort.’ – Paramahansa Yogananda
‘If things don’t come easy, there is no premium on effort. There should be joy in the chase, zest in the pursuit.’ – Branch Rickey
‘I need to see my own beauty and to continue to be reminded that I am enough, that I am worthy of love without effort, that I am beautiful, that the texture of my hair and that the shape of my curves, the size of my lips, the color of my skin, and the feelings that I have are all worthy and okay.’ – Tracee Ellis Ross
‘Make each day count by setting specific goals to succeed, then putting forth every effort to exceed your own expectations.’ – Les Brown
‘Whatever woman may cast her lot with mine, should any ever do so, it is my intention to do all in my power to make her happy and contented; and there is nothing I can imagine that would make me more unhappy than to fail in the effort.’ – Abraham Lincoln
‘A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves obscure men whose timidity prevented them from making a first effort.’ – Sydney Smith
‘Let us make a special effort to stop communicating with each other, so we can have some conversation.’ – Mark Twain
‘Happiness includes chiefly the idea of satisfaction after full honest effort. No one can possibly be satisfied and no one can be happy who feels that in some paramount affairs he failed to take up the challenge of life.’ – Arnold Bennett
‘It’s the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles.’ – Claude M. Bristol
‘No evil dooms us hopelessly except the evil we love, and desire to continue in, and make no effort to escape from.’ – George Eliot
‘Weapons of mass destruction are the greatest threat to life on earth. Biological weapons are often called the poor man’s atomic bomb. Saddam Hussein is the ruler who has for decades been making the most determined and diabolical illegal effort to acquire them.’ – William Shawcross
‘Leadership consists not in degrees of technique but in traits of character; it requires moral rather than athletic or intellectual effort, and it imposes on both leader and follower alike the burdens of self-restraint.’ – Lewis H. Lapham
‘The fans can accept a poor performance, but they won’t take it when you choose not to put in the effort.’ – Pep Guardiola
‘Every one of us is different in some way, but for those of us who are more different, we have to put more effort into convincing the less different that we can do the same thing they can, just differently.’ – Marlee Matlin
‘Great effort is required to arrest decay and restore vigor. One must exercise proper deliberation, plan carefully before making a move, and be alert in guarding against relapse following a renaissance.’ – Horace
‘It takes effort to be a real friend and to find a true friend.’ – Peyton List
‘We all live in the same house, we all must be part of the effort to hold down our little house. When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just… do something about it. Say something. Have the courage. Have the backbone. Get in the way. Walk with the wind. It’s all going to work out.’ – John Lewis
‘If the military might of Germany and Japan are ultimately to be crushed, the United Nations, one and all, must definitely and urgently strive toward a total war effort.’ – William Lyon Mackenzie King
‘Again, it may be said, that to love justice and equality the people need no great effort of virtue; it is sufficient that they love themselves.’ – Maximilien Robespierre
‘The only method by which people can be supported is out of the effort of those who are earning their own way. We must not create a deterrent to hard work.’ – Robert Taft
‘To be an artist includes much; one must possess many gifts – absolute gifts – which have not been acquired by one’s own effort. And, moreover, to succeed, the artist much possess the courageous soul.’ – Kate Chopin
‘Not every difficult and dangerous thing is suitable for training, but only that which is conducive to success in achieving the object of our effort.’ – Epictetus
‘If I wished to do something, even if I couldn’t find anyone who wanted to make the effort with me, I would go out solo climbing. I did find solo climbing very challenging and a little frightening. You knew that you were completely on your own, and you had to overcome all the problems and possible dangers.’ – Edmund Hillary
‘Endless effort, endless humility, endless modesty.’ – Rain
‘If you want to cultivate a habit, do it without any reservation, till it is firmly established. Until it is so confirmed, until it becomes a part of your character, let there be no exception, no relaxation of effort.’ – Mahavira
‘Nothing good comes in life or athletics unless a lot of hard work has preceded the effort. Only temporary success is achieved by taking short cuts.’ – Roger Staubach
‘The ruling of men is the effort to direct the individual actions of many persons toward some end. This end theoretically should be the greatest good of all, but no human group has ever reached this ideal because of ignorance and selfishness.’ – W. E. B. Du Bois
‘Since human wisdom cannot secure us from accidents, it is the greatest effort of reason to bear them well.’ – John Paul Jones
‘Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing.’ – H. L. Mencken
‘In an effort to create a culture within my classroom where students feel safe sharing the intimacies of their own silences, I have four core principles posted on the board that sits in the front of my class, which every student signs at the beginning of the year: read critically, write consciously, speak clearly, tell your truth.’ – Clint Smith
‘Young people have a right to optimism, and rightly so; human beings have grown and developed and accomplished wonderful feats in the world. But what mires me in pessimism is the fact that so much of life is pain and sorrow and willful ignorance and violence, and pushing back against that tide takes so much effort, so much steady fight. It’s tiring.’ – Jesmyn Ward
‘Someone has said that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think.’ – Emma Goldman
‘Art is man’s constant effort to create for himself a different order of reality from that which is given to him.’ – Chinua Achebe
‘Achievement is not always success, while reputed failure often is. It is honest endeavor, persistent effort to do the best possible under any and all circumstances.’ – Orison Swett Marden
‘Grit, in a word, is stamina. But it’s not just stamina in your effort. It’s also stamina in your direction, stamina in your interests. If you are working on different things but all of them very hard, you’re not really going to get anywhere. You’ll never become an expert.’ – Angela Duckworth
‘Disease is, in essence, the result of conflict between soul and mind, and will never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort.’ – Edward Bach
‘Research has shown that it takes 31 days of conscious effort to make or break a habit. That means, if one practices something consistently for 31 days, on the 32nd day it does become a habit. Information has been internalised into behavioural change, which is called transformation.’ – Shiv Khera
‘You find that you have peace of mind and can enjoy yourself, get more sleep, and rest when you know that it was a one hundred percent effort that you gave – win or lose.’ – Gordie Howe
‘In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result.’ – James Allen
‘What is mathematics? It is only a systematic effort of solving puzzles posed by nature.’ – Shakuntala Devi
‘All art is exorcism. I paint dreams and visions too; the dreams and visions of my time. Painting is the effort to produce order; order in yourself. There is much chaos in me, much chaos in our time.’ – Otto Dix
‘Life can be boring unless you put some effort into it.’ – John C. Maxwell
‘In order to be the best version of yourself, you have to dedicate time, effort, and support to other people who need it.’ – Laurence Fishburne
‘You have to spend some energy and effort to see the beauty of math.’ – Maryam Mirzakhani
‘To play at the highest level requires tremendous effort, concentration and above all, never giving up.’ – Joachim Low
‘But marriage goes in waves. You’ve got to be patient. People bail and give up on their marriages way too early. They just don’t put the work and the effort into it. You’ve got to suck up your ego a lot of times, because that can be a big downfall.’ – Anna Benson
‘I was raised with the idea of maximum effort: as long as you could look in the mirror and say, ‘I gave it everything I had,’ it was OK. But if you gave it less, that would disgrace you.’ – Mark Harmon
‘Life is about putting forth your best effort and showing up. When you show up to the gig fearlessly and put forth your best, who knows what could come of it?’ – Shangela
‘Decades of futile effort have not dampened my bold aspirations to save the nation. Born in a late age, I have not been able to witness the golden rule of Yao and Shun and other sage emperors of ancient China. Instead, my heart grieves at the suffering of the Chinese people under the cruel exploitation of the Tartar Slaves.’ – Sun Yat-sen
‘Nations consist of people. And with their effort, a nation can accomplish all it could ever want.’ – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
‘Everyone makes a greater effort to hurt other people than to help himself.’ – Alexis Carrel
‘For those who are willing to make an effort, great miracles and wonderful treasures are in store.’ – Isaac Bashevis Singer
‘We can start with housing, the sturdiest of footholds for economic mobility. A national affordable housing program would be an anti-poverty effort, human capital investment, community improvement plan, and public health initiative all rolled into one.’ – Matthew Desmond
‘Asking in faith requires honesty, effort, commitment, and persistence.’ – David A. Bednar
‘When we make the effort for each other, it makes the difference.’ – Kylian Mbappe
‘I really try to take care of myself. I really put forth the effort to make a regimen just a part of my life. When I can’t, for instance if I’m in a location someplace and I can’t work out because of the schedule of the picture or whatever it is, as much as I normally do when I’m home, I still do something.’ – Carl Weathers
‘All of the Antilles, every island, is an effort of memory: every mind, every racial biography culminating in amnesia and fog. Pieces of sunlight through the fog and sudden rainbows, arcs-en-ciel. That is the effort, the labour of the Antillean imagination, rebuilding its gods from bamboo frames, phrase by phrase.’ – Derek Walcott
‘To have striven, to have made the effort, to have been true to certain ideals – this alone is worth the struggle.’ – William Osler
‘Technique! The very word is like a shriek of outraged Art. It is the idiot name given to effort by those who are too weak, too weary, or too dull to play the game. The mighty have no theory of technique.’ – Leonard Bacon
‘From the point of the view of the nation’s power, it was obvious that while we were fighting the Sino-Japanese war, every effort was to be made to avoid adding to our enemies and opening additional fronts.’ – Hideki Tojo
‘A poem is learned by heart and then not again repeated. We will suppose that after a half year it has been forgotten: no effort of recollection is able to call it back again into consciousness.’ – Hermann Ebbinghaus
‘You’re always learning. The problem is, sometimes you stop and think you understand the world. This is not correct. The world is always moving. You never reach the point you can stop making an effort.’ – Paulo Coelho
‘The titanic effort that has brought liberation to South Africa, and ensured the total liberation of Africa, constitutes an act of redemption for the black people of the world.’ – Nelson Mandela
‘Most of the time spent wrestling with technologies that don’t quite work yet is just not worth the effort for end users, however much fun it is for nerds like us.’ – Douglas Adams
‘Metaphysics means nothing but an unusually obstinate effort to think clearly.’ – William James
‘Effort without talent is a depressing situation… but talent without effort is a tragedy.’ – Mike Ditka
‘These rough sketches, which are born in an instant in the heat of inspiration, express the idea of their author in a few strokes, while on the other hand too much effort and diligence sometimes saps the vitality and powers of those who never know when to leave off.’ – Giorgio Vasari
‘In one world, effort is a bad thing. It, like failure, means you’re not smart or talented. If you were, you wouldn’t need effort. In the other world, effort is what makes you smart or talented.’ – Carol S. Dweck
‘Success requires first expending ten units of effort to produce one unit of results. Your momentum will then produce ten units of results with each unit of effort.’ – Charles J. Givens
‘That’s all small talk is – a quick way to connect on a human level – which is why it is by no means as irrelevant as the people who are bad at it insist. In short, it’s worth making the effort.’ – Lynn Coady
‘My favorite puzzle is trying to work out the parts myself, after all it is a solo effort.’ – Adrian Belew
‘Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.’ – Napoleon Hill
‘Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.’ – Vince Lombardi
‘I think I owe it to myself to put my best effort forward and prove how good I can be.’ – Patrick Kane
‘I feel a distaste for hunting, first because of a kind of Buddhist respect for the unity and sacredness of all life, and also because the pursuit of a hare or chamois strikes me as a kind of ‘escape of energy,’ that is, the expenditure of our effort in an illusory end, one devoid of profit.’ – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
‘Living never wore one out so much as the effort not to live.’ – Anais Nin
‘He was a silly guy. Out – do the other guy. That was his effort at all times.’ – Cab Calloway
‘Ever since the end of the Cold War, it has been our paramount interest in Europe to strengthen NATO and to extend it – an effort I was part of when I served in the State Department and the NSC in two administrations.’ – Tom Malinowski
‘Law without education is a dead letter. With education the needed law follows without effort and, of course, with power to execute itself; indeed, it seems to execute itself.’ – Rutherford B. Hayes
‘Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality.’ – Erich Fromm
‘Most of one’s life is one prolonged effort to prevent oneself thinking.’ – Aldous Huxley
‘We need to have complete certainty that things will work out, not because we are righteous or wise, but because of the time, the effort, the prayers, and the tools we are using. From the moment we are given awareness about some bigger picture or mission, we have to have complete focus on what to do to get to that place.’ – Yehuda Berg
‘You must not for one instant give up the effort to build new lives for yourselves. Creativity means to push open the heavy, groaning doorway to life.’ – Daisaku Ikeda
‘You can’t control the talents He gives you, no doubt about that. But you can control the effort you put forth with those talents.’ – Clayton Kershaw
‘People could rationally decide that prolonged relationships take up too much time and effort and that they’d much rather do other kinds of things. But most people are afraid of rejection.’ – Albert Ellis
‘Use and beauty – these should be the ends of all human effort. But the competitive struggle swings us away from this high ground and plunges us into a quagmire fight for cheap goods and cheap labor.’ – Edwin Markham
‘Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of a good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.’ – Pierre de Coubertin
‘Affirmative action is an effort to include every aspect of society in the decision making.’ – Andrew Young
‘I did some really big films like ‘Vaastav’ with Sanjay Dutt, ‘Pukar’ with Anil Kapoor, and ‘Jab Pyar Kissi se Hota Hai’ with Salman Khan. But I didn’t make any effort to cash in on their success.’ – Namrata Shirodkar
‘The game has its ups and downs, but you can never lose focus of your individual goals and you can’t let yourself be beat because of lack of effort.’ – Michael Jordan
‘Transforming a brand into a socially responsible leader doesn’t happen overnight by simply writing new marketing and advertising strategies. It takes effort to identify a vision that your customers will find credible and aligned with their values.’ – Simon Mainwaring
‘If we think we have ours and don’t owe any time or money or effort to help those left behind, then we are a part of the problem rather than the solution to the fraying social fabric that threatens all Americans.’ – Marian Wright Edelman
‘You can’t kill your way to success in a counter insurgency effort. You have to protect the people, get the civil military balance right, train the locals, and practice effective strategic communications.’ – James G. Stavridis
‘My colleagues and I have gone in the footsteps of our predecessors since the very first day we were called by our people to care for their future. We went any place, we looked for any avenue, we made any effort to bring about negotiations between Israel and its neighbors, negotiations without which peace remains an abstract desire.’ – Menachem Begin
‘The brain’s calculations do not require our conscious effort, only our attention and our openness to let the information through. Although the brain absorbs universes of information, little is admitted into normal consciousness.’ – Marilyn Ferguson
‘Sometimes I had to spend a whole day mixing a boiling mass with a heavy iron rod nearly as large as myself. I would be broken with fatigue at the day’s end. Other days, on the contrary, the work would be a most minute and delicate fractional crystallization, in the effort to concentrate the radium.’ – Marie Curie
‘There are limits to how much sound a cello can make. That’s part of the framing of acoustical instruments. Finding what those limits might be, and then trying to suggest perhaps even the illusion of going beyond is part of that kind of effort.’ – Yo-Yo Ma
‘There is no force like success, and that is why the individual makes all effort to surround himself throughout life with the evidence of it; as of the individual, so should it be of the nation.’ – Marcus Garvey
‘Most of the effort in the software business goes into the maintenance of code that already exists.’ – Wietse Venema
‘A reputation takes years and years and years to build, and it takes one press of a button to ruin it. Don’t let that happen to you. You’ve done so much work; you’ve put in so much effort. Don’t let one moment ruin your entire life because you wanted to be funny or you were mad or because you had a mood.’ – J. J. Watt
‘In America, it was decided to attempt the production of atomic bombs with an effort that would constitute a large part of the collective American war effort. In Germany, an effort one thousandth the scale of the American was applied to the problem of producing atomic energy that would drive engines.’ – Werner Heisenberg
‘The point is that filmmaking is a collaborative effort; it isn’t about imposing your vision on other people. It’s about the talking, you know?’ – Luca Guadagnino
‘In my own art, I try to use my personal voice and effort to enable some Chinese people to see the possibilities of another kind of China. A more open China.’ – Cai Guo-Qiang
‘You must take the first step. The first steps will take some effort, maybe pain. But after that, everything that has to be done is real-life movement.’ – Ben Stein
‘It was my effort, in depicting the West, to depict it as it was.’ – Buffalo Bill
‘The mid-day sun is too much for most eyes; one is dazzled even with its reflection. Be careful that too broad and high an aim does not paralyze your effort and clog your springs of action.’ – Learned Hand
‘One arrives at style only with atrocious effort, with fanatical and devoted stubbornness.’ – Gustave Flaubert
‘We call a child’s mind ‘small’ simply by habit; perhaps it is larger than ours is, for it can take in almost anything without effort.’ – Christopher Morley
‘A team effort is a lot of people doing what I say.’ – Michael Winner
‘Hockey is not a one-man show; it’s a team effort. If you don’t work as a team – even if one or two guys aren’t working – you’re not going to win. That’s the way it is.’ – Guy Lafleur
‘No matter who we are or what we look like or what we may believe, it is both possible and, more importantly, it becomes powerful to come together in common purpose and common effort.’ – Oprah Winfrey
‘Experience proves that in this life peace and satisfaction are had, not by the listless but by those who are fervent in God’s service. And rightly so. For in their effort to overcome themselves and to rid themselves of self-love, they rid themselves of the roots of all passion and unrest.’ – Saint Ignatius
‘The values that East Asian culture upholds, such as the primacy of group interests over individual interests, support the total group effort necessary to develop rapidly.’ – Lee Kuan Yew
‘Making better choices takes work. There is a daily give and take, but it is worth the effort.’ – Tom Rath
‘Beauty must appeal to the senses, must provide us with immediate enjoyment, must impress us or insinuate itself into us without any effort on our part.’ – Claude Debussy
‘A great thing can only be done by a great person; and they do it without effort.’ – John Ruskin
‘When you write a song like ‘Forrest Gump,’ the subject can’t be androgynous. It requires an unnecessary amount of effort.’ – Frank Ocean
‘What bothers me is that there is so much emphasis on food, rather than gathering and meeting – so that there is all this effort in creating the right food, whereas the food is only a small part of whether the encounter is successful or not.’ – Alain de Botton
‘Death seems to be a long way off. Is this not shallow thinking? It is worthless and is only a joke within a dream. It will not do to think in such a way and be negligent. Insofar as death is always at one’s door, one should make sufficient effort and act quickly.’ – Yamamoto Tsunetomo
‘The federal government has sponsored research that has produced a tomato that is perfect in every respect, except that you can’t eat it. We should make every effort to make sure this disease, often referred to as ‘progress’, doesn’t spread.’ – Andy Rooney
‘I am much pleased to find how very well I stand work & how my powers of attention & continued effort increase.’ – Ada Lovelace
‘Mental effort, I would argue, is relatively rare. Most of the time we coast.’ – Daniel Kahneman
‘Our team at Duolingo is really cohesive, but this did not just happen. I made a concerted effort to hire people who are going to play nice.’ – Luis von Ahn
‘I am very fortunate. I am a glass-half-full eternal optimist type to the point of being a moron. But I would never presume to know how hard it goes for others. How, for some people, just getting though the day is an incredible effort that can hardly be borne.’ – John Niven
‘California is a queer place in a way, it has turned its back on the world, and looks into the void Pacific. It is absolutely selfish, very empty, but not false, and at least, not full of false effort.’ – D. H. Lawrence
‘Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice between fellow human beings. He died in the cause of that effort.’ – Robert Kennedy
‘It takes a strong effort on the part of each American Indian not to become Europeanized. The strength for this effort can only come from the traditional ways, the traditional values that our elders retain.’ – Russell Means
‘It is one thing to train officers on fighting crime. It is a whole other thing to train them to build friendships and relationships, which are integral to fighting crime. This takes time, effort, and patience on the part of police officers.’ – Rahm Emanuel
‘Everything is the product of one universal creative effort. There is nothing dead in Nature. Everything is organic and living, and therefore the whole world appears to be a living organism.’ – Lucius Annaeus Seneca
‘No great intellectual thing was ever done by great effort.’ – Theodore Roosevelt
‘We’ve put more effort into helping folks reach old age than into helping them enjoy it.’ – Frank A. Clark
‘During a fashion show, I want the clothes to speak. The effort I put into my work must be respected.’ – Giorgio Armani
‘Art is the unceasing effort to compete with the beauty of flowers – and never succeeding.’ – Gian Carlo Menotti
‘Effort is only effort when it begins to hurt.’ – Jose Ortega y Gasset
‘The so-called second New Deal of 1935 – including the Works Progress Administration, Social Security and the Wagner Act legalizing union labor – represented an effort to meet the rising voices demanding a more aggressive government approach to the collapse of national prosperity.’ – Robert Dallek
‘I am fiercely loyal and over-possessive, but I am learning to control my being possessive. I have become quite mature, though not as much as I would like to be, but have still improved tremendously. I can’t hide my feelings, and it takes a lot of effort to be closed about things I feel for.’ – Ranveer Singh
‘It takes a lot of effort to win back credibility after having lost it so heavily.’ – Giorgio Napolitano
‘The modern Middle East was largely created by the British. It was they who carried the Allied war effort in the region during World War I and who, at its close, principally fashioned its peace. It was a peace presaged by the nickname given the region by covetous British leaders in wartime: ‘The Great Loot.” – Scott Anderson
‘I wish there were a hundred services with which I could easily look at such a book; it would have saved me a lot of time, and it would have spared Google a tremendous amount of effort.’ – Sergey Brin
‘Most men, after a little freedom, have preferred authority with the consoling assurances and the economy of effort it brings.’ – Walter Lippmann
‘The more I examine the issue of clutter, the more effort I put into combating it, because it really does act as a weight.’ – Gretchen Rubin
‘I’m a dad now and whatever I’m doing in life I usually put a lot of effort into it – usually too much effort, so it kind of comes off ridiculous at times.’ – Jeremy Sisto
‘Sleep is Mother Nature’s best effort yet to counter death.’ – Matthew Walker
‘More generally, I made an effort to leave out things that weren’t relevant to the main narrative themes of the book, namely that there were two sides to Steve Jobs: the romantic, poetic, countercultural rebel on one side, and the serious businessperson on the other.’ – Walter Isaacson
‘I tend to gravitate to the darkest or most obscure part of any venue in an effort to have my own space to experience the music on my own, free from unwanted conversations and other distractions.’ – Henry Rollins
‘It takes a long, hard effort and sustained determination to reduce crime. We will stay the course and we are confident that the numbers will continue to go down.’ – Jack Johnson
‘There was no indication of panic. The broken files marched back in steady step. The effort was nobly made and failed from the blows that could not be fended.’ – James Longstreet
‘We will make every effort with utmost sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification of the country.’ – Hu Jintao
‘What I am going to tell you is this: Although it is commonly believed that the War on Terrorism is a noble effort to defend freedom, in reality, it has little to do with terrorism and even less to do with the defense of freedom.’ – G. Edward Griffin
‘I work as hard as anybody will ever work and I like that. That’s why I’ve been successful and that is when I feel good about myself. If I do my damnedest and don’t succeed, I feel good about the effort.’ – Mark Wahlberg
‘We may not know what each day has in store for us. We could be gone tomorrow. Any minute could truly be our goodbye. But we do have this moment. This time. Today. Right now. It takes way more effort to shell out hate then it does to allow love to flow freely in our lives. After all, it’s what we were born to do.’ – Grace Gealey
‘Further, science is a collaborative effort.’ – John Bardeen
‘I think a lot of trainers are forgetting to take care of themselves and focusing only on their clients. You see it with doctors, nurses, and caretakers. If you put too much effort into only helping others, you are neglecting yourself, and your health is the only thing that makes it possible for you to help others.’ – Jessie Pavelka
‘The one thing that matters is the effort.’ – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
‘Strong women, when respected, make the whole society stronger. One must be careful with such rapid changes, though, and make an effort to preserve, at the same time, the positive traditions of Indian culture.’ – Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
‘It is easy to make stuff up – and easy to dig up information and repeat it or report it to others. But to find a real life story with real people in real life situations is quite difficult and time-consuming. Yet, the rewards are worth the effort.’ – Lee Gutkind
‘When I think about it, 20 years really seems like a blink of an eye sometimes. I wish I would have made a more concerted effort to enjoy things along the way.’ – Kane
‘One of my strengths is being able to relate to all different types of players, and I think that the players know that I make the effort.’ – Todd Reirden
‘The history of all countries shows that the working class exclusively by its own effort is able to develop only trade-union consciousness.’ – Vladimir Lenin
‘Still, it can be more effective to accomplish what you need to accomplish with the minimum effort. Watch Anthony Hopkins. He doesn’t appear to be doing anything. He is so still that you can’t see him working, but you are drawn into his character through his very stillness.’ – Morgan Freeman
‘I know, to banish anger altogether from one’s breast is a difficult task. It cannot be achieved through pure personal effort. It can be done only by God’s grace.’ – Mahatma Gandhi
‘The writer has two kinds of faith: actual writing and sitting openly. Have faith in your personal effort or sweat. And faith in God, or whatever you want to call it. Then the voices will come. Faith is the big deal.’ – Suzan-Lori Parks
‘The reward of eternal life requires effort.’ – Thomas S. Monson
‘No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.’ – Emma Goldman
‘I’ve always been very one-sided about science, and when I was younger, I concentrated almost all my effort on it.’ – Richard P. Feynman
‘I’m content with the fact that I made a decent effort. That’s what I’ve always worried about: that I wouldn’t try hard enough.’ – Jack Nicholson
‘Hollywood held this double lure for me, tremendous sums of money for work that required no more effort than a game of pinochle.’ – Ben Hecht
‘Always try to maintain complete tolerance and always make an effort to give people more than they expect.’ – Scott Hamilton
‘Did you know there’s a difference between being busy and being fruitful? Did you ever stop to think that just being busy – running around in circles all day but not accomplishing anything – is the same as wasting your time? It’s frustrating to expend so much energy and time and not have any fruit from your effort!’ – Joyce Meyer
‘My effort has been not only to put the Biblical incident in the original setting… but at the same time give the human touch to convey to my public the reverence and elevation these subjects impart to me.’ – Henry Ossawa Tanner
‘The Lord is pleased with every effort, even the tiny, daily ones in which we strive to be more like Him.’ – Ezra Taft Benson
‘It doesn’t matter if I’m in a boardroom pitching to a group, attempting to perfect the latte heart, or stopping a running back on 4th and 2. If I’m passionate and willing to devote the time and effort to something; I’m unstoppable.’ – Spencer Paysinger
‘I worked at a Web development shop and other start-ups and eventually started a project called Ludicorp, which built an online game. We soon ran out of money, and Flickr was the last-ditch effort to save the company. It quickly became a very unstoppable juggernaut.’ – Caterina Fake
‘If one is to be called a liar, one may as well make an effort to deserve the name.’ – A. A. Milne
‘It is astonishing what an effort it seems to be for many people to put their brains definitely and systematically to work.’ – Thomas A. Edison
‘The remediableness criterion is an effort to deal symmetrically with real world institutions, both public and private, warts and all. The criterion is this: an extant mode of organization for which no superior feasible form of organization can be described and implemented with expected net gains is presumed to be efficient.’ – Oliver E. Williamson
‘The relationship of the toastmaster to speaker should be the same as that of the fan to the fan dancer. It should call attention to the subject without making any particular effort to cover it.’ – Adlai Stevenson I
‘This year, I will be more thoughtful of my fellow man; exert more effort in each of my endeavors professionally as well as personally; take love wherever I find it, and offer it to everyone who will take it.’ – Duane Allman
‘Gold medals are made out of sweat, blood and tears and effort in the gym every day.’ – Gabby Douglas
‘I was not much interested in school, and both at secondary school and at university, I only just scraped through, with as little effort as I judged possible without failing.’ – Nikolaas Tinbergen
‘While leaders spend considerable time and effort trying to envision markets and pushing out innovation, empathy can often generate simple, yet breakthrough ideas.’ – John Gerzema
‘Great effort springs naturally from great attitude.’ – Pat Riley
‘That’s what makes Linux so good: you put in something, and that effort multiplies. It’s a positive feedback cycle.’ – Linus Torvalds
‘I don’t think the Tea Party people are racist, except maybe a tiny portion of them. But there has been a deliberate effort – again, referring to Fox Broadcasting – to inject the race issue into it. They have actually called Obama a racist on television.’ – Jimmy Carter
‘One of the great tragedies I see is people not putting every effort into the foundation of their marriage. My grandmother told me that it’s one man and one woman for life and that your marriage is worth fighting for.’ – Kay Robertson
‘The defence, like the attack, is a team effort; everyone has to participate.’ – Hansi Flick
‘If you just make every effort to do the right thing, you’ll come out ok. It comes down to priorities and making good decisions.’ – Archie Manning
‘Pakistan will never be able to match the Indian militarily, and the effort to do so is taking an immense toll on the society.’ – Noam Chomsky
‘The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.’ – Steven Weinberg
‘During a packed season, maintaining fitness becomes tough because you can’t put too much effort into it. You’re constantly monitoring workloads.’ – MS Dhoni
‘Sometimes we put so much effort into things we’re doing, like dating or wedding planning, that we don’t stop to think about whether or not we even want the results of that effort.’ – Emily V. Gordon
‘Trees are Earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.’ – Rabindranath Tagore
‘The marshalling of those resources in order to obtain the maximum war effort for Australia, and a maximum degree of help and cooperation for Great Britain and the sister Dominions, is the primary objective of the new Department.’ – Harold Edward Holt
‘There were times when I’d bench players for their lack of effort. We worked very hard on fundamentals, which was the Dodger way. We needed to be more aggressive.’ – Dick Williams
‘Stop bragging about your lack of sweat and effort in achieving your goals. Start bragging about how hard you work, how patient you’ve become.’ – Karen Salmansohn
‘I never stopped thinking that I would ever stop giving 100 percent effort out there.’ – Ronald Acuna Jr.
‘While few religious leaders and scholars would doubt the commonalities that exist among the various religious groups, the followers of these religions unfortunately struggle in their effort to peacefully coexist.’ – Alcee Hastings
‘Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning.’ – Denis Waitley
‘I guess just a lively imagination is the best effort an actor can have.’ – Jacki Weaver
‘But I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that I am grateful.’ – Elizabeth Edwards
‘Without going to what I think is my limit. I always say that my ideal is to get pole with the minimum effort, and to win the race at the slowest speed possible.’ – Alain Prost
‘If we had any nerve at all, if we had any real balls as a society, or whatever you need, whatever quality you need, real character, we would make an effort to really address the wrongs in this society, righteously.’ – Jerry Garcia
‘A man will speedily sit down and sympathize with a friend’s griefs, but if he sees him honored and esteemed, he is apt to regard him as a rival and does not so readily rejoice with him. This ought not to be; without effort, we ought to be happy in our brother’s happiness.’ – Charles Spurgeon
‘I’ve always made a total effort, even when the odds seemed entirely against me. I never quit trying; I never felt that I didn’t have a chance to win.’ – Arnold Palmer
‘To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also.’ – Igor Stravinsky
‘I find it an effort to keep up appearances.’ – Dusty Springfield
‘Self-belief is the key to success and that has helped me. So I will put in all my efforts in the manner I know. If it works, it is great and if it doesn’t it’s still great as I know I have put in all my effort.’ – Shreyas Iyer
‘All of my work has been an effort to show that Christianity is superior and not just another mythology.’ – Rene Girard
‘Fires can’t be made with dead embers, nor can enthusiasm be stirred by spiritless men. Enthusiasm in our daily work lightens effort and turns even labor into pleasant tasks.’ – James Baldwin
‘You find yourself refreshed in the presence of cheerful people. Why not make an honest effort to confer that pleasure on others? Half the battle is gained if you never allow yourself to say anything gloomy.’ – Lydia M. Child
‘Anyone can be a barbarian; it requires a terrible effort to remain a civilized man.’ – Leonard Woolf
‘I am not looking for a relationship right now. I have no interest in putting my time or effort into another person, nor do I need another person to put energy into me, OK? Because that’s what granola bars are for.’ – Lilly Singh
‘Now that I’m staring down the barrel of the last act of my life, I’m less excited about control and solo effort, and I resent the way the business aspects interfere with my space for creative writing.’ – David Knopfler
‘During the Jim Crow era, we know that racially targeted and racially motivated voter suppression was often blatant. Legislators adapted overtly racist policies like literacy tests, and poll taxes in an effort to shape the electorate.’ – Alex Padilla
‘There is no question we need an energy policy overhaul in America. A key part of that overhaul must include moving forward aggressively with expanding nuclear energy as a renewable energy source. Storing nuclear waste is an important piece of that effort.’ – Erik Paulsen
‘Congress, the press, and the bureaucracy too often focus on how much money or effort is spent, rather than whether the money or effort actually achieves the announced goal.’ – Donald Rumsfeld
‘McSweeney’s as a publishing company is built on a business model that only works when we sell physical books. So we try to put a lot of effort into the design and production of the book-as-object.’ – Dave Eggers
‘Taxing poor families runs counter to decades of effort to help people lift themselves out of poverty through work.’ – Nicholas Johnson
‘If you really want to improve technology, if you want things to work better and be better, you’ve got to protect the person who spends a lot of effort, money, and time developing that new technology.’ – James Dyson
‘At the center of President Obama’s strategy for dealing with the Islamic State is an empty space. It’s supposed be filled by a ‘Sunni ground force,’ but after more than a year of effort, it’s still not there. Unless this gap is filled, Obama’s plan won’t work.’ – David Ignatius
‘If you are vigilant and make a stern effort to reject every thought when it rises, you will soon find that you are going deeper and deeper into your own inner self, where there is no need for your effort to reject the thoughts.’ – Ramana Maharshi
‘I think football saves many people. It can give you a life of luxury, but people don’t see all the effort that goes in behind the scenes. That might mean not seeing your family or missing your mother’s birthday; many players are so focused that they miss the birth of their children.’ – Alexis Sanchez
‘I ran the effort to bring the 2012 Olympic Games to New York City. We lost – on a global scale. To my surprise, life went on, and I learnt that nobody cares about your failures as much as you do.’ – Daniel L. Doctoroff
‘But what does interest me is the notion that if you do a lot of work it means there’s a potential for other people to understand that a lot of things are possible with a sustained effort and that the broadening of experiences is possible and I think that’s all art can be.’ – Richard Serra
‘Trump’s 2016 effort could afford to be a shambolic circus; nothing was on the line. He never expected to win and so the rotating cast of campaign managers didn’t really matter.’ – Rick Wilson
”Hustle’ is wonderfully enjoyable because all my life, I’ve made an effort to be with people who can make me laugh. That original cast – Marc Warren, Jaime Murray, Robert Glenister and Adrian Lester – are all funny. So I know every day I’ll have a few good laughs.’ – Robert Vaughn
‘To fail is a natural consequence of trying, To succeed takes time and prolonged effort in the face of unfriendly odds. To think it will be any other way, no matter what you do, is to invite yourself to be hurt and to limit your enthusiasm for trying again.’ – David Viscott
‘One thing that was amazing about World War II was that everybody signed up for the duration plus six months. Fliers got to leave combat after 25 missions, or 35 missions, but other than that, you were in it. You were part of the great effort, until, oh boy, six months after it was over.’ – Tom Hanks
‘Things which do not require effort of some sort are seldom worth having.’ – Ivor Novello
‘Unproductive effort is never a good thing.’ – Carol S. Dweck
‘It takes the same effort to think small than to think big. But to think big frees you from the insignificant details.’ – Jorge Paulo Lemann
‘In this perfect world, there are certain imperfections that catch your eye. That’s what works for me. I don’t concentrate on being perfect, but instead put that effort behind my craft and being true to myself. I don’t conform to pressures outside of me. I am confident about myself.’ – Sonakshi Sinha
‘There is something about building up a comradeship – that I still believe is the greatest of all feats – and sharing in the dangers with your company of peers. It’s the intense effort, the giving of everything you’ve got. It’s really a very pleasant sensation.’ – Edmund Hillary
‘The best effort of a fine person is felt after we have left their presence.’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson
‘I see a lot of art; we see a lot of music, films at Sundance… that influences me and informs me more than theater just because I make a bigger effort to see other art forms.’ – Elizabeth Marvel
‘There are times when you feel like you give a great effort, you have prepared properly, and you got less than what you wanted. So on the one hand, you should feel really good about that and just let the results be what they are. On the other hand, you can’t be happy with it when you finished 19th.’ – Tom Lehman
‘Don Cornelius gave me an incredulous look regarding my accent. I lessened it; he gave a nod of approval. Instantly, I felt ashamed. I had made my first conscious effort not to sound ethnic.’ – Rosie Perez
‘Temperance is essential, if the services of men and women are to be employed to the best and most useful effect according, to the physical capacity and ability of each. Nothing less will assure a total effort.’ – William Lyon Mackenzie King
‘For me, it’s about controlling what I can control. I can’t control where I’m going to be put on the pitch. I can only control my effort and my ability to embrace anything thrown at me.’ – Crystal Dunn
‘I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today’s Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started.’ – Ferguson Jenkins
‘Nelson McCormack on ‘Killing Kennedy’ was really terrific because I wrote the script, and he had some terrific ideas. We went over the script together, and I was with him on set. So it was a collaborative effort.’ – Kelly Masterson
‘When an acquaintance goes by I often step back from my window, not so much to spare him the effort of acknowledging me as to spare myself the embarrassment of seeing that he has not done so.’ – Georg C. Lichtenberg
‘How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience would have achieved success.’ – Elbert Hubbard
‘Films used to be an event that required work and effort to get to a theater to see. Now, really good content is available immediately to us on many devices. At the same time, the audience’s appetite for storytelling is evolving, and people want to spend time with characters for many years.’ – Joe Russo
‘I think when you look at the quarterback position, and this mastery of the craft we talk about, it really is an advanced degree. It’s like going to med school, or law school, or getting your PH.D. It really is that type of educational effort, on the field and off the field.’ – Steve Young
‘I haven’t put an ounce of effort into my families. I never have.’ – Ingmar Bergman
‘My father was into politics. After his death things got slow. We were meeting different parties and everywhere I heard people grumbling and cursing politics and the state of the nation. I made an effort and I am trying to fulfill my social responsibility.’ – Vishwajeet Pradhan
‘I say that human nature is the original beginning and the raw material, and deliberate effort is what makes it patterned, ordered, and exalted.’ – Xun Kuang
‘Making a movie is like an accelerated version of growing up with someone. You spend so many hours a day with each other, and you’re putting your heart into this same effort.’ – Halston Sage
‘I had nearly finished school because I was making effort not that bad on that. But there was a law in Germany after the war. You could not make your final examination before 18, so lots of people who were late because of the way had to do it first.’ – Karl Lagerfeld
‘Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time. The best management of our time thus becomes linked inseparably with the best utilization of our efforts.’ – Ted Engstrom
‘For there to be communication within a couple, it is enough for there to be only one person who communicates or who really wants to communicate. Even though a couple consists of two people, if one of the people in a couple puts all their effort into moving a couple along they will move along.’ – Pedro Almodovar
‘The desire to economize time and mental effort in arithmetical computations, and to eliminate human liability to error is probably as old as the science of arithmetic itself.’ – Howard Aiken
‘The events of the day’s march are now becoming so dreary and dispiriting that one longs to forget them when we camp; it is an effort even to record them in a diary.’ – Robert Falcon Scott
‘Sometimes, when you roll out of bed, you don’t want to be photographed by the paparazzi. Usually you like to know when you’re being photographed. I’ve learnt that, as a public figure, you have to up your game and be prepared. Ideally, you try not to roll out of bed without brushing your hair – just chuck a brush through it, make a little effort.’ – Stella Maxwell
‘Mime is in our daily life and with little effort, we can all perfect the art form.’ – Tanikella Bharani
‘I knew I could control one thing, and that is my time and my hours and my effort and my efficiency.’ – Ryan Seacrest
‘Renewable energy, including from offshore wind, is crucial to the effort to avoid some of the worst effects of climate change, according to environmentalists and some elected officials.’ – Tatiana Schlossberg
‘It is unnatural to deny effort, adversity, and pain.’ – Guillermo del Toro
‘The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.’ – Vince Lombardi
‘We spend our lives, all of us, waiting for the great day, the great battle, or the deed of power. But that external consummation is not given to many: nor is it necessary. So long as our being is tensed, directed with passion, towards that which is the spirit of all things, then that spirit will emerge from our own hidden, nameless effort.’ – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
‘Sometimes, things may not go your way, but the effort should be there every single night.’ – Michael Jordan
‘My first real kiss came when I was 10, and it was in an acting class. I had to do a scene from a movie where someone gets kissed under a tree, and I did not want to do it! But my acting partner wanted me to feel comfortable, so he bought a picnic basket with all these snacks. He made such an effort – and it was cute.’ – Vanessa Hudgens
‘An activist is someone who makes an effort to see problems that are not being addressed and then makes an effort to make their voice heard. Sometimes there are so many things that it’s almost impossible to make your voice heard in every area, but you can sure try.’ – Joanne Woodward
‘As I’ve told Tyler, there’s not a really easy place between being single and being married for us now. We’re just so busy that the logistics of our career make dating impossible. I think I’ll find a girl at some point that makes all of the extra work and effort that needs to be put into it worth it. But for right now, I just date my drums.’ – Josh Dun
‘We penalize and suspend players for making contact with the head while checking, in an effort to reduce head injuries, yet we still allow fighting. We’re stuck in the middle and need to decide what kind of sport do we want to be. Either anything goes and we accept the consequences, or take the next step and eliminate fighting.’ – Steve Yzerman
‘My work on human capital began with an effort to calculate both private and social rates of return to men, women, blacks, and other groups from investments in different levels of education.’ – Gary Becker
‘I think ‘Heroes of Cosplay’ will show a lot of the positive things, like how much effort it takes to make a costume. These people on the show aren’t taking shortcuts. As long as that effort gets through to the viewers, we will be inspirational. Then there will be people who watch the show that want to get in and hands-on make outfits.’ – Yaya Han
‘It’s fun to work the robotic arm in part because it’s really a team effort.’ – Ellen Ochoa
‘Who will tell whether one happy moment of love or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies.’ – Erich Fromm
‘People with a growth mindset believe that they can improve with effort. They outperform those with a fixed mindset, even when they have a lower IQ, because they embrace challenges, treating them as opportunities to learn something new.’ – Travis Bradberry
‘What is human warfare but just this; an effort to make the laws of God and nature take sides with one party.’ – Henry David Thoreau
‘Although lynchings have steadily increased in number and barbarity during the last twenty years, there has been no single effort put forth by the many moral and philanthropic forces of the country to put a stop to this wholesale slaughter.’ – Ida B. Wells
‘I can be proud of every swim, every effort I put in the water, every mental approach to every single race.’ – Caeleb Dressel
‘Fanatics end by subverting their own argument. For instance, animal rights activists have some point, and many people feel sympathy with them. But animal rights fanatics do not have a point. They are the sort of people who threaten human beings in their effort to ‘defend’ animals.’ – Douglas Murray
‘It is the duty and high privilege of every human being to endeavor to improve himself. Effort at self-improvement is the definition sometimes given for religion. It may relate to our actions or to our convictions. In our actions we should aim at goodness; in our convictions, at truth.’ – Joseph P. Bradley
‘Freedom from effort in the present merely means that there has been effort stored up in the past.’ – Theodore Roosevelt
‘I like to style myself and aim to wear the coolest of clothes that I can lay my hands on! It’s my conscious effort to look different and dress up funky. I feel elated that people notice the crazy things I do.’ – Nia Sharma
‘Developing skills is as important as training. A larger effort is needed to create a skilled workforce with employment potential.’ – Pallam Raju
‘The far right was on the march in the 1930s, and we defeated the fascists through a great united working-class effort. That sense of unity and strength is what gave people confidence to change things.’ – Ken Loach
‘Since every effort in our educational life seems to be directed toward making of the child a being foreign to itself, it must of necessity produce individuals foreign to one another, and in everlasting antagonism with each other.’ – Emma Goldman
‘There’s a lot of baseball players who give their best effort all of the time. But one kind of gets away from them. You’re human. You make errors.’ – Ronald Acuna Jr.
‘Clarity and consistency are not enough: the quest for truth requires humility and effort.’ – Tariq Ramadan
‘If we all make a concerted effort and try to improve the life of someone else, then this world would be a better place to live in.’ – Alonzo Mourning
‘Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought.’ – Napoleon Hill
‘You don’t simply tell someone to get out there and win the tennis match. You say ‘move your feet’ or ‘watch the fuzz on the ball’ to really get into the Zen of it. You pull all that together, and then you just might hold up the Wimbledon Plate… It’s not about winning first place but bringing every element of effort to whatever you do.’ – Diana Nyad
‘You know, making a movie is a collaborative effort and sometimes all the ingredients don’t work out. I know that every now and again I am going to make a movie that won’t work.’ – Eddie Murphy
‘There is no doubt I have offended many people. No doubt, also, that I have blasphemed. I sometimes try to offend as part of my routine – after all, the essence of humour, even in a child, is the effort to shock and surprise.’ – Frankie Boyle
‘When you work in TV, it’s such a group effort, it’s not about you.’ – Kylie Minogue
‘Moral authority is never retained by any attempt to hold on to it. It comes without seeking and is retained without effort.’ – Mahatma Gandhi
‘Automotive franchise laws were put in place decades ago to prevent a manufacturer from unfairly opening stores in direct competition with an existing franchise dealer that had already invested time, money and effort to open and promote their business.’ – Elon Musk
‘I really enjoyed my time in state government. I thought we made a difference. I liked being a part of that effort. I had a different experience in Washington.’ – Alberto Gonzales
‘I just try to do the best job I possibly can – put the blinders on, go to work and be the best you can possibly be. Once you have done everything that you possibly can – you’ve put forth your greatest effort – then I can live with whatever’s next.’ – Bill Parcells
‘Probably most dying patients, even when suffering greatly, would choose to live as long as possible. That courage and grace should be protected and honored, and we should put every effort into treating their symptoms.’ – Marcia Angell
‘In every human society, there is an effort continually tending to confer on one part the height of power and happiness, and to reduce the other to the extreme of weakness and misery. The intent of good laws is to oppose this effort and to diffuse their influence universally and equally.’ – Cesare Beccaria
‘While countless Americans are pulling together to lend a helping hand, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are pointing fingers in a shameless effort to tear us apart.’ – Ken Mehlman
‘I was a weirdo. I think I wanted to be liked, but I didn’t have the attention or bother to actually make an effort to be. I also think I had a different perception of what I needed to do to be liked.’ – Halsey
‘Every one of us is different in some way but for those of us who are more ‘different,’ we have to put more effort into convincing the less different that we can do the same thing as they can… just differently.’ – Marlee Matlin
‘I think a certain amount of stress in life is good. The stress of just working, which takes effort – I think it keeps you going.’ – Anthony Hopkins
‘I wear no makeup in real life. I’m very simple. That may be why I go over the top for the red carpet. But otherwise, I’m very plain. I should make more of an effort, actually.’ – Eva Green
‘On occasion we need to make a second effort – and a third effort, and a fourth effort, and as many degrees of effort as may be required to accomplish what we strive to achieve.’ – Thomas S. Monson
‘I want my clothes, my stores, everything I design to have that feeling of being natural and easy. And that takes effort, but you try not to have it show.’ – Ralph Lauren
‘If you could equate the amount of time and effort put in mentally and physically into succeeding on the baseball field and measured it by the dirt on your uniform, mine would have been black.’ – Mike Schmidt
‘Put the uncommon effort into the common task… make it large by doing it in a great way.’ – Orison Swett Marden
‘People appreciate when you make an effort to speak their language.’ – Sam Altman
‘A strenuous effort must be made to train young people to think for themselves and take independent charge of their lives.’ – Anne Sullivan
‘If you’re building a house, or doing anything, time is what you’ve got. Well, there’s effort, but you need time. The more time you put into something, the better stuff you can make.’ – Gene Simmons
‘The success in the determination of the high-resolution structures of ribosomal subunits and eventually the whole ribosome was the culmination of decades of effort.’ – Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
‘Nobody gets to be good at something without effort, no matter what your aptitude is.’ – Angela Duckworth
‘Instead of sitting on the sidelines, President Obama has made it clear that the US is ready to lead a global effort to combat climate change.’ – Valerie Jarrett
‘During dating never had to do much and things happened smoothly. But wedding is an affair which involves family and so it takes more time and effort.’ – Rahul Vaidya
‘The beauty of YouTube is double the effort isn’t double the views, it’s like 10x.’ – MrBeast
‘The real color of my hair is mouse. I always want to be ginger, which I was when I was born, or blond, because I live in L.A., and I want to look like I go surfing without any physical effort.’ – John Lydon
‘From the outset of the war, the Canadian people have clearly shown that it is their desire to help in every way to make Canada’s war effort as effective as possible.’ – William Lyon Mackenzie King
‘No universal selfishness can bring social good to all. Communism – the effort to give all men what they need and to ask of each the best they can contribute – this is the only way of human life.’ – W. E. B. Du Bois
”Jack & Diane’ was originally about race. I was playing nightclubs, and I was seeing new American couples, mixed-race couples. I thought it was cool. The song was my effort to make a song about that, but of course the record-company guy didn’t like it.’ – John Mellencamp
‘There is a deliberate effort to undermine food culture to sell us processed food. The family meal is a challenge if you’re General Mills or Kellogg or one of these companies, or McDonald’s, because the family meal is usually one thing shared.’ – Michael Pollan
‘What takes place in the Security Council more closely resembles a mugging than either a political debate or an effort at problem-solving.’ – Jeane Kirkpatrick
‘Design and style should work toward making you look good and feel good without a lot of effort so you can get on with the things that matter.’ – Donna Karan
‘I’m absolutely aware of the great effort Juventus Football Club has made to bring me here.’ – Carlos Tevez
‘You know, the purpose of reconciliation is to avoid the filibuster. The filibuster is an effort to talk something to death.’ – Dick Durbin
‘No one bill will cure the problem of spam. It will take a combined effort of legislation, litigation, enforcement, customer education, and technology solutions.’ – David Baker
‘The principle of all successful effort is to try to do not what is absolutely the best, but what is easily within our power, and suited for our temperament and condition.’ – John Ruskin
‘For nearly three years, President Obama devoted a great deal of effort to finding compromises with Congressional Republicans. That was futile, in my view, since those Republicans had made it clear from the day he was inaugurated in 2009 that their plan was to oppose everything he wanted and then paint him as a failed president.’ – Andrew Rosenthal
‘A spiritual ‘spurter’ is one who is given to short bursts of spectacular effort followed by frequent and lengthy periods of rest.’ – David A. Bednar
‘If anything, game development is even more of a team effort than making a movie, so for individuals to get credit for making a game is absolutely insane.’ – Warren Spector
‘The crime of book purging is that it involves a rejection of the word. For the word is never absolute truth, but only man’s frail and human effort to approach the truth. To reject the word is to reject the human search.’ – Max Lerner
‘When people question your integrity, when people question who you are from afar, when they’ve never had a conversation with you, and don’t know the time and effort you’ve put into your communities, but then you’re kind of this thug, this out of control player, that makes no sense to me.’ – Jermaine O’Neal
‘The family teaches us about the importance of knowledge, education, hard work and effort. It teaches us about enjoying ourselves, having fun, keeping fit and healthy.’ – Kamisese Mara
‘Everything I did that required effort, I opened my mouth. Even to catch a ball, I opened my mouth.’ – Betty Cuthbert
‘I would like people to recognize in looking at my story that the person who has the most to do with what happens to you is you. It’s not the environment, it’s not the other people who were there trying to help you or trying to stop you. It’s what you decide to do and how much effort you put behind it.’ – Ben Carson
‘To the best of my knowledge and of my effort, every lineage statement within ‘Roots’ is from either my African or American families’ carefully preserved oral history, much of which I have been able conventionally to corroborate with documents.’ – Alex Haley
‘Fortunately art is a community effort – a small but select community living in a spiritualized world endeavoring to interpret the wars and the solitudes of the flesh.’ – Allen Ginsberg
‘I saw ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine once, and they were talking about the top 50 songs, and there wasn’t one Sly song; how does that happen? But, Sly isn’t the type to brown nose for props. He’s always known what he had, what he was capable of; I’m just proud that he took the time and effort to put it to music.’ – Cynthia Robinson
‘I don’t know about you, but all this modern technology that’s supposed to save us time and effort has actually ended up making things more complicated in my life, eating up extra time.’ – Dean Karnazes
‘The extra pass and the extra effort on defense always get the job done.’ – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
‘Anyone can negatively criticize – it is the cheapest of all comment because it requires not a modicum of the effort that suggestion requires.’ – Chuck Jones
‘Language is an archaeological vehicle… the language we speak is a whole palimpsest of human effort and history.’ – Russell Hoban
‘Some of the best presents I get from my children for Mother’s Day are homemade. It makes me so happy to see the time and effort they put into each gift.’ – Rachel Hollis
‘The capacity for people to kid themselves is huge. Living on illusions or delusions, and the re-establishing of these illusions or delusions requires a big effort to keep them from being seen through. But a very old idea is at work behind our current state of affairs: enantiodromia, or the Greek notion of things turning into their opposite.’ – James Hillman
‘I just find that the harder you work and the more effort you put into yourself, the better you’ll be.’ – Jason Schwartzman
‘Remember the sufferings of Christ, the storms that were weathered… the crown that came from those sufferings which gave new radiance to the faith… All saints give testimony to the truth that without real effort, no one ever wins the crown.’ – Thomas Becket
‘The constant effort towards population, which is found even in the most vicious societies, increases the number of people before the means of subsistence are increased.’ – Thomas Malthus
‘What I most identify with is effortless fashion, looking as if someone’s not put a lot of effort into their look.’ – Sara Blakely
‘I think that quite often you can only find a choice between bad and worse. But I think it’s worth making the effort, and I like to expose my characters to that sort of situation.’ – Robert Jordan
‘There are films that look very interesting when on paper, but things change while shooting. At times, things changed during post-production, and I see no reason to blame anything on anyone. It is a collaborative effort. If it failed, we should face it.’ – Kartik Aaryan
‘Your first projects aren’t the greatest things in the world, and they may have no money value, they may go nowhere, but that is how you learn – you put so much effort into making something right if it is for yourself.’ – Steve Wozniak
‘The effort invested in ‘getting it right’ should be commensurate with the importance of the decision.’ – Daniel Kahneman
‘Ever since I was in high school, I just tried to prove people wrong, and a lot of people doubt me and I just put a lot of work in and a lot of effort into it.’ – Tyler Herro
‘If there were no human nature, then there would be nothing for deliberate effort to be applied to. If there were no deliberate effort, then human nature would not be able to beautify itself.’ – Xun Kuang
‘We must learn how to live in the space of inner peace in our everyday lives. This takes consistent, conscious effort because I know so many black women are hurting and sad, and we don’t easily express our heartache or show our wounds.’ – Susan L. Taylor
‘Politics is a rough and tumble business, and yet there seems to be an effort by the commentariat to sanitise American politics to some type of high-level Victorian debating society.’ – James Carville
‘Emphasizing effort gives a child a variable that they can control. They come to see themselves as in control of their success. Emphasizing natural intelligence takes it out of the child’s control, and it provides no good recipe for responding to a failure.’ – Carol S. Dweck
‘Basically, discipline, effort, patience and courage are hugely important core values for kids to grow up embracing.’ – Karen Salmansohn
‘I think if you’re a small studio, you’re living or dying by the success of the next project, it takes a lot of superhuman effort – or at least it did for us.’ – Michael Morhaime
‘I don’t really like school. It’s really not my thing. I was barely there when I was in high school because I traveled so much. When I put effort into it, I can deal with it. But soccer was my main priority. That can sound bad, but it was.’ – Lindsey Horan
‘As much time and effort, emotion, anger, love, joy that you put into another human being, you’re not guaranteed to receive that back. And that’s OK. That’s alright.’ – Logic
‘Continuous, unflagging effort, persistence and determination will win. Let not the man be discouraged who has these.’ – James Whitcomb Riley
‘Success makes men rigid and they tend to exalt stability over all the other virtues; tired of the effort of willing they become fanatics about conservatism.’ – Walter Lippmann
‘I am attracted to people who make this effort in knowing what suits them – they are individual and stylish.’ – Vivienne Westwood
‘During the 1980s, when Japan’s economy was roaring and people were writing books with titles like ‘Japan is Number One,’ most Japanese college students didn’t make the effort to become fluent in English.’ – Rebecca MacKinnon
‘Promoting education is an effort that is close to my heart. Illiteracy contributes to poverty; encouraging children to pick up a book is fundamental.’ – Sasha Grey
‘As long as you give your best effort, I feel like that’s all you can do.’ – Kawhi Leonard
‘Unwearied ceaseless effort is the price that must be paid for turning faith into a rich infallible experience.’ – Mahatma Gandhi
‘The effort of art is to keep what is interesting in existence, to recreate it in the eternal.’ – George Santayana
‘There is no investment you can make which will pay you so well as the effort to scatter sunshine and good cheer through your establishment.’ – Orison Swett Marden
‘Music is the effort we make to explain to ourselves how our brains work. We listen to Bach transfixed because this is listening to a human mind.’ – Lewis Thomas
‘I’m a terrible dresser. I wouldn’t know what’s in or what season I’m in. It’s a real effort for me not to look mad.’ – Roisin Conaty
‘Law represents the effort of man to organize society; governments, the efforts of selfishness to overthrow liberty.’ – Henry Ward Beecher
‘In World War II, a British mathematician named Alan Turing led the effort to crack the Nazis’ communication code. He mastered the complex German enciphering machine, helping to save the world, and his work laid the basis for modern computer science. Does it matter that Turing was gay?’ – Alan K. Simpson
‘It reassures me that when we get together as a community, when we put our effort together and our will to help others, we can achieve anything, and that is a lesson for us all.’ – Julie Payette
‘Daring to wear something different takes effort.’ – Miuccia Prada
‘I don’t believe that there’s such a thing as objectivity in much of journalism, but I think there is a serious effort to and a regard for facts and into taking that stuff seriously is very important to the public discourse and it’s very important to democracy.’ – Jann Wenner
‘To be violent is the ultimate laziness. War always seems a great effort, but it is the easy way. And false non-violence is also an idol.’ – Peter Brook
‘Every time I go out on the field, I give my best effort.’ – Ronald Acuna Jr.
‘Life is a balance, and as much effort as I put into my fitness journey, I needed to put into my own mind journey, my brain is just as important, and loving myself is just as important as loving my body.’ – Jenna Johnson
‘The legacy of slavery comes from the sustained political, legal and economic effort to link permanently an entire group of people to poverty – and to mystify that systematic disenfranchisement by making up something called race, which could serve as a distraction.’ – Sarah Churchwell
‘Stockings are tricky for girls – you worry about them falling down all night and the idea that you dress up at 7pm so that your boyfriend can get excited about six hours later is just too much effort.’ – Claudia Winkleman
‘There are lots of people at our company who dedicate their time and effort to make sure that the journey from product design to hitting the screen is as seamless as possible.’ – Sara Davies
‘An organized effort is making to deceive the people. There are two great enemies of thought and progress, the aristocracy of royalty and the aristocracy of gold.’ – Mary Elizabeth Lease
‘The big thing is to make a winning effort. I’m not obsessed with wins.’ – Morgan Wootten
‘Of course I believe imaginative architecture can make a difference to people’s lives, but I wish it was possible to divert some of the effort we put into ambitious museums and galleries into the basic architectural building blocks of society.’ – Zaha Hadid
‘In most communities it is illegal to cry ‘fire’ in a crowded assembly. Should it not be considered serious international misconduct to manufacture a general war scare in an effort to achieve local political aims?’ – Dwight D. Eisenhower
‘I put a lot of effort into not upsetting people and trying to do things the right way, so I feel I can reserve the right to complain when I feel let down by others.’ – Jon Richardson
‘Someone who wants to write should make an effort to write a little something every day. Writing in this sense is the same as athletes who practice a sport every day to keep their skills honed.’ – Anita Desai
‘There is a systematic effort to destroy every black male entertainer’s image. They want us all to have an asterisk by our name.’ – Eddie Griffin
‘It wasn’t my plan to create such a record. All I did was put in the effort to win every match I played and it went on for weeks, months and years until my defeat to Ross Norman in Toulouse in 1986.’ – Jahangir Khan
‘Confidence comes from within and as long as you are putting forth a respectable effort to take good care of yourself, you should feel confident about that path.’ – Stacy Keibler
‘Everybody knows that effort matters. What was revelatory to me was how much it mattered.’ – Angela Duckworth
‘I’m reaching 87, trying to keep fit, presenting a vigorous figure, and it’s an effort, and is it worth the effort? I laugh at myself trying to keep a bold front. It’s become my habit. I just carry on.’ – Lee Kuan Yew
‘The best that an individual can do is to concentrate on what he or she can do, in the course of a burning effort to do it better.’ – Elizabeth Bowen
‘It takes very little effort to make someone happy.’ – Jonathan Agnew
‘Do a little bit more than average and from that point on our progress multiplies itself out of all proportion to the effort put in.’ – Paul J. Meyer
‘It is not the truth that a man possesses, or believes that he possesses, but the earnest effort which he puts forward to reach the truth, which constitutes the worth of a man.’ – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
‘To say, ‘well done’ to any bit of good work is to take hold of the powers which have made the effort and strengthen them beyond our knowledge.’ – Phillips Brooks
‘For strange effects and extraordinary combinations we must go to life itself, which is always far more daring than any effort of the imagination.’ – Arthur Conan Doyle
‘It is always the start that requires the greatest effort.’ – James Cash Penney
‘Every time I make a new game, I put all of my effort completely into that game. It’s like putting all your effort into a new child that’s being born. Once the project is done, I can step back and look at it objectively, which is when I can see a lot of flaws. That’s when I start to make a new game that tries to fix some of those flaws.’ – Hideo Kojima
‘Taxes on capital, taxes on labor, inflation, bureaucratic regulation, minimum wage laws, are all – to different degrees – unnecessary slices of the wedge that stand between an individual’s effort and reward for that effort.’ – Jack Kemp
‘Yet, if we accept the solution offered today by this bill to explore and develop for oil on the coastal plain of ANWR, it will be 5 years, at least, and probably closer to 8 before the first barrel of oil flows from that effort.’ – John Olver
‘The final effort came when our reconnaissance team reported contact with the POWs and their guards by radio near midnight at a pre-arranged crossing site.’ – Bo Gritz
‘When you put so much effort and hard work in a project, you wish to see the results.’ – Mahira Khan
‘The scientific effort to inform the public about landslide risks often runs head-on into powerful economic interests.’ – Bill Dedman
‘I definitely was in the sequined, bedazzled era. We would put blue eye shadow up our eyebrows and glitter all over our faces. I probably put more effort into my skating outfits than my clothes.’ – Rachel McAdams
‘Talent and effort, combined with our various backgrounds and life experiences, has always been the lifeblood of our singular American genius.’ – Michelle Obama
‘Myths are part of our DNA. We’re a civilisation with a continuous culture. The effort to modernize it keeps it alive. Readers connect with it.’ – Amish Tripathi
‘Satan, our adversary, wants us to fail. He spreads lies as part of his effort to destroy our belief. He slyly suggests that the doubter, the skeptic, the cynic is sophisticated and intelligent, while those who have faith in God and His miracles are naive, blind, or brainwashed.’ – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
‘When I became commander of the Joint Special Operations Task Force, I was leading thousands of individuals, from Special Forces to the broader interagency effort. I quickly realized that while we had the most best and most effective operators and small teams in the world, we were unable to scale.’ – Stanley A. McChrystal
‘Periods of wholesome laziness, after days of energetic effort, will wonderfully tone up the mind and body.’ – Grenville Kleiser
‘Effort should be made to see that the forum-type programs (the ‘Today Show,’ ‘Meet the Press,’ etc.) afford at least as much opportunity for supporters of the American system to participate as these programs do for those who attack it.’ – Lewis F. Powell, Jr.
‘We’re not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it’s not about appearances. It’s about effectiveness.’ – Katherine Harris
‘For a rich and reasonably successful guy, it is impossible not to enjoy your job; otherwise, why would you spend so much time and effort doing it? I am a great fan of Norilsk, and I like this kind of challenge.’ – Vladimir Potanin
‘My experience as a school nurse taught me that we need to make a concerted effort, all of us, to increase physical fitness activity among our children and to encourage all Americans to adopt a healthier diet that includes fruits and vegetables, but there is more.’ – Lois Capps
‘Well, there’s a question as to what sort of information is important in the world, what sort of information can achieve reform. And there’s a lot of information. So information that organizations are spending economic effort into concealing, that’s a really good signal that when the information gets out, there’s a hope of it doing some good.’ – Julian Assange
‘Struggling to end the war and to eliminate slavery once and for all by way of the 13th Amendment, with the amendment’s prospective passage undermining the effort to make peace with the Confederacy and vice versa, Lincoln embodied the Great Man theory that leftists disdain.’ – Steve Erickson
‘Women’s progress has been a collective effort.’ – Gloria Steinem
‘To me, there is no more conscientious umpire in the Major Leagues than Jim Joyce. He gives you a hellacious effort every time.’ – Tony La Russa
‘There is only one situation I can think of in which men and women make an effort to read better than they usually do. It is when they are in love and reading a love letter.’ – Mortimer Adler
‘The sheer complexity of writing a play always had dazzled me. In an effort to understand it, I became a critic.’ – Kenneth Tynan
‘The mode by which the inevitable is reached is effort.’ – Felix Frankfurter
‘The mode by which the inevitable comes to pass is effort.’ – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
‘It has taken me years of struggle, hard work and research to learn to make one simple gesture, and I know enough about the art of writing to realize that it would take as many years of concentrated effort to write one simple, beautiful sentence.’ – Isadora Duncan
‘What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure.’ – Samuel Johnson
‘I made a game effort to argue but two things were against me: the umpires and the rules.’ – Leo Durocher
‘Olympism is a philosophy which, by blending sport with culture, seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal ethical principles.’ – Juan Antonio Samaranch
‘The day when a sportsman stops thinking above all else of the happiness in his own effort and the intoxication of the power and physical balance he derives from it, the day when he lets considerations of vanity or interest take over, on this day his ideal will die.’ – Pierre de Coubertin
‘Sport is the habitual and voluntary cultivation of intensive physical effort.’ – Pierre de Coubertin
‘We have exhausted all of our diplomatic effort to get the Iraqis to comply with their own agreements and with international law. Given that… we have got to force them to comply, and we are doing so militarily.’ – Tom Daschle
‘Fame is a constant effort.’ – Jules Renard
‘I won it, at least five million times. Men who were stronger, bigger and faster than I was could have done it, but they never picked up a pole, and never made the feeble effort to pick their legs off the ground and get over the bar.’ – Bob Richards
‘Despite the success cult, men are most deeply moved not by the reaching of the goal but by the grandness of the effort involved in getting there – or failing to get there.’ – Max Lerner
‘I have found it advisable not to give too much heed to what people say when I am trying to accomplish something of consequence. Invariably they proclaim it can’t be done. I deem that the very best time to make the effort.’ – Calvin Coolidge
‘Socialism proposes no adequate substitute for the motive of enlightened selfishness that today is at the basis of all human labor and effort, enterprise and new activity.’ – William Howard Taft
‘Evil is done without effort, naturally, it is the working of fate; good is always the product of an art.’ – Charles Baudelaire
‘An excuse becomes an obstacle in your journey to success when it is made in place of your best effort or when it is used as the object of the blame.’ – Bo Bennett
‘It has been my experience that if we make the effort to listen to people when we meet them, and work to get to know them a little, it is then easy to find something likeable in practically anyone.’ – Bryant H. McGill
‘As the Iraqi people better understand that Saddam Hussein and his regime are history, it is my hope that they will get behind the coalition effort to help them create a democratic government and rebuild their country.’ – Pete Domenici
‘Now that our troops are mired in a dangerous effort to defeat the insurgency and are also trying to help rebuild the country, Americans of all political persuasions simply want the United States to succeed and our troops to be as safe as possible.’ – Harry Reid
‘Tragically, the effort to make America and the world safer and to defend freedom around the world is not without an enormous cost to this Nation in terms primarily of lost lives and those who bear the scars and the wounds of war, and their families who must bear these losses.’ – John Warner
‘The largest single contributor to Iraq’s security is that effort of Iraqi people who continue to step forward to join the various Iraqi security forces.’ – Craig L. Thomas
‘I think when I’m in love, I really am very good with calling, little faxes, and visiting and I really put a lot of effort into it. I’m really not the one that’s not available because of work and I’m very sad when I actually leave.’ – Franka Potente
‘Delaware’s firefighters put their lives in jeopardy every day in an effort to keep families safe.’ – Tom Carper
‘The expansion of tobacco cessation centers is an important part of our historic and continuing effort to help smokers quit. The expansion of these centers will give even more New Yorkers the help they need to quit once and for all.’ – George Pataki
‘I agree that we must expand opportunities for retirement saving, but we must not undermine this worthy effort with a flawed privatization scheme that takes the ‘security’ out of Social Security.’ – Mary Landrieu
‘Perhaps the time has come to cease calling it the ‘environmentalist’ view, as though it were a lobbying effort outside the mainstream of human activity, and to start calling it the real-world view.’ – E. O. Wilson
‘If those committed to the quest fail, they will be forgiven. When lost, they will find another way. The moral imperative of humanism is the endeavor alone, whether successful or not, provided the effort is honorable and failure memorable.’ – E. O. Wilson
‘We must put together countries that produce drugs, countries that traffic, and countries that consume, and through this multilateral effort really stop the growing of crime.’ – Vicente Fox
‘I don’t make an effort to be sloppy. I just don’t consider a perfect hairdo and a perfect face to be beautiful. If I had my way I’d dress myself and do my own makeup for magazine shoots.’ – Juliette Lewis
‘It seems to me we are losing our way in an effort to get the ratings.’ – Matt Drudge
‘Allowing yourself to smile takes 99% of the effort.’ – Simon Travaglia
‘Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills. It is not the effort nor the failure tires. The waste remains, the waste remains and kills.’ – William Empson
‘I’m not the type of person who goes through all this effort for a movie, and then doesn’t care if anybody sees it. I want them to see it, and I want them to see it on the big screen.’ – Andy Garcia
‘I’m always making a conscious effort to be viable and accessible.’ – Richard Thompson
‘I guess what bothers me so much about what I now see going on in both Washington and in Texas is an effort to keep people from finding out about the mistakes of lawmakers and then when they’re uncovered, an effort to fool people and pretend there was nothing wrong.’ – Chris Bell
‘Freedom requires no effort to enjoy but requires heroic efforts to preserve.’ – Richard G. Scott
‘In Canada, women’s rights are a vital part of our effort to build a society of real equality – not just for some, but for all Canadians. A society in which women no longer encounter discrimination nor are shut out from opportunities open to others.’ – Paul Martin
‘When I write I simply follow my heart. And my flights of fantasy. It is not done with a conscious effort. I’m continually inspired and write reflexively.’ – Kim Elizabeth
‘Our Government is committed to pursuing policies and programs which facilitate a further lowering of the interest rates in order to fuel investment and growth. We call on the commercial banks to partner with us in this effort.’ – Said Musa
‘Until the world in some way changes, then my responsibility is to share what I know and more importantly to behave like I know about the extraordinary work and effort and blood shed for me to be able to sit here.’ – Avery Brooks
‘Extension work is not exhortation. Nor is it exploitation of the people, or advertising of an institution, or publicity work for securing students. It is a plain, earnest, and continuous effort to meet the needs of the people on their own farms and in the localities.’ – Liberty Hyde Bailey
‘I’m lazy but generally task oriented so having a hoop to jump through means eventually I’ll make the effort.’ – Thomas Lynch
‘So I suppose poetry, language, the shaping of it, was and remains for me an effort to make sense out of essentially senseless situations.’ – Thomas Lynch
‘Even the highest forms of sacrificial worship present much that is repulsive to modern ideas, and in particular it requires an effort to reconcile our imagination to the bloody ritual which is prominent in almost every religion which has a strong sense of sin.’ – William Robertson Smith
‘They say I am a regulator and I think it is just an effort not to comply with the decree. I do not do anything except what the decree requires me to do.’ – Harold H. Greene
‘As a human rights issue, the effort to end violence against women becomes a government’s obligation, not just a good idea.’ – Charlotte Bunch
‘I needed an outlet in high school and came across painting. I’ve actually been painting longer than I’ve been acting. A movie is a collaborative effort, and with painting you just have yourself.’ – James Franco
‘Acting for me is not a bad habit like smoking that I must make an effort to quit. I love acting; I love directing.’ – Joan Chen
‘Starbucks goes to a great effort, and pays twice as much for its coffee as its competitors do, and is very careful to help coffee producers in developing countries grow coffee without pesticides and in ways that preserve forest structure.’ – Jared Diamond
‘Although strength should fail, the effort will deserve praise. In great enterprises the attempt is enough.’ – Sextus Propertius
‘If we cannot by reason, by influence, by example, by strenuous effort, and by personal sacrifice, mend the bad places of civilization, we certainly cannot do it by force.’ – Auberon Herbert
‘There was never any effort made out there to improve the artist.’ – Jackie Cooper
‘So I’m in that half-hour business where the most money is, so that eventually I feel like the people that put on the Dupont show, like maybe my artistic effort is going to be a little different.’ – Jackie Cooper
‘Certainly if we hope do enhance and extend whatever natural assets we were given, we must expect to make an effort, if not actually great labor.’ – Dixie Carter
‘To show the world what long experience gains, requires not courage, though it calls for pains; but at life’s outset to inform mankind is a bold effort of a valiant mind.’ – George Crabbe
‘I tell beginning readers to read a lot and write a lot. If you want to write a book, find a subject that’s really worth the time and effort you’ll put in.’ – Tracy Kidder
‘If I want to continue to build the kind of effort we have with Do Something, being in a public office would help. I wouldn’t rule it out, but it’s not something I feel determined to do.’ – Andrew Shue
‘In life every effort is marked down at the end as a win or a loss.’ – Edward Bennett Williams
‘In any case, decisions on troop levels in the American system of government are not made by any general or set of generals but by the civilian leadership of the war effort.’ – Bill Kristol
‘We will make every effort to unify all ethnic groups, to strengthen belief in Taiwan and to persist in reform.’ – Chen Shui-bian
‘I thought that that was an effort to inject a popular element, a democratic element into the selection of a person who, once he is selected and confirmed, is beyond electoral control.’ – Stephen Breyer
‘Last year, I co-sponsored the Highlands Conservation Act and in a bipartisan effort we passed the bill through Congress.’ – Sue Kelly
‘We also had good software in the key categories and more focus on the gameplaying capability, so more of the marketing effort was targeted at game customers.’ – Trip Hawkins
‘John Brown’s effort was peculiar. It was not a slave insurrection.’ – George Haven Putnam
‘People ask me if I ever see my father and I say yes, because he puts in the effort. He calls all the time to tell us he’s proud of us.’ – Jenna Bush
‘The committee’s work is not about whether or how we should pay reparations. That was never the intent nor will the payment of reparations be the outcome. This is an effort designed to involve the campus community in a discovery of the meaning of our past.’ – Ruth J. Simmons
‘I’ve been in the league 12 years. To sit on the bench and complain about the way things were, that doesn’t get anything done. I don’t know. I’m playing for a championship and trying to make the playoffs. My effort has never changed.’ – Chris Webber
‘It’s clear to me now that we’ve got to reach out to the Arab Sunni community in particular in an effort to cause some moderate political activity to take place so they join the future of Iraq.’ – John Abizaid
‘When I entered the field in July 1958 I believed what they told me about radiation risks. I spent much effort reducing the dose to patients in radiology.’ – John Cameron
‘I think any advocate who is effective has fully acquainted himself or herself with the legislator they are going to meet. Know what committees they are on, what issues they are interested in, all in an effort to build a bridge for communicating with them.’ – Mark Shields
‘I never felt I was quite the ticket academically. I always felt I had to put in an enormous amount of effort not to be disappointing. So I worked really hard, but at the time it suited me, because I didn’t do very much else.’ – Emily Mortimer
‘If people take the film and screen it whenever possible for their social and professional networks, we can continue to make a difference. It is one more element we have to use in the ongoing effort to take back our country.’ – Robert Greenwald
‘Marriage is a team effort. Both of us share that philosophy.’ – Nick Lachey
‘The work in S, M, L, XL was almost suicidal. It required so much effort that our office almost went bankrupt.’ – Rem Koolhaas
‘I find a lot of young filmmakers make too much of an effort to be trendy and they can be pretentious.’ – Sadie Frost
‘You really should not do this job unless you’re willing to put in that enormous amount of effort. You should not do the job unless you’re willing to take risks. And you shouldn’t do the job unless you’re willing to lose the job, too.’ – Anthony A. Williams
‘Every American deserves to live in freedom, to have his or her privacy respected and a chance to go as far as their ability and effort will take them – regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or economic circumstances.’ – Christopher Dodd
‘Reading is a huge effort for many people, a bore for others, and, believe it or not, many people prefer watching TV.’ – Hugh Mackay
‘My fellow students there were very smart, but the really novel thing was that they actually seemed to put a lot of effort into their school work. By the end of my first semester there, I began to get into that habit as well.’ – Eric Allin Cornell
‘Many of my e-mails have been maliciously taken out of context, another effort by those assaulting my career.’ – Jack Abramoff
‘Their effort to place the women upon the same industrial level with themselves in order that all may pull together in the effort to maintain reasonable conditions of life.’ – Florence Kelley
‘In an effort to eliminate the possibility of any rival growing up, some monopolists would sacrifice democracy itself.’ – Henry A. Wallace
‘Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They are doing this even in those cases where they hope to have profitable connections with German chemical firms after the war ends.’ – Henry A. Wallace
‘I would like to spend my next two years showing how the aim of making technology available to every young person can be built into the effort to make our nation more secure. That is my latest concern and what I will be pushing over the next two years.’ – Major Owens
‘Usually, those persons closest to the incoming President will be the main leaders of the Transition effort. They are most familiar with his policies and practices, and are able to interpret his wishes regarding the structure and staffing of the new Administration.’ – Richard V. Allen
‘We will see that our new attitude toward liquor has been given to us without any thought or effort on our part. It just comes! That is the miracle of it.’ – William Griffith Wilson
‘I think the hard thing about all these tools is that it takes a fair amount of effort to become proficient.’ – Bill Joy
‘We support every effort to combat international terrorism through the formulation of international conventions and hope that the international community will take further steps to improve the anti-terrorism international legal framework.’ – Li Peng
‘So, for me, working with larger companies has often been very satisfying, precisely because of the ability of bringing critical mass to bear on a given effort.’ – Vint Cerf
‘In Washington, there’s always an effort to label people.’ – Gale Norton
‘I’ve devoted a lot of my time and effort during the past few years to developing my advertising copywriting business to the point of where I can support my family and don’t have to depend on writing fiction for my income.’ – Stephen R. George
‘Mr. Speaker, genocide is the most potent of all crimes against humanity because it is an effort to systematically wipe out a people and a culture as well as individual lives.’ – Jerry Costello
‘With this realization, came a growing need for men and women willing to take up arms in an effort to protect our American way of life and the freedoms so many of our ancestors died to entrench.’ – Jim Walsh
‘The Cox Report documents a systematic, well-planned effort by the Chinese military at the highest levels to target and acquire technology for military modernization.’ – Charles Bass
‘The uniqueness of the unit was more or less that it was focused on a single individual. It was really the first time the agency had done that sort of effort.’ – Michael Scheuer
‘The effort to blur the lines between Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib reflects a deep misunderstanding about the different legal regimes that apply to Iraq and the war against al Qaeda.’ – John Yoo
‘When I hear traditional family values raised, I hear that effort once again to re-establish the man as head and master of his family. Who had the, not only the right, but the obligation to discipline his wife and children to keep them in line?’ – Patricia Ireland
‘Understand from top to bottom what the effort requires.’ – Bill Toomey
‘There’s a unique bond of trust between readers and authors that I don’t believe exists in any other art form; as a reader, I trust a novelist to give me his or her best effort, however flawed.’ – Dan Simmons
‘I grew up in a military family, and there’s something about that military-style uniform, all cleaned up, a brutal control effort the military necessarily breeds.’ – Max Cannon
‘I don’t want to give too much of it away, because I haven’t cleared it with Bob, but the treatment is twenty years, and she, in an effort to protect herself faked her death and did a series of things regarding Dr. Loomis, who has died, because Michael Myers was after her.’ – Kevin Williamson
‘When I first concluded to print the book, I made an honest effort to construct it in the third person.’ – John Sergeant Wise
‘There is no problem that is not improved by effort, and no effort that is too paltry to be worth undertaking.’ – Sam Waterston
‘But on this show, it’s a good question because in the 35 shows that we’ve done now, I’ve really made a consistent effort to really shadow the directors because in many ways they have to be more prepared than feature directors.’ – Anthony Michael Hall
‘When community action was put into federal law in the early sixties as part of the effort to combat poverty and social injustice, I supported it intellectually.’ – Barney Frank
‘My aim was to safeguard justice, without doing harm to our war effort.’ – Hans Frank
‘I think that we must come together progressively, with the British, the Germans, the Spanish, the Italians and with the new members of the European Union, we must make an effort to forge closer links.’ – Jean-Pierre Raffarin
‘The paintings may communicate even better because people are lazy and they can look at a painting with less effort than they can read a poem.’ – Lawrence Ferlinghetti
‘A massive state and federal effort, the likes of which we’ve never seen is going to be needed. We can do it for tsunami victims half a world away. We can do it for our own citizens.’ – Al Roker
‘This is a group effort. This is group theatre. This is no big star turn. You could do things with it to do that but it would just be out of kilter. This is one reason I like this play. This is a unit.’ – Gavin MacLeod
‘It is during difficult times like this that the true American spirit reveals itself. I am not talking only of the response of local, state, and federal governments, although they will each play an extremely important role in this effort.’ – Jo Bonner
‘In an effort to provide my constituents with information on how they can make contributions to a number of relief and humanitarian organizations, I have posted a short list of these groups and contact numbers on my Internet website.’ – Jo Bonner
‘Saving Milly was a break from this effort because I felt that it was time to be part of something that could shed light on a disease everyone feels they know, when most know so little.’ – Madeleine Stowe
‘I am very proud to come back, to speak on the disinterested effort we have made and I believe that, with all due respect, that the decisions we made, when we turned our final report over to President Johnson, will stand in history.’ – John Sherman Cooper
‘The most meaningful engine of change, powerful enough to confront corporate power, may be not so much environmental quality, as the economic development and growth associated with the effort to improve it.’ – Barry Commoner
‘This illness made it impossible for me to give my best effort to our audience, but now that it’s been identified, I’m looking forward to a complete, quick recovery and to get back out there with John as soon as possible.’ – Daryl Hall
‘Any Reform Bill which is worth a moment’s thought, or the smallest effort to carry it, must at least double, and it ought to do much more than double, the representation of the metropolitan boroughs and of all the great cities of the United Kingdom.’ – John Bright
‘Individual effort is almost relatively impossible to cope with the big problem of poverty as we see it.’ – John Burns
‘This war in Iraq is part of a larger effort to remove this terrorist threat from the planet.’ – Paul Cellucci
‘The voice doesn’t take a lot of effort now, but in the beginning it was hard to try to find a voice. The one I settled on was just easier to do for a half-hour.’ – Dan Castellaneta
‘I would have preferred to be successful here with a piece that cost me a huge amount of money and effort… rather than sending to Bohemia some ordinary works.’ – Camille Claudel
‘Once you discover that you can, then you must. And it’s not easy. You have to take direct steps. You really have to count your blessings and you have to make a decided effort to not get seduced by the blues.’ – Al Jarreau
‘Well, we are not doing that film actually. At least I am not at the moment, but we are making an effort to get it done; I don’t know whether we’ll get the financing for it. The old story we had it, it fell out of place and this and that.’ – Harvey Keitel
‘I enjoy those small chats you have when people come up and talk to you about your work. It only involves a few seconds of effort to be nice to those people, and I am very grateful for the kind words that people have taken the trouble to express to me in person.’ – Helena Bonham Carter
‘This evolution may compromise Java’s claim of being simpler than C++, but my guess is that the effort will make Java a better language than it is today.’ – Bjarne Stroustrup
‘As leader of the effort of the Iraqi Survey Group, I spent most of my days not out in the field leading inspections. It’s typically what you do at that level. I was trying to motivate, direct, find strategies.’ – David Kay
‘The generality have considered that disease is but a confused and disordered effort in Nature, thrown down from her proper state, and defending herself in vain.’ – Thomas Sydenham
‘For the first time federal, state and local bureaus of investigation are coordinating their effort, to serve as eyes and ears and protect us against further attacks.’ – George Pataki
‘It is individuals who must be encouraged to undertake the unprecedented – and unprecedentedly profitable – effort to prevent the annihilation of the human race.’ – L. Neil Smith
‘It is worth while too to warn the teacher that undue severity in correcting faults is liable at times to discourage a boy’s mind from effort.’ – Quintilian
‘I made a supreme effort not to do that thing that parents do, which is to bore people without children to death by going on and on about how funny their children are, so there’s none of that hopefully.’ – Jo Brand
‘The hours, minutes and seconds stand as visible reminders that your effort put them all there. Preserve until your next run, when the watch lets you see how Impermanent your efforts are.’ – Joe Henderson
‘I wish that the Democrats would put some effort into Social Security reform, illegal immigration’s reform, tax reform, or some of the other real issues that are out there.’ – Jack Kingston
‘I make no conscious effort to be tough, or hard-boiled, or grim, or any of the things I am usually called.’ – James M. Cain
‘And each book has to receive your best effort every single time. No slacking.’ – Nora Roberts
‘But since September 11, we have made every effort to try to work closely with state and local law enforcement.’ – Robert Mueller
‘No one will deny that the excessive use of alcohol and alcoholic beverages would do more than any other single factor to make impossible a total war effort.’ – William Lyon Mackenzie King
‘On behalf of the federal government, I wish now publicly to appeal to the provinces to lend their co-operation in furthering our country’s war effort by effecting at as early a date as may be possible this much needed restriction.’ – William Lyon Mackenzie King
‘The Stuart sovereigns of England steadily attempted to strengthen their power, and the resistance to that effort caused an immense growth of Parliamentary influence.’ – Albert Bushnell Hart
‘The Smithsonian Festival of American Folklife, actually, was an effort to put something on the mall in Washington so American tourists could walk through America, and in their minds everything on the mall would be American.’ – Bernice Johnson Reagon
‘Well, any effort to maximize your potential and ability is a good thing.’ – Daniel Goleman
‘There is a deep question whether the possible meanings that emerge from an effort to explain the experience of art may not mask the real meanings of a work of art.’ – Jerome Bruner
‘I just think overall a lot of it has to do with conditioning and players putting in the time and the effort in the off-season to keep themselves in condition for 12 months a year.’ – Mark Messier
‘Over the last decade, at considerable cost to me in money and effort, confronted with ridicule and intimidation, I have brought more than a dozen lawsuits challenging the corruption in the election process in Tennessee.’ – John Jay Hooker
‘I think each player and myself live things differently because I have no physical effort to make.’ – Guy Forget
‘I come to urge my party to be open to debate and discussion; to move away from a lock-step litmus test which advocates abortion on demand in an effort to reach a broader national consensus.’ – Robert Casey
‘Teachers are sort of faced with a thankless task, because no matter how good they are, unless they find a way to personally rationalize the rewards of their effort, nobody else is really going to do it for them en masse.’ – Julius Erving
‘I think one of the geniuses of Bound and The Matrix and Memento is the complete collaboration of the effort. There were no rotten apples.’ – Joe Pantoliano
‘The human spy, in terms of the American espionage effort, had never been terribly pertinent.’ – Aldrich Ames
‘The liberation of Iraq was part of a broader effort to seriously confront the greatest threat to world security: rogue states capable of obtaining long range weapons of mass destruction.’ – Armstrong Williams
‘One thing, however, is sure, – that in all cases the effort should be to impose all the cost of repairing the wrong upon the doer of the wrong. This alone is real justice, and of course such justice is necessarily free.’ – Benjamin Tucker
‘I felt strongly that since the pursuit of good science was so difficult it was essential that the problem being studied was an important one to justify the effort expanded.’ – Paul Nurse
‘There is both a skill factor and an effort factor in dream recall. People can develop dream recall skills, such as lying still in the morning and writing down whatever comes to mind.’ – Henry Reed
‘I deliberately made an effort not to become an expert on the ballet.’ – Robert Caro
‘Were there contacts over time between Iraq and al-Qaeda? Yes, there were efforts made to communicate. We found no evidence of collaboration in any effort to mount any kind of operation against the United States’ interests.’ – Richard Ben-Veniste
‘With this sense of the splendour of our experience and of its awful brevity, gathering all we are into one desperate effort to see and touch, we shall hardly have time to make theories about the things we see and touch.’ – Walter Pater
‘Labor organizations are formed, not to employ combined effort for a common object, but to indulge in declamation and denunciation, and especially to furnish an easy living to some officers who do not want to work.’ – William Graham Sumner
‘It’s a good team though that works very closely and very well together, and all those people putting that effort in, then I’m sure we will improve dramatically from where we are now as the season goes on.’ – David Leslie
‘The team is very enthusiastic – everyone is trying hard to do their best, and everyone is putting a lot of effort in to moving forward and getting the right results and it’s a very good, close-knit team.’ – David Leslie
‘Though every legal task demands this skill, it is especially important in the effort to frame public policy in a way that is properly responsive to human needs and predicaments. The question is always: How will the general rule work in practice?’ – Elliot Richardson
‘I do NOT think that PC gaming is over… it will always be the choice of the gaming enthusiast who is willing to put in the extra effort for a richer, more rewarding experience.’ – Mike Wilson
‘I went over before the British Open and played Valderrama thinking that I might make the team, might be a captain’s pick. I made the effort to go over there.’ – Payne Stewart
‘Through the years, I have so many wonderful memories of playing with the Red Wings: winning four Stanley Cups, scoring big goals, going into battle every night side by side with my teammates, playing with every ounce of effort I could muster.’ – Ted Lindsay
‘I would do anything to keep looking the job. I think you make an extra effort if you’re on show.’ – Joanna Lumley
‘I should point out that I was intimately involved with a group of women here a year and a half ago when there was an effort made by a right wing element in the President’s party to get him to turn back the clock.’ – Birch Bayh
‘When we are honest – that’s my saying – if we are honest then we will reveal ourselves. But we do not have to make an effort to be individualistic, different from others.’ – Josef Albers
‘Yet, I am convinced that there is a need for high quality software, and the time will come when it will be recognized that it is worth investing effort in its development and in using a careful, structured approach based on safe, structured languages.’ – Niklaus Wirth
‘Without bureaus, committees, officials or emissaries to manufacture sentiment in his favor, without intrigue or effort on his part, Grant is the candidate whose supporters have never threatened to bolt.’ – Roscoe Conkling
‘What I can tell them is the way you become an Olympic champion is to start working now. I tell them why it’s always worth it to put the time and effort into something you want to be good at.’ – Rafer Johnson
‘The fatigue produced on the muscles of the human frame does not altogether depend on the actual force employed in each effort, but partly on the frequency with which it is exerted.’ – Charles Babbage
‘Over the years, a number of other intriguing experimental ideas and areas of investigation have been the objects of my attention, and I have devoted some time and effort to exploring the inherent possbilities.’ – Frederick Reines
‘My earlier award was also based on a close collaborative effort.’ – John Bardeen
‘The pursuit of perfection always implies a definite aristocracy, which is as much a goal of effort as a noble philosophy, an august civil polity or a great art.’ – Ralph Adams Cram
‘Very conscious of the fact that an effort was being made to destroy my mind, because I was deprived of books, deprived of any means of writing, deprived of human companionship. You never know how much you need it until you’re deprived of it.’ – Wole Soyinka
‘John Cleese was with a group called Cambridge Circus, who had come to New York, and we became friends. Years later that produced a certain team effort.’ – Terry Gilliam
‘It had not occurred to me that marriage requires the same effort as a career. And unlike a career, marriage requires a joint effort.’ – Jessica Savitch
‘We need to strengthen our analytic capacity in Washington, we need to centralize the anti-terrorism effort.’ – John Ashcroft
‘The great advantage to labor arising out of co-operative effort has been apparent to me for many years.’ – Leland Stanford
‘There was nothing in all Douglas’s powerful effort that appealed to the higher instincts of human nature, while Lincoln always touched sympathetic cords. Lincoln’s speech excited and sustained the enthusiasm of his audience to the end.’ – Henry Villard
‘The question whether the long effort to put an end to war can succeed without another major convulsion challenges not only our minds but our sense of responsibility.’ – Emily Greene Balch
‘I finally decided one day, reading science fiction magazines of the time, I could do at least as well as some of these people are doing. So I finally made a serious effort.’ – Fred Saberhagen
‘Television, they say, will permit a person to be entertained at home, without the effort of going to a picture house, without the trouble of booking seats, without the presence of other people.’ – Ivor Novello
‘Or the Department of Education and another ministry were worried about duplication of effort, so what did they do? They set up two committees to look into duplication and neither knew what the other was up to. It really is a world beyond parody.’ – Rory Bremner
‘Doyle stokes in a thousand shrewd touches with no effort at all. Wonderful.’ – Rex Stout
‘One of the hardest things to believe is that anyone will abandon the effort to escape a charge of murder. It is extremely important to suspend disbelief on that. If you don’t, the story is spoiled.’ – Rex Stout
‘I feel sorry sometimes for these sportsmen and women who put in just as much effort as the footballers. For example, athletes train at least as hard as footballers but have to be happy if they can earn enough to finance a decent education.’ – Angela Merkel
‘We have had such a letter movement on two occasions in Denmark when more than a quarter of the adult Danish population participated. Such an achievement, however, demands a really great effort and also a great deal of money.’ – Fredrik Bajer
‘It is to be deeply regretted that the clergymen would oppose an effort to teach the people the Bible truths; nevertheless, we find much opposition everywhere, and many clergymen will attempt to prevent the people from reading what is here written.’ – Joseph Franklin Rutherford
‘Liverpool have won everything but never a World Championship. I am sure in the future they will once again make the effort to win the tournament. They have had good rhythm in the Premier League this season.’ – Sepp Blatter
‘I really didn’t try to make an effort to make urban music, but I am a product of my inspirations.’ – Justin Timberlake
‘That’s the mistake women make – you shouldn’t see your makeup. We don’t want to look like we’ve made an effort.’ – Lauren Hutton
‘But I felt it necessary to be part of the war effort and I enlisted in the Navy to be a flyer.’ – Paul Berg
‘Yet the effort to inform the public also encouraged responsible public discussion that succeeded in developing a consensus for the measured approach that many scientists supported.’ – Paul Berg
‘Interestingly, the American Embassy mentioned that our efficient relief effort has significantly improved the image of the United States among the Pakistani people.’ – Jon Porter
‘In this context, the church supports and favors every effort today to seek the full development of the personality of all human beings, and to promote their fundamental rights, their dignity and liberty.’ – Claudio Hummes
‘I don’t use sex to sell records, obviously, but I’d be lying if I said that I don’t feel like I have to make an effort to look good when I go out onstage, to wear something pretty.’ – Vanessa Carlton
‘The China game was the best because it took the effort of everyone on the team to survive 120 minutes.’ – Lorrie Fair
‘What I can’t quite see at this stage is that the evidence, even to the president, seems to be that clear. And if it is that clear, I can’t understand why we are not capable of convincing our closest allies that given that evidence, they ought to join us in this effort.’ – Lawrence Eagleburger
‘I was determined that if I failed it wouldn’t be due to lack of effort.’ – Heston Blumenthal
‘We must make every effort to neutralize this threat peacefully, but be ever mindful of the growing danger Iran poses not just to a safe and free America, but to our allies abroad.’ – Dave Reichert
‘We wanted to take as much time and effort making the video as we did the song.’ – Adam Jones
‘In order to make further progress, particularly in the field of cosmic rays, it will be necessary to apply all our resources and apparatus simultaneously and side-by-side; an effort which has not yet been made, or at least, only to a limited extent.’ – Victor Francis Hess
‘We’ve got a support system that gives our players a wonderful opportunity to graduate. If they go to class and give good effort, they can graduate from this school, and I believe that’s important when you go out recruiting.’ – Steve Spurrier
‘Number two, we’re going to play with a lot of effort. Our guys are going to be in such good shape that fatigue is not going to be a problem. We’re going to play with full effort from snap to whistle on every play the entire game.’ – Steve Spurrier
‘The Veteran’s History Project, a nationwide volunteer effort to collect oral histories from America’s war veterans, provides an avenue to do just that. Now in its fifth year, the Project has collected more than 40,000 individual stories.’ – Spencer Bachus
‘The United States has made a massive effort since the end of the Second World War to secure the dominance of its films in foreign markets – an achievement generally pushed home politically, by writing clauses into various treaties and aid packages.’ – Fredric Jameson
‘John’s time and effort were, in the main, spent on pretty honorable stuff. As for the other side, well, nobody’s perfect, nobody’s Jesus. And look what they did to him.’ – Paul McCartney
‘I think there’s an ongoing effort involved in trying to get a bigger perspective, trying to let go of things that limit your capacity to love and be loved or your capacity to hear and to really speak.’ – Meg Ryan
‘I am pleased to see that information campaigns, such as the America’s WETLAND effort, are getting the message out, and people are beginning to realize that wetlands loss in Louisiana affects us all.’ – John Breaux
‘And also it was a process of, we lifted weights as well, in an effort to train my body to then be able to lift heavier weights when I got in Australia. So that was the first couple of months.’ – Brandon Routh
‘One of the first items of Congressional business in 2006 will be an effort to renew the USA Patriot Act.’ – Roger Wicker
‘None of the things I have done would have been accomplished without a true team effort.’ – Nick Lampson
‘It therefore become essential for the future of Judaism itself that its advancement should be correlated with a similar effort to advance the cause of religion generally.’ – Louis Finkelstein
‘It wasn’t so much of a controlled effort to end up as part of the Goth scene.’ – Kenny Hickey
‘Our soldiers have done a valiant effort in fighting terrorism and bringing a semblance of law and order to the chaos in the region and it would be shortsighted to lay out a specific timetable to bring U.S. troops home prematurely before their mission is accomplished.’ – James T. Walsh
‘They have been saying for a long time that Iraq made an effort to import active uranium, and my colleague demonstrated the other day that they came to the conclusion that it was a fake document that everybody is relying upon.’ – Hans Blix
‘There’s almost no way of doing importing honestly, because if you do you’re at such a disadvantage competitively. So people spend huge amounts of effort getting around stupid laws and not paying taxes.’ – Esther Dyson
‘In the sense that people who produce things and work get rewarded, statistically. You don’t get rewarded precisely for your effort, but in Russia you got rewarded for being alive, but not very well rewarded.’ – Esther Dyson
‘A Train was born without any effort – if was like writing a letter to a friend.’ – Billy Strayhorn
‘In America, for a brief time, people who followed Coltrane were studied and considered important, but it didn’t last long. The result is that the kind of music I played in the ’60’s is completely dismissed in this country as a wrong turn, a suicidal effort.’ – Archie Shepp
‘It’s been such a group effort. When you’re a new band and you have limited resources, you end up getting people that are there because they love what you do, and that’s great.’ – Balthazar Getty
‘Generally the younger generation are not hard working. They will have to put in more effort to achieve results in tournaments. most of them can perform well but they cannot deliver when they play abroad.’ – Jahangir Khan
‘If you take all the factories in the world today, they could make all the parts necessary to build more factories like themselves. So, in a sense, we have a self-replicating industrial system today, but it would take a tremendous effort to copy what we already have.’ – K. Eric Drexler
‘There’re so many things I want to do, like become more media savvy. I am too lazy. But I’m making an effort.’ – Ajay Devgan
‘These small shows were decidedly a success. The exhibitions were not too large to be seen easily. It was not an effort, as larger collections of pictures usually are.’ – Childe Hassam
‘The name Peace River itself is the monument of a successful effort on the part of the Company to bring about a better understanding between the Crees and the Beavers.’ – Ernest Thompson Seton
‘Tell him I mind having to look pretty, that’s what I mind, because it is so much more of an effort.’ – Emma Thompson
‘He grows daily more capable of following any inspiration without technical effort, and also of letting inspiration come to him through meticulous observation.’ – Eugen Herrigel
‘Because, if one is writing novels today, concentrating on the beauty of the prose is right up there with concentrating on your semi-colons, for wasted effort.’ – Neil Gaiman
‘I mean, the world has already done a big, big effort to forget debt to countries heavily indebted and with low income. And that has given good chances to countries to get out of poverty.’ – Rodrigo Rato
‘In this business, life is one long fund-raising effort.’ – Alvin Ailey
‘I actually made an effort to reject acting, to shove it out of my body, because I didn’t want my kids to have an actress as a mother-to have, like, a silly person.’ – Lisa Kudrow
‘I realized the only thing I owed my audience was my own judgment and my own best effort.’ – Len Wein
‘The process of making a movie has expanded in terms of effort and time for the director, doing commentaries for the DVD for example, finishing deleted scenes so they could be on the DVD, and doing things like a web blog.’ – David Cronenberg
‘If it were a real effort to live in the Middle Ages, your life would be one perpetual prevarication.’ – Goldwin Smith
‘I’ve not as yet found one hobby that would absorb me completely when I’m not working, but I have just bought a new apartment and didn’t quite bargain for the amount of effort and time and money that that absorbs.’ – Hugh Dancy
‘Our top priority is our troops, who are making the extraordinary effort to fulfill the mission they have been given. Democrats will work with this Administration to better define that mission and a realistic expectation of success in Iraq.’ – Jim Clyburn
‘My wife is so analytical with raising kids, and I am not. My feeling is if they turn out good, then that means I was a good daddy and put a lot of effort into it. If they turn out bad, it means they took after her side of the family.’ – Jeff Foxworthy
‘While this debate today is a belated effort to inform the American people, it is nevertheless an empty gesture. It is time to admit our mistake in Iraq and begin to bring our troops home with honor.’ – Raul Grijalva
‘The house of Austria has publicly used every effort to deprive the country of its legitimate Independence and Constitution, designing to reduce it to a level with the other provinces long since deprived of all freedom, and to unite all in a common sink of slavery.’ – Lajos Kossuth
‘We must continue to have voting rights in the state, not to politicize this, but they must have a voice in the rebuilding effort in the community from which they have been displaced.’ – Marc Morial
‘I not only urge you to vote that ticket yourself, but I beg that you will persuade others to do so. Personal effort can accomplish a great deal, and I beg that you will use your personal influence with your friends to get them to go with you to save the boys.’ – Thomas Jordan Jarvis
‘The Russians obtained a number of plants under Lend-Lease, which had been authorized by Washington, that I thought were not justified for their war effort. They wanted them for postwar use.’ – W. Averell Harriman
‘There’s been a concerted effort to steal Christmas.’ – Jerry Falwell
‘Our photographs are filthier and our stories are more disgusting. We make no effort to be artistic.’ – Al Goldstein
‘Psychology keeps trying to vindicate human nature. History keeps undermining the effort.’ – Mason Cooley
‘Golf may be played on Sunday, not being a game within the view of the law, but being a form of moral effort.’ – Stephen Leacock
‘Nothing requires a greater effort of thought than arguments to justify the rule of non-thought.’ – Milan Kundera
‘Prejudices are so to speak the mechanical instincts of men: through their prejudices they do without any effort many things they would find too difficult to think through to the point of resolving to do them.’ – Georg C. Lichtenberg
‘The planet’s survival has become so uncertain that any effort, any thought that presupposes an assured future amounts to a mad gamble.’ – Elias Canetti
‘The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all women of talent and ambition for intellectual achievement.’ – Anna Garlin Spencer
‘Writing fiction is… an endless and always defeated effort to capture some quality of life without killing it.’ – Rose Wilder Lane
‘Men’s need to dominate women may be based in their own sense of marginality or emptiness; we do not know its root, and men are making no effort to discover it.’ – Marilyn French
‘Why do you think the old stories tell of men who set out on great journeys to impress the gods? Because trying to impress people just isn’t worth the time and effort.’ – Henry Rollins
‘This is a global effort we’re going to have to lead to overcome this jihadist effort. It’s more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die.’ – Mitt Romney
‘I have always made an effort to render every detail of my reality with the greatest accuracy; but I have never paid attention to whether my presentation of historical facts was an exact one.’ – Lion Feuchtwanger
‘Evil is committed without effort, naturally, fatally; goodness is always the product of some art.’ – Charles Baudelaire
‘I would like to spare the time and effort of hack reviewers and, generally, persons who move their lips when reading.’ – Vladimir Nabokov
‘Effort and result are never simultaneous. In art, only the result counts.’ – Jose Bergamin
‘Civil strife is as much a greater evil than a concerted war effort as war itself is worse than peace.’ – Herodotus
‘God and the Devil are an effort after specialization and the division of labor.’ – Samuel Butler
‘Woman, essentially a purist, is naturally bigoted and relentless in her effort to make others as good as she thinks they ought to be.’ – Emma Goldman
‘Every man who has at last succeeded, after long effort, in calling up the divinity which lies hidden in a woman’s heart, is startled to find that he must obey the God he summoned.’ – Henry Adams
‘There’s been a deliberate and systematic effort to convey to countries around the world, friends and foes, that if they cross the United States there’s a price to pay.’ – Sandy Berger
‘Our success in Singapore was a Herculean effort by the whole team. Now I am determined to deliver on all we promised. I will be watching like a hawk.’ – Sebastian Coe
‘This is a bipartisan effort. This is just good common sense. This is where the public wants us to go. They want us to not be so dependent on foreign oil.’ – Sam Brownback
‘We’re going to make every effort to keep the Saints as Louisiana’s team.’ – Paul Tagliabue
‘It is not only our duty to America, but also to Ireland. We could not hope to succeed in our effort to make Ireland a Republic without the moral and material support of the liberty-loving citizens of these United States.’ – Thomas Francis Meagher
‘All real freedom springs from necessity, for it can be gained only through the exercise of the individual will, and that will can be roused to energetic action only by the force of necessity acting upon it from the outside to spur it to effort.’ – Anna C. Brackett
‘This fact lays on us – so long as the maintenance of good relations with Russia seems to us worth an effort – the duty of satisfying Russia that she has no need to fear any invasion of her sphere of interests on Germany’s part.’ – Bernhard von Bulow
‘Every effort needs to be made to try and offset the costs of Katrina and Rita by reductions in other government programs, especially those that are wasteful, duplicative and ineffective.’ – Ben Bernanke
‘I love working with new directors. There’s so much drive and effort. It still comes down to the character for me, but if it’s a character I really want to play, I would never not do the project because of a new director.’ – Pauley Perrette
‘The effort required by your endeavor now is not as hard as dealing with your regret later.’ – Mike Hawkins
‘Leaders at the highest levels of our government are undertaking a deliberate and systematic effort to redefine our government, our economy and our country.’ – Marco Rubio
‘We will never win this war until we understand the effect that Guantanamo Bay has had on the overall war effort. And we’ll never get the support of the American people if we can’t prove to them that these folks that we’re dealing with are not common criminals. We’re going to keep them – keep you safe from them.’ – Lindsey Graham
‘We like to engage in a normal publishing effort, which is to act in a responsible manner and make sure the material is not likely to harm anyone, that it is properly investigated by quality news organizations, and by lawyers and human rights groups and so on.’ – Julian Assange
‘I believe in sex on a first date. Otherwise, how do you know if a second date is worth the effort?’ – Jacki Weaver
‘Let’s stand up. Let’s speak with pride about our morals and our values and redouble our effort to elect more conservative Republicans.’ – Rick Perry
‘Great entrepreneurs focus intensely on an opportunity where others see nothing. This focus and intensity helps to eliminate wasted effort and distractions. Most companies die from indigestion rather than starvation, i.e., companies suffer from doing too many things at the same time rather than doing too few things very well.’ – Naveen Jain
‘It’s not just Bin Laden or just those that are involved in the counterterrorism effort. We’ve gotta cast the net broader than that. But I think it’s a – very special tribute that we all owe to the bravery and courage of the men and women in the intelligence and military business who performed so well to finally get it done.’ – Dick Cheney
‘I think we need a very, very serious effort, primarily through tax policy to provide incentives and encouragement for people to save and invest and expand their businesses and to create more jobs. The kind of thing we did in the early Reagan years, 30 years ago. I think that’s essential.’ – Dick Cheney
‘And also I assert our interest in respecting all our obligations and implementing all our commitments. And will save no effort whatever to protect this newborn opportunity of peace, that is provided through what we have already declared here today.’ – Mahmoud Abbas
‘Our response has been, ‘Well, let’s then make an effort to get the Israelis and the Palestinians to sit around the table.’ That hasn’t happened. So we only have ourselves to blame for this crisis.’ – Abdullah II of Jordan
‘Iraq is part of a legitimate American effort not to have democracy everywhere but to have democracy somewhere.’ – Dinesh D’Souza
‘I’m not against government involvement in times of need. I am for recognizing that big public companies will continue to cut jobs in an effort to prop up stock prices, which in turn stimulates the need for more government involvement.’ – Mark Cuban
‘The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I, therefore, intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt.’ – Barack Obama
‘You can’t expect to make no effort. You still have to make the effort and be kind and understanding.’ – Zooey Deschanel
‘The financial crisis in our country is not a passing storm. Given the size of the problems, our national effort will not be completed in 2012. It will take many years and will require the efforts and insistence of several governments.’ – Lucas Papademos
‘I am confident that we can overcome this crisis, provided that we remain united in our effort to address our debt and competitiveness problems. And I think that the Greek people are united; it’s important also that the political forces are united in line with the will of the Greek people.’ – Lucas Papademos
‘We’ve got to give a quality effort every day and play better.’ – Mike Quade
‘I want to put some effort into a bunch of different types of videos. I don’t think I’m gonna do ‘Man On The Street’ messing with people, I don’t think I’m gonna do over-the-top wacky comedy.’ – Andy Milonakis
‘That is why we wholeheartedly support the American-led effort to free the people of Iraq. And though we are a small country with a small military, we are proud to stand side by side with our allies in the fight to end the reign of terror in Baghdad.’ – Fatos Nano
‘No part of Italian society should see itself as exempt from the effort to save Italy from collapse.’ – Giorgio Napolitano
‘With so many amazing artists on one bill, we expect this concert to be incredibly powerful in its ability to raise both money and awareness for the long-term rebuilding effort we must all support.’ – Brad Delson
‘You’ve got to make an effort on your own. Some people don’t even try.’ – David Duval
‘If I just simply let go, and allow my hand, my arm, to be more of a support system, suddenly – I have more dynamic with less effort. Much more, and I just feel, at last, one with the stick, and one with the drum.’ – Evelyn Glennie
‘Since I turned 50, I’ve had the best year of my life and I now throw as much effort into the social side of my life as I do work – more so now than ever before.’ – Carol Vorderman
‘This was our last stop. This was it. We had those two embryos that we had banked prior to learning about the breast cancer, and with the medicine she was on, this was our last effort. The prayers were answered.’ – Bill Rancic
‘I have such thin skin, so I make a concerted effort to avoid reading anything about myself.’ – Justin Long
‘I have become increasingly used to the Tory party mimicking our policies and phrases in a desperate effort to pretend to their members they are still Eurosceptic.’ – Nigel Farage
‘What the French want is coherence, stability and justice. If I am in a favorable position today, it’s because my fellow citizens want to make the effort to straighten out the country, and at the same time they want it to be just and equitable.’ – Francois Hollande
‘I think anything that requires real global breakthroughs requires a degree of intensity and sustained effort that cannot be done part time, so it’s something you have to do around the clock, and that doesn’t compute with our existing educational system.’ – Peter Thiel
‘I’ve never been a really big fan of theatre. I don’t know why. It’s so much for effort. It’s much more difficult for me than stage acting just because of the pressure that’s piled on you and you have to learn the entire performance by heart.’ – Callan McAuliffe
‘The only way you can have it all is by delegating all the running of the home to other people – which I don’t ever want to do… So you do it yourself, and it takes time and energy and effort. And if you give it the time, it’s profoundly enjoyable.’ – Emma Thompson
‘That’s what I try to do each and every week is give my best effort and not give up, no matter what comes at us.’ – Kurt Busch
‘I’ve done a lot of geeky things in my life, but I think the geekiest of all was my first effort to build props and cosplay, when I was about twelve years-old.’ – Wil Wheaton
‘You know, in a business, you have to operate on the basis of voluntary investment by individuals in a cause. With government, there is no voluntary effort to invest capital. It’s just taken and invested. And the same accountability is not at play. The same natural forces in the economy are not at play.’ – Mike Lee
‘When I’m driving I should make more of an effort with my iPod, but I’m too lazy to organise a playlist.’ – Mark Webber
‘And I think we created something incredible as a Democratic group, as a platform, as an effort to make a change in the country, and I think we did change this country. And I think we will continue to, and I know that my father is not going to stop fighting.’ – Vanessa Kerry
‘If I put forth a legitimate effort, then I feel like, if that doesn’t work out, that’s all I can do.’ – Dave Chappelle
‘I think that a president needs to have a variety of views presented. But also, there has to be a team effort, because otherwise, I think it creates a dissonance and difficulty.’ – Madeleine Albright
‘My younger son, Cordell, aka Lil Snoop, loves me like a fan loves Snoop Dogg. He’s inspired by making me happy. My older son, Corde, aka Spank, does everything I say, with effort and determination – but he does it for himself. He gets his thrill out of seeing his own results on the football field.’ – Snoop Dogg
‘I haven’t put much effort into my personal life and blithely believe it will turn out all right in the end.’ – David Walliams
‘I still love coming into work everyday after so many years working as an actress. I’ve been working more or less continuously and I find I have to really want to do the project to make it work because you have to put such an enormous amount of effort into it.’ – Amanda Burton
‘You have to remind kids to stay connected to the meaning of Christmas. Sometimes it takes a little bit of effort, but it’s so worth it.’ – Caroline Kennedy
‘If you’re playing the a historical character that’s in the public consciousness, then obviously you’ve got to make an effort to look like that person and there’s a huge amount of historical record there that you have to kind of comply to.’ – Colm Meaney
‘Necessarily, I’m always involved in casting, as any playwright is, because the whole process of putting on a play is a collaborative, organic effort on the part of a bunch of people trying to think alike.’ – David Ives
‘A free economy and strong communities honor the dignity of every person, rewarding effort with justice, promoting upward mobility, and building solidarity among citizens.’ – Paul Ryan
‘I wouldn’t mind spending a little more time and effort and money on good skin care. And I’m sure they’ll come out with, as they are doing, with more and more treatments that are noninvasive and healthy ways to keep your face looking as good as it can.’ – Catherine O’Hara
‘My wife and I love to host wine and cheese parties. They are simple and elegant and you don’t have to put a lot of effort and time into it.’ – Tyler Florence
‘While there is a great value in things that are old, it seems that the overwhelming challenge in Britain in the late 20th century is to make every effort to see value in the contemporary and in the future.’ – Stephen Bayley
‘Given Mr. Obama’s lack of experience as an executive, and his past performance in crises such as the oil spill, it is reasonable for those of us who support the effort in Afghanistan to worry that he will not be up to the job.’ – Jim Talent
‘Well, one of the things a lot of Americans don’t know, when Mitt Romney is nominated a few days from now, he will be the most experienced executive to be nominated for the presidency since Dwight Eisenhower in 1952, who had run a university and had run the allied war effort. That’s actually a big deal.’ – Artur Davis
‘Often, when you’ve reached a very high level of achievement, you almost become paralyzed by the idea that anything you might do might be imperfect. Perfection is just the striving, the effort, the struggle, but it’s hard to remember that.’ – Gelsey Kirkland
‘I really don’t make a concerted effort to try to find a type of role. Maybe I’ve just done enough of them now where people are like, ‘Oh, it’s the guy that’s in a swirling vortex of despair, send it to Kinnear!’ I don’t really know, but it does seem to be a recurring theme.’ – Greg Kinnear
‘A candidate who tries to steer a path down the middle in an effort to ‘win independents’ runs the risk of convincing everyone that they have no core values. As much as – or more than – any other voters, independents want to see conviction and authenticity.’ – John Sununu
‘The campaigns of Steve Forbes, Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, and John McCain all outperformed expectations on their support from independent voters. They made no effort to shy away from ideology, but conveyed to voters that their policies were driven by principle, not party talking points.’ – John Sununu
‘Team Obama continues to dominate new media, spending far more effort and money than Team Romney in targeted online youth outreach.’ – Jennifer Granholm
‘I probably didn’t put forth the effort I should have put forth, didn’t realize the value of education until I went to college.’ – Jamie Moyer
‘If you’ve seen a photo of me from when I was a kid, I don’t think anyone would have expected that going in front of the camera was something that I was going to do. I can’t believe how little effort my parents put into making me seem like an appealing little girl.’ – Mindy Kaling
‘I really don’t make a concerted effort to try to find a type of role.’ – Greg Kinnear
‘I don’t feel I’m making a conscious effort to go more commercial.’ – Guy Pearce
‘I don’t think the Egyptian people want to see what is a very clear effort to obtain political and economic rights turn into any kind of new form of oppression or suppression or violence or letting loose criminal elements.’ – Hillary Clinton
‘Over the past two years, the Obama Administration and USDA have worked to build a foundation for sustainable economic growth in rural America. At the center of our vision is an effort to increase domestic production and use of renewable energy.’ – Tom Vilsack
‘When we are reporting the news, we make every effort to report it in as factual way as possible.’ – Joshua Micah Marshall
‘I am a bit biased. I co-chair the campaign effort of George W. Bush.’ – Katherine Harris
‘Short of baseball and my family, it was gaming. And gaming is a $20-million to $200-million multi-year effort. It’s an insane, stupid and utterly irresponsible act. But I did it.’ – Curt Schilling
‘Making an effort is polite, and getting ready and looking after yourself makes an event more fun.’ – Jude Law
‘It’s important to make a statement, but don’t kill yourself over it. You have to make an effort, but not go overboard.’ – Alexandra Roach
‘I’ve actually thought very little about solo work up until just very recently. Most of it is because in my band, Incubus, it is very much a collaborative effort. I do what I do in the band, and everyone plays their respective parts, but in the end, we are sort of a democratic process.’ – Brandon Boyd
‘What I have appreciated about the ‘Call of Duty’ games is the scale of production. It’s not an indie game. It’s not trying to be an indie game. But I’ve genuinely been pretty consistently blown away by, wow, what an effort has gone into this.’ – Trent Reznor
‘We are a big country, with lots of advantages and history. We are proud to be French. We have to call on patriotism at this time… to ask for an effort in the battle against debt.’ – Francois Hollande
‘If a book I’ve committed myself to review turns out to be ‘disappointing’ I make an effort to present it objectively to the reader, including a good number of excerpts from the text, so that the reader might form his or her own opinion independent of my own.’ – Joyce Carol Oates
‘The Beijing Olympics and the Shanghai World Expo show just how much effort China is willing to spend to enter the global stage. But while China desires to understand the world, it fails to accept its universal values.’ – Ai Weiwei
‘China has not established the rule of law and if there is a power above the law there is no social justice. Everybody can be subjected to harm. I’m just a citizen: my life is equal in value to any other. But I’m thankful that when I lost my freedom so many people shared feelings and put such touching effort into helping me.’ – Ai Weiwei
‘If you can attribute your success entirely to your own mental effort, to your own attitude, to some spiritual essence that you have that is better than other people’s, then that must feel pretty good.’ – Barbara Ehrenreich
‘Genre-spanning is the effort to make the live show interesting. It’s also a great way to challenge yourself as a writer.’ – Jason Mraz
‘Well, first let me say that I think health care reform is important. It has to be a priority. And our system is broken. The Finance Committee bill is the best effort yet, due in large measure to the efforts of my colleague, Olympia Snowe, but it’s not there yet. It falls short.’ – Susan Collins
‘Blanket objection is not very reasonable to me – any effort to control scientific advances is doomed to fail.’ – Joseph Murray
‘We don’t have any intention whatsoever to use military force to solve the Palestinian problem. But when it comes to terror – when it comes to terror, I believe that military – the right military steps is a very, very complicated kind of warfare, where I make every effort not to escalate the situation.’ – Ariel Sharon
‘Israel has many hopes, and faces extreme dangers. The most prominent danger is Iran, which is making every effort to acquire nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, and establishing an enormous terror network together with Syria in Lebanon.’ – Ariel Sharon
‘If there will be a serious Palestinian prime minister who makes a 100 percent effort to end terrorism, then we can have peace. Each side has to take steps. If terror continues, there will not be an independent Palestinian state. Israel will not accept it, if terror continues.’ – Ariel Sharon
‘And, I mean, I think poetry does need to be met to some extent, especially, I guess, 19th century poetry, and for me, it’s just been so worth the effort. It’s like I’m planting a garden in my head.’ – Jane Campion
‘I don’t like it when people are trying too hard. That goes for clothes, for acting, for everything. It’s just not good when it seems like you’re making too much of an effort.’ – Clive Owen
‘Probably the reason it’s a little hard to break away from the album format completely is, if you’re getting a band together in the studio, it makes financial sense to do more than one song at a time. And it makes more sense, if you’re going to all the effort of performing and doing whatever else, if there’s a kind of bundle.’ – David Byrne
‘I think to make any relationship work it just takes a tremendous amount of effort and accepting of one another.’ – Rebecca Romijn
‘The Unites States used to use law enforcement to aggressively target North Korea illicit activities – counterfeiting U.S. currency, drug-running, counterfeit cigarettes and pharmaceuticals – until diplomacy gutted those efforts. The effort should be reinvigorated.’ – Ed Royce
‘Where I would fault President Bush the most was that, in the wake of 9/11, he motivated our military, but he didn’t call the nation into a state of war. And he didn’t explain that this would take though a communal effort against common foe.’ – Frank Miller
‘My own style is one of not much effort.’ – Freema Agyeman
‘Everyone is slowly catching on to this one – and I know everyone says this – but we need to make a little more effort with the environment. Everyone says they turn off their lights, but do they really?’ – Jamie Bell
‘It’s nice to always make an effort when you get photographed.’ – Rita Ora
‘Horrible things happen when you run out of other people’s money, and life and work becomes a burden when there is no reward for your effort.’ – Tammy Bruce
‘I was educated to think maybe Brazil works, maybe it doesn’t. But I decided I am going to make this country work for my children. I am investing all my effort now in making Brazil a great country.’ – Eike Batista
‘Under President Obama, we have spent more money – he has spent more money than any other president in this history, actually, the combined total from Washington up to George W. Bush. President Obama has racked up more spending, $1 trillion deficits. And it’s time that he join us in this effort to get our fiscal house in order.’ – Cathy McMorris Rodgers
‘When I step into a character’s shoes, I don’t judge them. I make a conscious effort not to look from the outside in but look from the inside out, and when you do that it allows you to feel and sense things more, and act and react from a core, you know?’ – Abbie Cornish
‘I really believe in the environmental movement right now – it only takes a little effort to make a big difference.’ – Brooke Burke
‘I’m not a selfish actor. I believe that it’s a team effort. You’re not in a scene by yourself.’ – Taraji P. Henson
‘The last couple relationships I had were long distance. It’s not like I can make much of an effort to travel and see anybody. The guy had to do all the work, unfortunately.’ – Holly Madison
‘I would say at times I am a ‘Glamoholic.’ But I am definitely more laid back than glamorous. I think it takes a lot of effort and sometimes I just want to be in jeans.’ – Sarah Hyland
‘My childhood dreams were focused on being part of the effort to make humanity a multiplanetary species.’ – Peter Diamandis
‘I wish I could say I was one of those people who loves working out, but I don’t; it’s just not that fun. But I make an effort to work out aggressively three times a week.’ – Gail Simmons
‘In high school I became a vegetarian more times than I can now remember, most often as an effort to claim some identity in a world of people whose identities seemed to come effortlessly.’ – Jonathan Safran Foer
‘You never really get a chance to sit down with the people you love, unless you really make an effort to do it. It doesn’t just happen naturally anymore.’ – Amos Lee
‘Sometimes I think your face and your bearing and your energy have so much more to do with the jobs you get than the actual work and the time and the effort that you put in, or the talent even.’ – Elizabeth Reaser
‘But I just think I was lucky enough to figure out early on that I wanted to do comedy, so that’s what I put all my effort into.’ – Donald Glover
‘In fact, I believe the first companies that make an effort to develop an authentic, transparent, and meaningful social contract with their fans and customers will turn out to be the ones that are the most successful in the future. While brands that refuse to make the effort will lose stature and customer loyalty.’ – Simon Mainwaring
‘I love it if a man makes an effort to get to know my parents and sisters. Getting to know the people who matter to me goes a long way.’ – Summer Glau
‘When you come to America, it’s a very serious thing. It’s not like you arrive and they say, ‘Hey, come on! Do movies!’ I can’t just be hopping around. I have to focus and be still and make sure that I put the time and effort in. Because if I don’t, I could lose it like that.’ – Maggie Q
‘What my work is, is my approach to it. It’s the practice. And my work is about the effort that I make to get there. And I think if there’s anything artistic, it’s in that middle space.’ – Anna Deavere Smith
‘In the last ten years of watching films I have found that some of the foreign films I saw affected me most. One American film that stands out for me for its workmanship and artistry is ‘Ratatouille.’ It was an astonishing effort in filmmaking.’ – Irvin Kershner
‘I’ve learned not to let it be the end of the world if a boy doesn’t like you. I used to put so much effort into boys. I started playing guitar because I wanted to impress this boy. Then, I ended up in love with guitar and I didn’t care about the boy anymore.’ – Ellie Goulding
‘After I’d been in college for a couple years I’d read Shakespeare and Frost and Chaucer and the poets of the Harlem Renaissance. I’d come to appreciate how gorgeous the English language could be. But most fantasy novels didn’t seem to make the effort.’ – Patrick Rothfuss
‘At Lackland Air Force Base, they make an effort to retrain military dogs that suffer from PTSD. It’s a lengthy, long process. The treatment is much the same as it would be for people, but it’s a difficult road back.’ – Robert Crais
‘I made a very conscious effort to finish ‘The Cypress House’ before ‘So Cold the River’ launched, because I thought that would help build a buffer between my writing and any impact that came from either the success or the failure of that first book.’ – Michael Koryta
‘My thing is, I like to do things as long as they’re relatively fluid or easy. Not to say that there isn’t any effort involved in making something happen, but I don’t like to push things or force things too much.’ – Reggie Watts
‘Finding a writer who can write decent kids’ dialog and finding kids that can act realistically and not ‘cute’ is an effort.’ – Joe Dante
‘I wasn’t the brightest kid, not by a long shot. I was interested in football, in girls, in getting my work done with the least amount of effort.’ – Thomas J. Sargent
‘I think a lot of humor is about distracting yourself. Pretend you’re not trying to make it funny. Because for some reason the effort to be funny smells like sulphur in our culture.’ – Sloane Crosley
‘There should be no effort, consciously or otherwise, that will lead to the erosion of institutional credibility and authority.’ – Pratibha Patil
‘There is a quite a lot of effort involved but I find action sequences some of the quickest to write and the most fun.’ – Iain Banks
‘I am firmly of the opinion that women who make a lot of effort to hang onto their looks in middle age (unless they are beauties, entertainers or prostitutes) are rather sad, as one should surely have something more substantial to recommend one by this time, such as kindness or cleverness.’ – Julie Burchill
‘When the initial effort of political and business leaders to influence public opinion on an issue is to threaten rather than to engage and persuade, they further arouse public opposition rather than win support.’ – Preston Manning
‘With so much at risk, you might expect Australia to be at the forefront of the clean-energy revolution and the international effort to cut carbon pollution. After all, the continent’s vast, empty deserts were practically designed for solar-power installations.’ – Jeff Goodell
‘Very often, people will come out and say, ‘Greeks aren’t doing things, Greeks aren’t making changes, there’s no reform,’ That is hogwash. We have made a huge effort. The Greek people have made a huge effort.’ – George Papandreou
‘When things could’ve gone really bad, rugby caught my interest and I really stuck with it. The sport brought me, maybe off the streets where we’d be fighting, into putting in a good effort in the rugby field where you’re kind of rewarded for that rough behaviour instead of in trouble with the law.’ – Daniel Cudmore
‘You should make an effort on stage because it’s a performance. The stage should be glittery and camp, but I don’t go down the shops in full stage gear.’ – Sophie Ellis-Bextor
‘I think we can really use magic in a way never attempted before to inspire these children, help rally their self-confidence and even help them develop social skills. This is a national effort, not just here in Las Vegas. I know we can give them a true passion.’ – Criss Angel
‘I would say, as an entrepreneur everything you do – every action you take in product development, in marketing, every conversation you have, everything you do – is an experiment. If you can conceptualize your work not as building features, not as launching campaigns, but as running experiments, you can get radically more done with less effort.’ – Eric Ries
‘It’s very flattering when you look into the crowd and people have made an effort and dressed in your style.’ – Florence Welch
‘I live by the philosophy that beauty starts from within, and I make a conscious effort to fill my body with nutrients through the food I eat.’ – Miranda Kerr
‘I went to go see ‘Final Destination’ which you have to be 17 and over to see and they’re like ‘Uh, we need to see your I.D.’ Here’s the really funny thing is that I actually had done my hair and makeup that day. If I don’t do my hair and makeup I can understand it but I had actually made an effort to look older.’ – Kay Panabaker
‘I’ve seen how much effort has to go into a tour, the performance and also how to look after yourself, not just physically, but mentally too.’ – Tinie Tempah
‘Every major federal campaign-finance-reform effort since 1943 has attempted to treat corporations and unions equally. If a limit applied to corporations, it applied to unions; if unions could form PACs, corporations could too; and so on. DISCLOSE is the first major campaign-finance bill that has not taken this approach.’ – Bradley A. Smith
‘I’m a Vietnam veteran. I was here when there was no public support, not just for the effort in Vietnam, for the mission in Vietnam, but for our men and women in uniform.’ – Michael Mullen
‘In 2007 the ‘dagger’ of an idea that killed President Bush’s effort at reforming the immigration system was lax border security.’ – Juan Williams
‘The true principle of taxation is the benefit principle – those who benefit from a government service should pay for it. It’s also known as the ‘user pay’ principle. Every effort should be made to link the payment of taxes or fees to the cost associated with the government service.’ – Mark Skousen
‘Dressing up is like therapy; I feel better in myself when I’ve made an effort.’ – Paloma Faith
”Marbles’ really took so much and such a thorough effort from me that I was so happy to tie that up and have it feel satisfying.’ – Ellen Forney
‘The thing about music is it’s not an obscure pursuit, it’s a very natural thing for human beings to do. Once you put in the effort, the learning curve is very fast.’ – Grimes
‘I used to pride myself on being the first in the office in the morning and one of the last to leave at night. Now, that’s so dated: It’s not about effort, it’s about outcomes.’ – Maynard Webb
‘Change takes effort. And the reality is, most people don’t want to put in effort to better their life.’ – Cesar Millan
‘In ’77 there was no Internet, there was no Twitter or Facebook, and I think that, without being some old git who hates anything new, people’s attention spans are too short. Back then you had ‘Top Of The Pops’ and ‘Melody Maker,’ and you had to make the effort to go to a show so that you absorbed the culture of music.’ – Steve Jones
‘The effort to create a work of art that is true and potentially lasting, that is the very best work of art you can create at that point in your life – a book that may only reach or move a few people but will seem to those people somehow transformative. That’s the ideal; that’s always the motivation.’ – Claire Messud
‘In 2012 there was a megafoolish, if well-funded, effort by a group called Americans Elect to raise an independent Cincinnatus to run for president via an Internet draft. It flopped, spectacularly.’ – Joe Klein
‘Obviously, the death of Usama Bin Laden marked a strategic milestone in our effort to defeat al-Qa’ida. Unfortunately, Bin Laden’s death, and the death and capture of many other al-Qa’ida leaders and operatives, does not mark the end of that terrorist organization or its efforts to attack the United States and other countries.’ – John O. Brennan
‘I think what makes good children’s books is putting the same care and effort into it as if I was writing for adults. I don’t write anything – put anything in my books – that I’d be embarrassed to put in an adult book.’ – Louis Sachar
‘I applaud the effort it takes to put a record together.’ – John Lydon
‘I’ve always thought things were absurd. It would take a lot more effort for me to see things as reasonable.’ – Joshua Ferris
‘We apply our effort to be mindful, to be aware in this very moment, right here and now, and we bring a very wholehearted effort to it. This brings concentration. It is this power of concentration that we use to cut through the world of surface appearances to get to a much deeper reality.’ – Sharon Salzberg
‘Meditation is not the construction of something foreign, it is not an effort to attain and then hold on to a particular experience. We may have a secret desire that through meditation we will accumulate a stockpile of magical experiences, or at least a mystical trophy or two, and then we will be able to proudly display them for others to see.’ – Sharon Salzberg
‘Kids take work, effort, love, blood, sweat and tears and are a full time job. You have to commit, for better or worse and then give your all and hope for the best. The one thing you can never, ever do is give up and say, ‘Oooops, never mind, my bad, you can take this one back!” – Dale Archer
‘The most interesting statistic, stunning statistic that came out of my research was that in 1942, as this war production effort is going on, the number of Americans killed or injured in war-related industries surpassed the number of Americans in uniform killed and wounded in action in the war by a factor of 20 to 1.’ – Arthur L. Herman
‘People put so much effort into starting a relationship and so little effort into ending one.’ – Marina Abramovic
‘What we Americans go through to pick a president is not only crazy and unnecessary but genuinely abusive. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent in a craven, cynical effort to stir up hatred and anger on both sides.’ – Matt Taibbi
‘I came to the big city and I started to get involved in the punk scene and stuff, and I wanted to sort of brand myself. I made a pretty conscious effort to be a different type of person.’ – Seth
‘Some women are convinced that they are the same size they were 20 years ago. They also wear clothes that are too big in an effort to hide their body. Both cases are unflattering and work against your body. Some women are in denial about changing.’ – Stacy London
‘Rhythm is born in all of us. To be a desirable dancing partner, you don’t have to do all the intricate fancy steps that happen to be in vogue. All you have to do is be a good average dancer, and anybody who spends the time and effort can accomplish this.’ – Ginger Rogers
‘Many have a vague idea that they must make some wonderful effort in order to gain the favor of God. But all self-dependence is vain. It is only by connecting with Jesus through faith that the sinner becomes a hopeful, believing child of God.’ – Ellen G. White
‘Ministers should impress upon the people the necessity of individual effort. No church can flourish unless its members are workers. The people must lift where the ministers lift.’ – Ellen G. White
‘Over many years, the United States has worked to persuade and compel governments around the world to abide by the rules. By spurning our own rules, we put that effort at risk.’ – Anthony Lewis
‘It’s interesting when you’re trying to create a character in animation. It’s really a communal effort.’ – Steve Carell
‘Be kind. It’s worthwhile to make an effort to learn about other people and figure out what you might have in common with them. If you allow yourself to be somewhat curious – and if you get into the habit of doing that – it’s the first step to being open minded and realizing that your points of view aren’t totally opposite.’ – Viggo Mortensen
‘My idea of writing is of unflinching and continual effort, somehow trying to find the right words until you reach a point where you can make no further progress and you either have something or you don’t.’ – James Salter
‘One’s appearance bespeaks dignity corresponding to the depth of his character. One’s concentrated effort, serene attitude, taciturn air, courteous disposition, thoroughly polite bearing, gritted teeth with a piercing look – each of these reveals dignity. Such outward appearance, in short, comes from constant attentiveness and seriousness.’ – Yamamoto Tsunetomo
‘Before we come to a challenging situation, before the universe squeezes us, how much of our effort is geared toward the reason we came to this world? The more focus we have on the front end, the less focus we end up needing on the back end.’ – Yehuda Berg
‘America is full of readers of all different sorts who love books in many different ways, and I keep meeting them. And I think editors should look after them, and make less effort to please people who don’t actually like books.’ – A. S. Byatt
‘A liberal public is interesting to have as an audience. It is for that very reason that corporations make such an effort to ally themselves with cultural institutions.’ – Hans Haacke
‘Men’s moral principles are weak enough without their being made subordinate to selfishness; and their selfishness is quite active enough, without any such effort as Christianity makes to constitute it the mainspring of all their conduct.’ – Lysander Spooner
‘To be sure, governments will remain critical to any comprehensive effort to save our planet.’ – Lawrence Bender
‘Earth as an ecosystem stands out in the all of the universe. There’s no place that we know about that can support life as we know it, not even our sister planet, Mars, where we might set up housekeeping someday, but at great effort and trouble we have to recreate the things we take for granted here.’ – Sylvia Earle
‘Mind you, physical training doesn’t necessarily mean going to an expert for advice. One doesn’t have to make a mountain out of a molehill. Get out in the fresh air and walk briskly – and don’t forget to wear a smile while you’re at it. Don’t over-do. Take it easy at first and build on your effort day by day.’ – Douglas Fairbanks
‘There were high school coaches such as Charles Boston that took me under his wing and taught me the fundamentals of football. And when I went to college there was Robert Hill who took me there and he showed me what hard work and determination would do if you put forth the effort and you take a little time.’ – Walter Payton
‘Whatever requires an undue amount of thought or trouble or involves a large expenditure of effort and causes our whole life to revolve, as it were, around solicitude for the flesh must be avoided by Christians.’ – Saint Basil
‘People really are looking for this perfect sort of dream person, but it’s hard to go out every night or make the effort to meet people in your hometown, if you haven’t already met them all. Online there’s this infinite possibility of meeting this person who, no matter where they live, you’re meant to be with.’ – Nev Schulman
‘Screenwriting is a much more collaborative effort. When you write a novel, it’s just you, with input from your editor.’ – Meg Cabot
‘Working together in concert more smoothly not only helps us move more quickly; it changes the nature of what we can undertake. When we have the confidence that we can orchestrate the group effort required to realize them, we dare bigger dreams.’ – Justin Rosenstein
‘When I see films made from books, I make a huge effort not to remember the book. It’s important to see the film as a film.’ – Kazuo Ishiguro
‘Reaganism as a political movement has enormous resources behind it and it seeks – through stagecraft and through a tremendous level of effort toward propaganda – to present an image of Reagan that is so much larger-than-life that it sort of blinds us all, and keeps us all in a warm, happy, nostalgic state, thinking of a man who can do no wrong.’ – Eugene Jarecki
‘You don’t want to get stuck with a record that you’ve done with someone that you feel obligated to put out – that’s not really dope, just because you made an effort to get together and work.’ – Yelawolf
‘I’ve found that when everyone rallies behind a cause, and when they learn their effort can contribute something bigger, they get engaged.’ – Aaron Koblin
‘The Grand Old Party’s abiding affection for a ‘bigger and better’ presidency isn’t entirely logical. After all, the Obama presidency commenced with an effort to reenact the Hundred Days. Yet President Obama’s first-term economic performance itself was not ‘big’ but mediocre – tiny, even.’ – Amity Shlaes
‘I often look at women who wear great jeans and high heels and nice little T-shirts wandering around the city, and I think, ‘I should make more of an effort. I should look like that.’ But then I think, ‘They can’t be happy in those heels.” – Kate Winslet
‘You have to make the effort with children. You can’t have them thinking that I reckon I’m special, otherwise they’ll start thinking they’re special. I want them to feel normal for as long as possible because God knows they’ll reach an age when they’ll be told they’re not.’ – Noel Gallagher
‘Those places I don’t understand, just doing bad food. It takes some doing. Making good pasta is so much easier than making bad stuff. It actually takes quite an effort to make poor linguine pomodora.’ – Anthony Bourdain
‘Be kind. It’s worthwhile to make an effort to learn about other people and figure out what you might have in common with them.’ – Viggo Mortensen
‘In principle, I think the idea of rewarding a good effort is interesting, but movies are generally different from each other as are performances and the conditions on how the performances are given and how they’re edited and so forth.’ – Viggo Mortensen
‘If I’m in work mode and going to meetings, I’ll make an effort and dress up, but when I’m at home or just chilling, I’m in beanies and jeans and sneakers.’ – Maia Mitchell
‘I should have liked to get married, but over many decades I have lived essentially alone. I go to sleep when I’m tired, get up when I wake up, have my food prepared when I’m hungry. I can’t bear the thought that I’d have to coincide, make an effort.’ – Felix Dennis
‘Many people struggle with losing weight and then regaining it. But there is no convincing evidence that the effort to lose weight actually promotes more weight gain in the long run.’ – Francis Collins
‘I can sing fine and I can play guitar fine, but put ’em together and it becomes a thoughtful effort.’ – Jerry Cantrell
‘When it costs you the same amount of manufacturing effort to make advanced robotic parts as it does to manufacture a paperweight, that really changes things in a profound way.’ – Hod Lipson
‘Futures thinking is hard work. Fortunately, you do get better at it with practice. It’s worth the effort.’ – Jamais Cascio
‘We all know the place you’re in has a big impact on how you feel. How you feel has an impact on the quality of work. Why wouldn’t we put a lot of effort into making the place we work as efficient and productive and pleasant as possible?’ – Jesse Schell
‘After Obama became president, I realized that black people could not have put him in the White House – it had to be a collective effort of everybody in the country.’ – Tyler Perry
‘The people in my life are friends I have by choice. I’ve made a conscious effort to have them in life. I only have the time and energy for so many people, which has cut down my friend group to a handful, but I’m so much happier with fewer good people, who really do know me.’ – Gillian Zinser
‘I had one of my best years in 1991; I was 31. I made a renewed effort to work harder. I got better at my diet. I paid attention to how much sleep I got. I was always someone of routine. I became more strict.’ – Cal Ripken, Jr.
‘All I really try and do is live up to my potential and do as well as I possibly could and to bring to the ballpark each and every day a good effort and do the best that I could each and every day.’ – Cal Ripken, Jr.
‘I will say this: the first film that I was on was ‘In the Heat of the Night’, that Norman Jewison directed with Sidney Poitier. I’m on the set, and I’m totally taking it for granted. Everyone is working for everyone else and pulling for the very best, and it makes everyone better because you feel that effort and concern and appreciation.’ – Scott Wilson
‘It’s so easy to settle for less than God’s best for us because we don’t always feel like taking responsibility for our behavior or putting forth some effort to do what we need to do so we can accomplish great things for God and help people. But the cost of settling for less is actually harder than being completely obedient to God’s will.’ – Joyce Meyer
‘There is absolutely no power in our human effort to live holy. It is only by His grace. And the result of receiving grace is we get better at living like Christ, which is something we all want, right?’ – Joyce Meyer
‘There’s something fun about the road because there’s no 9 to 5. But I do find myself making the effort to take some time off. As much as I don’t want to, I have to. I need to reset. I love weeks off, because I can go in the studio and just be creative again.’ – Hunter Hayes
‘I often find during a day of shooting I will speak in an American accent all day long when I’m doing dialogue. At the end of the day, it often takes an effort when I’m talking to my fiancee to bring my English back just because you’re so used to speaking that way.’ – Henry Cavill
‘I’ve been married, divorced; I’ve been the baby momma, the side piece and the secret… all of these things. I share it in an effort to make people better.’ – Niecy Nash
‘You may not be able to help whom you are attracted to, but you can choose to whom you love and how. That is to say that love is a commitment that your heart and your mind make. It is an active and ever-evolving process, a conscious choice that takes effort and maintenance.’ – Niecy Nash
‘Remember, what does ‘retirement’ mean? It doesn’t mean that you’re a couch potato. Leisure is not the same thing as rest. If you’re bicycling five miles a day, that’s leisure, but it certainly takes a lot of effort.’ – Robert Fogel
‘I don’t give away my shoes to celebrities for free. I’m only happy when people like what I do and make the effort to buy them. I would not be happy to see people in my shoes if I knew that they had to be paid to do it, that they had to be pushed.’ – Christian Louboutin
‘Gold medals are made out of your sweat, blood and tears, and effort in the gym every day, and sacrificing a lot.’ – Gabby Douglas
‘There are many things that happen every day that we could murmur about if we let ourselves go there. But they really aren’t worth the effort it takes to get upset and gripe about it.’ – Joyce Meyer
‘Pause today and notice something you have worked hard on and recognize yourself for it. Acknowledge your effort.’ – Kristin Armstrong
‘You know, I think that romance sort of coincides with effort, so you can fall flat on your face, but as long as you’re making a great effort, I think it comes off as romantic.’ – Ashton Kutcher
‘I think that romance sort of coincides with effort, so you can fall flat on your face, but as long as you’re making a great effort, I think it comes off as romantic. So it can be something as simple as, like, if you’re someone who doesn’t cook, you can make a meal.’ – Ashton Kutcher
‘There was a time that I was only known for being a plagiarist. It used to hurt at times because there was so much effort I was putting into music. And instead of that, it was a couple tunes that I had reproduced from folk songs to remake as film songs, which were being written about.’ – Pritam Chakraborty
‘Because Jesus came to secure for us what we could never secure for ourselves, life doesn’t have to be a tireless effort to establish ourselves, justify ourselves, validate ourselves.’ – Tullian Tchividjian
‘Even political insiders recognize that years of political effort on behalf of Evangelical Christians have generated little cultural gain.’ – Tullian Tchividjian
‘From childhood, I have been more of a musician than a singer. People close to me know how much effort I put into practising. Even when I am travelling, I have my tanpura on my iPhone.’ – Sonu Nigam
‘It’s cool when people notice that you make an effort to live certain values.’ – David Archuleta
‘There’s a lot of really talented people in Utah, people who would really make an effort to make the music the best that it could be and as emotional as it could be.’ – David Archuleta
‘Most every book I bring into the world is like birthing a baby; it’s a lot of effort!’ – Barbara Kingsolver
‘I realized very early in life what my abilities and limitations were, and foreign languages was definitely one of my limitations. With strenuous effort, I just barely passed my French class at Harvard so I could graduate.’ – Michio Kaku
‘I regret I didn’t ever learn how to fly a plane. I had the opportunity when I started to make some money, and I regret I didn’t really take the time out and put the effort in and do that.’ – Jimmy Cliff
”The Last Starfighter’ was the first movie I did in the U.S. It was an absolute joy to be a part of it. ‘Night of the Comet’ was a labor of love. Truly a collaborative effort. I am eternally grateful for the experiences.’ – Catherine Mary Stewart
‘Apparently a great many people have forgotten that the framers of our Constitution went to such great effort to create an independent judicial branch that would not be subject to retaliation by either the executive branch or the legislative branch because of some decision made by those judges.’ – Sandra Day O’Connor
‘Here’s the thing about Red Sox fans, or actually just fans from that region, in general: they appreciate the effort. And if you mail it in or if you give 80 percent, even with a win, they’ll let you know that’s not how you do it. They want – if it’s comedian, if it’s a musician, bring us your best show.’ – Dane Cook