‘The scar on my eye is a result of the doctor’s sewing up my face. It was 450 stitches and plastic surgery.’ – Charlie Puth

‘The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind; the lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity.’ – Arthur Schopenhauer

‘When I was born I was so ugly the doctor slapped my mother.’ – Rodney Dangerfield

‘Whatever you do, do with determination. You have one life to live; do your work with passion and give your best. Whether you want to be a chef, doctor, actor, or a mother, be passionate to get the best result.’ – Alia Bhatt

‘A doctor gave a man six months to live. The man couldn’t pay his bill, so he gave him another six months.’ – Henny Youngman

‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.’ – Jesus Christ

‘Myself when young did eagerly frequent doctor and saint, and heard great argument about it and about: but evermore came out by the same door as in I went.’ – Omar Khayyam

‘Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.’ – Marcel Proust

‘My doctor tells me I should start slowing it down – but there are more old drunks than there are old doctors so let’s all have another round.’ – Willie Nelson

‘Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.’ – Erma Bombeck

‘My doctor told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother.’ – Wilma Rudolph

‘My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people.’ – Orson Welles

‘The decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal decision between a woman, her family, her doctor, her God; not her government, and not the public at large.’ – Margaret Hoover

‘The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says: It’s a girl.’ – Shirley Chisholm

‘The idea of winning a doctor’s degree gradually assumed the aspect of a great moral struggle, and the moral fight possessed immense attraction for me.’ – Elizabeth Blackwell

‘The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and the cause and prevention of disease.’ – Thomas A. Edison

‘I’m not feeling very well – I need a doctor immediately. Ring the nearest golf course.’ – Groucho Marx

‘When a doctor does go wrong he is the first of criminals. He has nerve and he has knowledge.’ – Arthur Conan Doyle

‘My doctor told me that jogging could add years to my life. I think he was right. I feel ten years older already.’ – Milton Berle

‘A woman tells her doctor, ‘I’ve got a bad back.’ The doctor says, ‘It’s old age.’ The woman says, ‘I want a second opinion.’ The doctor says: ‘Okay – you’re ugly as well.’ – Tommy Cooper’ – Tommy Cooper

‘I was sent off to study in Georgia to keep me from movies. When I outgrow this film career, I will become a practicing doctor. I want to specialize in cardiology.’ – Sai Pallavi

‘The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merryman.’ – Jonathan Swift

‘Time is generally the best doctor.’ – Ovid

‘You know what they call the fellow who finishes last in his medical school graduating class? They call him ‘Doctor.” – Abe Lemons

‘As any doctor can tell you, the most crucial step toward healing is having the right diagnosis. If the disease is precisely identified, a good resolution is far more likely. Conversely, a bad diagnosis usually means a bad outcome, no matter how skilled the physician.’ – Andrew Weil

‘How can a doctor judge a woman’s sanity by merely bidding her good morning and refusing to hear her pleas for release? Even the sick ones know it is useless to say anything, for the answer will be that it is their imagination.’ – Nellie Bly

‘Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm.’ – Hippocrates

‘My doctor told me I shouldn’t work out until I’m in better shape. I told him, ‘All right; don’t send me a bill until I pay you.” – Steven Wright

‘A doctor is not a mechanic. A car doesn’t react with a mechanic, but a human being does.’ – Randa Haines

‘To me, supplements are a necessity, not a luxury. I think of them as medicine: Instead of asking a doctor to prescribe me a drug when I’m ill, I’d rather take something that can help me avoid getting sick in the first place.’ – Laird Hamilton

‘If God truly wanted me to stop, all He’d have to do is have one doctor at the Mayo Clinic find something wrong with my brain. Just one little CAT scan showing any sign of trauma or damage, and I’d be done.’ – Roy Jones Jr.

‘Joy, temperance, and repose, slam the door on the doctor’s nose.’ – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

‘The doctor should be opaque to his patients and, like a mirror, should show them nothing but what is shown to him.’ – Sigmund Freud

‘Don’t bring your need to the marketplace, bring your skill. If you don’t feel well, tell your doctor, but not the marketplace. If you need money, go to the bank, but not the marketplace.’ – Jim Rohn

‘People with visions should go to the doctor.’ – Helmut Schmidt

‘A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.’ – Frank Lloyd Wright

‘You may not be able to read a doctor’s handwriting and prescription, but you’ll notice his bills are neatly typewritten.’ – Earl Wilson

‘Becoming a writer is not a ‘career decision’ like becoming a doctor or a policeman. You don’t choose it so much as get chosen, and once you accept the fact that you’re not fit for anything else, you have to be prepared to walk a long, hard road for the rest of your days.’ – Paul Auster

‘The best doctor is the one you run to and can’t find.’ – Denis Diderot

‘We are two brothers: I am a doctor; my brother is an engineer.’ – Bassem Youssef

‘In the history of medicine, it is not always the great scientist or the learned doctor who goes forward to discover new fields, new avenues, new ideas.’ – Elizabeth Kenny

‘It’s when children are 15, 16 or 17 that they decide whether they want to be a doctor, an engineer, a politician or go to the Mars or moon. That is the time they start having a dream, and that’s the time you can work on them. You can help them shape their dreams.’ – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

‘My mother took great relish in introducing me as ‘This is my son – he’s a doctor but not the kind that helps people.” – Randy Pausch

‘I recently went to a new doctor and noticed he was located in something called the Professional Building. I felt better right away.’ – George Carlin

‘I mean some doctor told me I had six months to live and I went to their funeral.’ – Keith Richards

‘I’m not a comedian. And I’m not sick. The world is sick, and I’m the doctor. I’m a surgeon with a scalpel for false values.’ – Lenny Bruce

‘When you look at how much we spend on social programs in our country, it separates us from a lot of countries. In our country, if you’re hungry, we’ll feed you. If you’re homeless, we’ll house you. If you’re too poor to be sick, we’ll pay for your doctor. But all of that comes at a cost.’ – John Kennedy

‘There is no employing class, no working class, no farming class. You may pigeonhole a man or woman as a farmer or a worker or a professional man or an employer or even a banker. But the son of the farmer will be a doctor or a worker or even a banker, and his daughter a teacher. The son of a worker will be an employer – or maybe president.’ – Herbert Hoover

‘America is sick and tired of spending hour upon hour sitting in their automobile trying to get to work, trying to get kids to school, trying to get to a doctor’s appointment.’ – Greg Abbott

‘The moment my doctor told me, I went silent. My mum and dad were with me, then we all went to pieces. I was saying, No, I’ve got my flight to Sydney in two hours. I’m getting on a plane.’ – Kylie Minogue

‘My father is a doctor and my mother ran the local pharmacy. Growing up, I saw firsthand the difference they made to our community.’ – Rishi Sunak

‘The two most frightening words in Washington are ‘bipartisan consensus.’ Bipartisan consensus is when my doctor and my lawyer agree with my wife that I need help.’ – P. J. O’Rourke

‘I totally deplore the notion of an M.D. giving pills to patients – a medical doctor giving psychological or psychoactive change agents to another person.’ – Timothy Leary

‘The conscience of the world is so guilty that it always assumes that people who investigate heresies must be heretics; just as if a doctor who studies leprosy must be a leper. Indeed, it is only recently that science has been allowed to study anything without reproach.’ – Aleister Crowley

‘As a medical doctor, I have known the face of adversity. I have seen much of death and dying, suffering and sorrow. I also remember the plight of students overwhelmed by their studies and of those striving to learn a foreign language. And I recall the fatigue and frustration felt by young parents with children in need.’ – Russell M. Nelson

‘If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn’t brood. I’d type a little faster.’ – Isaac Asimov

‘My dad’s a doctor, and he’d watch ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ and he’d be like, ‘This is not okay. This isn’t what it’s like.’ And we’re like, ‘Shut up, it’s not about that. That’s not why we’re watching it.” – Emily Bett Rickards

‘Fields make huge progress when they move from stories (e.g Icarus) and authority (e.g ‘witch doctor’) to evidence/experiment (e.g physics, wind tunnels) and quantitative models (e.g design of modern aircraft).’ – Dominic Cummings

‘The more ignorant, reckless and thoughtless a doctor is, the higher his reputation soars even amongst powerful princes.’ – Desiderius Erasmus

‘Passion, you see, can be destroyed by a doctor. It cannot be created.’ – Peter Shaffer

‘Some people can be president, some people can speak, some people, you know, anything that’s positive, man – a dentist, a doctor. Just hang in there and never give up, and find out what is your talent. First you got to find your talent and just stick with your talent, and I guarantee you’ll get there, man.’ – Juicy J

‘I can get a good doctor in a minute and a half. Getting a really good electrician – that’s hard.’ – Charles Murray

‘Honestly, being a doctor could make you more close minded than regular people.’ – Alex Chiu

‘What I’m trying to say is, I’m really happy I’m not a doctor. So, take that mom and dad.’ – Simu Liu

‘I’m not a doctor. I just have a tremendous amount of common sense.’ – Steve Harvey

‘So, I was born and raised the youngest of seven children on this really beautiful mountain in Southern Idaho. But my dad had some radical beliefs. And because of those beliefs, we were isolated. So I was never allowed to go to school or to the doctor.’ – Tara Westover

‘A teacher must believe in the value and interest of his subject as a doctor believes in health.’ – Gilbert Highet

‘There’s never been a doctor who served many patients who, despite their best efforts, did not lose some of them to death. But they understood that was part of life itself.’ – Zig Ziglar

”Cat?’ ‘Cat’ can be anybody from the guy in the gutter to a lawyer, doctor, the biggest man to the lowest man, but if he’s in there with a good heart and enjoy the same music together, he’s a cat.’ – Louis Armstrong

‘I went to the doctor last week. I said: ‘Can I have some sleeping pills for the wife?’ He said: ‘Why?’ I said: ‘She’s woke up.” – Les Dawson

‘My doctor gave me six months to live, but when I couldn’t pay the bill he gave me six months more.’ – Walter Matthau

‘I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places.’ – Henny Youngman

‘My dad is a doctor, a professor of psychiatry, and my mum is a psychotherapist.’ – Ben Barnes

‘The patient is not likely to recover who makes the doctor his heir.’ – Thomas Fuller

‘You could be a corrupt doctor, but at least you have to go to the medical school first. Right?’ – David Fahrenthold

‘A wise doctor does not mutter incantations over a sore that needs the knife.’ – Sophocles

‘I went to a doctor and told him I felt normal on acid, that I was a light bulb in a world of moths. That is what the manic state is like.’ – Carrie Fisher

‘I don’t go to the doctor except when I’m very ill, and when I go to India, I drink a drop of local water.’ – Nassim Nicholas Taleb

‘I started modeling at 28. I’m 5-feet-7 1/2, and I never went on a diet. I followed what my doctor told me: ‘It’s good to have a little bit of fat. Your weight is fine. Don’t go any lighter.” – Isabella Rossellini

‘My doctor asked me if I smoked, and I said only when I’m working, golfing, or drinking. Then I realized the only time I don’t smoke is when I’m home. I didn’t even realize I’d become a smoker.’ – Dennis Franz

‘We readily go to the health club when our doctor suggests we need more exercise, but we regularly neglect the ‘mental health club’ that our well-being more truly requires.’ – Pico Iyer

‘I can say, ‘Well, I’m a male. I’m a male human. I’m a medical doctor. I’m an author…’ If I go to a religious point of view, I will say, ‘I am a soul. I am a spirit.’ If I go into science, I will say, ‘I am energy. I am light.’ But the truth is I have no idea what I am.’ – Don Miguel Ruiz

‘When you are born and brought up in Udupi, you end up as a doctor or an engineer. Else you are thought to be a dull head. I had to complete my engineering and worked in the IT industry for a few years to get myself the financial support to pursue my dream of acting.’ – Rakshit Shetty

‘As a medical doctor, it is my duty to evaluate the situation with as much data as I can gather and as much expertise as I have and as much experience as I have to determine whether or not the wish of the patient is medically justified.’ – Jack Kevorkian

‘My dad was a doctor, but he was just always, like, going from hospital to hospital for some reason.’ – Oscar Isaac

‘I think if I took therapy, the doctor would quit. He’d just pick up the couch and walk out of the room.’ – Don Rickles

‘I saw a sign one time that said ‘hemorrhoids awareness week’ at the doctor’s office. Let me tell you, if you got hemorrhoids, I’m sure you are aware of it. You don’t need a sign to tell anybody about it.’ – Larry the Cable Guy

‘I always say: a run in the morning is like eating a fruit a day – it chases he doctor away. It is good for your mind.’ – Eliud Kipchoge

‘I believe I can do anything. If I decide I want to be a doctor tomorrow, I’m going to be a doctor.’ – Amy Jo Johnson

‘I realized that becoming a doctor, I can only help a small community. But by becoming a politician, I can help my whole country.’ – Malala Yousafzai

‘We dragged the National Health Service from the depths of degradation. I’ve got a United Nations heart bypass to prove it and it was done by a Syrian cardiologist, a Malaysian surgeon, a Dutch doctor and a Nigerian registrar.’ – Dennis Skinner

‘I have never described the time I was in Doctor Who as anything except a kind of ecstatic success, but all the rest has been rather a muddle and a disappointment. Compared to Doctor Who, it has been an outrageous failure really – it’s so boring.’ – Tom Baker

‘I lived at the Gramercy Park Hotel for about 10 years. It was terrific. It was a pleasantly run-down hotel of the ’70s and ’80s with a mix of older, rent-controlled apartment dwellers, Europeans and new wave and punk bands. The room service was great, the hamburger was terrific, and they had a doctor who made house calls.’ – Paul Shaffer

”Doctor Who’ was the first mythology that I learned, before ever I ran into Greek or Roman or Egyptian mythologies.’ – Neil Gaiman

‘I’m a vegetarian, but now, on my doctor’s orders, I have begun eating egg white.’ – Zeenat Aman

‘I was diagnosed with ADHD twice. I didn’t believe the first doctor who told me, and I had a whole theory that ADHD was just something they invented to make you pay for medicine, but then the second doctor told me I had it.’ – Solange Knowles

‘Because of my negative image, people used to hate me. I remember an incident while shooting for ‘Zamaanat.’ I was bitten twice by a cobra and the crew went to call a lady doctor whose clinic was close to the sets. She just refused to attend to me!’ – Ranjeet

‘I regret to this day that I never went to college. I feel I should have been a doctor.’ – Ty Cobb

‘Look, if you have somebody who doesn’t have health insurance, who doesn’t have a doctor or dentist, and in order to deal with their cold or flu or dental problem, they go to an emergency room – in general, that visit will cost ten times more than walking into a community health center.’ – Bernie Sanders

‘I’m so glad I didn’t become a doctor, because I do more than any doctor can do. I am an administrator, a CEO, doctor, psychiatrist, an activist, a campaign funder. I think I did well.’ – Dikembe Mutombo

‘I thought I wanted to be a pediatrician because, as a second job, my mother would clean up a pediatrician’s office. So I was like, ‘Oh, OK, baby doctor.’ Until I got to college, and all the courses of science with the blood, guts and cadavers? I was like, ‘Mm, no.” – Angela Bassett

‘Sidney Farber was a pathologist. He was called a doctor of the dead. He was a pathologist who sort of lived in the basement of the children’s hospital in Boston, and he became very interested in childhood leukemia. And Farber began to inject this drug, aminopterin, into young kids, in order to see if he could get a remission.’ – Siddhartha Mukherjee

‘I was supposed to be a doctor. I was supposed to go to Princeton. And everything I was supposed to do I didn’t.’ – Samuel Barber

‘My father died during open-heart surgery on March 29 of my senior year in college. I was getting set to go to law school. I remember sitting in the waiting room when the doctor walked in. I said to myself, The worst possible thing just happened. What will you do?’ – Steve Wynn

‘When the doctor said I had diabetes, I conjured images of languishing on a chaise longue nibbling chocolates. I have no idea why I thought this.’ – Mary Tyler Moore

‘I’ve watched ‘Doctor Who’ since I was a kid. I loved it, and I still love it. I can geek out about it, like when I go to set and see the TARDIS.’ – Richard Madden

‘In 1903, I finished my doctor’s thesis and obtained the degree. At the end of the same year, the Nobel prize was awarded jointly to Becquerel, my husband and me for the discovery of radioactivity and new radioactive elements.’ – Marie Curie

‘There are generations who watch Doctor Who together.’ – Sarah Sutton

‘I told my doctor I get very tired when I go on a diet, so he gave me pep pills. Know what happened? I ate faster.’ – Joe E. Lewis

‘If you’re going to make comments on economy, study economy. If you’re gonna make comments on world history, make sure you learn world history. If you’re gonna save lives and be a doctor, you need to study medicine. Then, you will be able to make comments on economy, on medicine, and on world history.’ – Yoel Romero

‘My dream is to be a doctor. I’m almost working in a laboratory, because I’m trying new techniques, new directions and fabrics, new weaving.’ – Alber Elbaz

‘It’s hard work making movies. It’s like being a doctor: you work long hours, very hard hours, and it’s emotional, tense work. If you don’t really love it, then it ain’t worth it.’ – George Lucas

‘Music’s not like becoming a doctor, who can walk into a community and find people who need him.’ – Charlie Byrd

‘The system in Sweden is great because you get free healthcare and free education; someone who doesn’t have a lot of money can become a doctor or lawyer. There’s good paternity and maternity leave – the U.S. is probably the only civilised country in the world that doesn’t give parents anything.’ – Alexander Skarsgard

‘The secret of a long life is to never trust a doctor.’ – Luise Rainer

‘You’ve probably read in People that I’m a nice guy – but when the doctor first told me I had Parkinson’s, I wanted to kill him.’ – Michael J. Fox

‘When I was a journalist at Wired, I convinced a doctor to implant an RFID tracking device in my arm.’ – Annalee Newitz

‘I know what ‘Doctor Who’ fans are like because I am a ‘Doctor Who’ fan myself. They’re good people.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘I was going to have cosmetic surgery until I noticed that the doctor’s office was full of portraits by Picasso.’ – Rita Rudner

‘When I was in college my girl got me a job at the doctor’s office she was working at. I was a file clerk. No disrespect but I don’t think a man can do that job. It takes so much meticulous and precise file-keeping.’ – J. Cole

‘You don’t lie to your own doctor. You don’t lie to your own attorney, and you don’t lie to your employees.’ – Gordon Bethune

‘I take care of myself and take antioxidating supplements suggested by my best friend and first fan – he takes care of my Internet presence – Doctor Mario Rosario Porzio. I eat well – in fact, very well.’ – Ornella Muti

‘I have such fond memories of watching ‘Doctor Who’ when I was a kid and growing up, that if I’ve left anybody anywhere with memories as fond, then I feel like I’ve done my job.’ – David Tennant

‘I can play a doctor, and I can play a thug.’ – Nelsan Ellis

‘Is there a doctor in the house? My parents want me to marry you.’ – Wendy Liebman

‘As far as service goes, it can take the form of a million things. To do service, you don’t have to be a doctor working in the slums for free, or become a social worker. Your position in life and what you do doesn’t matter as much as how you do what you do.’ – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

‘He told me he was working as an interpreter in a doctor’s office in Brookline, Massachusetts, where I was living at the time, and he was translating for a doctor who had a number of Russian patients. On my way home, after running into him, I just heard this phrase in my head.’ – Jhumpa Lahiri

‘My dad’s a doctor, and when I was 8, I went to one of his medical conferences where they were demonstrating laser surgery on a chicken. I was so mad that a chicken had to die, I never ate meat again.’ – Natalie Portman

‘We don’t do things we aren’t good at by nature. I wouldn’t play basketball because I’m only 5′ 1″. Find what you enjoy – whether it’s racing, flying a helicopter, being a doctor, or stitching clothes together. Once you’ve done that, you have the passion you need.’ – Danica Patrick

‘The people of Haiti have always called me Papa Doc. I was first their doctor. Now I am also their president for life.’ – Francois Duvalier

‘Comedy is free therapy. And if it’s done well, the audience and the comic take turns being the doctor as well as the patient.’ – Maysoon Zayid

‘I know that there are millions of Americans who are content with their health care coverage – they like their plan and, most importantly, they value their relationship with their doctor.’ – Barack Obama

‘Although it happens more rarely in men, breast cancer is not gender-specific. I was in Costa Rica, and in the shower I felt this lump under my left nipple. It was very small, mind you, but enough to make me call my doctor.’ – Richard Roundtree

‘My advantage as a woman and a human being has been in having a mother who believed strongly in women’s education. She was an early undergraduate at Oxford, and her own mother was a doctor.’ – Antonia Fraser

‘The American doctor, in my opinion, possesses a combination of conservatism and that other quality which has put the United States in the forefront in almost every department of science – that is, an eagerness to know what it is really all about in order that he may not be the one left behind if there is something to it.’ – Elizabeth Kenny

‘I think it would be very boring dramatically to have a film where everybody was a lawyer or doctor and had no faults. To me, the most important thing is to be truthful.’ – Spike Lee

‘I am diagnosed with what’s called ‘REM behavior disorder.’ As far as the disorder goes, there’s no cure, but it’s going pretty well as far as these things go. I see a sleep doctor, take medication, etc.’ – Mike Birbiglia

‘Comedy was always an escape for me; I just happened to be a doctor.’ – Ken Jeong

‘I hear from patients who say their doctor said, ‘If you want to take Vitamin C, go ahead and do it. It won’t harm you, and it may do you some good.’ More and more physicians are getting convinced about the value of large doses of Vitamin C.’ – Linus Pauling

‘I’ve never made a penny being a doctor, so that makes it not a job. My sense of a doctor is that one is a presence caring for health. So I’m never not a doctor. People call me from all over the world who are hurting, and I care for them. Chatting is what more people want than anything.’ – Patch Adams

‘And as a child I was filled with passionate admiration for acts of civic courage I had seen performed by an elderly military doctor, who was a friend of my family.’ – Rene Cassin

‘The punishment should fit the crime and if a doctor or drug company does harm knowingly or negligently to a patient they should be compensated to make them whole.’ – Corrine Brown

‘If I hadn’t become a photographer, I would have loved to become a doctor. I would have loved to have done something that actually helped people and changed their lives.’ – Mary Ellen Mark

‘Communication is everything, especially as a doctor, you need to communicate with your patients.’ – Manushi Chhillar

‘I wanted to be a doctor in sports medicine; I was into sailing and all that sort of thing.’ – Christopher Atkins

‘Cancer affects all of us, whether you’re a daughter, mother, sister, friend, coworker, doctor, patient.’ – Jennifer Aniston

‘A doctor or lawyer who has reached the top can stay there or move on to higher prestige positions. But an actor of comparable competence and success and age has little or no control over his career.’ – Van Heflin

‘What happened was that the doctor told me that I’d ruptured my kidney from being too busy and being stressed out and not eating right.’ – J Dilla

‘Medical liability reform is not a Republican or Democrat issue or even a doctor versus lawyer issue. It is a patient issue.’ – John Ensign

‘My concentration was really on getting to university and becoming a doctor. My parents let me know that school marks were important. Achievement was something which came by hard work.’ – Roger Bannister

‘My mother, a teacher, encouraged me to use my creativity as an actual way to make a living, and my father, a Mississippi physician, did two things. First, he taught me that all human beings should be treated equally because no one is better than anyone else, and he never pressured me to become a doctor.’ – Greg Iles

‘Finish last in your league and they call you idiot. Finish last in medical school and they call you doctor.’ – Abe Lemons

‘I think, in picking a doctor, you should focus less on the degree and more on their knowledge, bedside manner, communication, and patients’ experiences.’ – Mikhail Varshavski

‘I’m so free-spirited. Everyone has a me inside them: that loud girl that just wanna go, ‘Ayyyy!’ No matter if you a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, it comes out.’ – Cardi B

‘One of my grandfathers, actually, having gone out there as a minister, decided he would better serve the people as a doctor. So at a very late age – at the age of 38 in fact – he changed course and decided to become a doctor.’ – Colin Firth

‘I’m a huge ‘Vampire Diaries’ fan. My sister got me into ‘Doctor Who.’ Those are my biggest things.’ – Mary Mouser

‘I went to the doctor and he said I had acute appendicitis, and I said compared to who?’ – Jay London

‘I wanted to be a doctor that I might be able to work without having to talk because for years I had been giving myself out in words.’ – Albert Schweitzer

‘My job is writing. I get paid to do it. When was the last time you heard someone challenge a doctor for making money off of cancer?’ – Joyce Maynard

‘When we are sick, we want an uncommon doctor; when we have a construction job to do, we want an uncommon engineer, and when we are at war, we want an uncommon general. It is only when we get into politics that we are satisfied with the common man.’ – Herbert Hoover

‘We approach people the same way we approach our cars. We take the poor kid to a doctor and ask, What’s wrong with him, how much will it cost, and when can I pick him up?’ – James Hillman

‘The doctor punched my vein, the captain called me Cain, upon my belly sat the sow of fear.’ – Karl Shapiro

‘Three-quarters of the sicknesses of intelligent people come from their intelligence. They need at least a doctor who can understand this sickness.’ – Marcel Proust

‘I feel like if I had my personality but was an OB/GYN, you would be psyched. You’d be like, ‘My chatty, pop-culture-interested but plainspoken, wants-to-talk-about-clothes but serious-minded doctor.’ I feel like I would clean up with patients. That’s kind of a cocky thing to say.’ – Mindy Kaling

‘When I told my doctor I couldn’t afford an operation, he offered to touch-up my X-rays.’ – Henny Youngman

‘My favorite movies of all times is ‘Doctor Zhivago,’ and I love ‘Gone With the Wind.’ I’d love to play some Southern belle or something where I owned a plantation.’ – Dolly Parton

‘When my doctor told me I had cancer of the mouth, I didn’t believe it. I had never even heard of cancer of the mouth, yet I had it.’ – Amanda Blake

‘As we get better at reversing aging it will be possible to take one medicine and within weeks feel and even look younger. Imagine going to a doctor to get a pill for diabetes, and this same medicine will prevent heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and will give you more vitality too.’ – David Andrew Sinclair

‘Every philanthropist has a soft corner for one issue. For me it is health, because my father was a doctor.’ – Sudha Murty

‘I don’t think I would have made for a good doctor. It was not meant to be, and it took me a long time to realize that.’ – Neri Oxman

‘My father was a doctor, but his passion was making cars, and he was also very good at carpentry. He was a gem, and I don’t blame him for not understanding me. When I told him that I would be leaving, he checked his pocket and took out 100-rupee note and gave it to me. He did not like that I was leaving, yet he gave me the money.’ – Harshvardhan Rane

‘If you had asked me growing up what a stylist does or what a magazine editor does, I would have had no clue – how do you research something like that when you are a first-born child of an immigrant who only grew up knowing doctor, engineer, and lawyer as careers?’ – Eva Chen

‘When the headache persisted, I checked myself into an emergency room. When the doctor used the term ‘brain tumour’, I feared the worst. My whole world shrank around me.’ – Leander Paes

‘My father was a doctor, but he was what I would call an intellectual – very well-read and very interested in knowledge. He insisted that I get as much education as my brothers.’ – Shirin Neshat

‘My father was a doctor, an army cardiologist.’ – Deepak Chopra

‘A doctor once told me I have abnormal levels of adrenaline in my system.’ – Jamie Dornan

‘At the age of 16, something happened with my finger and the doctor told me, you never can be a organist or pianist, so think about what you do with music.’ – Kurt Masur

‘I got so anxious sitting in the make-up chair for hours with my face covered. I had my doctor write a prescription for valium. I couldn’t have done it without the pill.’ – Kim Hunter

‘To our American neighbors, we were model immigrants, a poster family. They told us so. My father had a law degree, my mother was on her way to becoming a doctor, and my siblings and I got good grades and always said ‘please’ and ‘thank you.” – Alex Tizon

‘Michelle and I don’t want anyone telling us who our family’s doctor should be – and no one should decide that for you either. Under our proposals, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor. If you like your current insurance, you keep that insurance. Period, end of story.’ – Barack Obama

‘I work with a place in Santa Monica called Phase IV. My doctor recommended them to me when I started losing weight. They help people train for things like triathlons or biking and running races. They offer physical therapists, testing, lectures.’ – Drew Carey

‘If you are a doctor or farmer, be sincere about your profession. If you can do what you do honestly, you will end up serving your country.’ – Farhan Akhtar

‘I would rather there’s somebody who is just a wee bit down in the dumps believing that they’ve got depression and going to the doctor and getting it checked out, than not, I’d rather that everybody was given the benefit of the doubt.’ – Limmy

‘I want to be a child doctor. A pediatry… how do you call it, pediatrician? Do I like kids? No, not really.’ – Adriana Lima

‘Anytime you interfere with a natural process, you’re playing God. God determines what happens naturally. That means when a person’s ill, he shouldn’t go to a doctor because he’s asking for interference with God’s will. But of course, patients can’t think that way.’ – Jack Kevorkian

‘I said to my doctor at the beginning, ‘I’m no good; I can’t do anything. I’m dumb.’ He suggested I try educating myself by listening to Boston’s educational TV station. He said I had a perfectly good mind.’ – Anne Sexton

‘I’m not an environmentalist, or a doctor, or a nutritionist.’ – Dan Barber

‘My mom says: ‘Why aren’t you a doctor?’ and I’m like, ‘I am a doctor!’ and she’s all, ‘No, I mean a real doctor.’ She reads my books, but she says they give her a headache.’ – Brian Greene

‘Suggestibility is a very loose term. You may not be the sort of person who responds well to a hypnotist on stage, but you might find, for example, that a doctor administering a placebo to you is something you respond well to.’ – Derren Brown

‘I look at my early career, and you know, when I left drama school, for a young Asian actor, you could either play a doctor on ‘Holby City,’ or you could play a terrorist in ‘Spooks’ and get to wear a nice shiny suit.’ – Kayvan Novak

”We really shouldn’t look like a church.’ I’ve heard that so much I want to vomit. ‘Why?’ I ask. ‘Do you want your bank to look like a bank? Do you want your doctor’s office to look like a doctor’s office, or would you prefer your doctor to dress like a clown?” – Charles R. Swindoll

‘The integration of exponentially growing technologies is beginning to empower the patient, enable the doctor, enhance wellness and begin to cure the well before they get sick.’ – Daniel Kraft

‘I once went to a ‘Star Trek’ convention by mistake – I thought I was going to a ‘Doctor Who’ one.’ – Sylvester McCoy

‘Unlike other enduring characters such as ‘Sherlock Holmes’ or ‘Tarzan,’ being the ‘Doctor’ allows you a certain freedom that is both very demanding and very thrilling. It allows you to make the character using elements of yourself.’ – David Tennant

‘I love history and I love watching history movies, stuff like ‘Ben Hur’ and ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ and ‘Doctor Zhivago.” – Max Cavalera

‘A man who cannot work without his hypodermic needle is a poor doctor. The amount of narcotic you use is inversely proportional to your skill.’ – Martin H. Fischer

‘Flying back from New York, the flight attendant said ‘God, I wished you were here yesterday, we had a stroke on the plane. I said, if I have a stroke on a plane, I hope the pretend doctor isn’t the one on the plane. I want a real doctor.’ – Anthony Edwards

‘The doctor who diagnosed me with ALS, or motor neuron disease, told me that it would kill me in two or three years.’ – Stephen Hawking

‘And I talked to my doctor, and I must admit, you know, I’m sometimes quite renowned for my outbursts and I was just very frustrated, maybe a little frightened.’ – Elton John

‘I was born into the Chicago branch of Negroland. My father was a doctor, a pediatrician, and for some years head of pediatrics at Provident, the nation’s oldest black hospital. My mother was a social worker who left her job when she married, and throughout my childhood, she was a full-time wife, mother, and socialite.’ – Margo Jefferson

‘I spent my whole childhood, my college years, thinking that I was going to be a doctor.’ – Karine Jean-Pierre

‘My father wanted me to become a doctor.’ – Pankaj Tripathi

‘I’m a Marvel fan, and I think this particular world that ‘Doctor Strange’ goes into is really, really, really exciting. I’m really interested as both an actor and a fan to see what’s done in this particular world. It’s all about creativity. It’s not about everything exploding at the end. It’s about something very different.’ – Tilda Swinton

‘As a medical doctor and cardiac surgeon, I had the responsibility of performing open-heart surgery on President Spencer W. Kimball in 1972, when he was Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.’ – Russell M. Nelson

‘Credentials are critical if you want to do something professional. If you want to become a doctor or lawyer or teacher or professor, there is a credentialing process. But there are a lot of other things where it’s not clear they’re that important.’ – Peter Thiel

‘I think cancer – I’m not an expert or a doctor – but I think cancer is the result of undigested dreams and forcing yourself to do something that is not distinctively you.’ – Noel Edmonds

‘I am a doctor – it’s a profession that may be considered a special mission, a devotion. It calls for involvement, respect and willingness to help all other people.’ – Ewa Kopacz

‘Money is misunderstood. The fact is if you want to be successful – the money will follow you. If you are a doctor, something else will follow you. If you are successful, there is an accompaniment. If your goal is just to make money, you won’t succeed. Money is a commodity to use, not to be dictated by.’ – Frank Lowy

‘I know patients who bring a dozen roses to the doctor’s office. And, boy, the next visit, nobody forgets that. You come in and hey – ‘Here’s the lady who brought the roses’ vs. ‘Here’s the lung cancer.” – Bernie Siegel

‘Meeting people at my fertility doctor’s office who are going through the same things I’m going through, I thought, ‘Why not share my story?’ It’s been really emotional.’ – Kim Kardashian

‘Any doctor will admit that any drug can have side effects, and that writing a prescription involves weighing the potential benefits against the risks.’ – Mark Udall

‘The Doctor’ is the kind of character – because the guest cast is changing all the time, there are very few constants in the show, so the ‘Doctor’- when you’re there, you’re in it a lot. You’re speaking a lot.’ – David Tennant

‘I was born with the confidence of an 89-year-old man. So it’s strange when people ask, ‘What’s it like being a female comedian?’ It never occurred to me that I’d be limited as a woman – that I couldn’t be a scientist, a doctor, or anything I wanted.’ – Katherine Ryan

‘Racism is a disease. Go to your doctor with an ailment, and let the doctor tell you, ‘Well, look, I’m not going to treat you; we’re just not going to talk about it. It’s going to go away.’ You would look at him like he’s crazy. By not talking about racism, it’s not going to go away.’ – Shannon Sharpe

‘I am a medical scientist, not a practical physician. I think it’s very upfront. I am a doctor. I have long experience with heart disease.’ – Robert Jarvik

‘When I took the Hippocratic oath and was effectively ‘sworn in’ as a doctor, I took the same vow that doctors have taken for generations. Patient autonomy is core to this oath.’ – Ami Bera

‘I went to the doctor on the advice of some people that work closely with me and found out that I was suffering from thyroid problems as well as low testosterone problems.’ – James Toney

‘There’s this old saying that, if you aren’t particularly gifted in natural sciences, if you don’t want to become a teacher or pastor or doctor, and don’t know what else to do, then you become a lawyer. But I’ve never regretted it.’ – Bernhard Schlink

‘My acting career began on the streets of New York. When I was a cop, I played many impressive roles, from derelict to a doctor, and my life often depended on my performance.’ – Frank Serpico

‘I think there is a sort of box-ticking mentality. Not just in the teaching profession. You hear about it in medicine and nursing. It’s a lawyer-driven insistence on meeting prescribed standards rather than just being a good doctor.’ – Richard Dawkins

‘A lot of the work I did with WWE had very strong comic book ties that were more than just a wink at the audience. There was a period of time when I had a clear protective face mask and a hood over my head that correlated with Doctor Doom.’ – Cody Rhodes

‘Let us not say that we will decide on a political basis at the national level that no State is competent to regulate the practice of medicine in that State if they decide to allow a doctor to prescribe marijuana, because that is what we are talking about.’ – Barney Frank

‘It’s typical for people living in nonurban areas to drive 100 miles to go to work, to the grocery store or to the doctor.’ – Cynthia Lummis

‘I did a term at Cambridge University studying medicine, so I could potentially have followed in Mum and Dad’s footsteps and become a doctor.’ – Alistair Brownlee

‘My parents are doctors, both my sisters are doctors, so I figured I’d just be a doctor too. Sometime in my junior year, I had this sudden realization that maybe that wasn’t for me. I was sort of lost at sea.’ – Ben Silbermann

‘I cannot always write at the same time, in the same place. I work, travel and have a vigorous family life. If I’m stranded in an airport lobby – I write. If I have to wait in a doctor’s office – I write. If I have a morning or evening to myself – I write.’ – Carmen Agra Deedy

‘I write by myself and then deliver the song. Everybody knows, ‘Leave Ester alone when she’s in her zone.’ Give me a studio and the tracks, and I’ll call you when the doctor is done.’ – Ester Dean

”Luther’ is absolutely a monster-of-the-week show. Although it’s post-watershed and is rendered in intense graphic novel-style images, it’s inspiration is not that different from ‘Doctor Who’ as in both cases you’ve got a trickster figure who fights the monster of the week and is eventually successful.’ – Neil Cross

‘The storytelling in ‘Doctor Who’ is quite universal.’ – Matt Smith

‘I am officially a doctor, and believe it or not, I can save lives and tune certain instruments and can beat peasants with a stick.’ – Sanjeev Bhaskar

‘My intent was to carry out my duty as a doctor, to end their suffering. Unfortunately, that entailed, in their cases, ending of the life.’ – Jack Kevorkian

‘When my husband turned 40, I was obsessed. ‘Has he had his medical checkup?’ He needed to go to the doctor; he needed to go to the dentist. Any little cough, I was really on him. Then he turned 40, and I thought, ‘Maybe that’s why I’ve been so obsessed with his health!” – Cate Blanchett

‘Even if ‘going retrograde’ or ‘moving into Aquarius’ were real phenomena, something that planets actually do, what influence could they possibly have on human events? A planet is so far away that its gravitational pull on a new-born baby would be swamped by the gravitational pull of the doctor’s paunch.’ – Richard Dawkins

‘It’s like a childish dream come true to be in ‘Doctor Who’ and to be an alien.’ – Peter Kay

‘I always say ‘Knocked Up’ opened the doors, and ‘Hangover’ just burst it wide open. To this day, it’s still surreal. And my wife’s a doctor. All our friends are doctors – our close friends. And it’s just that I have an odd job now. I think I’m like a doctor who had a detour, and I just have an odd job.’ – Ken Jeong

‘Once my doctor began treating my kidney disease, my greatest challenge was the constant exhaustion. Fortunately, my doctor explained that anemia was causing my exhaustion and that people with serious illnesses, like kidney disease, may be at increased risk for anemia.’ – Alonzo Mourning

‘As a doctor, when I was minister of health and would go somewhere, little girls would come up to me and say, ‘I want to be like you one day, I want to be a doctor.’ Now, they tell me, ‘I want to be president just like you.’ All of us can dream as big as we want.’ – Michelle Bachelet

‘I do fear God, but I will also tell you that when a doctor diagnoses you and the word ‘cancer’ comes out of his mouth, at that point, it changes your life and you do fear less and it also has allowed me to be a lot more open as a person. It’s changed me.’ – Joe Lhota

‘First of all, you want to make sure you find a doctor that is a board-certified specialist in whatever that field is – whatever it is – whether it’s plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, ocular plastic surgery, brain surgery, whatever it is. And two, if they do a procedure, you want to make sure they do a lot of it.’ – Paul Nassif

‘At one point in my career, while still hosting ‘The Arsenio Hall Show,’ I was told by my doctor that it might not be physically possible for me to have children.’ – Arsenio Hall

‘The thing you see in survivors is that they express feelings – I won’t say some of the things they tell their doctors, when doctors tell them they’re going to die in six months. Boy, do they let the doctor know how they feel about that statement.’ – Bernie Siegel

‘Any doctor will tell you a great treatment for depression is exercise, physical exertion, that it really ups the dopamine in your brain, so that’s what a show is. I play a show and that’s a high for me; I can ride that.’ – Laura Jane Grace

‘A doctor in a hospital told me that when the mujaheddin were fighting in the early Nineties, he often performed amputations and Caesarean sections without anesthesia because there were no supplies.’ – Khaled Hosseini

‘I mean, I’m married to an academic oncologist, a cancer doctor, okay? He and his colleagues are some of the most conscientious, devoted, hard-working, conventional bourgeois people in the known universe. They are the people that keep this society going.’ – Amy Wax

‘I’m training to become a giggle doctor. It’s a kind of hospital clown who changes the atmosphere on the ward and helps recovery. It’s about making patients laugh but also much more.’ – Nina Conti

‘I’m a medical doctor and a biomedical scientist.’ – Steven Hatfill

‘What I think a doctor should do is prevent disease, by any means necessary.’ – Jack Kevorkian

‘Hospice means end-of-life care. The admission ticket is a diagnosis from a doctor that you have six months or less to live.’ – Eleanor Clift

‘Just as a doctor is important for saving lives, every IAS officer is important for societal development; he’s like a messenger sent by God to serve the public.’ – Jagapathi Babu

‘What I’d love to do is every now and then go, ‘Oh my God, I’ve got this amazing idea for ‘Doctor Who.” – Neil Gaiman

‘Those who oppose reform will also tell you that under our plan, you won’t get to choose your doctor – that some bureaucrat will choose for you. That’s also not true.’ – Barack Obama

‘I thought I had a chest infection and went to the doctor – five days later I was under the knife. It came completely out of the blue. My arteries were 95% blocked.’ – Bob Mortimer

‘Well, my parents originally wanted me to become a doctor – that’s why I was in school; I was pre-med, and I graduated with a degree in psychology and a concentration in neuroscience. Really, the plan was for me to go to med school.’ – Steven Yeun

‘You can’t be what you don’t see. I didn’t think about being a doctor. I didn’t even think about being a clerk in a store, I’d never seen a black clerk in a clothing store.’ – Joycelyn Elders

‘When I was 40, my doctor advised me that a man in his 40s shouldn’t play tennis. I heeded his advice carefully and could hardly wait until I reached 50 to start again.’ – Hugo Black

‘The doctor has been taught to be interested not in health but in disease. What the public is taught is that health is the cure for disease.’ – Ashley Montagu

‘But when ill indeed, Even dismissing the doctor don’t always succeed.’ – Victor Hugo

‘I was always shocked when I went to the doctor’s office and they did my X-ray and didn’t find that I had eight more ribs than I should have or that my blood was the color green.’ – Nicolas Cage

‘All my Doctor’s said I should become a model.’ – Niki Taylor

‘I’ve wrestled with reality for 35 years, and I’m happy, Doctor, I finally won out over it.’ – James Stewart

‘It is reasonable to expect the doctor to recognize that science may not have all the answers to problems of health and healing.’ – Norman Cousins

‘My doctor is wonderful. Once, in 1955, when I couldn’t afford an operation, he touched up the X-rays.’ – Joey Bishop

‘When a man goes through six years training to be a doctor he will never be the same. He knows too much.’ – Enid Bagnold

‘I suppose one has a greater sense of intellectual degradation after an interview with a doctor than from any human experience.’ – Alice James

‘That’s metaphysics, my dear fellow. It’s forbidden me by my doctor, my stomach won’t take it.’ – Boris Pasternak

‘Dick Cheney said he was running again. He said his health was fine, ‘I’ve got a doctor with me 24 hours a day.’ Yeah, that’s always the sign of a man in good health, isn’t it?’ – David Letterman

‘The relationship between a manufacturer and his advertising agency is almost as intimate as the relationship between a patient and his doctor. Make sure that you can life happily with your prospective client before you accept his account.’ – David Ogilvy

‘A pregnant woman facing the most dire circumstances must be able to count on her doctor to do what is medically necessary to protect her from serious physical harm.’ – Barbara Mikulski

‘America enjoys the best health care in the world, but the best is no good if folks can’t afford it, access it and doctor’s can’t provide it.’ – Bill Frist

‘For many Americans, including many who are employed, going to the doctor when they fall ill or become injured may not be an option because of the absence of health insurance.’ – Ben Nelson

‘Being a doctor has taught me a lot about directing. You’re doing the same thing: You’re reconstructing the manifold of behavior to the point where an audience says, yes, that’s exactly like people I know.’ – Jonathan Miller

‘One has a greater sense of degradation after an interview with a doctor than from any human experience.’ – Alice James

‘My kid could get a bad X-ray and I could get a call from the doctor saying I have something growing in my bum and that would change my perspective on everything instantaneously, on what is and what is not important.’ – Tom Hanks

‘Ask everyone whether they’re an actor or a doctor or a teacher or whatever is entitled to his or her opinion. But unfortunately, because actors are in the public eye, whether we want it or not, sometimes our opinions carry more weight or influence than they deserve.’ – Debra Messing

‘As I laid in the hospital bed I started thinking that I had a show to do. I was hoping the Doctor would put me together so I could do the show.’ – Ben Vereen

‘I could never play the ingenue, the girl next door or the very successful young doctor. That would be a bore.’ – Jennifer Jason Leigh

‘Don’t just stand there, idiot. Call a doctor, and then help me find a nose.’ – Blake Edwards

‘If there is illness in your home, do you not need a doctor from outside? If your home catches on fire, do you not need fire fighters from outside? God has sent me to America in the role of a doctor, in the role of a fire fighter.’ – Sun Myung Moon

‘I didn’t want to play a lawyer. I didn’t want to play a doctor. I didn’t want to play a single dad. I wanted to do something I felt I could learn from, something that would be a challenge and something that would not dry up.’ – William Petersen

‘Now when you hates you shrinks up inside and gets littler and you squeezes your heart tight and you stays so mad with peoples you feels sick all the time like you needs the doctor.’ – Margaret Walker

‘I was well aware of the fact that once you appeared in Doctor Who as something else, you were ruled out for the part of the Doctor: that was a kind of well known thing in the business.’ – Colin Baker

‘It was lovely to do The Knock because I haven’t done anything really significant since Doctor Who.’ – Colin Baker

‘I was obsessed with romance. When I was in high school, I saw ‘Doctor Zhivago’ every day from the day it opened until the day it left the theater.’ – John Hughes

‘A doctor today would never prescribe the treatments my grandfather used in the Confederate Army, but a minister says pretty much the same thing today that a minister would have said back then.’ – John Templeton

‘The doctor must have put my pacemaker in wrong. Every time my husband kisses me, the garage door goes up.’ – Minnie Pearl

‘I found out that colonels can stay until they drop dead or get a walker and being a critical medical specialty as an Army trained emergency room doctor, I could stay until age 67.’ – Gerald Griffin

‘Even if the doctor does not give you a year, even if he hesitates about a month, make one brave push and see what can be accomplished in a week.’ – Robert Louis Stevenson

‘But the person who scored well on an SAT will not necessarily be the best doctor or the best lawyer or the best businessman. These tests do not measure character, leadership, creativity, perseverance.’ – William Julius Wilson

‘I’m guess I’m up to about 70% of normal, which is a real relief. My doctor gave me clearance to go out in public again, so I’ve been able to go to the store and help out a little bit around the house.’ – Wil Wheaton

‘I hadn’t accepted he was seriously ill. The idea that someone so close to you couldn’t wake up was utterly incomprehensible. Then the doctor came in… Maurice had no brain left. There wasn’t any activity at all.’ – Robin Gibb

‘Whether you’re a newspaper journalist, a lawyer, a doctor. You have to organize your thoughts.’ – Frederick Wiseman

‘My doctor explained that exercise and diet changes might help and that I also might need a medication.’ – Della Reese

‘Every time you go to the doctor and get a good report, the odds keep staking more in your favour.’ – Fran Drescher

‘It’s kind of ironic that if I get my Ph.D., I’ll be a real doctor.’ – Marcia Cross

‘And then they sign an affidavit swearing that she’s not in a vegetative stage. I’ll tell you. That’s a doctor you really want; they can look at a picture and make a diagnosis.’ – Michael Schiavo

‘I started the nuclear medicine laboratory at UW Hospitals in 1959 and trained radiology residents in the field. It was 1965 before they found a trained MD (doctor) to take over my role.’ – John Cameron

‘The happiest moment in my life? When my doctor told me I was completely cured of leukemia.’ – Jose Carreras

‘I just had that conversation this morning with my doctor. I just got back from the hospital a half-hour ago, and nothing will make me happier than to replicate the DNA of my amazing husband. I’m optimistic.’ – Karen Duffy

‘I wanted to do everything. I wanted to be a pilot. I wanted to be a secret agent. I wanted to be a fireman and a doctor, all that. So I related that through movies and stuff.’ – Josh Holloway

‘No young doctor nowadays can hope for work as exciting and rewarding.’ – Alice Hamilton

‘Part of the redesign of FEMA is that they have so many people on standby, whether it is a retired nurse or a doctor who will take time off to go exactly where they are needed.’ – Ginny Brown-Waite

‘By the time we went to Doctor Simon I think Barney had been totally disabled for at least six months.’ – Betty Hill

‘So it’s sheer terror, but then, this is the whole reason that we went so long to Doctor Simons, was to get rid of all these… mixed feelings that we had.’ – Betty Hill

‘There were a lot of choices to make and I always picked artist. I never once picked doctor, lawyer, firemen or something like that. It was always artist.’ – Maynard James Keenan

‘I’m 86 and my doctor used to tell me to slow down – at least he did until he dropped dead.’ – Cesar Romero

‘I questioned her further, and eventually got to talk to her doctor. And her doctor sort of shook his head and he said, ‘I have examined her for throat cancer at least 15 times in the past few years.’ – James Randi

‘So I went and visited a doctor and he diagnosed me with reactive arthritis.’ – Daniel Johns

‘I think I definitely got scared by the second or third time a doctor told me I was dying.’ – Daniel Johns

‘This is ridiculous, I mean, wholly ridiculous. It never did any child any harm to have something that was a tiny bit above them anyway, and I claim that anyone who can follow Doctor Who can follow absolutely anything.’ – Diana Wynne Jones

‘Well, I think that there is a connection between being a lawyer and a doctor and an actor. They kind of, in some ways, have the same appeal, I suppose.’ – Jeffrey Jones

‘I came out singing, the doctor slapped me on the head, and I started singing.’ – Keith David

‘Originally the film opened with Ryan in the doctor’s office, being told his wife is dying. Then we see him walking the streets, and the story is told in flashback.’ – Arthur Hiller

‘So I decided to move that scene in the doctor’s office to two-thirds into the movie, after the viewers had come to know Ryan and Ali and share in their happiness.’ – Arthur Hiller

‘When the BBC decided to bring Doctor Who back as a feature film a few years ago, one national newspaper ran a poll to ask its readers who should be the new Doctor, and I topped it.’ – Simon Callow

‘Doctor Who was a big part of my childhood so it was a great honour to be in it.’ – Simon Pegg

‘The doctor’s name was Sylvia. I told her she’d have a problem with me because Sylvia was my mother’s name.’ – Paul Lynde

‘If you want to be a doctor, a lawyer you must go to college. But if you want to be a musician or such, study your craft. Study music.’ – Billy Eckstine

‘I refrained from writing another one, thinking to myself: Never mind, I will prove that I am able to become a greater scientist than some of you, even without the title of doctor.’ – Hermann Oberth

‘My parents told me I would become a doctor and then in my spare time I would become a concert pianist. So, both my day job and my spare time were sort of taken care of.’ – Amy Tan

‘There are some great questions to ask your doctor. If he says ‘no,’ then you find yourself a different doctor. There really has to be a change in how we medically look at women at this time. I mean, this is not just baby gloom.’ – Marie Osmond

‘I wanted to be a doctor when I was young. I also wanted to be a paramedic, but I always wanted to be an actor as well. I didn’t have kids or something that I needed to provide for.’ – Christopher Parker

‘I was involved in music, acting, and some running, but my firm wish was to become a doctor. That was the formative age when I had decided on the pattern of my career.’ – Roger Bannister

‘When I was about to break a world record and become well known, my mother used to say that for her the important thing was for me to become a doctor – a career which had not been possible in her generation and in her society. Sport was something to be set aside.’ – Roger Bannister

‘I go the VA Hospital when I have a problem and the doctor jumps on me.’ – R. Lee Ermey

‘The report of this made me exceedingly angry, for I could not see why information which a middle-class woman could get from her doctor should be withheld from a poorer woman who might need it far more.’ – Dora Russell

‘I called the doctor, during writing the book, the psychiatrist who treated me at that time, Dr. Jackson. And I said, Dr. Jackson, whole pieces are missing. I don’t understand what happened to me.’ – Jim Bakker

‘The doctor who applied a stethoscope to my heart was not satisfied. I was told to get my papers with the clerk in the outer hall. I was medically rejected.’ – C. S. Forester

‘You should just enjoy it, but as soon as you decide that it is going to be your career, no matter whether you want to be a doctor or an architect or anything else, you need to work 5 hours a day.’ – Guy Forget

‘When Medicare was first enacted in 1965, it provided coverage for hospitalization, doctor visits and surgeries, but there was no coverage for prescription medications.’ – Michael C. Burgess

‘In addition to having a good partnership with a good doctor, you have to do some of the work yourself. Go online, read about it, and find out what you can tolerate.’ – Teri Garr

‘My doctor said, for want of a better word, now that we’ve got medicines out here that can help, let’s put you on one of them and say we’re treating MS.’ – Teri Garr

‘For as long as I can really remember, I wanted to be a doctor.’ – Debi Thomas

‘I would make my mom buy me the toy doctor kit.’ – Debi Thomas

‘I mean we grew up in a TB bus and I became a TB doctor.’ – Paul Farmer

‘The doctors must tell you that one of the risks of surgery is that you might die. This poor doctor was talking to an actress. It was very dramatic to me. To him, it was just a thing he had to say.’ – Patty Duke

‘Pain was something we were expected to endure. But I doubt very much if you would be entirely happy today if a doctor threw a towel in your face and jumped on you with a knife.’ – Roald Dahl

‘Not really in all honesty because until you take control of your own health and go to your own doctor and have your own doctor tell you what’s going to work for you.’ – Star Jones

‘I get work because I’m primarily a novelist but I’ve become script doctor. I can work back and forth between French and English.’ – Norman Spinrad

‘It seems so long ago that I played the part of the Doctor.’ – Patrick Troughton

‘My father wanted me to be a pharmacist like himself. He had been a doctor, but he no longer believed in medicine; so he became a pharmacist, but he believed in that hardly more.’ – Claude Chabrol

‘I play a recurring role for a character named Doctor Imo. I assist the villain and show up from time to time.’ – Keir Dullea

‘Our home had many books due principally to the educational interests of my sister and two brothers, all of whom where serious students engaged in professional studies; my sister became a doctor of medicine and my brothers became lawyers.’ – Frederick Reines

‘A few years ago, I thought, I’ll never make it. I started to go to the doctor to help me lose weight.’ – Etta James

‘In art, theories are as useful as a doctor’s prescription; one must be sick to believe them.’ – Maurice de Vlaminck

‘Yet it looks as if the thing we use to solve our problems with is the source of our problems. It’s like going to the doctor and having him make you ill. In fact, in 20% of medical cases we do apparently have that going on. But in the case of thought, its far over 20%.’ – David Bohm

‘I asked my doctor how many more years I have left and he said, ‘You’re too ornery to die.” – Jimmy Piersall

‘Towards the end of 2003 it was hard to get through training – and the darkest point was when a doctor told me there was a possibility I could end up in a wheelchair.’ – Jonah Lomu

‘To wait for hours to buy a train ticket or to see a doctor is accepted as a normal way of doing things. Privacy is not a great preoccupation, and this is a very crowded country.’ – Nancy Travis

‘So I had to be the doctor to these wounded men until we could remove them to the hospital. There were fifty-four women and forty little boys with the Red Army prisoners, and I went daily to take care of them also.’ – Agnes Smedley

‘I am living in Norway, where I am under the care of the best cancer doctor in Norway and I can be closer to my family.’ – Grete Waitz

‘I married a wonderful doctor, and I was very happy – period.’ – Claudette Colbert

‘If you put down a list of jobs, doctor, lawyer, janitor, teacher or movie star, everybody would pick the movie star. And why? So you could lie around the pool, drink margaritas and send money to your parents. So that’s what I did.’ – Steve Guttenberg

‘I found it a little bit stressful, because I wasn’t used to working with Doctor Who. I got the impression I’d walked into the end of seven years and it was all a bit tense.’ – Sarah Sutton

‘I don’t know if you’ve ever tried writing a Doctor Who story, but it’s a lot more difficult than it initially appears, especially if you’ve got more than one assistant.’ – Sarah Sutton

‘I enjoyed working with Peter, I was very pleased when I heard he was going to be the Doctor.’ – Sarah Sutton

‘Doctor Who is like any long-running series in that the cast tend to look to the star to set the general tone. Rehearsals and filming could be a lot of fun.’ – Sarah Sutton

‘I often look at a lot of Doctor Who stuff that’s about now, which no one has approached me about.’ – Sarah Sutton

‘Before I got Doctor Who, I went to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. I went back to take the final grade exam, which is the grade you have to take before you can take the teacher’s diploma.’ – Sarah Sutton

‘I still get the kids to the doctor and dentist and plan their play dates and buy their clothes.’ – Patricia Richardson

‘We were led to a pediatric ophthalmologist. It’s a hard date for me, April 14, 1998. The doctor came back from the examining room and told us she had tumors in both eyes.’ – Hunter Tylo

‘I am interested in getting people to use the healthcare system at the right time, getting them to see the doctor early enough, before a small health problem turns serious.’ – Donna Shalala

‘To wait, for an actor, is not like someone who’s waiting to see the doctor. It’s not the kind of wait where you get bored.’ – Catherine Deneuve

‘Under the AHP approach, the average small business might be able to offer their employees one or two insurance plans, and that employee of the small business would have no idea whether their doctor was going to be a apart of one of those plans.’ – Jim Cooper

‘My mother raised three children on her own and my dad was a doctor working 16 hours a day.’ – Christopher Meloni

‘The Pawnee chief had left the village the day after the doctor arrived, with 50 or 60 horses and many people, and had taken his course to the north of our route.’ – Zebulon Pike

‘Any veteran can tell you it is already hard enough to see a doctor down at the VA and get the health care they were promised when they signed up to serve this country.’ – Nick Lampson

‘Normally, we see characters that have God complexes. How interesting, I thought, it would be to capitalize on that. And say, OK, well fine, you have a God complex, well this person has a Satan complex. And the doctor chooses to treat him scientifically.’ – Eriq La Salle

‘What doctor does not need platform heels and dark black eyeliner to treat their patients?’ – Sarah Chalke

‘Well, after I had the heart attack, it was a very simple choice. What the doctor told me I did and I did it religiously. I ate nothing but lean turkey breast or chicken breast or a piece of fish that was very lean. I mean I stayed away from everything.’ – Mike Ditka

‘I like that totally mixed up kind of eclectic group of personal props and bits of costume and I think the fun of doing that is where I was very lucky with Doctor Who.’ – Lalla Ward

‘The doctor told Phil, my then husband, that my condition was really bad news. They had found an artery tearing and said I could die. They said they could try to patch it up but it could go horribly wrong. It all turned out okay in the end but it was touch and go.’ – Sharon Stone

‘Dad and mom would have preferred that I be a doctor, a lawyer, a scientist, or a great humanitarian.’ – Levon Helm

‘I think early on I knew what I was going to do and it was based a lot on familiarity but it was also because I didn’t have a lot of skills. There was nothing I wanted t be. I didn’t want to be a doctor. I wanted to be in show business.’ – Christopher Walken

‘Presenting statues of honor to reporters for covering an earthquake is like presenting a first prize to a doctor for performing surgery.’ – Phil Donahue

‘Patients would come in and say, Well, my baby is going to have a cleft palate. I’m going like, that’s not a reason. And the doctor would do the abortion.’ – Norma McCorvey

‘My doctor asked me how many golf balls I had hit in my career. I’m lying there in bed calculating somewhere between four and five million golf balls I had hit to do that on my body.’ – Greg Norman

‘My doctor felt that the main contributing factor was so many years of malnutrition, especially during my formative years, even before I got into modeling.’ – Carre Otis

‘I have many times thought I did the wrong thing, but the reason was not to be a medical doctor – it was just to have the information. But then, maybe I was wrong, I don’t know.’ – Lennart Nilsson

‘I never quite envisioned myself a proper doctor under that white coat, but I was interested in the idea of healing and in the psychological dimension rather early on.’ – Robert Jay Lifton

‘When I was still in my psychiatric residency training in New York City, I was subjected to the doctor draft of that time, during the early fifties, at the time of the Korean War.’ – Robert Jay Lifton

‘My dear doctor, I am surprised to hear you say that I am coughing very badly, as I have been practising all night.’ – John Philpot Curran

‘The kind of doctor I want is one who when he’s not examining me is home studying medicine.’ – George S. Kaufman

‘At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be a surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken.’ – Jessica Biel

‘The difficulty with becoming a patient is that as soon as you get horizontal, part of your being yearns, not for a doctor, but for a medicine man.’ – Shana Alexander

‘A doctor must work eighteen hours a day and seven days a week. If you cannot console yourself to this, get out of the profession.’ – Martin H. Fischer

‘My mother learned that she was carrying me at about the same time the Second World War was declared; with the family talent for magic realism, she once told me she had been to the doctor’s on the very day.’ – Angela Carter

‘We wouldn’t think of going to our doctor and saying ‘Treat me the way doctors treated people in the 19th Century,’ and yet that’s what we’re demanding in food production.’ – Nina Fedoroff

‘I wanted to be a doctor when I was a kid, but I started doing theater in high school because it was a requirement. At first, I was completely irritated. But I ended up loving it.’ – Sophia Bush

‘We have a way of dealing with information that has sort of personal – personally identifying information in it. But there are legitimate secrets – you know, your records with your doctor; that’s a legitimate secret. But we deal with whistleblowers that are coming forward that are really sort of well motivated.’ – Julian Assange

‘I wanted to be a doctor when I was little, so I’m okay with blood and guts.’ – Jennifer Lawrence

‘I wanted to be a doctor at one point and I also wanted to be a pilot. I think if you grow up in a dodgy area, reality often beats down those ambitions as you get older. But with me that never really happened.’ – James McAvoy

‘I’m now convinced that I’m a doctor. I mean, if someone says they have a pain, I’m like, ‘Well, that’s your spleen.” – Olivia Wilde

‘Your face tells a story and it shouldn’t be a story about your drive to the doctor’s office.’ – Julia Roberts

‘I wrote for years before I was ever published, and I don’t think I could ever stop. That said, I was also a veterinarian before I sold my first book, and I still volunteer my time to help with animal welfare causes. So that is a career I would be happy to return to – while still secretly writing strange stories back in my doctor’s office.’ – James Rollins

‘Normal birth to me should not be numb from the waist down and waiting for the doctor to tell you to push. There’s a reason we feel it. There’s a reason we need to feel it.’ – Ricki Lake

‘In the next few years I’d love to play a female version of Doctor Who. I know exactly how I would play her – she would be crafty in a clever kind of way.’ – Billie Piper

‘That’s what the ‘Doctor’ is about, essentially – having that energy that you just can’t understand.’ – Billie Piper

‘I’d just turned 50, weighed 285, and my doctor had read me the riot act about my health.’ – Daniel Baldwin

‘When you play a doctor, you have to look like you can do it but you don’t actually go and do it. It’s not like you learn how to cut open somebody and go do surgery. You have to think of a human being and not play the idea of what that would look like.’ – Carrie-Anne Moss

‘To finally get that call from the doctor that you’re pregnant and you’re having a baby…. It was just another world.’ – Giuliana Rancic

‘There are thin girls with infertility issues, normal sized girls with infertility issues and overweight girls with infertility issues. Unless your doctor tells you your weight is affecting you in some way… once the doctor rules it out, that’s really not it.’ – Giuliana Rancic

‘Before, if I wasn’t in baseball, I wanted to become a doctor.’ – Pedro Martinez

‘Some people start a sport just to reduce weight, or some say, ‘My doctor ordered me to run and do exercise’, and for others, they run for completely different benefits. But it is not like that with sport. We need to eat, we need to rest, but also we need to run.’ – Haile Gebrselassie

‘When I grew up I always wanted to act. Also, I wanted to be either a lawyer or a doctor. However, when I got to college and realized what those occupations entailed, I changed my mind real quick.’ – Tia Mowry

‘If you want to get healthy, you just might not want to go to a doctor. You might instead, go to church.’ – Mark Hyman

‘I’d like people to know that you can head off kidney disease, maybe prevent a transplant or stop the disease from progressing after detection by doing a simple urine test in the doctor’s office.’ – Sean Elliott

‘If there ever is government-run health care, the first ones to sign up should be the president and every member of Congress, including myself. You should be able to keep the insurance you’ve got today, if you like it, and always choose your own doctor.’ – Mike Ross

‘You don’t have a family doctor anymore like you did when you were a kid, who treated you throughout your life.’ – Mehmet Oz

‘I think I’m a better doctor than I am a husband. I give myself a good grade as a doctor, then the next best grade as a father, and the worst grade as a husband.’ – Mehmet Oz

‘What we have now is doctors who are actually better technically at what they’re doing in their specialty than 30 or 40 years ago, but we lost the relationship, when the doctor would look people in the eye and say, ‘I care about you. We can do this together.” – Mehmet Oz

‘Whether it’s possible or not, being a doctor, you take an oath. To care for your patient, not to kill them. You take an oath to do things that are proper in the medical world. Not to administer something outside of a hospital setting that’s not even your area.’ – Jermaine Jackson

‘I wished to God the doctor had handed me a pamphlet that said, ‘Hey, sorry about the autism, but here’s a step-by-step list on what to do next.’ But doctors don’t do that. They say ‘sorry’ and move you along.’ – Jenny McCarthy

‘I am a huge fan of ‘Doctor Who.” – David Walliams

‘I don’t subscribe to the ‘Doctor Who’ magazine and we’ve only got the normal amount of ‘Doctor Who’ fridge magnets.’ – Arabella Weir

‘I married someone 30 years older than me, a doctor, a playboy who had a terrible Don Juan reputation.’ – Arielle Dombasle

‘And you realise you’re doing a public service in making people happy – as a musician you can give people something a doctor, a lawyer, a politician cannot give them that. It’s not scientific. It’s spiritual – a good feeling. And although you don’t know them personally, the audience are like your friends.’ – Billy Ocean

‘I ran into an extraordinary doctor. He got up inside my head and figured out how my brain processed things, what my core values were, what my inner dialogue was.’ – Darrell Hammond

‘I’m not a doctor – so I can’t describe flashbacks well – but it is like you’re living it again.’ – Darrell Hammond

‘I grew up in a home and in a world in which you can do anything. We were all expected to go to college. My father was a doctor.’ – David Alan Grier

‘I wanted to be a leading man – the black lawyer, the black doctor, the black policeman.’ – David Alan Grier

‘I was never a big networker, but I was a spin doctor, all those shock shows, that’s how I got my first backers. But fashion’s a scary industry to be in, especially if you’ve not grown up with it.’ – Alexander McQueen

‘It started last year, during the summer. I went to the doctor and they found out it was kidney stones, so they had surgery done to help get those out and to pass them… More just kept coming in. So I had all together before the last show… I had like five surgeries.’ – Phillip Phillips

‘Being from a very traditional Chinese-American family, my parents believed the only options to have a successful life were to be a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer or a business person.’ – Phillip Lim

‘I absolutely reject that idea that the press is liberal and what it does is liberal. In my view, it’s like accusing a doctor of malpractice or a lawyer of malfeasance.’ – Ron Suskind

‘Thirty, 40 years ago, more than that now, even, the cook was certainly at the bottom of the social scale. And any mother would’ve wanted their child to marry a doctor, a lawyer, an architect, not a cook. Now, we are genius, it’s different.’ – Jacques Pepin

‘Lyrically and thematically, the title ‘Doctor Faith’, that song is about therapy, psychotherapy, and that song is about emotions and personal insight. I think all the songs on the record sort of go along with that.’ – Christopher Cross

‘I think the first and principle objective is to repeal Obamacare before it does lasting, fundamental damage to our health care system, to our individual liberty, to the relationship each of us has with his or her doctor.’ – Ted Cruz

‘I won’t stop fighting to give Nevadans access to affordable health care just because my husband is a doctor, just like I won’t stop standing up for veterans because my father served in World War II.’ – Shelley Berkley

‘My father was a doctor.’ – David Alan Grier

‘Mitt Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to end the debacle of putting the world’s greatest care system in the hands of federal bureaucrats and putting those bureaucrats between an American citizen and her doctor.’ – Chris Christie

‘For the amount of money that the country is going to spend this year on health care, you can go out and hire a doctor for every seven families in the US and pay the doctor almost $230,000 a year to cover them.’ – Ron Wyden

‘I wanted to be a shoe designer, but I never thought it could be a profession. But what was the alternative? Doctor? Too dirty! Air-hostess? Maybe not! Then someone gave me a book on Roger Vivier, and, cheri, instantly I knew that was it!’ – Christian Louboutin

‘My dad, of course, like a lot of Asian parents, wanted me to be an engineer or doctor and never could understand why I would want to be a lawyer. And then, when I first said I wanted to run for office, he thought that was absolutely insane.’ – Gary Locke

‘I will say that walking down the street, getting on the subway, taking the elevator, if there’s one or two people and they say, ‘Great job, Mayor,’ that is a real turn-on. I mean, anybody that wouldn’t find that satisfying, rewarding, exciting, thrilling – I think they should see the doctor.’ – Michael Bloomberg

‘The most watched programme on the BBC, after the news, is probably ‘Doctor Who.’ What has happened is that science fiction has been subsumed into modern literature. There are grandparents out there who speak Klingon, who are quite capable of holding down a job. No one would think twice now about a parallel universe.’ – Terry Pratchett

‘If you’re a doctor or a lawyer or teacher, if you only get three things right out of 10, you’re considered a failure.’ – Jamie Moyer

‘I really wanted to be a doctor, until my freshman year of college when I realized that while I was good at chemistry and biology, I really wasn’t feeling challenged by it.’ – Marissa Mayer

‘I hate being looked at. Can’t stand it. I know, I know – I picked the wrong career. I should have been a doctor. If you play certain parts you have this nice face painted on you, and then you have feel as if you have a responsibility to this idea of being beautiful. I hate that about our business.’ – Lena Headey

‘I was always a silent comedy nerd. I would stay up late and sneak downstairs to watch ‘Saturday Night Live’ and ‘Kids in the Hall,’ and things like that. Very early on, my parents realized that I was not going to be an engineer or a doctor. I just don’t have those inclinations, at all.’ – Mindy Kaling

‘I think of guitar players in terms of doctors: you have the doctor for your heart, the cardiologist, then one that works on your feet, your leg. But I believe George Benson is the one that plays all over. To me, he would be the M.D. of them all.’ – B. B. King

‘I have three older brothers, and each one of them has chosen one of my parents’ education. Two of them are actors, and the third is a doctor as my mother is.’ – Bill Skarsgard

‘If a black doctor discovers a cure for cancer, ain’t no hospital going to lock him out.’ – Jesse Jackson

‘I think the British people are very, very attached to the idea that the health service is free at the point of use. But there is no reason why every doctor, nurse and teacher in this country has to be employed by the state.’ – George Osborne

‘The type of leukemia that I am dealing with is treatable. So if I do what my doctors tell me to do – get my blood checked regularly, take my meds and consult with my doctor and follow any additional instructions he might make – I will be able to maintain my good health and live my life with a minimum of disruptions to my lifestyle.’ – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

‘When the doctor told me I had cancer, I was scared.’ – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

‘When I was born, the doctor looked at my mother and said, ‘Congratulations, you have an actor!” – Sally Field

‘My father was a doctor, and I admired him and got along well with him. He took me with him on house calls. We were living in Flushing, which was then a sleepy village of 25,000 – before the subway got there. I’ve been sure I wanted to be a doctor since I was about 12.’ – Lewis Thomas

‘Remember, I’m a doctor’s daughter. So obviously I’m interested in all medical things.’ – Nancy Reagan

‘It’s the best time ever to be a doctor because you can heal and treat conditions that were untreatable even a few years ago.’ – Joseph Murray

‘I wanted to be a surgeon, possibly influenced by the qualities of our family doctor who cared for our childhood ailments.’ – Joseph Murray

‘My dad was working abroad, in Iraq, and he was a doctor. We used to go and visit him, in Baghdad, off and on. For the first ten years of my life, we used to go backwards and forwards to Baghdad, so that was quite amazing. I spent a lot of time traveling around the Middle East.’ – Andy Serkis

‘After doing ‘Doctor Who,’ I’m open-minded to doing more acting. Part of the reason you do a show like this is because it creates other opportunities you haven’t had before.’ – Katherine Jenkins

‘I’m over the moon to be involved in the ‘Doctor Who’ Christmas special. I can’t quite believe it as it’s a part of the family tradition at the Jenkins household. I heard the news that I got the role on my 30th birthday and it was the best birthday present ever.’ – Katherine Jenkins

‘Now I have the voice of a 16-year-old. I’m looking for a doctor who could give me the body of a 16-year-old.’ – Jack Klugman

‘If you go to a big city anywhere in the world and you need a doctor, just ask me. I can tell you who’s good and who’s bad. I’ve even considered writing a guidebook.’ – Steffi Graf

‘Lis Sladen was very important to me, you know. When I joined the little world of ‘Doctor Who’, Lis was already a star.’ – Tom Baker

‘I was never really happy until I became ‘Doctor Who’.’ – Tom Baker

‘I have no regrets about being ‘Doctor Who’. It was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.’ – Tom Baker

‘I’m really not an actor of any kind. I’ve always seen myself as an entertainer, someone who makes people laugh. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. ‘Doctor Who’ has always just been me, really.’ – Tom Baker

‘I wanted to be a doctor since I was five.’ – Debi Thomas

‘Although my dad was a doctor, we weren’t necessarily a super-artsy family. We were just a classic, traditional family who got to take a lot of piano lessons and became a bunch of musicians.’ – Lisa Loeb

‘I was very much into science when I was young – I wanted to be a marine biologist, then I wanted to be a doctor, and then something else, I was always changing.’ – Freema Agyeman

‘I’m fully aware that ‘Doctor Who’ will always, always be part of my life, and that’s not something I would run away from in the slightest. I wear it with pride, definitely.’ – Freema Agyeman

‘The doctor asked what my diet was like and I had to sit down and realize it’s not normal, and hadn’t been normal for about 20 years.’ – Carre Otis

‘I grew up on antibiotics. Every ailment – sore throats, earaches, flus – warranted a trip to the doctor and in most cases some kind of prescription.’ – Carre Otis

‘I was really into my studies and wanted to be a doctor.’ – Ieva Laguna

‘When you’re brown and Indian, you get offered a lot of doctor roles.’ – Aasif Mandvi

‘When a doctor is performing an operation, his mind cannot be somewhere else. And it’s the same with actors. You have to commit yourself mind, body and soul to a project in order to do justice to it.’ – Freida Pinto

‘You can go to the doctor a million times if you’re feeling down, and get nowhere, but if you go for a run it makes you feel really good.’ – Gail Porter

‘Some people think they’re depressed and they go to the doctor and want pills. And you just think: ‘You hate where you live, you’ve lost your job, your boyfriend has dumped you, could all this be why you’re depressed?” – Graham Norton

‘Everyone loves to hate a spin doctor.’ – Kristin Scott Thomas

‘It’s interesting when people make comments about celebrities’ weight gain or lack of weight gain as if they’re a medical professional that’s treating that celebrity. Like, ‘This doctor does not treat Jessica Simpson, but thinks her weight is unhealthy.’ If you don’t treat her, then how do you know?’ – Busy Philipps

‘My father, who grew up picking olives on the Greek island of Lesbos, was a doctor. So my family expected me to become a physician.’ – Peter Diamandis

‘The key is to cut out the middleman and empower both doctor and patient with information about what things cost.’ – Ben Carson

‘For a long time, I thought I would like to be a doctor. Such a good profession. So explicitly good. Never a waste of time.’ – Jonathan Safran Foer

‘Often, I’ll read a script and the female character’s an extension or serves some sort of purpose in terms of the male character’s narrative and it just isn’t fully formed. But they will be very beautiful. Whether a secretary or a doctor or a vet, they will be very beautiful.’ – Andrea Riseborough

‘You just can’t take the doctor out of you.’ – Ken Jeong

‘When I finished my residency in New Orleans, I went to L.A. where I would work as a doctor during the day, and then at night I would actually go to The Improv and do standup, all the while kind of cultivating my comedy resume.’ – Ken Jeong

‘I went to college, I went pre-med, I thought I was going to be a doctor.’ – Jason Reitman

‘When ‘Supernatural’ came out, there were a lot of procedurals and you were either a doctor or a cop or lawyer, otherwise the show didn’t stay on TV. And then we came around, and I don’t want to say we were trailblazers, but we found our niche.’ – Jared Padalecki

‘With the counseling of my family doctor, my mother ended up turning to Weight Watchers and their children’s program. I went to weekly meetings, got counseling and would exercise with my peers who were my size. It was the first time I saw a proper children’s portion size, and it wasn’t two burgers, it was one.’ – Ginnifer Goodwin

‘Nudity is for my boyfriend or my doctor.’ – Ginnifer Goodwin

‘There are lots of procedural shows that I love, but I never really wanted to be a doctor on ‘E.R.’ – which I’m just picking as an example – or be on a crime procedural.’ – Stephen Moyer

‘I was sleeping in a water bed for a couple of years, recommended by my doctor. I was never comfortable in that water bed. In the middle of the night you would hear something happening – water and bubbles. I would always think there was some intelligent life in the water bed.’ – Jo Nesbo

‘When I finished school, everyone wanted to go to a good university and become a lawyer or a doctor. My A-levels were sort of chosen for me.’ – Ben Barnes

‘The fact of the matter is that when there are feelings involved and you like someone, it doesn’t matter if you’re an actor, a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, a receptionist – you can’t really help it when you have feelings for someone.’ – Jessica Szohr

‘To be a nutritionist in France, you must be a doctor, seven years studies, and then three more years in nutrition.’ – Pierre Dukan

‘I am a doctor, a real doctor.’ – Pierre Dukan

‘It is part of politics to make things look better than they really are. What is a spin doctor but a serial euphemiser?’ – Nigel Rees

‘There are so many choices I made simply for health insurance. Is it the ideal role I wanted to play, or the TV show I wanted to be a part of? No, but it let me afford to go to the doctor.’ – Amy Ryan

‘Not as many people watch ‘Doctor Who’ as watch the Super Bowl, obviously, but the tropes that attract nerds are no longer a secret cult. It’s a much larger culture, in the specific sense.’ – John Hodgman

‘Good access to a doctor and a drugstore when you first have a problem can avoid a lot of cost and heartache later.’ – Phil Bredesen

‘You want to try and bring a character to life in an honest a way as you possibly can. It doesn’t matter whether he’s a doctor, an actor, a car salesman or a captain of a starship. If you can bring truth and honesty to that character, then your audience will believe you.’ – Scott Bakula

‘I do sometimes watch ‘Dr. Who’ and while the stories barely make sense, if at all, the doctor is such great company I don’t care.’ – John Shirley

‘Medical decisions have been politicized. What doctor wants a state legislator in his consulting room?’ – Garry Trudeau

‘Since graduation, I have measured time in 4-by-5-inch pieces of paper, four days on the left and three on the right. Every social engagement, interview, reading, flight, doctor’s appointment, birthday and dry-cleaning reminder has been handwritten between metal loops.’ – Sloane Crosley

‘Because I’m a doctor, I know when you have an injury it will heal if it’s clean enough to heal; if your injury is dirty, it won’t heal. And so when you are talking in societies, we are also talking in healing processes, and for a good healing process, you need to make things right.’ – Michelle Bachelet

‘You know what, I’ve always been a smarty-pants, and the only thing that goes wrong now is that people know that I play a doctor on TV and so they quickly call me out on the fact that I really think I am a doctor.’ – Lisa Edelstein

‘My wife, Bojana, is a doctor; we both work intense hours and have months when we barely see each other. It isn’t easy, but we realize nobody said it was supposed to be!’ – Michael Weatherly

‘When I got into the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, a doctor told me to give up the course as I’d be totally deaf within a couple of years. But I refused to give in.’ – Stephanie Beacham

‘I had a fear of becoming anything, a fear of becoming a specialist. I might have become a doctor, but if you become a doctor, that’s your specialty in life and you are defined by it. One of the attractions of being a writer is that you’re never a specialist. Your field is entirely open; your field is the entire human condition.’ – Graham Swift

‘My mother used to tell this corny story about how the doctor smacked me on the behind when I was born and I thought it was applause, and I have been looking for it ever since.’ – Kathy Bates

‘I haven’t been approached to do a ‘Doctor Who’ movie. I think they would be scraping the bottom of the barrel if they asked me to do it.’ – Colin Baker

‘I’m an actor. If you had said to me before I started acting that I’d get two bites of the cherry – you would do things that people will remember forever like ‘The Brothers’ which I did in the ’70s and now ‘Doctor Who’ – I’d have been overjoyed and I still am.’ – Colin Baker

‘As a kid, I always wanted to be lots of things. I was a Walter Mitty type. I wanted to be in the French Foreign Legion, a detective, a doctor, a test pilot with a scarf, a fisherman who hauled in a tremendous marlin after a 12-hour fight.’ – Jonathan Winters

‘And one of the things that I learned was you can’t generalise at all about a woman in a veil. You can’t think you know her story, because she will confound you over and over again. She may be an engineer or a diplomat or a doctor. Or she may be an unbelievable babe with bleached hair down to her waist.’ – Geraldine Brooks

‘Oprah is signed on to help, and a lot of celebrity friends have agreed to help me raise money for Make-A-Wish. We want to make the world a better place for innocent children. I cried my heart out when my father died from cancer. I wish I was smarter, wiser like a doctor, to save these children from dying.’ – Criss Angel

‘Anything that could be conceived of that would separate black people from white people was devised and codified by someone in some state in the South. There were colored and White waiting rooms everywhere, from doctor’s offices to the bus stations, as people may already know.’ – Isabel Wilkerson

‘For a while I thought about studying medicine at school and becoming a doctor because I’ve always been interested in psychology and how people’s minds operate. But I’m able to explore some of that as an actor and ultimately I think it seems more interesting.’ – Rumer Willis

‘It’s the idea that when you say ‘actress’, people think of an airy, floaty, no-brain person, which of course you can’t be if you are an actor. It is an unfortunate word, which is why, for a time, I hung on to ‘actor’, because it just seemed more workmanlike, you know, like you say ‘woman doctor’ not ‘doctoress’.’ – Miranda Richardson

‘Millions of Americans today are taking dietary supplements, practicing yoga and integrating other natural therapies into their lives. These are all preventive measures that will keep them out of the doctor’s office and drive down the costs of treating serious problems like heart disease and diabetes.’ – Andrew Weil

‘I was given a stethoscope in a child’s ‘doctor’s bag’ at about age six and I loved it! One could hear the heart beating through that plastic toy.’ – Jessye Norman

‘Robots may cut down on infection and mean a consultant can see more patients, but wouldn’t you rather meet the doctor than a machine?’ – Robert Winston

‘It’s hard to be a good doctor if you don’t think about the social circumstances of who you’re treating. There are many Tory doctors, but I think it’s difficult to be a doctor and a genuine right-winger.’ – Robert Winston

‘For many people with HIV, finding the right doctor is the most important decision they’ll make.’ – David Mixner

‘I’m my own doctor. I have a group of people who call me up on a weekly basis. I’m a ‘doctor’ without a license.’ – George Hamilton

‘I’m always calling my doctor because I’m constantly injuring myself while on the road, like tearing a ligament, blasting my ears or losing my voice. Plus, I’m a total hypochondriac.’ – Mika

‘I’m not intelligent enough to be a doctor, and kind of hands down you can’t argue with the worth of that. But I don’t really have an opinion about the worth of making art.’ – Rupert Friend

‘I thought it was going to be a hut in Topanga and Janis Joplin was going to come out, but it’s a real doctor… I went to Beverly Hills to meet this midwife; you’d think they’d be in nature.’ – Simon Helberg

‘To be honest, I don’t think there’s any other show like ‘Doctor Who’ at all.’ – Jenna-Louise Coleman

‘Kids should feel afraid of ‘Doctor Who.’ All the adults I’ve talked to remember fondly being afraid when they were kids. That’s part of the reason they remember it and love it. And if you’re afraid in a controlled way, you sort of appreciate fear in some respect.’ – Matt Smith

‘At university I had a big coloured scarf and people would often say, ‘All right, Doctor Who?’ And, I thought, I rather liked that notion.’ – Matt Smith

‘My doctor told me that I’m old, fat, and ugly, but none of those things is going to kill me immediately.’ – Roger Ailes

‘Retiring was hard. I’d spent 15 years doing something I loved, but when you get older everything seems to go. When I started spending too long with the physio and the doctor, I knew it was time to call it a day. But I had no preparation for being retired and I didn’t know what to do.’ – Daley Thompson

‘I have my father’s lopsided mouth. When I smile, my lips slope to one side. My doctor sister calls it my cerebral palsy mouth. I am very much a daddy’s girl, and even though I would rather my smile wasn’t crooked, there is something moving for me about having a mouth exactly like my father’s.’ – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

‘I went to the doctor recently and she actually prescribed that I go out for ten minutes a day, I’m so depleted on vitamin D.’ – Jorma Taccone

‘When I was little, I wanted to be a doctor. I was really interested in gore. My grandfather was an orthopedic surgeon and he had a lot of books in his library that I would just pore over. A lot of them had really horrible pictures of deformities.’ – Jennifer Egan

‘I’ve never bought this idea of taking a therapeutic distance. If I see a student or house staff cry, I take great faith in that. That’s a great person; they’re going to be a great doctor.’ – Abraham Verghese

‘My writing flows out of my doctorhood. They are not separate things. They are one. I think the foremost connection between being a doctor and being a writer is the great privilege of having an intimate view of one’s fellow humans, the privilege of being there and helping other people at their most vulnerable moments.’ – Abraham Verghese

‘I’ve tried to start my kids on ‘Doctor Who,’ but they’re just not there yet. Someone had given me these TARDIS stick-em notes, so I gave them to Tucker, and he finally put them all over his locker. I’m like, ‘You’re the coolest fifth grader, ever!” – Kristian Bush

‘I don’t know what makes a writer’s voice. It’s dozens of things. There are people who write who don’t have it. They’re tone-deaf, even though they’re very fluent. It’s an ability, like anything else, being a doctor or a veterinarian, or a musician.’ – Paula Fox

‘I am perhaps unusual in that I came to ‘Doctor Who’ through the numerous novelisations and not through the television show.’ – Eoin Colfer

‘Oh, I just tend to believe in things when I’m writing them. For instance, when I was writing ‘Doctor Dee,’ I believed in magic. And when I wrote ‘Hawksmoor’ I believed in psychic geography. But as soon as I type the last full stop, I’m back to being a complete blank again.’ – Peter Ackroyd

‘Lipitor is one of the most researched medicines. I’m glad I take Lipitor, as a doctor, and a dad.’ – Robert Jarvik

‘Our ad campaign with Pfizer is educational. Lipitor is the most widely prescribed drug in the country. For every prescription, there is a doctor writing it. It’s a huge vote of confidence.’ – Robert Jarvik

‘I am, in fact, a medical doctor; I am a world expert in mechanical heart technology; and I am an athletically fit man who takes care of his own health through diet and exercise, including frequent five mile runs.’ – Robert Jarvik

‘As a medical doctor who chose a career in artificial heart technology rather than clinical practice, I decided not to take an internship, which is required for licensing. Instead, I work with invention, manufacturing, regulatory affairs, and clinical application of artificial hearts.’ – Robert Jarvik

‘Imagine a State occasion where the Queen is wearing trainers with her tiara because she thinks it will make people like her better, more folksy. It’s unthinkable. But that’s patently the thought process Gordon Brown (or his spin doctor) went through before the Prime Minister appeared on the world stage in Beijing without his suit and tie.’ – Peter York

‘I have to tell you as a doctor, 25 years of practice, not as a politician using talking points, as somebody who has taken care of Medicare patients, we can make it a lot better.’ – John Barrasso

‘I don’t want anybody between a doctor and a patient – not an insurance company bureaucrat or a Washington bureaucrat.’ – John Barrasso

‘I like to tell kids that I started thinking about stories when I first started reading stuff like Dr. Seuss and ‘Go, Dog. Go!,’ thinking, ‘Oh yeah, that’s funny. I’d like to do that.’ And then writing throughout school, but at the same time I was studying pre-med stuff, because my mom told me I should be a doctor.’ – Jon Scieszka

‘I’ve always been interested in medicine and was pleased when my brother became a doctor. But after thinking seriously about that field, I realized that what intrigued me was not the science, not the chemistry or biology of medicine, but the narrative – the story of each patient, each illness.’ – Lois Lowry

‘I still look at my job as being a doctor of the people, and I’m going to look at the science… If we can find a viable alternative that gave us harm reduction as people are withdrawing from nicotine, I’m happy to engage in that science and see if we can do that.’ – Richard Carmona

‘I used to be a real doctor. Now I just play one on TV.’ – Richard Carmona

‘I’ve had opportunities before to run for office – the Republicans recruited me when I was surgeon general, to run for Congress, to run against Gov. Napolitano. But I didn’t feel it was my calling… I felt, ‘Well, I’m flattered, but I really would rather stay and be the doctor of the nation and stay as surgeon general.” – Richard Carmona

‘Whenever I’ve had to make a major decision as a doctor, cop or for a company I’ve worked for, I ask myself: What is the value proposition here? Will my decision bring added value to the population I have the privilege to serve?’ – Richard Carmona

‘As 17th U.S. Surgeon General, I was privileged to serve as the nation’s doctor. I focused much of my time on promoting proven programs and individual steps that lead to good health.’ – Richard Carmona

‘I was good at being a doctor; my patients liked me. At times people trust you with things they wouldn’t tell their spouses. It was a real privilege.’ – Khaled Hosseini

‘People say that the most expensive piece of medical equipment is the doctor’s pen. It’s not that we make all the money. It’s that we order all the money.’ – Atul Gawande

‘To become a doctor, you spend so much time in the tunnels of preparation – head down, trying not to screw up, trying to make it from one day to the next – that it is a shock to find yourself at the other end, with someone shaking your hand and asking how much money you want to make.’ – Atul Gawande

‘Most people are squeamish about saying how much they earn, but in medicine the situation seems especially fraught. Doctors aren’t supposed to be in it for the money, and the more concerned a doctor seems to be about making money the more suspicious people become about the care being provided.’ – Atul Gawande

‘To me, it feels like ‘The Doctor’ has to have a long coat, and that’s something imprinted on me from childhood, because he always did. And there’s something heroic in a flapping coat, but at the same time, I need to get rid of it sometimes and just be a scrawny guy in a suit that doesn’t quite fit.’ – David Tennant

‘It wasn’t until I got involved in ‘Doctor Who’ that I started doing dramas on television.’ – John Barrowman

‘When I was little, my parents really only wanted me to be a scientist or a doctor; they had never even heard of law school. I think even these days if you were to tell your mother you want to be a fashion designer, or an artist or a writer, a lot of Asian parents would be alarmed because they don’t think that’s a secure career.’ – Amy Chua

‘A doctor once told me that with crying you aren’t sure what its derivation is. If someone comes at you with a knife, you don’t cry: you scream, you try to run. When it’s over and you’re OK, that’s when you cry.’ – Bill Viola

‘I can actually trace the moment I decided I couldn’t be a doctor. It was in biology, they brought in these African crickets and we were supposed to dissect them – but there’s no way I was touching those bugs.’ – Meg Rosoff

‘You know, I look to myself mainly as a creative writer all my life and a medical doctor.’ – Nawal El Saadawi

‘I grew up in Hollywood, California. A lot of my parents’ friends were in the motion picture industry, but I saw their doctor friends as more solid. I admired them; there was a peacefulness in them, a sense of purpose that I liked. So I became very interested in being a surgeon.’ – Spencer Johnson

‘The marvelous thing about ‘Doctor Who’ is that it tells stories that no one else can tell.’ – Russell T Davies

‘I absorb the science section of ‘The New York Times.’ You know, I have a degree: I’m an A.A.D. Almost a Doctor.’ – Evelyn Lauder

‘In England, ‘Doctor Who’ has always been considered a children’s show, at least by children.’ – Alex Kingston

‘If I wasn’t singing country music for a living, I was actually going to school to be a doctor.’ – Dustin Lynch

”Doctor Who’ was my first telly job, and before that I did a lot of theatre in education, children’s theatre.’ – Sophie Aldred

‘My concept of a ‘Doctor Who’ girl was that you screamed a lot and ran around quarries in unsuitable footwear. Of course you fell over and twisted your ankle, because you had high heels on.’ – Sophie Aldred

‘I was really so excited when it came back on air and I saw all three of the actors who played ‘Doctor Who’ in the new version and they’ve all been absolutely brilliant in their own special way, as all the Doctors always are.’ – Sophie Aldred

‘There was something very special about ‘Doctor Who’, and I did miss it a lot.’ – Sophie Aldred

”Doctor Who’ is one of those things that stays with you throughout your career, and I’m very happy with that.’ – Sophie Aldred

‘Being in ‘Doctor Who’ has been so amazing. I don’t think I will ever have a job quite so fun ever again. I feel sad because I am going to leave, but with any story, it has to come to an end.’ – Karen Gillan

‘My parents would have loved it if my brother or I had become a doctor or lawyer.’ – Gabriel Macht

‘I do think it’s well over-time to have a female Doctor Who. I think a gay, black female Doctor Who would be the best of all.’ – Helen Mirren

‘If you went to Harvard Medical School, chances are you’ll be a doctor at some place. There’s a career trajectory. Acting, there’s nothing. It’s constantly trying to procure jobs – it’s very disconcerting.’ – Jesse Eisenberg

‘Every intelligent person, whether he’s an artist or not – a mathematician, a doctor, a scientist – possesses a poetic way of seeing and describing the world.’ – Yehuda Amichai

‘I wanted to be a doctor, but my mom was like, ‘It’s really hard and it’s going to take 10 years,’ so I was like ‘OK, I’ll just be a lawyer’.’ – Charice Pempengco

‘Waiting in line for something mundane is very boring. Waiting for my doctor to see me and waiting for my dentist to see me, yes, that is boring.’ – Andre Leon Talley

‘I had a certificate that said, ‘Doctor of Mixology, Harvard University,’ that I actually got from Harvard University. A friend of mine was a research assistant over there and it was one of those student or university perks and she brought me in on that. So I am a doctorate from Harvard and it only took me one afternoon.’ – Ronda Rousey

‘The doctor said, ‘He can’t last a week.’ And I did. And they said, ‘There’s no way this kid’s going to last a month.’ And I did. And so they said, ‘Two years. He’s not going to make it.’ Two years. ‘Five years. He can’t do that.’ I lived to be five years. ‘He’s never going to hit double digits.’ And here I am, a new teenager.’ – Mattie Stepanek

‘I don’t have to go to a doctor and have my face changed. It terrifies me that women do that.’ – Elaine Stritch

‘Mr. Steven Bochco is a very wise man. After a many-monthed nationwide search to find a precocious teenage doctor, he hired me.’ – Neil Patrick Harris

‘Yes. I’m a doctor, an epidemiologist, and lots of my professional colleagues flip back and forth between industry and medical roles. I know them; they are not bad people. But it is possible for good people in bad systems to do things that inflict enormous harm.’ – Ben Goldacre

”Doctor Who’ is really close to my heart, and I felt like I was a part of it at the best time, with Russell T.’ – Clive Standen

‘I’ve got children and it’s still this one thing that I feel incredibly proud about, when my children are in the playground with their friends and they know about ‘Doctor Who’. It’s a great feeling. I can sit down with them and watch the new ‘Doctor’ with my kids.’ – Clive Standen

‘Almost every woman I have spoken to about pregnancy has a story about her doctor giving her a hard time about her weight. Later in my pregnancy it felt like all of my time with my doctor was focused on how fat I was getting – so fat!’ – Emily Oster

‘I think that there’s a real sense in which pregnancy should be something that you do with your doctor, but I think that for a lot of women the time you have with your doctors is limited and it can be difficult to get all of the answers to your questions.’ – Emily Oster

‘The digitization of human beings will make a parody out of ‘doctor knows best.” – Eric Topol

‘I never went through a period were I wanted to be a doctor, a cop or even a rock star. All I wanted to do was play short stop for the Yankees from the time I was about 5. Then I turned 15 and realized how silly that was and just gave up on it.’ – Artie Lange

‘Job-wise, I did have a moment of panic that I should have been a doctor a few years ago, but I hate when people vomit.’ – Kate Beckinsale

‘When girls feel bad about their looks, 60 percent avoid normal daily activities like raising their hand in class or even going to the doctor. That means that girls do not show up for life when they don’t feel good enough or pretty enough. A role model can help girls see beauty as a source of confidence, not anxiety.’ – Mandy Moore

‘Go to the doctor, get a checkup, and get Pap smears regularly. Cervical cancer is very preventable, and if you catch it early, there are tons of ways to treat it as well.’ – Mandy Moore

‘I’m afraid the ‘Doctor Who’ door is probably closed because of me being in ‘Torchwood.’ – Burn Gorman’ – Burn Gorman

‘I know in Britain with ‘Doctor Who’ all the classic actors, and the people who you’d really want to, work on the show. I like that the fact that ‘Torchwood’ has actors that want to be involved from the stage. It has raised our game, and I’m just happy for good actors who want to be in sci-fi shows who love the genre.’ – Burn Gorman

‘Running just makes me happy. I love the freedom of running. I ran until I was seven and a half months pregnant with each of my babies. When I gave birth to my first son, my doctor said I couldn’t run for six weeks. I was sneaking back out after eight days.’ – Kim Alexis

‘I really discovered I had thyroid disease by accident. My son was having some health concerns, and as I filled out his patient history I noticed I had a lot of similar symptoms. I mentioned it to the doctor, and he ran blood work and finally an ultrasound of my thyroid.’ – Kim Alexis

‘I was going to be a doctor, but I think my music allowed me to help more people than I could have done one-on-one as a psychologist. Just like other people’s music really helped me.’ – Gloria Estefan

‘When I decided to become a doctor, I was very, very young, when my mother, her seventh child, became pregnant, and she was feeling terrible pain, and I could not know how to help her. And my mother died in front of my eyes, without knowing why, which diagnosis. So I decided to be a doctor.’ – Hawa Abdi

‘My dad, coming from a very traditional family, always wanted me to be a doctor. So he would always ask me, ‘What are you going to be when you grow up?’ And I’d have to say ‘Dr. Chen.” – Jane Chen

‘I never set out to be a journalist. I wanted to be a humanitarian doctor like Albert Schweitzer, working in Africa.’ – Janine di Giovanni

‘During war time, when people were injured, I was really frustrated I did not become a doctor. It’s painful not being able to save people, witnessing their pain.’ – Janine di Giovanni

‘Every time I went to the doctor when I was in my twenties, he repeated the same thing to me: don’t wait too long to have children.’ – Janine di Giovanni

‘If you’re a doctor, what do you promise to do? First, do no harm. If your operating philosophy is do no harm, that’s not a call to imagination. Not only that, if I’m a patient, I don’t want your imagination. I want what works.’ – Jay S. Walker

‘My dad was in the military, yeah. He was in the Air Force, and he was a doctor, so he would go places for six months here, and two years there. And I was home-schooled because I played the violin, and I did a lot of competitions.’ – Felicia Day

‘I was a big fan of ‘Star Trek.’ But then again, you know, ‘Star Trek’, ‘Star Wars’, ‘Doctor Who’, I wasn’t a big fan, but you know, when they ask you and they cast you and it drops in your lap, how can you say no to these franchises.’ – Deep Roy

‘My wife and I have never been able to have kids of our own. Physically, it’s impossible. The doctor checked. So we tend to unofficially adopt lots of twenty-somethings. I have a real soft spot in my heart for youth.’ – Doug Jones

‘I came from a traditional immigrant family where education meant there were only a few valid paths: doctor or lawyer – and I didn’t want to be either one.’ – Suheir Hammad

‘As a cancer doctor, I’m looking forward to being out of a job.’ – Daniel Kraft

‘I’m not a doctor or scientist. I’m just a mom. But I do think there’s a genetic predisposition, and there are environmental triggers. I feel like that combination, in my child’s case, is what resulted in autism.’ – Holly Robinson Peete

‘Take charge of hidden, sneaky sources of chronic inflammation that can trigger illness and disease by wearing comfortable shoes daily, getting an annual flu vaccine, and asking your doctor why you’re not on a statin and baby aspirin if you’re over the age of forty.’ – David Agus

‘What’s quote-unquote a ‘good’ lawyer, doctor, or whatever the profession is. And if you’re a male who grew up professionally in a male-dominated profession, then your image of what a good lawyer is a male image.’ – Sonia Sotomayor

‘Being asked to play ‘The Doctor’ is an amazing privilege. Like the Doctor himself I find myself in a state of utter terror and delight. I can’t wait to get started.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘I haven’t played Doctor Who since I was 9 on the playground.’ – Peter Capaldi

”Doctor Who’ belongs to all of us. Everybody makes ‘Doctor Who.” – Peter Capaldi

‘Even though I am a lifelong ‘Doctor Who’ fan, I’ve not played him since I was nine. I downloaded old scripts and practised those in front of the mirror.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘Every viewer who ever turned on ‘Doctor Who’ has taken him into his heart. He belongs to all of us.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘I destroyed all my geek stuff because I didn’t want to be a geek, and I regret it to this day. Consumed in the geek bonfire of the vanities was a collection of autographs and letters from Peter Cushing, Spike Milligan and Frankie Howerd, the first Doctor Whos, actual astronauts, and many more.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘It’s funny: when I first started getting vocal about how much I liked ‘Doctor Who,’ I didn’t realize how deep the fan base was.’ – Chris Hardwick

‘I am a geek in terms of, I love ‘Close Encounters’ and I love ‘Star Wars,’ but other things… ‘Doctor Who,’ I don’t really care about at all, I couldn’t give a fig about it.’ – Nick Frost

‘I’m incredibly proud of ‘Life On Mars’ and ‘Doctor Who.’ They’re just a blast to do.’ – John Simm

‘I didn’t know anything about acting, I didn’t know anything about theater, but I was just an exceptional student at high school. I wanted to play ball; I’m going after a basketball scholarship and be a doctor. I got injured and my marks began to drop.’ – Louis Gossett, Jr.

‘It’s nice to be thought of as attractive and all of that. On the other hand, it curtails you somewhat, too. They won’t let me read for ‘West Wing,’ just to play, you know, a normal person. Or ‘ER,’ to play a doctor – the things I’m actually good at. I mean, I’m pretty good on foreign policy – they won’t even let me come read for that.’ – Morgan Fairchild

‘I have as many pictures of my vocal cords as I do of my children. I have a great ear, nose and throat doctor, and we look at them – if there’s some redness, maybe I’ll take a little time off.’ – Anita Baker

‘I actually don’t want to be an actor for the rest of my life. I’d like to go on to be a lawyer or a doctor, and I definitely would like to get into politics.’ – Noah Gray-Cabey

‘Someone like David Tennant is able to embrace people’s love for ‘Doctor Who’ in a totally positive way. I have huge admiration for people who are able to do that.’ – Romola Garai

‘If I wasn’t a designer, I would love to be a doctor. That is my fantasy, my dream. A doctor will give you a tablet if you have a headache, and I will give you a dress, and we both make you feel good.’ – Alber Elbaz

‘When I was in New York, a lot of my friends were studying filmmaking and would bring their scripts to me, as I was a good script doctor. I would read their scripts and make corrections to them for $20 per script and was fascinated by films.’ – Arjun Rampal

‘If not music, I think it would be pretty cool to be an ear, nose and throat doctor.’ – David Archuleta

‘What I find is really interesting is the Ear-Nose-Throat doctor thing, which I know would take a lot of work and education, but it’s something that really interests me, because it’s something that helps people who’ve had the same problems as me, with the whole hearing and nose congestion and problems with your voice.’ – David Archuleta

‘When I was little, I wanted to be a civil engineer. Not a ballerina, not a doctor, a civil engineer. I was such a nerd.’ – Bitsie Tulloch

‘I schooled in Himachal Pradesh. I had taken up science and, initially, wanted to become a doctor. There are few career options for students of science though, so I shifted to Delhi and decided to try theater instead.’ – Kangana Ranaut

‘My parents wanted me to be a doctor. So I took up science, but then realised that my heart was not in it at all. The thought of treating ailing people was very depressing.’ – Kangana Ranaut

‘I’m English, and ‘Doctor Who’ was this thing that I’ve been watching since I was three.’ – Neil Gaiman

‘I do take care of myself; I get my nails done, and I have a skin doctor, but that’s it. I’m clean and groomed.’ – Marianne Faithfull

‘I was always aware of ‘Doctor Who,’ but I didn’t grow up with it.’ – Matt Smith

‘I think Jennifer Saunders would be great in ‘Doctor Who.” – Matt Smith

‘Every two weeks on ‘Doctor Who,’ the set is completely different, the world is different and there are new actors coming in. So, it’s constantly surprising, and it’s a pressure that you relish, actually.’ – Matt Smith

‘It’s hard work, ‘Doctor Who,’ but let’s be frank about it, I’m fortunate to be rewarded in the ways that I am. I don’t just mean financially, I mean the nature of the part and everything that comes with it.’ – Matt Smith

‘Police boxes, tweed blazers and bow ties feel quite English, but I think that is one of his virtues, one of the strengths of ‘Doctor Who.” – Matt Smith

‘I think expectations of ‘Doctor Who’ should always be high, because it’s a show that must always progress and get better and better.’ – Matt Smith

‘If you want to give it a good go, you’ve got to make some sacrifices and be as dedicated as you can be. Particularly with ‘Doctor Who.’ It’s two or three hours of line-learning a night.’ – Matt Smith

‘I would be sitting in my flat watching TV, and ‘Doctor Who’ would be on with my flatmate there. I would have loved to share the fact that I was the new Doctor, but I couldn’t. I was going mad. My dad was rather flabbergasted. When I told him, he laughed. He was excited, elated and very proud.’ – Matt Smith

‘If I could film, we’d film every episode of ‘Doctor Who’ in New York. I have an affinity with the city. It has some wonderful locations and it is devastatingly vast and huge. Central Park looks amazing on camera.’ – Matt Smith

‘I asked for a piano in the TARDIS, but it hasn’t happened. I’d love to see the Doctor rock up and play, but it’d have to be done in an inventive and silly way.’ – Matt Smith

‘My parents wanted me to be a doctor, and they weren’t very happy at the idea of me choosing acting as a career. Everyone in my family went to university – my older brother is a lawyer – but when they saw me for the first time at the theatre, they thought, ‘OK.’ They like it very much now.’ – Caterina Murino

‘My mother Diana was a true-blue aristocrat, descended from William the Conqueror and listed in ‘Burke’s Peerage.’ My father David, from a poor Scottish family, was a doctor.’ – Celia Imrie

‘Both my parents were amateur badminton players. My father is a scientist and wanted me to be a doctor. But my mom was very aggressive and loved badminton. She pushed me right from the age of nine to take up the sport.’ – Saina Nehwal

‘The health insurance industry does not like to pay out claims, because they don’t make money. The only way they can make a profit is if they don’t pay for your operation. If they pay for your operation and your doctor’s appointment and your pharmaceuticals, they don’t make any money.’ – Michael Moore

‘Healthcare should be between the doctor and the patient. And if the doctor says something needs to be done, the government should guarantee it gets paid for.’ – Michael Moore

‘I’ve met the Dalai Lama briefly, but I would probably say my grandfather was the wisest person I ever met. He was my mother’s father, an Indian, a family doctor, and very unlike me in that he was deeply religious.’ – Salman Rushdie

‘As a doctor, an educator, an innovator and someone who has dedicated his professional career to making things work better and to helping people – I am ready to lead.’ – Donald Berwick

‘Shortly after I started working as a doctor, I decided to listen to the voice inside me before it was too late. It was now or never, so I decided to explore acting.’ – Jonathan LaPaglia

‘I don’t know what a person does that does not have a relationship with God. When he goes to the doctor and the doctors says, ‘Hey, you’ve got less than two months to live and there’s nothing we can do for you.’ Who do they turn to when you’re given something that earth shattering?’ – Si Robertson

‘The moment the doctor said he wanted to do a biopsy, in my heart I thought I’d probably got it. But I also know a lot of people who have also had prostate cancer, so I had a reasonably good idea what to expect.’ – Andrew Lloyd Webber

‘At the end of the day, if the guy is going to write the girl a letter, whether it’s chicken scratch or scribble or looks like a doctor’s note, if he takes the time to put pen to paper and not type something, there’s something so incredibly romantic and beautiful about that.’ – Meghan Markle

‘I had parents who believed I could do anything – and I know how that made me feel. I think both my parents, having careers in the medical profession, feel they are helping people on a daily basis, and that was inculcated in me as a value. I had to struggle with giving up the idea of becoming a doctor myself.’ – Reese Witherspoon

‘I have a zombie apocalypse kit at my house. I’ve got freeze dried food, I’ve got a real deal medical kit, like, a doctor could perform a surgery with this medical kit. I got all kinds of everything.’ – Joel Madden

‘And that means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.’ – Barack Obama

‘My doctor said, ‘If you can weigh what you weighed in high school, you’ll essentially be healthy and not have Type 2 diabetes.’ Well, I’m gonna have Type 2 diabetes, because there is no way I can weigh as much as I did in high school.’ – Tom Hanks

‘My father was really good with math. It’s a funny thing, I don’t remember my father or my mother being so mechanical-minded. My father always wanted to be a doctor, but he came from a really poor family in Georgia, and there was no way he was going to be a doctor.’ – Herbie Hancock

”The Brady Bunch’ asks nothing of you as a viewer. Sometimes is just what the doctor ordered.’ – Seth MacFarlane

‘When I was a child, I had wax in my ears. Dad didn’t take me to the doctor, he used me as a night light.’ – Les Dawson

‘We have ‘Doctor Who’ references on ‘Futurama,’ but we have a lot of science fiction references that I don’t get; but in the staff we have experts on ‘Star Trek,’ ‘Star Wars,’ ‘Doctor Who’ and ‘Dungeons and Dragons.” – Matt Groening

‘I had two primary cancers, which was pretty unusual. And when I got the second one, people told me such terrible bad-news stories, they instigated fears that weren’t there in the first place. I do remember with such gratitude one doctor saying to me, ‘Two primaries? That’s nothing. I’ve seen a patient with six.” – Sam Taylor-Johnson

‘If you’re healthy, if you don’t get sick much, if you don’t go to the doctor much or use your health insurance much, you are a genetic lottery winner. It has nothing to do with the way you live, nothing to do with doing the right things. It’s just sheer luck, and you are gonna pay for that.’ – Rush Limbaugh

‘I am the Doctor of Democracy. I am America’s Truth Detector. And as the Doctor of Democracy, the deal you have with your doctor isn’t changing. You get to keep your doctor. You get to keep your plan. You get to keep your station. Nothing’s changing, and it really never was gonna change.’ – Rush Limbaugh

‘I can’t tell you, as a parent, how it feels when the doctor tells you your child has diabetes. First off, you don’t really know much about it. Then you discover there is no cure.’ – John Lasseter

‘Writing was in my mind from the time I was in high school, but more, the idea that I would be a doctor. I really wanted to be a medical doctor, and I had various schemes: one was to be a psychiatrist, another was tropical medicine.’ – Paul Theroux

‘I came from an intellectual family. Most were doctors, preachers, teachers, businessmen. My grandfather was a small businessman. His father was an abolitionist doctor, and his father was an immigrant from Germany.’ – Pete Seeger

‘Every sleep doctor I’ve talked to said it was an urban legend that you shouldn’t wake up a sleepwalker. All that will happen is that you will get condescended to.’ – Mike Birbiglia

‘Many medical students, like most American patients, confuse science and technology. They think that what it means to be a scientific doctor is to bring to bear the maximum amount of technology on any given patient. And this makes them dangerous.’ – Alice Dreger

‘I started watching some ‘Doctor Who’ recently on my own and got too scared. I had to watch it in the daytime – I’m pathetic.’ – Miranda Hart

‘I like porterhouse steak, rib-eyes and New York strip. This works for me because I have very low cholesterol and low blood pressure. It’s not good for everyone; you have to talk to your doctor about that. I also eat fish and cheese. I like clean food prepared as simply as possible.’ – Sharon Stone

‘For decades, many blacks were reluctant to pursue a profession that was associated with servitude. If you went to school, it was to become a lawyer or doctor. Older generations didn’t understand why one would spend money to learn how to chop, peel, dice, and saute vegetables when that trade could be taught at home.’ – Marcus Samuelsson

‘The downside to becoming a doctor, I think, is it’s a very long process; four years of medical school, three years of internship, two years of residency, umpteen years of specialization, and then finally you get to be what you have trained almost all your life for.’ – Jim Lee

‘A designer is like a doctor for a woman. He has a specific job, and if he is doing it well, he will have the gratitude of the woman for the rest of his life.’ – Oleg Cassini

‘I think there was a petition online to get me involved in ‘Doctor Who.’ I’m not a ‘Doctor Who’ fanatic, but I am a Steven Moffat fanatic.’ – Gina Bellman

‘I see people who die a few minutes after a doctor tells them there is no hope of a cure. They give up and go. Others get angry and find joy in proving the doctor wrong. Something within them is challenged and hopeful. Hope is the divine motivator.’ – Bernie Siegel

‘The doctor I would want for myself or for anyone else I cared about would be one who understands that disease is more than just a clinical entity; it is an experience and a metaphor, with a message that must be listened to.’ – Bernie Siegel

‘Because my dad’s Chinese-American, and they’re very concrete, he said, ‘There’s no money to be made in literature.’ So he told me to go into the sciences. And I was a good girl. And I did what Daddy said. And that’s how I ended up being a doctor. But you know, you just can’t stamp out that desire to tell stories.’ – Tess Gerritsen

‘Writing is very much an emotional process; it requires you to be very in touch with your feelings. That is the opposite of what you’re taught as a medical doctor. We’re supposed to be detached and logical. Maybe because I started off as a writer and then became a doctor, I’m able to integrate those two.’ – Tess Gerritsen

‘I’m a doctor’s daughter. I’m not squeamish at all.’ – Aminatta Forna

‘As physics students, we are taught that physicists are smart, that chemists are moderately acceptable, and that biologists are certainly not very intelligent. So I wasn’t inclined to take a biology course. But my father insisted, and maybe what he had in mind was that, if there were no jobs in physics, I would end up being a doctor.’ – James Rothman

‘I might have been just as happy to have been a practicing primary-care doctor. But as a medical student, I had interacted with patients suffering from neurodegeneration or acute clinical schizophrenia. It left an indelible mark on my memory.’ – James Rothman

‘I knew at university that medicine was just not for me. I saved many lives by not being a doctor!’ – Zubin Mehta

‘My father was very chic. My mum was always encouraging me. Some parents would say, ‘Why don’t you be a lawyer, a doctor, or something more important?’ They never said that.’ – Carine Roitfeld

‘I have an obligation to use what I know to try to bring real, usable medical science to every doctor and bedside and patient.’ – Patrick Soon-Shiong

”Doctor Who’ is pretty dark, I think. Generally it’s dark; it’s always been dark.’ – Ben Wheatley

‘Alzheimer’s is a disease for which there is no effective treatment whatsoever. To be clear, there is no pharmaceutical agent, no magic pill that a doctor can prescribe that will have any significant effect on the progressive downhill course of this disease.’ – David Perlmutter

‘I don’t remember ‘Doctor Who’ not being part of my life, and it became a part of growing up, along with The Beatles, National Health spectacles, and fog. And it runs deep. It’s in my DNA.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘When I was a kid, I wrote to the BBC, and the producers sent me a huge package through the post with ‘Doctor Who’ scripts. I’d never even seen a script and couldn’t believe that they actually wrote this stuff down. It sort of opened a door.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘The big reason that ‘Doctor Who’ is still with us is that every single viewer who ever turned in to watch this show, at any age, at any time in its history, took it into their heart – because ‘Doctor Who’ belongs to all of us. Everyone made ‘Doctor Who.” – Peter Capaldi

‘The things that are going to actually help you or me stay healthy are not necessarily the things that happen inside a doctor’s office. They’re the things that allow us to choose healthy lifestyles on a day-by-day basis.’ – Risa Lavizzo-Mourey

‘I always knew I wanted to be a doctor, but I also knew that being a doctor meant more than treating just the patient in front of you.’ – Risa Lavizzo-Mourey

‘Watching ‘Doctor Who’ in the United States meant I was always behind the times – PBS didn’t get new episodes until two years after they ran, and I was aware of the show’s cancellation before the characters themselves knew, at least in my corner of the world.’ – Seanan McGuire

‘My mum thought my TV and film addiction was laziness. If you’re an immigrant, you know you’ll never be an accepted part of society, but you hope your children will be, and you try to make them essential to the community in a practical way – being a doctor or a lawyer. Acting was beyond their comprehension.’ – Sanjeev Bhaskar

‘My mother says I was two and a half when I first mentioned I wanted to be an actor. My father said, ‘The word is pronounced ‘Doctor!” – Sanjeev Bhaskar

‘I was the first companion to kiss the Doctor. I played Grace Holloway to Paul McGann’s Doctor in the 1996 TV movie. We shared three kisses, in fact: very sweet and chaste. When I took the part, I’d never even heard of ‘Doctor Who.’ No one warned me that the kisses would be a big deal.’ – Daphne Ashbrook

‘When I went back and watched a couple of the older ‘Doctor Who’ episodes, I could see why some people felt the show had been quite sexist.’ – Daphne Ashbrook

‘I’ll always be grateful for what ‘Doctor Who’ has given me. I go to quite a few fan conventions. It’s lovely to hang out with people you worked with so long ago. And, more than that, it’s made me aware of the impact that television can have.’ – Daphne Ashbrook

‘I love ghost stories, and I also have a great fondness and love for ‘Quatermass,’ which in many ways is the show that preceded ‘Doctor Who.’ ‘Doctor Who’ borrowed quite a bit from ‘Quatermass’ and probably wouldn’t have existed in anything like the form we recognise today if ‘Quatermass’ hadn’t come before it.’ – Neil Cross

‘If I were a doctor, I would prescribe that you addict yourself deeply and irrevocably to music and never, ever seek cure outside of more music. It really is the best drug available.’ – Henry Rollins

‘My cholesterol went from 220 to 149. I was crying like a ‘Biggest Loser’ contestant when my doctor gave me the news.’ – Marissa Jaret Winokur

‘I was born in Brooklyn, delivered by a Chinese doctor on a table in a boarding house on Sept. 23, 1920.’ – Mickey Rooney

‘I told my parents I was going to be a doctor and then a lawyer, but I never believed it and never tried.’ – Dinaw Mengestu

‘When I was a young actor in Vienna, already my hair was falling out at a rapid rate. I went to a doctor, who said hair was like grass: if you mow it, then it grows back stronger. So I went to Brittany, where nobody knew me, and I shaved my head. When it grew back – only the fringes!’ – Otto Preminger

‘Relationships are hard. If as an actor you marry an engineer or a doctor, it’s really hard for them because they don’t understand what your life is like. We live two lives. We have a ‘reel’ life and a real life.’ – Ranbir Kapoor

‘The announcement that I was going to be an actor was made when was I was 10 years old. And that didn’t go down all that well, but I had a lot of years to butter up my parents. My parents have mellowed quite a bit, but, growing up, there was a sense that the only real professions were doctor, engineer, lawyer. Those were your choices.’ – Reggie Lee

‘The battle against cancer has made me strong. It’s like winning a war! When I was diagnosed, I was told by doctors my kidney, liver and other organs could fail. It was tough. I didn’t know if I could save my life. But I was positive, and because of that, the doctor told me that I would be a man who would never have cancer.’ – Yuvraj Singh

‘I actually wanted to be a doctor. But doing all those horrid rat dissections made me faint. I studied science till the 12th standard and later took up commerce. I was planning to do chartered accountancy, but fate had something else in store for me.’ – Bipasha Basu

‘I still feel that in India we look upon sports as a recreational activity – which it is – but people have to understand that there is a career in sports. It’s not just necessary to be a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer, as most of us Indians appear to think that our children should grow up to be.’ – Abhishek Bachchan

‘As a doctor, I’ve learned the importance and value of listening.’ – Ami Bera

‘As a doctor, I understand how actions can affect lives.’ – Ami Bera

‘When I was young, I could not imagine being old. My mother said, and the doctor confirmed, that I had an unusual amount of energy; and it followed me into young adulthood.’ – Billy Graham

‘I didn’t know children were expected to have literary heroes, but I certainly had one, and I even identified with him at one time: Doctor Dolittle, whom I now half identify with the Charles Darwin of Beagle days.’ – Richard Dawkins

‘My father served as an Army doctor in West Germany in the late ’50s and early ’60s. As a result, he and my mother – both native southerners – were acutely aware of what had happened during the Holocaust.’ – Greg Iles

‘When I grew up in India, telephones were a rarity. In fact, they were so rare that elected members of Parliament had the right to allocate 15 telephone lines as a favor to those they deemed worthy. If you were lucky enough to be a wealthy businessman or an influential journalist, or a doctor or something, you might have a telephone.’ – Shashi Tharoor

‘I had a sore throat for a long time and it scared me. I saw a lump in my throat and I was terrified. I wouldn’t go to a doctor.’ – Anne Ramsey

‘Why can’t a seven-foot guy play a doctor? Why can’t I be a teacher? Why can’t I be a football coach? Why can’t I be a cab driver? Anything. Anything else than that. I can cry. I can do those things that they think the big guys can’t do. So just give us a chance.’ – Grizz Chapman

‘I like rice, as long as they let me put my own stuff on it. You can bring me white rice or brown rice; just let me doctor it up.’ – Boo Weekley

‘I’m an ER doctor, period. I look at a problem with a certain lens: very action-oriented, very results-oriented.’ – Raul Ruiz

‘I’m a doctor; we work in teams. I’m very committed to problem solving.’ – Raul Ruiz

‘My mother was always deeply attracted to anything medical, and I think she would have loved me to have been a doctor. My father was in the army for 21 years, came out just before I was born. There was no history of showbusiness on either side of the family, but they were completely supportive.’ – Lindsay Duncan

‘I went to a very elitist, snobbish, expensive education in India, and it almost killed me. I was all set to be a diplomat, teacher, doctor – all laid out.’ – Bunker Roy

‘I always wanted to follow in the footsteps of my maternal grandfather, who was a doctor.’ – Hasnat Khan

‘When my sister was diagnosed with cancer in 1989, her doctor told her that the cancer had probably been in her system for 10 years. By the time cancer’s diagnosed, it’s usually been around for quite a while.’ – Marianne Williamson

‘My father was career military. He was a veteran, he was a doctor of political science, he taught at West Point and Air Command Staff and lectured at the War College.’ – Suzanne Collins

‘You can’t be a doctor if you don’t know the entire parts of the body.’ – Bernie Mac

‘Why should I need a prescription to spit into a vial and get my DNA read? Why can’t I get my own blood drawn without a doctor’s permission? It’s my blood.’ – Anne Wojcicki

‘The doctor said that every man will have cancer if he lives to be old enough. I don’t know why I got it – I ain’t old.’ – Ray Price

‘I’ve seen so many patients, particularly elderly patients, over the years who become debilitated and changed by the process by which I cure them or another doctor cures them. And has it really been worth it?’ – Sherwin B. Nuland

‘I was sure I was going to be a doctor of global health or tropical medicine in some underdeveloped country.’ – Thomas R. Insel

‘Around 17 to 20 years, I became, myself, a poacher. And I wanted to do it, because – I believed – to continue my studies. I wanted to go to university, but my father was poor, my uncle even. So, I did it. And for three to four years, I went to university. For three times, I applied to biomedical science, to be a doctor. I didn’t succeed.’ – Corneille Ewango

‘If you’re taking an antidepressant, it’s working, and you’re not experiencing side effects, go on taking it. But if it’s not working, or not working well enough, or if you have side effects you don’t like, talk to your doctor about an alternative approach.’ – Irving Kirsch

‘When I was in my early twenties, my mom started repeating things, asking the same questions, telling the same stories. It was like, ‘Oh, God, this is not right.’ When I was 25, my brother and I finally told our dad we had to take her to the doctor.’ – Lauren Miller

‘When your parents are Middle Eastern immigrants, you have three choices. You can become a doctor, a lawyer or an engineer.’ – Michael Mina

”Doctor Who’ is the most original science-fiction television series ever made. It is also one of the longest-running television shows of all time.’ – Jill Lepore

”Doctor Who’ began as family television: a show that kids and their parents and grandparents can all watch, maybe even together, on the sofa.’ – Jill Lepore

”Doctor Who’ is, unavoidably, a product of mid-twentieth-century debates about Britain’s role in the world as its empire unravelled.’ – Jill Lepore

‘It would be extraordinary if the BBC were to make me the first black ‘Doctor Who;’ it would be extraordinary.’ – David Harewood

‘My sister is an ER doctor, and my brother is a teacher.’ – Rami Malek

‘First off, I could never become a doctor. Blood? Even the fake blood on ‘American Horror Story,’ I’m kind of ready to hurl.’ – Taissa Farmiga

‘Even though momentarily I thought about being a doctor, I was always involved in theatre and did a drama degree. I just didn’t have the guts to go, ‘Yes, I’m going to be an actor,’ until I was probably 21.’ – Elliot Cowan

‘I had this tic where I touch my mouth to my knee, and I’m always screwing up my back. I’ve had two shoulder surgeries. My doctor just smiles and laughs at me.’ – Dash Mihok

‘I hadn’t realised what an institution ‘Doctor Who’ is.’ – Jessica Raine

‘I’ve broken my wrist, dislocated toes and shoulders, gotten stitches, you name it. However, the worst was a severely bruised femur. I got body checked into an open gate while playing hockey. The doctor couldn’t believe I didn’t shatter my femur.’ – Robbie Amell

‘I truly think comedy is – being funny is DNA. My dad was a doctor, a wonderful doctor, and people still come up to me today, ‘Your father helped my mother die.’ You know what I’m saying? He made her laugh ’til she died. My father was always very funny.’ – Joan Rivers

‘I wanted to be an actor ever since I got on stage for the first time, aged 13. Before that, I thought I might follow in the medical footsteps of my parents: my father was a doctor, my mother a pharmacist.’ – Chiwetel Ejiofor

‘Filming ‘Doctor Who’ is so incredibly different to ‘Spooks.’ Near to the surface, there’s quite a silly atmosphere. A lot of the times, you’re on the verge of giggles because it’s so over the top.’ – Miranda Raison

‘I’ve had more fan mail from ‘Doctor Who’ than anything. People love the show so passionately.’ – Miranda Raison

‘I love acting and really think that’s what I want to do. It’s weird seeing myself up there, but I’m used to it now. But otherwise, I have backups. Doctor, lawyer.’ – Sofia Vassilieva

‘The thing about ‘Doctor Who’ is it’s chased around the world, so there’s 50 fans hanging out at every location.’ – Tom Riley

‘How could you not wanna be in ‘Doctor Who’ at least once in your career?’ – Ben Browder

”School of Rock’ was just once in a lifetime things; I want to be a doctor, actually. I’d go an do the sequel if they asked me to.’ – Caitlin Hale

‘Obamacare is bureaucrats getting between you and your doctor, and that’s what Americans most dislike about this legislation.’ – Jim Jordan

‘I will always have pain. But I exercise as much as I can, and I find that makes a huge difference. And if my body does seize up, I have a pain plan in place. If it escalates, I go back to my doctor.’ – Jennifer Grey

‘I use myself as a template for my comedy. So first my background as a Muslim man, my being a doctor, I talk about my family quite a lot, my kids. Anything that resonates with me I talk about. The important thing is it should be able to work in a family setting.’ – Riaad Moosa

‘I’ll be the first to admit it – after the first episode, I wasn’t sold on Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor of ‘Doctor Who,’ with the bewildered Clara following behind like a lost puppy, haphazardly flinging aggression around like cream pies in a ‘Three Stooges’ marathon.’ – Rob Manuel

‘On ‘Love Actually,’ I met Hugh Grant, who is a relative: our great-grandmothers were sisters. He’d call me cousin and ruffle my hair. And it was brilliant working with David Tennant on ‘Doctor Who.” – Thomas Brodie-Sangster

‘A doctor can only treat patients. A doctor can only help the people who are shot or who are injured. But a politician can stop people from injuries. A politician can take a step so that no person is scared tomorrow.’ – Malala Yousafzai

‘In Kenya, I met wonderful girls; girls who wanted to help their communities. I was with them in their school, listening to their dreams. They still have hope. They want to be doctor and teachers and engineers.’ – Malala Yousafzai

‘In Swat, there are two jobs a woman’s going to do: a teacher or a doctor. If not, then become a housewife.’ – Malala Yousafzai

‘I am not a witch doctor, and in fact, you cannot have a witch doctor. You are either a witch or a doctor.’ – Yahya Jammeh

‘Teaching sometimes seems like not one profession, but every profession. We ask them to be doctor and diplomat, calf-herder, map-maker, wizard and watchman, electricians of the mind.’ – Nancy Gibbs

‘Across much of the developing world, by the time she is 12, a girl is tending house, cooking, cleaning. She eats what’s left after the men and boys have eaten; she is less likely to be vaccinated, to see a doctor, to attend school.’ – Nancy Gibbs

‘If you do something that’s going to get somebody a job, then they’ll be able to pay for their kid’s school, and then their kid is going to be a doctor, and then that doctor is going to probably help who knows how many other people, so it’s very motivating. Much more fun than going to the beach.’ – Isabel dos Santos

‘If you put a much older woman in ‘Doctor Who,’ they can identify with it. I think it’s quite an interesting concept, and if you remember things like ‘Grimm’s Fairytales,’ the older woman is often the villainess, often the terrifying figure – why I do not know, but often she is. I think it’s an idea to be exploited.’ – Kate O’Mara

‘I went in for a checkup, and when my doctor had me stand on the scale, even he was surprised. Seeing that number (which I’ll take to the grave) was a turning point. I knew I needed to make a change. I cut out white flour and starches and worked with my doctor and a nutritionist to develop a plan.’ – Adam Richman

‘The cardiac calls require medical intervention. So an ambulance for a cardiac call requires a doctor, a ward boy and medical equipment.’ – Shaffi Mather

‘I told my parents I wanted to be an actress years before I wrapped my head around what my dad did for a living. It’s not easy to explain the job of the television journalist, especially when a lot of my friends’ dads had jobs that were a lot easier to explain, like a lawyer, a banker or a doctor.’ – Allison Williams

‘My mom worked for a doctor who had a pool that he heated to 90 degrees, and I hated cold water. My dad showed me how to dive in that pool, and pretty soon I started doing flips.’ – Troy Dumais

‘I have the ability and to have access to and to learn more in different areas in wellness and health because I have the door open to me to any doctor, any scientist, any hospital, any study around the world. I believe it’s my responsibility to share that information with others.’ – Montel Williams

‘I was three. My father in jest said that he’d tell the doctor to give me a shot if I didn’t behave. Good heavens, I have a mental picture of the living room and the doctor approaching the door. I was terrified.’ – Ted Danson

‘My mother hoped I would meet a nice doctor or barrister or accountant who would marry me and take me to live in what is now called Fashionable Dublin Four. But she felt that this was a vain hope. I was a bit loud to make a nice professional wife, and anyway, I was too keen on spending my holidays in far flung places to meet any of these people.’ – Maeve Binchy

‘I really try to have fun. If I don’t have fun, you won’t have fun. That’s what my gift is: to relieve people from a little of the pain and comfort in their lives by allowing my comedy to distract them. A good laugh is almost as good as any doctor visit.’ – Louie Anderson

‘I may look like an American WASPy doctor or lawyer, but I feel just like Woody Allen. Don’t cast me for my looks – I have a very ironic, existential, crazy Jew in me.’ – Spalding Gray

‘My doctor found a spot on my lung. He told me it looked like adenocarcinoma, a cancer he attributes to smoking. He didn’t need to biopsy it.’ – Ken Kercheval

‘My dad was a doctor and surgeon. He was the fifth generation of his family to become a doctor.’ – Ken Kercheval

‘So many people are stealing Bikram Yoga. It’s like you’re practicing medicine, but you’re not a doctor.’ – Bikram Choudhury

‘The problem with my mother is that she didn’t go to the doctor. And I think by the time she started to show symptoms that something might not be right, and finally went to the doctor, she was so close to her death that she couldn’t get the care she had needed. Her big issue was not going to the doctor.’ – Andie MacDowell

‘Being prepared helps you feel more confident at the doctor’s office. Think about what you want to ask and write those questions down.’ – Andie MacDowell

‘I am an advocate for going to the doctor and going every year. I make sure that part of the checkup is spent talking about my heart with my doctor, and getting my numbers checked, and discussing the results. And I make sure that I understand the answers to my questions.’ – Andie MacDowell

‘I had gone to the doctor. The doctor said, ‘You’re healthy as a horse. You’ve got two weight problems – two health problems because of your weight. Please do something.” – Jason Alexander

‘I am not a doctor or a scientist, but merely a passionate layperson, a filter, a messenger. I spoke with so many patients who are living normal, happy, fulfilled lives, and their enthusiasm and great quality of life convinced me that you can indeed live with cancer.’ – Suzanne Somers

‘I am a doctor. I have long experience with heart disease.’ – Robert Jarvik

‘I accepted the role of spokesman for Lipitor because I am dedicated to the battle against heart disease, which killed my father at age 62 and motivated me to become a medical doctor.’ – Robert Jarvik

‘I’m from a family of doctors, and I think they really wanted me to be a doctor. I even sort of assumed I would be a doctor.’ – Kumail Nanjiani

‘That’s another piece of advice: Don’t go to college; follow your dreams. Unless you’re a doctor – then go to college.’ – Adam DeVine

‘Too often you see someone fall, break a rib, go in to the doctor and discover a tumor.’ – Elizabeth Holmes

‘Anywhere from 40% to 60% of people, when they’re given a requisition by a doctor to go get tested, don’t, because they’re scared of needles or the locations are inconvenient or the cost is too high. And if you’re not even getting tested, how is it possible that we’re going to move toward an era of preventive medicine?’ – Elizabeth Holmes

‘The public properly relies upon FDA classification of drugs as nonprescription as a reflection of the agency’s judgment regarding the safety and proper use of a drug without a doctor’s prescription.’ – Loretta Lynch

‘The doctor heard my heartbeat and found out I had an irregular heartbeat. I was not symptomatic or aware of my symptoms. I had no idea that this could make me five times more likely to have a stroke than somebody who doesn’t have this.’ – Howie Mandel

‘I have to be the only person in America who had a doctor say to him, ‘Please don’t put any more surgical gloves on your head and inflate them.” – Howie Mandel

‘I was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as an adult, but I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have them. Back in the 1960s, when I was growing up, my symptoms didn’t have a name, and you didn’t go to the doctor to find out.’ – Howie Mandel

‘For the first few months, I was a comically inept parent. The first night home from the hospital, I held her bare body against my bare chest until a friend who was a doctor came by and asked what I was doing, and told me to put some clothes on that baby.’ – Nick Flynn

‘I was raised on a farm in Kansas where we lived next door to my Grandma Dew, and I was her shadow. We went everywhere together – to the bank, the doctor, the Early Bird Garden Club, and to an endless procession of Church meetings.’ – Sheri L. Dew

‘I was onstage one night and was singing. I hit one note, and I just doubled over. It was like being punched hard in the back. I couldn’t put my back up on the plane seat because of the pain. I got massages, thinking it was muscle spasms. The doctor told me at the time that it was my pancreas. I didn’t even know.’ – Sharon Jones

‘I was so thrilled to be in ‘Doctor Who.’ It’s such a wonderful experience, and the fan base that that show has never fails to surprise me.’ – Gugu Mbatha-Raw

‘I used to get really sick. I would go to the doctor with all these ailments, and they would tell me I needed to be at home. I didn’t even really understand what that meant because since I was a baby, I’ve always been moving, moving, and then touring.’ – Lykke Li

‘The only thing that seemed to me I could do in such a way that no one else could was acting. I thought, I can be a doctor, but there’s going to be someone else who is just as good or better. I can be a lawyer, which I still sometimes think I would love to be, but I think there’s someone who can do it just as good or better.’ – Marcia Gay Harden

‘That was just kind of a surprise when the doctor said, ‘We did a biopsy on your appendix, and you have cancer.” – Stuart Scott

‘I knew I heard the doctor correctly. I didn’t think he said something else, I didn’t think for a second, ‘Well maybe he didn’t say it.’ No, I knew I heard him! But I still couldn’t comprehend… in my mind… in my soul… he just said, ‘cancer.” – Stuart Scott

‘It took me a while to understand the meaning of a franchise: the reasons why you see lawyer, doctor, cop shows. It’s not because anyone in their right mind says, ‘You know, what’s the most fascinating thing in the world?’ It’s because you need something new that happens every week in a frame.’ – Amy Bloom

‘Moving cities are a fairly hoary old sci-fi trope – I seem to recall they were always cropping up on ‘Doctor Who’ when I was young, though I may be misremembering.’ – Philip Reeve

‘I never believed in pushing my kids. My dad was very unhappy I wasn’t going to be a doctor, but I couldn’t stand to see the sight of blood. And I wanted to be a lawyer since I was in seventh or eighth grade.’ – Jerry Reinsdorf

‘I love ‘E.R.’ and I’m not ashamed to admit it. It makes me know I did not waste my life after all by not becoming a medical doctor.’ – Ellen Gilchrist

‘My parents have mellowed quite a bit, but, growing up, there was a sense that the only real professions were doctor, engineer, lawyer. Those were your choices.’ – Reggie Lee

‘So my character on ‘Tyrant’ is a chap called Barry Al Fayeed, and he is the second son of a fictional Middle Eastern dictator. But, he has grown up since he was young in America. He’s trained as a doctor. He’s married a beautiful American girl, had two kids, so he’s very much an American.’ – Adam Rayner

‘If your doctor tells you you have a rare disease that he or she has never seen, if you’ve got an incurable cancer, boy, don’t accept that. You know, go and get a second opinion.’ – Hamilton Jordan

‘When you have a diagnosis of cancer, or any serious illness, your choices are basically to be passive and kind of accept whatever is offered you, or to be active and to learn about your disease, and understand your options, and be an active partner with your doctor. That’s the course I took with all three of my cancers.’ – Hamilton Jordan

‘I try and tell all the kids that I meet that hope to be amazing one day and be a professional athlete or a doctor or a lawyer or whatever they want to be. I tell them they can do all that because Tourette’s won’t stop them.’ – Tim Howard

‘My father was a doctor in Moravia, in the south of the country. There were a number of Jewish doctors in the hospital there, and at a certain point – almost too late, really, but in time – they were all sent overseas by their employer.’ – Tom Stoppard

‘If you could still run and play, there’s no reason to go see a doctor, right?’ – Logan Mankins

‘I’ve been a ‘Doctor Who’ fan since I was a wee girl.’ – Neve McIntosh

‘I can’t wait to work with Peter Capaldi as the next ‘Doctor.’ I know him from old; he’s such a lovely man and will be brilliant in the role. As long as he tones down the Malcolm Tucker swearing.’ – Neve McIntosh

‘Car-essential is a real turn-off to me, so yeah, I just want a friendly holiday resort with a villa and a pool, but which is really private, but there again, there’s a supermarket and a doctor’s and a beach a five-minute walk away. That’s all I want, and it’s quite difficult to find.’ – Robert Webb

‘I’d kill to be ‘Doctor Who.’ Maybe they could make the Doctor two people? He has got two hearts, after all.’ – Robert Webb

‘I was not a ‘Doctor Who’ fan. As a kid, I thought it was scary and for boys.’ – Catherine Tate

‘As a novelist, I like the contained drama and complexity of the courtroom, though I don’t watch those shows on TV. I prefer the hospital shows because I wanted to be a doctor.’ – Elizabeth Strout

‘I had a bike accident a few years ago, and I went to the emergency room, and I had to have a gash sewn up. And I am the kind of person that I was sitting up fascinated, watching, to the extent that the doctor said, ‘Do you want to do a couple of stitches? You seem to be very interested.” – Mary Roach

‘I feel a lot. I get really bad stomachaches all the time. So I went to a doctor, and he said, ‘You’re a feeler.’ I take on people’s pain a little too much.’ – Blake Lively

‘I’m so excited to be working on ‘Doctor Who,’ as it’s such a big and important part of British culture.’ – Maisie Williams

‘When I taught writing classes to psychiatric patients, I met people whose stories of manic highs and immobilizing lows appeared to be textbook descriptions of classic bipolar disorder. I met other patients who had been diagnosed with myriad disorders. No doctor seemed to agree about what they actually suffered from.’ – Siri Hustvedt

‘I grew up in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, in the early ’90s, and hospitals and doctor’s offices offered to x-ray candy. I was 7 or 8. The day after Halloween, my brother and I were sorting all of our candy, and my mom asked if she could have a piece of my gum. She put the gum in her mouth, bit down, and there was a shard of metal in it!’ – Cory Michael Smith

‘Even when I’m playing a lawyer or a doctor, I want to play a person. A human being.’ – J. August Richards

‘I just want people to know they are the masters of their own fortune and misfortune. A lot of us think that doctors and drugs are going to control and help us, but the reality is we’re our own best doctor.’ – Dan Hill

‘A doctor can save maybe a few hundred lives in a lifetime. A researcher can save the whole world.’ – Craig Venter

‘My eldest sister Beth is a doctor who studied at Harvard and Columbia and played basketball for Harvard. She set the athletic and academic standard for the rest of us to follow.’ – Abby Wambach

‘It’s amazing how you meet people through other people. I knew a racecar driver, Stefan Johansson, who was very hot. He introduced me to Jean Todt. He introduced me to a French doctor. He introduced me to a French architect who redid the Louvre with I.M. Pei. He introduced me to Daniel Boulud.’ – James Rosenquist

‘As a doctor, I will take it and make it my mission to heal the nation, reverse the course of Obamacare, and repeal every last bit of it.’ – Rand Paul

‘My mother’s father was a doctor, and she desperately wanted to be a doctor.’ – Ruth Reichl

‘The family’s dream was to see me receive a high degree abroad and to return to become a university professor – on the door to my study room, a sign was placed reading ‘Dr. Ahmed,’ even though I was still far from becoming a doctor.’ – Ahmed Zewail

‘It’s important that people are open. Some people say, ‘I’m going to be a doctor,’ and they’re a really good doctor. But for the rest of us, it’s a big question mark. Just giving yourself a break, letting yourself try new things, and when something doesn’t work out, moving along… it’s all we can really do.’ – Sophia Amoruso

‘I love ‘Doctor Who.” – Richard Madden

”Celebrity’ is sort of an idea. I mean, I get to do something extraordinary, but I don’t think it makes me extraordinary. That’s my opinion. I like to be an artist; I like to do things that are involved in the arts, but I don’t think it makes me more special than a doctor, for example. A doctor is an extraordinary person.’ – Justin Timberlake

‘I’ve turned from an ordinary Australian housewife into a gigastar, icon, talk-show host, swami, spin doctor… and now I’m a style guru!’ – Barry Humphries

‘No one ever said, ‘Be a doctor.’ But because so many members of my extended family – aunts, uncles – were doctors, there was this expectation that I’d probably be a physician.’ – Elizabeth Blackburn

‘I do actually like performing to a live audience. I like the response. I do a lot of Doctor Who conventions now, and the reason that I do them is that there is a live audience I can get to directly.’ – Sylvester McCoy

‘I love playing ‘Radagast.’ He’s my new love, you know what I mean? I’m not divorcing ‘Doctor Who.’ I’m just going to be married to a few people.’ – Sylvester McCoy

”Doctor Who’ is not as literary as ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘The Hobbit’ is – books have come out, but they are from the television episodes. So there is that difference… it’s more scholastic.’ – Sylvester McCoy

‘There’s still a part of me that believes what was great about ‘Doctor Who’ in the early days was that you had a superhero who didn’t wear his underpants on the outside of his trousers, who used his brain rather than his brawn.’ – Sylvester McCoy

‘I wasn’t into sports when I was younger. I was one of those kids who always tried to get a note from the doctor to say I had a cold so I didn’t have to go play hockey in bad weather and be miserable.’ – Eliza Doolittle

‘I think summer has become a venue for TV like it hasn’t been in years past, especially on Sunday nights. I know that when I’m winding down at the end of the weekend, just a really great TV show or movie is exactly what the doctor ordered.’ – Anna Wood

‘I didn’t want to be Doctor Who in a ‘Doctor Who’ that I didn’t like.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘I wake up in the morning, and I go, ‘I’m Doctor Who! I’m playing Doctor Who. I’m Doctor Who.” – Peter Capaldi

‘I think the nice thing about ‘Doctor Who’ is whether people like it or don’t like it, somewhere, someone loves you and will always love you – and the more everyone hates you, the more they’ll love you.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘Everywhere I go, I am The Doctor, and everyone smiles at me – they are pleased to see Doctor Who, who’s far more exciting than I am.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘I think it’s not misplaced in ‘Doctor Who’ to have someone who is little bit edgy and maybe a little volatile and dangerous.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘I think it’s always exciting when ‘Doctor Who’ touches its past.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘Even if I hadn’t been cast as Doctor Who, my acting would probably have been influenced by William Hartnell or Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, and all of the other guys. Because those were the actors that I really watched every moment of, as opposed to Laurence Olivier.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘It’s one thing getting the job of Doctor Who, which is wonderful. And then the next thing they say to you is, ‘We’re going to announce it live on television!’ And you think, ‘That’s not exactly what I thought I was signing up for!” – Peter Capaldi

”Doctor Who’ has a certain amount of showbiz attached to it.’ – Peter Capaldi

‘If a doctor said you had stomach cancer, would you consult Rush Limbaugh for a second opinion? Of course, that sounds like nonsense, but many Americans have no qualms about listening to political commentators and untrained activists when it comes to even more complex scientific questions.’ – Kurt Eichenwald

‘The doctor gave me several warnings: Never tell anyone unless necessary, because I might be ostracized. Call it ‘seizure disorder,’ not epilepsy, because fewer people would be frightened. Try to choose a profession as free from stress as possible.’ – Kurt Eichenwald

‘The blueberry-soy weight-loss smoothies my son makes for me taste terrible, but my doctor says they’re good for me.’ – Sirio Maccioni

‘The expectation was I would get married and become a mother and settle down. We didn’t have any role models. We saw teachers and doctors and nurses, but I’m not a teacher, and there was no possibility of being a doctor or a nurse. I had to work and find my own way.’ – Alexis Wright

‘When I was a kid in the U.S., ‘Doctor Who’ wasn’t really on, but you would occasionally catch an episode. Different stations did marathons.’ – Holly Black

”Doctor Who’ rewrites your brain because at first when you watch it, you think, ‘That doesn’t make sense.” – Holly Black

‘I’ve never had much interest in spinoffery – the idea of writing in someone else’s universe generally leaves me cold – but ‘Doctor Who’ is different. I’ve grown up with it. It’s been part of my life since I was tiny, watching Jon Pertwee on a grainy black and white television in Cornwall and being terrified out of my mind.’ – Alastair Reynolds

‘If you don’t have a doctor that inspires you, no matter what you have, you should find one that does. Because I feel like my doctor helped me stay alive.’ – Debbie Ford

‘I went to one doctor who told me I wasn’t exercising enough. I was so exhausted, I couldn’t raise my arm. When this doctor called it psychosomatic, I was enraged. To think the constant sore throat and swollen glands were all in my head was infuriating.’ – Alana Stewart

‘I was going through some stressful stuff, and I lost feeling in my face and in my tongue. So I went to a doctor. He said he didn’t think I had MS or a brain tumor. He said, ‘I think you’re just stressed out.” – Lisa Cholodenko

‘I’m a lifelong ‘Doctor Who’ fan. Like, Peter Davison/Colin Baker, lifelong fan.’ – Andrew Kreisberg

‘I’m a huge fan of ‘Buffy,’ ‘Angel’ and ‘Doctor Who.’ People like Joss Whedon, Russell T. Davies, and Steven Moffat are really amazing about making you feel like you had a complete meal and yet leaving you hungry for more.’ – Andrew Kreisberg

‘A doctor does not ask about political views and opinions – that is how I understand my role.’ – Ewa Kopacz

‘During my New York run, I injured my voice badly. I was getting increasingly hoarse, and it finally gave up. The doctor said I had two choices. Either cancel things, or try my luck and perhaps never speak again. That’s not much of a choice.’ – Trevor Noah

”Doctor Who’ would be overnight fame that would last for three years, and then what? I’m in this for the long term.’ – Russell Tovey

‘I always wanted to be a medical doctor, and I never thought of business.’ – Jochen Zeitz

‘Most people start eating healthy after the doctor says they have a problem. That’s just human nature.’ – Martin Henderson

‘In ‘The Blood Doctor,’ I wrote about the history of haemophilia and the devastating effects of the disease at a time when there was no remedy.’ – Ruth Rendell

‘The task of the mediator is to help the parties to open difficult issues and nudge them forward in the peace process. The mediator’s role combines those of a ship’s pilot, consulting medical doctor, midwife and teacher.’ – Martti Ahtisaari

‘The doctor told me, ‘You have breast cancer.’ I heard the cancer part first – it was only later that I heard the breast part. I couldn’t believe it.’ – Richard Roundtree

‘My father was a research doctor at the National Institutes of Health in the early 1980s, and you couldn’t work in the field and not know about D. Carleton Gajdusek, who my father often mentioned.’ – Hanya Yanagihara

‘I think it’s a very valuable thing for a doctor to learn how to do research, to learn how to approach research, something there isn’t time to teach them in medical school. They don’t really learn how to approach a problem, and yet diagnosis is a problem; and I think that year spent in research is extremely valuable to them.’ – Gertrude B. Elion

‘I always like to say just think you were a doctor with only one patient. You might understand how that person gets sick, how they get better, but you understand nothing about the progression of disease or how humans in general get ill. Now take an Earth scientist: you only have one planet to study.’ – Ellen Stofan

‘I wrote large chunks of ‘The Impostor’ and ‘The Good Doctor’ on a beach in Goa.’ – Damon Galgut

‘The most memorable interviews for me are folks whose names I don’t know: young civil rights leaders in the South, showing great courage as they walked into a town in the dark of night. A doctor working for ‘Doctors Without Borders’ in Somalia, operating by kerosene light in a tent. Those are the kinds of people that linger in your memory.’ – Tom Brokaw

‘Most patients enter a doctor’s office or hospital as if it were a Mayan temple, representing an ancient and mysterious culture with no language in common with the visitor.’ – Tom Brokaw

‘The doctor didn’t want me to play golf anymore and was worried about me fly-fishing. Golf is something I enjoy, but fly-fishing is a different thing: That’s religion. Hunting is religion for me. I didn’t want to give those up.’ – Tom Brokaw

‘When you walk into a doctor’s office, you’ve got to have the same attitude you would about anything else. You’ve got to ask tough questions, and you’ve got to not be afraid to challenge their credentials.’ – Tom Brokaw

‘In 1962, I had an entry-level reporter’s job at an Omaha television station. I had bargained to get a salary of $100 dollars a week because I didn’t feel I could tell Meredith’s doctor father I was making less.’ – Tom Brokaw

‘My kids’ doctor will quickly answer any email, even if it’s 11:00 at night. That’s important to me.’ – Kourtney Kardashian

‘We can’t let people down when they can’t get any medical care, when they’re sick and don’t have money to go to a doctor. You help them.’ – Donald Trump

‘I probably went all the way to junior high school before a school doctor told me that I was ‘dyslexic.” – Caitlyn Jenner

‘I once wrote that Lord Moran, Churchill’s doctor, had doctored his diaries as well as his famous patient. That was true but unfair. Although their authenticity as contemporary, daily accounts is often questionable, the observations are quite wonderful.’ – Nigel Hamilton

‘My father said I should become a doctor and do science in my spare time, which in retrospect might not have been a bad idea, but I wasn’t interested in taking care of people’s ills.’ – Sheldon Lee Glashow

‘I just try to be in tune with my body. If I start to feel sick, I will try to catch it at the root. I don’t really let myself get to the point where it becomes a problem. That’s so important when you’re travelling because if you land in Paris and you have to go from the airport straight to set, you don’t have time to go to the doctor.’ – Gigi Hadid

‘What I’ve found I really like about sci-fi is it can look at philosophical questions about humanity but in a different context. It can really make you think. That’s what ‘Doctor Who’ does, even if it’s a bit silly some other times.’ – Sarah Snook

”Doctor Who’ is where my love of science fiction and fantasy started. I was introduced to it when I was 8, and I’m still an avid viewer.’ – Adam Christopher

‘Being treated by a doctor who specializes in your kind of cancer is so important, especially for those of us who have rare or very rare cancers. They will have access to newer treatment options that may be offered only at big academic cancer centers, so you don’t miss out on treatments that could help you.’ – Kathy Giusti

‘I already had high blood pressure. I have hypertension. And I think the chemo was just too much for my kidneys. And they went into failure. And that was September 12th of 2008. And the doctor rushed me right to the hospital.’ – Natalie Cole

‘I was going to college to be a doctor.’ – Natalie Cole

‘As soon as the doctor said I could start training again, I was on the treadmill the very next day. Once I got back into it, I worked out two or three times daily.’ – Ciara

‘In all likelihood, you’ve been treated by a Muslim doctor or served by a Muslim waiter or worked beside a Muslim computer programmer. Even if you think, ‘I don’t know any Muslims,’ it’s probably not true.’ – G. Willow Wilson

‘Being a doctor, lawyer in war-torn countries isn’t easy when the infrastructure isn’t there. The money, the food and education is not always accessible to achieve those dreams.’ – Brandon Stanton

‘Often, some people dress something up to make it sound scientific, use scientific words, call themselves doctor something-or-other, and then you look them up, and they’re trying to make it sound like something it’s not. There’s this entire field that’s adding the word ‘quantum’ to everything. It doesn’t even make sense in that context.’ – Elise Andrew

‘I was so used to seeing so many women in the media flaunting their bodies 4 weeks after having a baby – and kudos to those who have genes that they can get right back into shape 2 weeks, 4 weeks after having a baby. But that never happened to me, and I remember going to my doctor asking why.’ – Tia Mowry

‘If you believe what you are on the red carpet, then you would have to go see a doctor, and there are so many actors like that. You have to know very well this is a moment of glamour, and when I go back home, I don’t have the airbrush, and I have dark circles because I don’t have the make-up on.’ – Monica Bellucci

‘I love yoga… I also see an Ayurvedic doctor, which is an ancient Indian thing. I go and see the doctor to balance my system twice a year; it’s preventative. They take my pulse, give me some herbs, and tell me what I should eat and what I should avoid. They rub oil on me too, it’s so lovely. It’s like a detox.’ – Jerry Hall

‘I love math and science, and also, my mom is a doctor. I grew up not even having an awareness that women were not supposed to be good at science.’ – Megan Amram

‘I loved Stanford and symbolic systems. For me, I came to Stanford assuming I would be a doctor and got really deep into chemistry and biology, but I noticed everyone who was on the same track as me was taking the exact same classes. I wanted to do something more unique.’ – Marissa Mayer

‘Unlike other professions – doctor, lawyer, teacher, journalist, sales clerk, stock broker – when a cop makes a bad mistake, it could mean someone is dead. They take home mental baggage unlike anything carried in almost every other job.’ – Mike Barnicle

‘If you look at ‘Doctor Who,’ it’s a Time Lord in a blue box who travels around the universe. It’s a silly concept, but it’s one of the most brilliant, emotional experiences because it’s sort of about what is humanity.’ – Margaret Stohl

‘I would never date a celebrity. I would want someone with real skills. Doctor, nurse, electrician… tailor.’ – Hannah Gadsby

‘Playing games is the dessert. Our real market is people doing everyday things. Rather than pulling your mobile phone in and out of your pocket, we want to create an all-day flow; whether you’re going to the doctor or a meeting or hanging out, you will all of a sudden be amplified by the collective knowledge that is on the web.’ – Rony Abovitz

‘I went to the University of Maryland for a year and was considering maybe, you know, being a medical doctor but decided my other interest was maybe flying airplanes in the Navy and just kind of changed my mind and changed schools and changed majors and decided to focus a hundred percent on that.’ – Scott Kelly

‘What we look for are people that are technically competent. You need a background in a scientific field, whether it’s as a scientist, an engineer, medical doctor, or, you know, a person that’s in the military with some kind of technical background.’ – Scott Kelly

‘At the age of 16, my father’s father dropped dead of a heart attack. And I think it changed the course of his life, and he became fascinated with death. He then became a medical doctor and obviously fought death tooth and nail for his patients.’ – Sally Mann

‘The best doctor, if you’re sick, may not be the one that shares your faith. We found that out to be true at Liberty with the years of struggles with the accountants and lawyers we brought in and the financial management.’ – Jerry Falwell, Jr.

‘I was having these terrible back pains, and then one day in Switzerland, things got very bad. My wife Maryanna called the hotel doctor, but I don’t remember any of this, I was out of it. I had an operation, and I was nearly lost.’ – John Tavener

‘The College Board is both in the business of test administration and test prep. If this feels inherently unfair, it should – it’s like a doctor whacking your knee with a sledgehammer and then offering to patch you up.’ – Eliot Schrefer

‘I’m telling you, as a doctor who spent about half of his time in the office taking care of our seniors on Medicare, it is a program that intentions to work are much better than the way it’s working today in terms of practicality.’ – John Barrasso

‘As a doctor who took care of patients for 25 years, I saw the problems with America’s health care system every day.’ – John Barrasso

‘I’m human, we all are – all doctors are – and grieving is a natural part of medicine. As a doctor, grieving is a natural part of medicine. If you deny that, again, you’d get into this trap of curing and victory. I think grief is very important.’ – Siddhartha Mukherjee

‘You meet Rush at a certain point in his life where he’s made a decision that he’s going to not live by the moral code of being a doctor. He’s decided to disengage with that side of his life for various reasons, which we find out through the first season.’ – Tom Ellis

‘Decisions about your health should be between you and your doctor, not a bureaucrat and an insurance company. Let’s expand choice rather than limiting it. Let’s create jobs instead of destroying them. And let’s bring down the costs instead of driving them up.’ – Rob Portman

‘Women should use pain medication only as directed and talk with their doctor about all drugs they’re taking, including over-the-counter medications. Store prescription drugs in a secure place and properly dispose of them as soon as treatment is over. And never share prescription drugs with anyone else.’ – Tom Frieden

‘Stop-and-frisk is not something that you can stop. It is an absolutely basic tool of American policing. It would be like asking a doctor to give an examination to you without using his stethoscope.’ – William Bratton

‘I’m from New Orleans, and we have a Mardi Gras group called the Chewbacchus. It’s celebrating all things geeky: science fiction, fantasy, ‘Star Wars,’ ‘Doctor Who,’ ‘Men in Black,’ ‘Ghostbusters,’ everything.’ – Claudia Gray

‘Telling parents in New Jersey you want to act isn’t exactly like telling them you want to be a doctor or a dentist. There are no guarantees. It’s hard, but all the arts are. Can you imagine the pain of writer’s block?’ – Loretta Swit

‘I remember sneaking a look at films like ‘D.C. Cab’ and ‘Doctor Detroit’ when my parents weren’t watching. ‘One Crazy Summer’ with John Cusack was one of my favorites.’ – Bobby Moynihan

‘There’s a huge migration of eyeballs from television screens to cellphones, tablets, and laptops. More and more people prefer to watch their favorite shows at a time and a place of their own choosing. Appointment TV only happens when you are waiting for the doctor.’ – Jorge Ramos

‘My mother wanted me to be a doctor.’ – John Delaney

‘We love a growing private sector that allows people freedom of choice, to choose their health plan, to choose their doctor, to choose their hospital.’ – John Fleming

‘Too many upstate New Yorkers have to drive 30 minutes or more to see a doctor.’ – Chris Gibson

‘I think Tom Frieden, the CDC director, is a good man, is a good doctor and, I think, basically has done a good job.’ – Phil Gingrey

‘If my mother hadn’t laughed at the funny things I did, I probably wouldn’t be a comic actor. After she had her first heart attack, the doctor said, ‘Try to make her laugh.’ And that was the first time I tried to make anyone laugh.’ – Gene Wilder

‘Probably, had World War II not come along and intervened, I would have tried to be a doctor. My son’s a doctor, and I still take some medical journals to this day.’ – John Glenn

‘It’s crazy to me that in this world of electronic medical records Walmart has so much information about how we shop, but no one has that information about our health. Why can’t my doctor say, ‘Wow, Anne, based on your lifestyle and behavior, you’re five years from being diabetic.’ But I can go to Target, and they know exactly what I’m going to buy.’ – Anne Wojcicki

‘I played a doctor on ‘Chicago Hope’ 15 years or so ago, and I did go and watch an open heart surgery.’ – Thomas Gibson

‘It’s so easy to make an Asian person the doctor, the lawyer, the smart kid in school. What’s harder is challenging the norm and hiring Asian actors to play your Average Joe.’ – Vincent Rodriguez III

‘I think mental illness or madness can be an escape also. People don’t develop a mental illness because they are in the happiest of situations, usually. One doctor observed that it was rare when people were rich to become schizophrenic. If they were poor or didn’t have too much money, then it was more likely.’ – John Forbes Nash, Jr.

”Copper’ is my first period piece. It’s funny because I’ve been doing a lot of episodes of ‘Elementary’ with Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu; they keep bringing me back on the show, and so I go from being an outstanding black doctor to being a kind of hood, ex-car thief who went through rehab in ‘Elementary.” – Ato Essandoh

‘I push myself hard. I don’t like pain, exactly, but as a ballerina, I lived in constant pain. At ballet school in Stockholm, I remember we had a locker where if someone had been to the doctor and gotten painkillers, we divided them among us. In a sense, we were all addicted.’ – Alicia Vikander

‘I’ve had more acne as an adult than I had as a teenager. After weaning babies, my skin’s gone totally bonkers. I didn’t even know about dermatologists until I had weaned my first baby, and my skin was so damaged. It was just beyond. And then, I realized, there’s a whole doctor who can help you with this.’ – Jennifer Garner

‘My parents never understood why I didn’t want to be a doctor or lawyer. They’re Cuban immigrants who wanted to give their children the American dream, and, to them, that was more of what ‘the dream’ entailed.’ – Narciso Rodriguez

‘My father happened to be a doctor, and though I loved and idealized him privately, professionally I never had any use for him or anyone connected with that science.’ – Rudolph Valentino

‘I had been pulling my groins in college a lot and missed my whole freshman year of college because of groin pulls. It was chronic, and I couldn’t figure it out. I went to the doctor, and he told me I had hip dysplasia. So I knew my hockey days were sorta limited at that point.’ – Wyatt Russell

‘I thought I had everything going for me. I wasn’t listening to nobody. And my dad was like, ‘Uh-uh, you can’t make money from music. You have to be a doctor, a lawyer, engineer. Something that’s going to do something for this world. Music doesn’t do anything.’ And I had to fight that, his passion, and fight the society that I was from.’ – Jidenna

‘Each doctor makes a much, much more important job than I do, but at the end, nobody talks about him. We all know about it, but we don’t really think about it.’ – Jurgen Klopp

‘One area where the state can be more effective in addressing the doctor shortage is to focus on making sure that Arizona is a friendly environment for doctors and those wishing to practice medicine.’ – Doug Ducey

‘I am concerned about the plight of the working poor… If doctors are not paid for seeing those patients, doctors will not go to rural Alabama because you can’t expect a doctor to go to rural Alabama and lose money.’ – Robert J. Bentley

‘I was opposed to the government telling me how to practice medicine when I was a doctor.’ – Robert J. Bentley

‘I was lucky that I started very young, since I had a very clear idea of what I wanted to do. But my father is very conservative, and he never considered fashion to be a real career but something I could pursue as a hobby. He wanted me to be a doctor, and at one point, I thought of becoming a plastic surgeon.’ – Edgardo Osorio

‘Summertime in Montana, I become a monosyllabic baboon. I want to ride with the cowboys, go to brandings, doctor cattle, and train my horses. But in a few months, the snow starts to fly. The days become shorter; the yellow color of interior light becomes delicious. I look at my shelves, and every book just glows, and I want to be inside of that.’ – Thomas McGuane

‘My dad was a holistic doctor, so putting good things into my body has always been something I’ve strived for.’ – Callie Hernandez

‘The problem with motor neurone disease is they don’t know when it starts. People go into hospital having fallen but get wrapped up and sent away, unless they’re seen by an incredibly astute doctor. It is only when several things begin to go wrong that it’ll be diagnosed.’ – Eddie Redmayne

‘If you play a role, you want to familiarize yourself with that person’s world. If I were playing an airline pilot or a doctor, I’d probably want to hang out with a doctor or an airplane pilot for a while, ask some questions. You don’t get to hang out the kings. They don’t help consult on movies. So your resources are, by necessity, secondary.’ – Colin Firth

‘I love the comics so much, and I grew up reading Marvel Comics. And Doctor Strange is my favorite comic book character – probably, I think honestly, the only comic book I would feel personally suited to work on.’ – Scott Derrickson

‘My interest in the comic goes back a long time, because I grew up reading comics, mostly Marvel Comics, and I always loved ‘Doctor Strange’ uniquely. It was the presence of the fantastical, the presence of the supernatural that was in it. The idea of magic.’ – Scott Derrickson

‘I came in with a very specific idea about what a Doctor Strange movie should be, which was rooted in the comics, and I thought it should be as weird and as visually ambitious compared to modern comic book movies as the comic was when it showed up in the ’60s compared to other comic books at the time.’ – Scott Derrickson

‘I certainly hope they let me make another ‘Doctor Strange.’ I would do it in a second. I love this character. It’s been the best filmmaking experience of my career; I work really well with these guys. It was a rewarding, collaborative process that I would do again in a second.’ – Scott Derrickson

‘I grew up reading comics – mostly Marvel – Doctor Strange was my favourite comic book and has remained my favourite as an adult. It’s the only comic book movie property I’ve ever gone after. I felt uniquely suited to it.’ – Scott Derrickson

‘This is the launch of the ‘Doctor Strange’ film interpretation of – in my view – a classic, which has been interpreted many times by other graphic artists, and this is just our graphic interpretation of The Ancient One. I would say the whole approach is about a kind of fluidity.’ – Tilda Swinton

‘A chiropractor wishes he were a doctor, just like those people outside Spago wish they were actors.’ – Teri Garr

‘On ‘Black-ish,’ I like my makeup to be really natural – so much that I can do it myself. My character is a mother of four and a doctor and a wife, who would not have time to be putting on eyeshadow or curling her lashes.’ – Tracee Ellis Ross

‘My parents always said that I would be a lawyer or pilot or doctor – and I always just thought that’s what I would do.’ – Benjamin Clementine

‘Probably the toughest time in my life was – was standing there with Ann as we hugged each other and the diagnosis came. And I was afraid it was Lou Gehrig’s disease. As we came into the doctor’s office, the brochures on his table there were Lou Gehrig’s, ALS, and multiple sclerosis.’ – Mitt Romney

‘Back in the day, years ago, in 1988, the only TV I watched was ‘Doctor Who’ because I had children and two full-time jobs, and ‘Doctor Who’ was the exact length of time it took to do my nails, so I would watch ‘Doctor Who’ once a week!’ – Diana Gabaldon

‘I always tell people if you think you are susceptible to a blood clot, go check with your doctor.’ – Kevin Nealon

‘I’ve made a couple of films that were a little too wide and non-specific – like ‘The Doctor.” – William Hurt

‘It was the cholesterol. I had two fried eggs a day for breakfast. I had no checkups for five years. I kept meaning to go. The doctor would probably say it was years of bad living. I’ve always had a good time. Maybe I’ve had too good a time.’ – Sonny Mehta

‘By high school, I was telling everyone, ‘Oh, I’m going to be a doctor when I grow up,’ because my dad was always saying to me, ‘Pick a career path where you’re always going to be necessary.’ But by junior year, I was president of choir, I was the lead in the school play, and I just loved being onstage performing.’ – Aja Naomi King

‘Maybe I don’t see enough television, but it seems there aren’t many shows that are romantic comedies that are an hour long where you’re not solving a crime or being a doctor.’ – Elizabeth Reaser

‘My father was a doctor, so I thought I was going to be a doctor, too, but I couldn’t do maths; I couldn’t do science. I was hopeless at chemistry.’ – Miriam Margolyes

‘I don’t have a pen name, so I’m thinking of getting a doctor’s name. What would you call that, a stethoscope name?’ – Ethan Canin

‘I like medicine. Even if I was selling a million books a year, I would still be a doctor.’ – Ethan Canin

‘When I was younger, I was an avid science girl. I was all about, ‘I’m going to be a doctor.’ Even when I graduated, I was like, ‘I’m going to be a doctor.’ Even though I did acting and I was in plays and drama clubs in high school and college, I still didn’t think I was going to take it on as a career.’ – Retta

‘I have a bag and shoe addiction. If I were a doctor or a lawyer, I’d still have it.’ – Eva Chen

‘My blood sugar went out of control. Diabetes runs in my family, so I went to see my doctor. He was like, ‘Buck up,’ and it was sort of the wake-up call that I needed to hear.’ – Nia Vardalos

‘I was diagnosed with hypertension when I was 24, and I battled hypertension for about 10 to 12 years, and then I went to the doctor for something else, and he found that I had high levels of protein in my urine, and that’s how I found out I had kidney disease.’ – Grizz Chapman

‘No parent would fail to call the doctor if their child developed a fever.’ – Kate Middleton

‘Prior to my call to the Twelve, I served as a medical doctor and surgeon.’ – Russell M. Nelson

‘I ask myself, ‘What is the value of acting and the attention that actors get? And yet there are so many people in the world doing incredible things for mankind, and they don’t get much attention.’ I do question about that, but I don’t think I would’ve been a great doctor. I think I would’ve been a good surgeon. That fascinated me.’ – Miranda Otto

‘I’ve learnt some important lessons: I never rely on the opinion of one doctor alone. I do my own research; I read up and am ready with questions I need answered.’ – Nargis Fakhri

‘I’ve done a couple of conferences where you sit and sign autographs for people, and then you have photographs taken with them and a lot of them all dressed up in alien suits or ‘Doctor Who’ whatevers. I was terrified of doing it because I thought they’d all be loonies, but they are absolutely, totally charming as anything. It’s great fun.’ – John Hurt

‘I don’t do facials – I don’t really enjoy people picking at my skin. I’d rather a dermatologist who’s a doctor for that do that.’ – Hailey Baldwin

‘Everybody literally thinks I’ve had plastic surgery. My mom’s family call her, and they’re like, ‘Did Hailey do her lips? Did she do her nose?’ Do people want me to go to a doctor and have them examine my face so they can tell people I haven’t? My face has just matured. I grew into my looks.’ – Hailey Baldwin

‘I was in school to play basketball; I wasn’t trying to be a doctor. It’s hard to talk about the NCAA rules and everything that happened in the past because I’ve just been focused on practicing and getting ready… I was trying to reach my dreams, and that’s to play in the NBA.’ – Ben Simmons

‘People come up to me in airports, they walk into the office, and they say, ‘I’m going to cry; I’m going to pass out.’ And I say, ‘Please don’t pass out; I’m not a doctor.” – John Lewis

‘I have a nutritionist and a doctor. Everything is checked. Thoroughly. Everything I take is checked out first.’ – Alistair Overeem

‘I’m incredibly excited to be joining the ‘Doctor Who’ family. It’s such an extraordinary British institution, I couldn’t be prouder to call the TARDIS my home.’ – Pearl Mackie

‘Peter Capaldi is such a brilliant actor, and his Doctor is such a wacky and wonderful character, I can’t wait to see what adventures are in store for him and Bill throughout time and space.’ – Pearl Mackie

‘My doctor suggested doing some blood tests and immediately discovered that my white blood cell count was low. So then I went through many more tests including bone marrow biopsies until they figured out that I had neutropenia.’ – Sheryl Lee

‘Once, I played a doctor who had a near-death experience, so I researched it, and it’s impressive what people are saying about what happened to those who’ve been through it: it changed their lives completely, made them different people after that. I find that immensely comforting.’ – Sebastian Koch

‘I kept having the producers of ‘Fog in August’ take out some of the Nazi terms and phrases. I don’t want audiences to look at this doctor and say, ‘He is a Nazi monster’ and think that it has nothing to do with our lives today.’ – Sebastian Koch

‘There was the ‘Cosby Show’ in America in the 1980s, which was a doctor in a beautiful Brownstone middle-class house. We just haven’t created a role like that in the U.K.; it’s always gangs and crime. We need to be brave.’ – David Harewood

‘I want to be open about my condition to show others that they are not alone in dealing with this form of chronic hives. My advice for people with CIU is to talk to their doctor about their condition.’ – Vicki Lawrence

‘I actually spoke to one of the heads of a studio, and he said I confuse middle America. Basically, when they see a black person, they see athlete, they see rapper, or they see criminal or something like that. And then when they hear a British accent, they hear posh, so they hear lawyer or doctor.’ – Ricky Whittle

‘The more I talk to people who are at a place I’d like to be at, whether its music or writing, or being a doctor or entrepreneur, sometimes you get lucky, and right away something happens. But for most people, the common denominator of success is just working really hard.’ – K. Flay

‘I never was a person that said, ‘I’m gonna be a rapper.’ I thought I would be a doctor. I just knew how to rap, and it was a cool thing to do, so I started doing it for fun.’ – Remy Ma

‘In terms of my own experience, my dad is first-generation, so his parents were from China, and my mom was born and raised in southern Illinois, and she was involved in the arts. My dad’s a doctor.’ – Phillipa Soo

‘Thankfully, I found a doctor at Presbyterian Hospital in New York, Scott Hammer, who diagnosed my chronic fatigue as the Epstein-Barr virus, and the medication I took either helped jump-start my immune system or made the virus dormant. I was very lucky.’ – Tucker Halpern

‘Every few weeks, I’d really be worn down. The doctor said just take time off, but it became apparent that the exercise you need to be a top-level athlete brought the symptoms on.’ – Tucker Halpern

‘My father died five days before I returned to New York. He was only fifty-three years old. My parents and my father’s doctor had all decided it was wiser for me to go to South America than to stay home and see Papa waste away. For a long time, I felt an enormous sense of guilt about having left my father’s side when he was so sick.’ – Beverly Sills

‘Who wants to get a worse diagnosis of their cancer, just to keep a human doctor in the job?’ – Vivienne Ming

‘Just like navigating in the open sea, triangulating the information you collect from media with your doctor’s advice and some common sense will help map a sound path to safety.’ – Dean Ornish

‘To those many millions of you unfamiliar with my work, I play a caddish British doctor in practice with Mindy Kaling on her excellent sitcom ‘The Mindy Project.” – Ed Weeks

‘A creative space is an important thing. There are so many studios that feel like doctor’s offices in Nashville. I couldn’t write there.’ – Brad Paisley

‘Part of what any good health-care professional does, including an advanced-practice nurse, is know when it is time to seek help from more experienced professionals. I’m a primary care doctor. It doesn’t mean I know everything. When something is beyond my competency or expertise, I seek consultation from my colleagues.’ – David Shulkin

‘A lot of times in Hollywood, when casting directors find out you’re of Middle Eastern descent, they go, ‘Oh, you’re Iranian? Great. Can you say, ‘I will kill you in the name of Allah?” I could say that, but what if I were to say, ‘Hello, I’m your doctor.” – Maz Jobrani

‘My mom just wanted me to do anything that was academic, whether it was become a doctor or be a lawyer. Engineering suited her… then I dropped out. It was not what I wanted to do at all; it just felt so unnatural, and I couldn’t put my finger on why. I just knew it wasn’t for me.’ – Ross Butler

‘I wouldn’t mind taking a stab at… I’d love to take a shot at ‘Doctor Strange’ at some point.’ – Mark Waid

‘Who makes decisions for families across America? Should it be a family with their doctor, or should it be some unelected bureaucrat in Washington?’ – Steve Scalise