‘I don’t think of cartoons or comics as being for kids.’ – Jeff Kinney

‘For a gut punch of nostalgia, consider that Saturday morning cartoons are now largely a thing of the past.’ – Michael O’Rielly

‘I’ve never stopped loving cartoons. I loved cartoons as a kid. I can still look at them and enjoy them.’ – Ed Asner

‘In cartoons, in movies, time passes differently. There are flashbacks and flashfowards.’ – Warren Spector

‘It feels like a game, this work I do. It is totally heartfelt, and I love the sticky terrain, the straight-up cartoons, how the irrepressible and icky rise to the surface. But I am not just trying to call forth bugaboos and demons for the sake of it, for fun.’ – Kara Walker

‘Being raised Muslim, we had to get up at the crack of dawn to pray. There was no sleeping in, no getting up Saturday morning to watch cartoons because there was no TV in the house. But you got up and you worked, cleaned the house.’ – Malik Yoba

‘Cartoons are probably my favorite thing to do.’ – Michael Horse

‘I was a really big fan of cartoons growing up, and I loved to read too much into them most of the time.’ – Rebecca Sugar

‘As a kid, I watched ‘Bugs Bunny’ cartoons, and for some reason Pepe Le Pew, the indomitable French skunk pursuing his would-be kitty paramour, left his mark on me: became an instant emblem of odoriferous hubris, hedonistic bad behavior. He was an entry-level Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a rookie Marquis de Sade.’ – Michael Paterniti

‘The best cartoons have no words at all – just the image pops out.’ – Jeff MacNelly

‘I don’t think there’s more than half-a-dozen cartoons that I’ve been really truly happy with in all the time I’ve been doing it.’ – Pat Oliphant

‘Cartoons have always been an enjoyment to me… a relaxation… I get my ideas from everyday events.’ – Matthew Ashford

‘When I was younger, I used to watch a lot of cartoons.’ – YBN Nahmir

‘Cartoons are not real drawings, because they are drawings intended to be read.’ – Chris Ware

‘Making cartoons means very hard work at every step of the way, but creating a successful cartoon character is the hardest work of all.’ – Joseph Barbera

‘None of the established museums were treating cartoons seriously. It was considered a lesser art or no art at all, just a way to sell newspapers. Even the syndicates who were dedicated to the cartoons were throwing them out, figuring they had no value after they were printed.’ – Mort Walker

‘I thought I was going to make crazy cartoons for the rest of my life. I didn’t think I’d ever get paid for it, didn’t think I drew well enough, but I knew it made me happy.’ – Matt Groening

‘So many of us, we love these things that come from Japan. We play the video games every day, we read the manga, people watch the cartoons, they absolutely love it.’ – Yaya Han

‘There was a lot about the military that I thought was pretty silly, but these cartoons weren’t meant to take a poke at anybody or anything. They were meant to make people laugh.’ – Shel Silverstein

‘Mel Blanc is a hero because of what he could do with his voice for all the Looney Tunes, the Warner Brothers cartoons, to be the voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig.’ – Nicolas Cage

‘I don t think cartoons are only for kids, but I think kids will love anything as long as it’s visually interesting.’ – John Kricfalusi

‘The cartoons which I enjoy have caused some kind of out rage, but they have got people talking about these issues out in the open and in essence that’s what its all about.’ – Jonathan Shapiro

‘People try to look for deep meanings in my work. I want to say, ‘They’re just cartoons, folks. You laugh or you don’t.’ Gee, I sound shallow. But I don’t react to current events or other stimuli. I don’t read or watch TV to get ideas. My work is basically sitting down at the drawing table and getting silly.’ – Gary Larson

”MAD Magazine’ put out a book that was a collection of Trump cartoons, and they asked me to do the forward because they knew that I was a fan because I’d done stories and tweeted about ‘MAD.’ So I did the forward and asked them if I could do a cartoon. They let me, and I did caricatures of myself and Wolf Blitzer.’ – Jake Tapper

‘I never got tired of Tom and Jerry, but I did have a dream of doing more with my life than making cartoons.’ – Joseph Barbera

‘I grew up on Charles Addams’ cartoons, particularly ‘The Addams Family,’ and Uncle Fester was always one of my favorites.’ – Christopher Lloyd

‘I was never a comic-book fan, but I loved cartoons. I don’t enjoy reading: for me, it’s hard work.’ – Joe Gilgun

‘I loved cartoons as a kid, and so many funny moments in animation for me are nonverbal sounds, unarticulated mouth noise.’ – Alan Tudyk

”Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ is my first book, and it’s the fulfillment of a life-long dream. I had always wanted to be a cartoonist, but I found that it was very tough to break into the world of newspaper syndication. So I started playing with a style that mixed cartoons and ‘traditional’ writing, and that’s how ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ was born.’ – Jeff Kinney

‘I realized that people make cartoons for a living. It had never dawned on me that you could do this as a career.’ – John Lasseter

‘I used to draw cartoons of my teachers which used to get passed around the class and I’d always wind up getting caught which often meant detention. But they sometimes said the drawings were good! – Bud Luckey’ – Bud Luckey

‘At one time Tribune Syndicate emptied out their storeroom. They put tables full of original cartoons down in the lobby and said take one if you want one. The comics were simply a burden to them.’ – Mort Walker

‘Usually for cartoons, I record them in the mornings from 9 A.M. to noon, then I have the rest of the day to do on camera. It actually gives me time to work on my own projects.’ – Greg Cipes

‘In my students, I’m always dispelling the notion that characters come like a light bulb over the head in cartoons. For me, it’s like a shapeless big lump of clay. You just build it into something, and then you step back and go, ‘That’s not right,’ hack it apart, put out a new arm, and say, ‘Maybe this will walk around and work.” – Anthony Doerr

‘Picasso’s always been such a huge influence that I thought when I started the cartoon paintings that I was getting away from Picasso, and even my cartoons of Picasso were done almost to rid myself of his influence.’ – Roy Lichtenstein

‘I did 32 years of political cartoons, one every day for six days a week, I wrote and drew every word, every line. That body of work is the one I’m proudest of.’ – Jerry Robinson

‘You don’t make a fortune doing cartoons. It’s a lot of fun, it keeps you busy, and it’s better than a kick in the pants, absolutely. But doing voiceover work doesn’t make you rich. It just doesn’t.’ – Patrick Warburton

‘Madrid is a big and beautiful city with great parks where I like to walk. There are a lot of squares and museums, historic monuments. But I’m more a home guy; I feel most comfortable there with my wife and kids. We play, watch cartoons, like all families do.’ – Luka Modric

‘I was doing political cartoons and getting angry to the point where I felt I was going to have to start making and throwing bombs. I thought I was probably a better cartoonist than a bomb maker.’ – Terry Gilliam

‘I don’t think you can beat your audience over the head with hard-hitting cartoons day after day after day.’ – Walt Handelsman

‘I speak from a nerd’s perspective because I’ve been watching anime since I was a kid. I grew up on ‘Speed Racer’ and ‘Star Blazers’ and ‘Battle of the Planets,’ and those were some of my first A) cartoons and B) introduction to Japanese couture before I even knew they were Japanese.’ – Yuri Lowenthal

‘Cartoons are the best stuff on TV. ‘Wonder Showzen,’ ‘Aqua Teen,’ ‘SpongeBob,’ and, of course, ‘South Park’ – one of the funniest shows ever made.’ – Akiva Schaffer

‘I first pitched the idea of doing a series of cartoons based on Bible stories. They didn’t much like it.’ – Joseph Barbera

‘As soon as I found out how compartmentalized the industry was, I realized, Well, no wonder the cartoons are so bad.’ – John Kricfalusi

‘I think it’s best to know about lots of different things besides comics. I don’t think you can become a cartoonist if you look at nothing but cartoons.’ – Akira Toriyama

‘When I was 12 years old, I was hanging out with 23-year-olds. I was into cartoons and Pokemon, and they’re all talking about girls. It was a strange way to grow up.’ – Shaun White

‘My biggest kick comes from the individual fans I run into. Middle-aged men ask me when we’re going to do more Johnny Quest cartoons.’ – Joseph Barbera

‘Most cartoons are those colors. They have been for 35 years.’ – John Kricfalusi

‘I’ve never canceled a subscription to a newspaper because of bad cartoons or editorials. If that were the case, I wouldn’t have any newspapers or magazines to read.’ – Richard M. Nixon

‘Newspapers across the country and the world have published cartoons that have gone beyond reasonable differences of opinion and expanded into the realm of antisemitism.’ – Gordon Smith

‘I would like to thank the people who encouraged me to draw army cartoons at a time when the gag man’s conception of the army was one of mean ole sergeants and jeeps which jump over mountains.’ – Bill Mauldin

‘There is too much illustrating of the news these days. I look at many editorial cartoons and I don’t know what the cartoonists are saying or how they feel about a certain issue.’ – Paul Conrad

‘I have no idea what readership is of written editorials, but it doesn’t come anywhere close to the readership of editorial cartoons.’ – Paul Conrad

‘I’m not up on today’s television for children, because it’s mostly cartoons that don’t seem to interest me.’ – William Jackson

‘I was very lucky all three newspapers approached me and asked me to draw their cartoons for them.’ – Jonathan Shapiro

‘In live action movies, you just hope that everything works. Because the actor may had a bad morning and doesn’t play good, or accidents happen continuously. Many things contradict what you are trying to say. But in cartoons, nothing contradict what you want to say.’ – John Hench

‘He always describes his characters’ voices and their physique so brilliantly. As people have said, they are cartoons, caricatures. They’re grotesques really.’ – Simon Callow

‘Well, for one thing, the executives in charge at Cartoon Network are cartoon fans. I mean, these are people who grew up loving animation and loving cartoons, and the only difference between them and me is they don’t know how to draw.’ – Craig McCracken

‘I’ve learned to look like I’m listening to long confusing plots of cartoons and comic books when I’m actually sound asleep or making grocery shopping lists in my head.’ – Patricia Heaton

‘But by us doing a lot on the road, we were able to afford things like videos on the tours, cartoons that we’d open up the shows with. We were doing that way back when and now it’s the hippest thing to do. We’re just coming back around, I guess trying to play catch-up.’ – Bootsy Collins

‘Cartooning at its best is a fine art. I’m a cartoonist who works in the medium of animation, which also allows me to paint my cartoons.’ – Ralph Bakshi

‘When I did sports cartoons, I used to uh, go to fights.’ – Rube Goldberg

‘And, uh, I’ve got about six thousand cartoons up there, also books and papers.’ – Rube Goldberg

‘The Gorillaz cartoons seem more real to me than the actual people on TV. Because at least you know that there’s some intelligence behind the cartoons, and there’s a lot of work that’s gone into it, so it can’t all be just a lie.’ – Damon Albarn

‘Some of those cartoons look nothing like me.’ – Sarah Sutton

‘I started doing cartoons when I was about 21. I never thought I would be a cartoonist. It happened behind my back. I was always a painter and drawer.’ – Lynda Barry

‘I was unable to sleep and I would stay up and draw these little cartoons. Then a friend showed them around. Before I knew it I was a cartoonist.’ – Lynda Barry

‘I see myself as an artist who happens to do cartoons.’ – Pat Oliphant

‘I’ve never really thought about competing with cartoons. If it ever gets to that point, then just shoot me.’ – Lucy Liu

‘Why does this person who is sitting behind a desk and never watches cartoons is arguing about what cartoons should be like. Its so creepy realizing that this person is a lunatic.’ – Jhonen Vasquez

‘After I had done a handful of cartoons I was satisfied with, I started submitting them to the magazines.’ – Joseph Barbera

‘Joe Barbera’s s always complaining that he can’t get humor into cartoons anymore. Just do it. You’ve got your money. Why do they let the networks run their lives?’ – John Kricfalusi

‘My intended audience was everybody. I just want to make cartoons for human beings.’ – John Kricfalusi

‘I went to a catholic public school St Helens and learned English by watching bugs bunny cartoons.’ – Nick Mancuso

‘98% of the people who get the magazine say they read the cartoons first – and the other 2% are lying.’ – David Remnick

‘I quickly realized that this medium had a lot to offer someone like me. To do Disney-quality hand-drawn cartoons, you have to be a master of two art forms. Seriously, you have to be able to draw like a Leonardo da Vinci or a Michelangelo. But also you have to know movement and timing and control that through 24 frames a second.’ – John Lasseter

‘I can still do clothing, movies, cartoons. I’mma get mine regardless. Whether I put an album out or not, I’m still gonna see a check.’ – Beanie Sigel

‘I didn’t watch cartoons, I was too busy playing football.’ – Alan Shearer

‘I keep waiting, like in the cartoons, for an anvil to drop on my head.’ – Angie Harmon

‘The humor section is the last place an author wants to be. They put your stuff next to collections of Cathy cartoons.’ – David Sedaris

‘That’s the conundrum of cartoon stripping, as opposed to political cartoons. When your anger is the driving force of your drawing hand, failure follows. The anger is OK, but it has to serve the interests of the heart, frankly.’ – Berkeley Breathed

‘I used to draw cartoons. I’d just show them to some of my friends, expecting that they were going to appreciate them, that they were going to enjoy reading them.’ – Shigeru Miyamoto

‘I think the cartoons that they’re children are watching, particularly ‘The Simpsons,’ they’re OK. I think that the adult audience is making much too much of the danger that they imply. That’s not the case. The danger for children today, honey, is the news. Keep them away from news on television.’ – Jerry Lewis

‘The pop musicians often leave meaning in the dust and substitute it for cartoons. The deeper artists – the grunge artists in the world and the emoticon people – tend to leave all of the happiness out of life like it just doesn’t exist.’ – Hal Sparks

‘We’ve seen violent responses to ‘Satanic Verses.’ We’ve seen violent responses to the cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in an evil way.’ – Susan Rice

‘I did an interview once where I was asked who I found attractive and I went on about cartoons and Nala from ‘The Lion King’ – and it’s a bit weird but various of my ex-girlfriends actually did look like Nala.’ – Eddie Redmayne

‘I didn’t always spell my name Bil. My parents named me Bill, but when I started drawing cartoons on the wall, they knocked the ‘L’ out of me.’ – Bil Keane

‘In Roslyn, Pennsylvania, we started our real-life family circus. They provided the inspiration for my cartoons. I provided the perspiration.’ – Bil Keane

‘Many of my cartoons are not a belly laugh. I go for nostalgia, the lump in the throat, the tear in the eye, the tug in the heart.’ – Bil Keane

‘I think perhaps Pakistan can take the lead. Perhaps Turkey can as well, being part of Europe. But someone has to start talking about why the Muslim world has become a boiling pot and look beyond these cartoons to what the ideological reasons are for this divide.’ – Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy

‘I grew up, probably like a lot of people, on cartoons. And I never thought I would have the chance to be in an animated movie. It’s good also to show the world my sweet side with them.’ – Seann William Scott

‘Every week when my batch of weekly cartoons would go to FedEx, it felt like a small miracle. Then in a few days, it’s ‘Here we go again.” – Gary Larson

‘I don’t want all of American cinema to be big cartoons that are just made to be digested by the entire world.’ – Alexander Payne

‘My mom was a big ‘Smurfs’ fan, so she would force me to watch every Saturday morning. I had no choice in the matter. I would jump downstairs on Saturday morning, ‘Hurray, cartoons!’ and she would say, ‘Smurfs! That’s what you’re watching.” – Jayma Mays

‘I always hated high-school shows and high-school movies, because they were always about the cool kids. It was always about dating and sex, and all the popular kids, and the good-looking kids. And the nerds were super-nerdy cartoons, with tape on their glasses. I never saw ‘my people’ portrayed accurately.’ – Paul Feig

‘I think my printing to this day looks like the printing right out of a comic book. Actually, I always wanted to be in a comic book. I watched cartoons when I was a kid, too, and both comics and cartoons lit fire in my imagination. This realm holds a lot of interest for me, a lot of passion for me. So to be comic-ized, yeah, that’s cool.’ – Nathan Fillion

‘There are as many great superhero movies as there are comedies and dramas and cartoons. People just want to see good movies.’ – Josh Trank

‘I was always into cartoons and animation.’ – Nonito Donaire

‘Children’s programming in America, I think it’s pretty shoddy in terms of lack of diversity. It’s pretty much cartoons and Disney sort of shows. I don’t find any of that stimulating for children.’ – Alex Kingston

‘I have a daughter and she’s the greatest thing that ever happened to me. She gives me a good excuse to watch cartoons.’ – Mike Dirnt

‘When I was a kid, ‘Land of the Lost’ was my favorite show, just because it was – in the landscape of Saturday morning cartoons – it was so unique. It was a live-action show and kids were in it, these creatures, these Sleestaks and dinosaurs. Every week was a different adventure. I couldn’t wait. I loved it so much.’ – Will Ferrell

‘My parents were really strict about me not watching cartoons.’ – Questlove

‘I knew I wanted to be some kind of artist from about 12. I met a neighbour who drew cartoons, and I had an idea I wanted to be a cartoonist – or something that involved Indian ink, at any rate.’ – Edward Ruscha

‘If you were to look at an old ‘Betty Boop’ cartoon or an ‘Out of the Ink Well’ animation, there are many things about ‘Adventure Time’ that really remind you of that, even though it doesn’t look like any of those cartoons.’ – Fred Seibert

‘I was influenced by Ray Harryhausen and Lotte Reiniger, with her twitchy, cutout animation, which I happened to see at a very young age, but also by the Warner Bros. cartoons, ‘Tom and Jerry,’ and of course Disney. And also by Fellini’s ‘Giulietta of the Spirits’ and Kurosawa’s ‘Ran.’ And by other American illustrators and painters.’ – Henry Selick

‘I’m not satirical in a traditional way. What I do is more about creating caricatures and cartoons. I am commentating on the nature of how we live through photography, and how you can twist an angle to create a different perception of a person.’ – Alison Jackson

‘I feel like I was hit by all of geek culture at once while I was growing up in the ’70s and ’80s. Saturday morning cartoons like ‘Star Blazers’ and ‘Robotech.’ Live action Japanese shows like ‘Ultraman’ and ‘The Space Giants.” – Ernest Cline

‘I notice when I’m at a party where I don’t know anybody – even if I have nothing in common with somebody – we can still talk because we were raised by the same TV and cartoons and movies.’ – Ernest Cline

‘I grew up on comics and cartoons. So, as an adult, I like comics and cartoons.’ – J. Michael Straczynski

‘When I was a kid, I wanted to emulate Mel Blanc, who is arguably one of the most legendary voiceover recording artists of our time. I used to watch all the cartoons where he would voice Daffy, Elmer Fudd and Porky the Pig. I knew one day I wanted to do that.’ – Jesse McCartney

‘I never read comics as a kid. I guess I was lazy and watched cartoons instead.’ – Kirsten Dunst

‘We’ve seen the uproars around the world concerning cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammad. Anyone who does not think comic strips are relevant never had a fatwa put on him/her for drawing a picture.’ – Elayne Boosler

‘I started doing comedy with no plan to do voice work. Voice work came as a function of doing comedy and meeting people who eventually develop shows like that. I didn’t seek out from an early age to be on cartoons.’ – H. Jon Benjamin

‘Video game voicing is absolutely different from cartoon work. In cartoons, you’re almost always there with the entire cast, and the entire script is acted out in sequence. With video games, it’s you by yourself, in a room with a script you just got when you walked in.’ – Josh Keaton

‘Tell me that you don’t like cartoons, and I think there’s something wrong with you. I don’t understand why people don’t like cartoons.’ – John DiMaggio

‘It’s not really a guilty pleasure, but I love old cartoons. I could watch Bugs Bunny and Tweety all day long.’ – Robbie Amell

‘I don’t really watch a lot of TV, but I do watch ‘Adventure Time’, ‘The Amazing World of Gumball’, and ‘Looney Tunes’ and old classic cartoons.’ – Ty Simpkins

‘I like cartoons. I like ‘Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends.’ It’s funny! It has things that kids wouldn’t get. It’s like, if you’re mature, you get it. I like that and ‘The Fairly OddParents.” – David Archuleta

‘I’m a huge fan of Warner Brothers cartoons. I would spend many hours alone after school watching Daffy Duck. I think Daffy Duck is one of the great comedic villains.’ – Roger Bart

‘I liked the girly cartoons. I was very much a girly-girl.’ – Kirsten Dunst

‘Mel Blanc is a hero because of what he could do with his voice for all the Looney Tunes, the Warner Brothers cartoons, to be the voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig. To me, he’s a great actor.’ – Nicolas Cage

‘Political satire is a serious thing. In democratic newspapers throughout the world there are daily cartoons that often are not even funny, as is the case especially in many English-language newspapers. Instead, they contain a political message, and the artist takes full responsibility.’ – Umberto Eco

‘With ‘Worst. Person. Ever.’ I knew where it started and where it had to end, but I threw Raymond as many curveballs as I could along the way. He’s like the coyote in the ‘Road Runner’ cartoons.’ – Douglas Coupland

‘My parents didn’t hide reality. I watched cartoons and the news with equal fascination.’ – Jello Biafra

‘I had been drawing my weekly comic strip, ‘Life in Hell,’ for about five years when I got a call from Jim Brooks, who was developing ‘The Tracey Ullman Show’ for the brand-new Fox network. He wanted me to come in and pitch an idea for doing little cartoons on that show.’ – Matt Groening

‘The way people love sci-fi is how I love cartoons.’ – Tatiana Maslany

‘I was honestly a cartoon kid. I loved cartoons. That was more my dream than anything else. But now, it’s the films of people like John Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands. Those are the kinds of characters I want to play, and that’s the kind of filmmaking I’m fascinated by.’ – Tatiana Maslany

‘A lot of children remember seeing cartoons, ‘Pinocchio’ or ‘Bambi’ or something that breaks their heart. I remember seeing ‘The Blue Angel’ and it breaking my heart. It was the first time I realised there was an adult world – that adults could damage each other or destroy each other emotionally.’ – Sam Taylor-Johnson

‘I loved animation and cartoons, even when it was not cool when you were in high school. I raced home to see the Bugs Bunny cartoons.’ – John Lasseter

‘When I was a freshman in high school, I read a book about the making of Disney’s ‘Sleeping Beauty’ called ‘The Art of Animation.’ It was this weird revelation for me, because I hadn’t considered that people actually get paid to make cartoons.’ – John Lasseter

‘Walt Disney was a master of the human psychology. His sense of timing, sense of speed. In a sense, those cartoons are like Rorschach tests.’ – Twyla Tharp

‘When I was in middle school, I liked to make cartoons.’ – Pete Docter

‘I’m not as successful as Pixar or Dreamworks, and that is disappointing to me, because I think my films are as valid as a Pixar film. I think there’s an audience for my films. I know there’s a market for someone like Quentin Tarantino, who basically does adult cartoons in live action.’ – Bill Plympton

‘Even as a child, when kids my age would watch cartoons, I preferred watching horror flicks. I had watched some Hollywood horror flicks and even films made by the Ramsay brothers by the time I was six! I have always been biased towards that genre.’ – Emraan Hashmi

‘I will pick a raft of cartoons. And then later, it’ll come time to run this cartoon. And I’ll look at it, and I won’t quite get it anymore. Because sometimes the grenade goes off in the moment, and then it doesn’t repeat down the line.’ – Robert Mankoff

‘I think funny is just the foundation. I don’t really think, to some extent, funny is the absolute most important thing. It should also communicate some idea through the medium of cartooning. Just to be funny is… You know what, the things that you laugh hardest at aren’t cartoons.’ – Robert Mankoff

‘There are no cartoons about happy marriages.’ – Robert Mankoff

‘Cartoonists create so many cartoons on any given topic that we can follow the life cycle of a comic idea and how it evolves over time more quickly than we can with a form like the novel.’ – Robert Mankoff

‘Cartoons are like fruit flies. Biologists use fruit flies because their large chromosomes and short life cycle make them ideal for studying hereditary changes.’ – Robert Mankoff

‘I was diagnosed with ADD – see also: raised on sugary cereals and cartoons – and manic depression. So I was prescribed Ritalin for the ADD, and for the manic imbalances I was prescribed mostly benzodiazepines, which I loved, and antidepressants.’ – Pete Wentz

‘My mother tried really hard to protect us, but occasionally, after afternoon cartoons of whatever was on… the nightly news would come on, and I’d see footage from the war zone, and I would hear the word ‘Vietnam,’ and I would know my dad was over there, and it was a very frightening experience for me.’ – Suzanne Collins

‘The biggest threat to a better life is the desire to keep the future under control – to make the world predictable by reining in creativity and enterprise. Progress as a neat blueprint, with no deviations and no surprise, may work in children’s cartoons or utopian novels. But it’s just a fantasy.’ – Virginia Postrel

‘My cartoons haven’t been about the politics of the day or about the personalities; I’m more interested in campaigning about the issues.’ – Judy Horacek

‘There have been huge Muslim demonstrations against cartoons depicting Muhammad and any other perceived insult against Islam. But I am unaware of a single demonstration of Muslims against Muslim terror directed at non-Muslims.’ – Dennis Prager

‘Sour Patch, Swedish Fish. I love candy, man. I can’t go without candy. And when I’m recording, I always have a TV on with cartoons – on mute, though. When I’m recording, I like to look at the TV now and then and see some crazy, wacky stuff. When you’re thinking creative, it just keeps you creative. Everybody got their way of making music.’ – Tyga

‘True net-heads sometimes resort to punctuation cartoons to get around the absence of inflection.’ – Barton Gellman

‘I’m a big kid. I love drinking chocolate milk. I’m not afraid to watch some cartoons once in a while when I’m with my nieces and actually be attentive.’ – Billy Horschel

‘I remember lying on the floor of my room, staring at a black-and-white television for most of the ’80s – watching ‘Diff’rent Strokes,’ ‘Facts of Life,’ ‘Silver Spoons,’ Saturday morning cartoons, and ‘Murder, She Wrote’ while eating an insane amount of Stouffer’s French bread pizza. I was sucked into it all.’ – Jim Rash

‘With Saturday morning cartoons, you’ve got to start at 6 A.M., right?’ – Jim Rash

‘I am quite convinced now… that the actual training of drawing cartoons – which is, of course, my style – led to my producing Spot. Cartoons must be very simple and have as few words as possible, and so, too, must the ‘Spot’ books.’ – Eric Hill

‘A lot of people get emotional in movies that are cartoons, but not in TV shows.’ – Aaron Paul

‘I remember watching Looney Tunes cartoons and having the music stuck in my head.’ – Petra Haden

‘As a kid, I just loved cartoons. And as the credits went by, I’d study those names and then try to figure how I could get hired to do what Mel Blanc and Daws Butler did. Create all of these great voices for animated characters.’ – Jim Cummings

‘I didn’t want to go to college – I was bored by junior high. So I was in church one day, staring at the stained glass windows and thinking about things, when suddenly I decided that if I could start selling cartoons to magazines, they’d let me quit high school.’ – Brad Holland

‘I watched a ton of cartoons growing up, but I don’t remember specifically what networks they were on, I’ll be honest. But I did like cartoons as a kid.’ – Maulik Pancholy

‘I have sometimes done cartoons that are hurtful to people – immature, spiteful stuff. Some are so self-indulgent, and some have just failed. I look back and sometimes cringe. But one regret as I get older is that I haven’t been radical and wild enough.’ – Michael Leunig

‘I was an only child. I needed an alternative to family life – to real life, you could almost say – and cartoons, pictures in a book, the animated movies, seemed to provide it.’ – John Updike

‘I could take all the cartoons in the tabloid newspapers, but I couldn’t take my daughter punching me in the belly and asking why I was so fat. That was my inspiration to lose the weight. And probably the last time anyone hurt my feelings.’ – Al Sharpton

‘I think that, ultimately, there are so many characters in G.I. Joe that even all the iterations – the comics and the different cartoons and everything – have been a big ensemble. Lots of crossing storylines and stuff.’ – D. J. Cotrona

‘Most sitcoms and cartoons, especially, you can rely on, because they go back to square one at the beginning of every episode.’ – Scott Adsit

‘I didn’t read comic books; that’s not something that was really available to me as a child. We watched more cartoons and movies.’ – Candice Patton

‘I love cartoons. I’m just a big kid.’ – Coolio

‘A real totalitarianism is at work in the world and wants to impose its views not only on Arab Muslims, but on the West. The same way that they veil women, Islamic radicals want to veil cartoons in the press.’ – Patrick Chappatte

‘Religion and political cartoons, as you may have heard, make a difficult couple, ever since that day of 2005, when a bunch of cartoonists in Denmark drew cartoons that had repercussions all over the world – demonstrations, fatwa, they provoked violence. People died in the violence.’ – Patrick Chappatte

‘I had always loved cartoons, especially ‘Bugs Bunny,’ and I found I enjoyed making animated films. Even a 30-second commercial involved drawing and painting, storytelling, not to mention actors, music, and sound effects.’ – Mordicai Gerstein

‘I just tried to create a life for myself that’s full of fun and fantasy and things that equal laughter. My life’s been cartoons and comedy and acting, and it’s just been a fun life, man.’ – Harland Williams

‘It’s embarrassing to tell you how much my friends make fun of me. Seriously, when you have a doll made of your face, it’s ridiculous how creative your friends can get… pictures, videos, little animated cartoons that they’ve made.’ – Channing Tatum

‘I used to think of the cartoons as a magazine within a magazine. First you go through and read all the cartoons, and then you go back and read the articles.’ – Roz Chast

‘I don’t like cartoons that take place in Nowhereville. I like cartoons where I know where they’re happening.’ – Roz Chast

‘Being female was just one more way I felt different and weird. I was also a young ‘un, and also my cartoons were not like typical ‘New Yorker’ cartoons.’ – Roz Chast

‘I’ve done a lot of death cartoons – tombstones, Grim Reaper, illness, obituaries… I’m not great at analyzing things, but my guess is that maybe the only relief from the terror of being alive is jokes.’ – Roz Chast

‘My works were not – and they still aren’t – single panel gags with a punch line underneath them. I like a lot of those cartoons; I just don’t draw them.’ – Roz Chast

‘I think, with my cartoons, the parent-like figures are kind of my own archeypes of parents, and they’re taken a little bit from my parents and other people’s parents, and parents I have read about, and parents I dreamed about, and parents that I made up.’ – Roz Chast

‘I always imagined my little cartoons on plates for some reason.’ – Roz Chast

‘Cable television stations in America are now producing such smart, in-depth, non-formula, character-based dramas. Film has turned more and more into big action or cartoons.’ – Gillian Armstrong

‘I’d been brought up on musicals. Instead of cartoons, we watched videocassettes of musicals at home.’ – Rachel Tucker

‘I’ve always called myself a journalist who happens to draw. If I wasn’t drawing cartoons, I’d be writing stories.’ – David Horsey

‘I think more influential than Emily Dickinson or Coleridge or Wordsworth on my imagination were Warner Brothers, Merrie Melodies, and Loony Tunes cartoons.’ – Billy Collins

‘I wrote my master’s thesis on cartoons!’ – Warren Spector

‘Oswald is an interesting character. Disney lost the rights to him in 1928 to Universal, who was distributing the cartoons and basically handed him over to Walter Lantz.’ – Warren Spector

‘I’ve loved cartoons all along. Most people outgrow that when they hit 10 or 12, I guess, but I never did. I’m not sure why.’ – Warren Spector

‘I used to teach animation history classes at the University of Texas, and I wrote my master’s thesis on cartoons. I just love cartoons.’ – Warren Spector

‘Traditionally, the only way I come up with cartoons is by sitting at my desk and thinking.’ – Bruce Eric Kaplan

‘I used cartoons as diaries. I still do. They’re my way of figuring out the world, what’s happening to me or what I’m thinking about.’ – Bruce Eric Kaplan

‘In television writing, you want to hear what the characters say as opposed to giving them something to say. It’s the same with the cartoons.’ – Bruce Eric Kaplan

‘I was trying to be a writer, and I was kind of getting sidetracked, so I started doing cartoons as a form of expression.’ – Bruce Eric Kaplan

‘I read the ‘New Yorker’ when I was a kid. I used to love the cartoons and pick the cartoons out of the library, so I felt I knew the world of their cartoons.’ – Bruce Eric Kaplan

‘I had always wanted to do a collection of cartoons, but you have to wait until someone is actually interested.’ – Bruce Eric Kaplan

‘As crime writers, we put these characters, year after year, book after book, through the most horrendous trauma, dealing with grief and death and loss and violence. We can’t pretend that these things don’t affect these characters; they have to. If they don’t, then you’re essentially writing cartoons.’ – Mark Billingham

‘I was interested in science or, at least, nature from an early age, learning the names of planets, cutting cartoons with facts about animals out of the newspaper and gluing them into a scrapbook, and, with a friend when I was five or six, trying to design a submarine.’ – Martin Chalfie

‘I remember watching the ‘Iron Man’ cartoons when I was younger. I remember reading the origin stories and some of the Silver Age stuff, and I read ‘The Avengers’ – ‘The Defenders’ and then ‘The Avengers’ – and that sort of brought me into ‘Iron Man.” – Jon Favreau

‘I loved practical jokes. I loved being goofy on the playground, and I loved doing silly cartoons, but I was not this subversive little delinquent. I am an Eagle Scout, after all.’ – Steve Breen

‘When I was starting out in 1988, I was doing cartoons on President George H. W. Bush, Iraq and the fall of Soviet Union.’ – Steve Breen

‘For an encore, I might do health-care cartoons using my own blood. That will be my last act.’ – Steve Breen

‘Drawings don’t have a point. Cartoons, you want to have an opinion; you want them to express a viewpoint.’ – Steve Breen

‘It’s sometimes hard to wrap your head around a big story, and for most of us drawing editorial cartoons 9/11/ 01, that was the biggest story of our professional lives.’ – Steve Breen

‘I’ve been able to work with some incredible voice talent, most of whom I grew up hearing in my favorite cartoons.’ – Drake Bell

‘In truth, I’ve never been a big superhero fan. I don’t mind some of the movies, and a couple of the cartoons were alright – that Batman series from the early nineties where Mark Hamill voiced the Joker is sweetness. But largely, I’ve not really had much time for superheroes.’ – Ben Peek

‘Instead of watching cartoons when I was little, I had Russian ballet videos from, like, the 1950s and 1940s.’ – Sarah Hay

‘I can watch cartoons all day!’ – Dexter Darden

‘I enjoy music and cooking and cartoons and many other things.’ – Rosanna Pansino

‘I’m a product of the 1970s, so I have a short attention span. You know, I grew up on cartoons and half-hour shows. So the stories that I’m interested in grab my attention very quickly, and they have to keep my attention.’ – Robert Kurson

‘If you win elections on the theory that government is always bad and will mess up a two-car parade… a real change-maker represents a real threat. So your only option is to create a cartoon, a cartoon alternative, then run against the cartoon. Cartoons are two-dimensional; they’re easy to absorb.’ – William J. Clinton

‘Animated editorial cartoons are completely different from static editorial cartoons.’ – Walt Handelsman

‘People really love editorial cartoons, and I think publishers understand that.’ – Walt Handelsman

‘With a standard editorial cartoon, you’re taking tons of information and synthesizing it down to a single bite – a single moment in time. With animated editorial cartoons, it’s more storytelling.’ – Walt Handelsman

‘I think a lot of the Disney cartoons are scary when you watch them at a young age.’ – James Wan

‘Every actor I know pretty much wants to be a rock n’ roll star, and we’d all give it up to be in a rock n’ roll band, but we’re never going to do that. But being in cartoons – that’s as close as you get without being an action figure.’ – David Costabile

‘I used to spend summers in the Czech Republic with my grandmother. I’d watch Czech cartoons.’ – Ivanka Trump

‘E-cigarette companies are using shameful tactics, such as Joe Camel-like cartoons in advertisements and creating e-cigarette flavors like bubblegum and cotton candy, to addict our children early – and guarantee another generation of smokers.’ – Elizabeth Esty

‘You can’t think ‘Dole’ without thinking ‘Bob Dole’ and cartoons and third-person good times. He was one of those politicians: the kind you jabbed but were happy enough to have around.’ – Jeanne Marie Laskas

‘I’m not into superhero movies, but I love cartoons. Tweety bird is my favourite.’ – Deepika Padukone

‘Around 2000, I was working on cartoons like ‘PB&J Otter’ and ‘Doug.” – Christopher McCulloch

‘The thing I loved about the cartoons I grew up with is, to this day, I’m still just starting to get certain references from Bugs Bunny cartoons. I’ll see some film noir movie and go, ‘Wait, that’s what Bugs Bunny was quoting!’ I like the idea we made the unfolding fortune cookie for ten years from now.’ – Christopher McCulloch

‘When my friends talk about childhood, I’ve never heard of any cartoons or TV they remember. The only thing we share is Michael Jackson. That’s how far his music travelled – to a remote village on the other side of the world.’ – Alek Wek

‘I don’t let Molly watch much television. The only stations I let her watch are PBS and the Disney Channel. The cartoons on the other stations are too violent and filled with obnoxious commercials.’ – Teri Garr

‘I love political cartoons from the 19th century, and whenever I complete a piece of acting work that I’m particularly proud of, be it a film or play, I treat myself to a picture by caricaturist James Gillray.’ – Miriam Margolyes

‘In cartoons and in improv, anything can happen. You can be any character you want. The rules of real life don’t always apply.’ – Jack McBrayer

‘Even if I am just sleeping with her or just watching cartoons in bed, I know Violet values that. I try to make the most of every moment and just make it special with her, because its what matters to me most.’ – Christina Milian

‘We don’t quite have the same comic book culture as America, but I would watch Spider-Man cartoons and X-Men cartoons and watch Bond as much as anyone on the planet.’ – Taron Egerton

‘I would say that while most Muslims take offense at the portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad in cartoons, they would never resort to violence. It is a minority of extremist Muslims who take such actions, and they do it for political and tactical reasons far beyond just being offended.’ – Maz Jobrani

‘I don’t think I have any guilt or embarrassment about any of the TV shows I watch. Maybe the fact that the shows I can watch over and over again are cartoons like ‘Bob’s Burgers’ and ‘American Dad’ and ‘Rick & Morty.” – Ross Butler

‘It’s great that we can, however subtly, offer important lessons through cartoons that it’s important to protect the environment.’ – Michael T. Weiss

‘I get up and cook for my kids, who really like my scrambled eggs. Or we make pancakes and the requisite bacon. The kids either play or watch cartoons, and Daddy gets to read the ‘New York Times’ and do his puzzle.’ – Jeffrey Tambor

‘I actually grew up watching a lot of these cartoons – a lot of the animated series. ‘Batman: The Animated Series,’ ‘Justice League,’ all the stuff that would come onto Cartoon Network.’ – Ray Fisher

‘I was literally in the car every day on my way home from school trying to hurry up and get the homework done so I could just go home and watch the cartoons and not be bothered.’ – Ray Fisher

‘I was a huge fan of the Justice League growing up. I watched all of the cartoons, all of the animated series, all of the movies, superhero related, since my personal beginning.’ – Ray Fisher

‘My dad traveled so much for work that, when he was home, we always wanted to spend as much time with him as we could, so going to practices and doing stuff like that with him took precedence over Saturday morning cartoons. We’d go to practice with my dad just so we could be a part of it.’ – J. B. Bickerstaff

‘As far as cartoons go, I watched a lot of ‘Ed, Edd, n Eddy’ when I was a kid.’ – Laurie Hernandez

‘I ran development and programming at Disney TV animation. We did a lot of cartoons.’ – Roy Price

‘I spent quite a lot of time in front of the bathroom mirror. Nearby, there was a stack of books. My favorites were ‘The Death of Manolete’ and the cartoons of Charles Addams. I would pretend to be Morticia Addams. I was drawn to her. I used to pull my eyes back and see how I’d look with slanted eyelids.’ – Anjelica Huston

‘At 16, I was drawing cartoons, and I wanted to carry on being a cartoonist.’ – Charlie Brooker

‘In my career, I have done more than a thousand voice-overs in commercials, cartoons, and radio shows, so I’m very familiar of my voice capabilities and its range.’ – Stefan Kapicic

‘The old Rankin-Bass animated specials seemed to exist in a loosely shared reality, which is what attracted me to them. Santa, Snow Miser, Rudolph, Frosty, even the Easter Bunny seemed to be on nodding acquaintance with each other, even if only in cameo appearances in each other’s cartoons.’ – Paul Dini

‘For years, humorous characters in cartoons have been almost exclusively male.’ – Paul Dini

‘I grew up loving cartoons, comics, magic, and writing.’ – Paul Dini

‘I was working in cartoons. I could go to Comic-Con, buy the Hal Jordan ring, I could buy animation cels, but at the end of the day, I come back to an empty apartment. I had a life that was only around me, and when I was broken, my world was broken.’ – Paul Dini

‘I love going to the movies; I grew up going to the movies. I didn’t really watch TV, growing up, other than weird cartoons like ‘Beavis & Butt-Head.” – Juno Temple

‘I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I watch cartoons. And documentaries.’ – Britne Oldford

‘I watch cartoons a lot. I’m a big ‘Rick and Morty’ and ‘South Park’ fan.’ – Jack Garratt

‘Every era has its cartoon rich guys, but most of them are actual cartoons – Daddy Warbucks, Scrooge McDuck, C. Montgomery Burns.’ – Steve Rushin

‘I consider myself a humanist. Even if I do very dark worlds, I try to make those characters real humans as opposed to just cartoons.’ – John Hillcoat

‘I like the idea of taking three-dimensional objects and making them two-dimensional so that they look like cartoons.’ – Cornelia Parker

‘The reality is that much of the stuff you see in film, television, comics, and children’s cartoons got its start inside the inspired, disruptive halls of science-fiction and fantasy literature.’ – Kameron Hurley

‘I first met Michael in the early days of the Jackson 5 at the family home in Los Angeles, and the memory that stands out is that Michael, as cute and wide-eyed as an 11-year-old could be, was eager to get through the interview so he could watch cartoons before having to go to bed.’ – Robert Hilburn

‘I did freelance cartooning off and on from college graduation in 1991 through ABC News hiring me in 2003. I did a weekly comic strip for ‘Roll Call’ for about nine years. I sold cartoons and caricatures to ‘The Los Angeles Times’ and ‘The Washington Post.’ I drew as much as I could. It’s really tough to make a living doing it.’ – Jake Tapper

‘If the creators of cartoons are intentionally or unintentionally giving children the idea that gay people are part of the big, happy human family, that’s a good thing, not a bad one.’ – Jacob Weisberg

‘If I’m really jet-lagged and need to get to sleep, I just try and watch cartoons. As long as it’s animated, I don’t care – it has to have that distance from real life.’ – Kevin Parker

‘My mother had no interest in cartoons. I remember thinking, ‘I am never going to grow into that person.’ Which is so ironic – now I get to work on ‘Family Guy’ and ‘The Simpsons’ and ‘Futurama’, all of these great animated series! TV was my passion.’ – Dana Walden

‘Instead of cartoons, I was the kid who was watching Food Network, falling asleep to Emeril and Rachael Ray.’ – Ayesha Curry

‘Reading ‘The New Yorker’ – I start on the last page and go backwards, reading all the cartoons. Then I read ‘Shouts and Murmurs.’ Then I read the reviews. Then I read the articles that immediately appeal to me.’ – Miriam Shor

‘Sometimes I fantasize about becoming a cartoon and only making music for cartoons. I can easily visualize my future in music when I go into that fantasy in my head.’ – Hunx

‘Just doing voices for cartoons is just a dream come true.’ – Janet Varney

”SpongeBob’ is a cartoon I love. Especially when I’m in bed by myself at home and I have trouble sleeping, my reflex is to put cartoons on.’ – Michy Batshuayi

‘I loved Japanese culture before even realizing it was, in fact, Japanese culture. The cartoons and anime I was watching as a child, my favorite video games, and even in pro wrestling – my favorite wrestlers and matches originated in Japan.’ – Kenny Omega

‘If you look at wrestling when I started to get my big break back in 1992, I changed wrestling from the cartoons of Hulk Hogan and Iron Sheik and the matches with the leg drop and the hand behind the ear and the playing to the crowd. They were just cartoon characters if you ask me.’ – Bret Hart

‘We have five children whom I love dearly and have exploited mercilessly for my cartoons.’ – Bil Keane

‘I did cartoons for four high school publications and then and there decided I wanted to spend my life at the drawing board.’ – Bil Keane

‘I’ve always been a fan of animation. As a kid, I used to watch a lot of the Saturday-morning cartoons, and I was always a fan of even claymation and that whole medium.’ – Robert Trujillo

‘I grew up watching Transformers. I think it was one of the first cartoons that I started watching as a kid. It was awesome. I would set my clock every morning before I went to school. It was a big part of my childhood.’ – Samoa Joe

‘I watch the same cartoons over and over again. I watch Adult Swim. I watch ‘Futurama’ repeatedly.’ – Isaac Brock

‘My parents are cartoons. When they come up and visit, they’re hilarious. My mother somehow finds a way to get in the way of everything.’ – Rick Hoffman

‘I fancy cartoons; don’t even get me started on ‘Aladdin.” – Emily Atack

‘One of my favourite Japanese cartoons is ‘Yasuragi no Yakata,’ written by the famous Fujiko Fujio.’ – Hidetaka Miyazaki

‘I was a big fan of sketch comedy and cartoons growing up.’ – Iliza Shlesinger

‘I had the whole ‘Ghostbusters’ toy set with the firehouse and the car and everything. Sometimes I’d use my grandpa’s camera and make little stop-motion cartoons with those toys – I was definitely a weird kid.’ – Flying Lotus

‘Cartoons make kids happy, and that’s a great feeling.’ – Zelda Williams

‘One of my favorite things was I got to work with Avi Arad on a movie for Sony, and we don’t realize this, but he’s the reason toys were sold off of cartoons, more or less. He created the Gobots!’ – Adam F. Goldberg

‘The biggest idea of a good time for me is making the Batman videos that we did. That is my ideal day. That is exactly what I want to be doing… I like doing cartoons. I like writing things.’ – Pete Holmes

‘A good cartoon is always good on two or three levels: surface physical comedy, some intellectual stuff – like Warner Brothers cartoons’ pop-culture jokes, gas-rationing jokes during the war – and then the overall character appeal.’ – Genndy Tartakovsky

‘I’m not into cartoons. That’s the irony of it.’ – Gary Larson

‘As for the reasons behind my retirement, they mostly center around simple fatigue and a fear that if I continue for many more years my work will begin to suffer, or at the very least ease into the graveyard of mediocre cartoons.’ – Gary Larson

‘A lot of people think I’m going to be like someone who’s stepped out of one of his own cartoons. And maybe I am. But I sure have a hard time analyzing it.’ – Gary Larson

‘I get inspired from all different kinds of places – cartoons, comic books, movies and things like that.’ – Kofi Kingston

‘As long as I can recall I’ve always wanted to make cartoons.’ – Alex Hirsch

‘If you ask anyone in animation, how long they’ve been into animation, they’ll pretty much always tell you that it’s since they can remember, and I’m no exception. I’ve always just loved drawing and loved cartoons.’ – Alex Hirsch

‘I remember when I was a kid, whenever you’d see cartoons cross over with each other, it always ranged from a delightful, magical surprise to a cynical, annoying cash grab.’ – Alex Hirsch

‘I didn’t have cable, so YouTube was my cartoons.’ – Emma Chamberlain

‘People think that cartoons are meant to be watched on television and not in cinemas. To get people into cinemas to see animation really boils down to storytelling for the family.’ – Ronnie Screwvala

‘Campy films almost create real-life cartoons.’ – Sharon Needles

‘I’m trying to build a Disney. Not only as a creator, but also be able to create universes where then that content can go into toys, and live on multimedia platforms, whether it’s apps, books, movies, cartoons. It’s like building a whole world, which takes a lot of money.’ – Martellus Bennett

‘I enjoyed doing the ‘Tom and Jerry’ cartoons, and if we had never done anything else, I would have been perfectly satisfied.’ – William Hanna

‘I think we had made 160 ‘Tom and Jerry’ cartoons.’ – William Hanna

‘I think that – whether I should admit this or not – Joe and I, going back to ‘Tom and Jerry,’ have been very lucky in being able to do cartoons that have universal appeal.’ – William Hanna

‘Cartoons ran into trouble when they became too much like real life images. Cartoons had become poor imitations of the real thing.’ – William Hanna

‘I saw one of the old ‘Tom and Jerry’ cartoons the other day. I hadn’t seen it for 30 years and I didn’t remember it. We made 160 of them! I thought it was a very funny cartoon.’ – William Hanna

‘We moved amazingly fast because our product was acceptable to a broad market: tots, teenagers, adults. Even to some people who never before liked cartoons. When we started we knew Disney already had the kids. So we figured we should be broader.’ – William Hanna

‘Aren’t we all ‘Star Trek’ fans? That’s the show that captured our imaginations after cartoons and everything!’ – Tamlyn Tomita

‘If you’re an aspiring show maker, and you have the means to sit around for a few months, you should be making funny cartoons and uploading them to the internet.’ – Pendleton Ward

‘I’ve watched cartoons my entire life, and I know my mom has always wanted me to turn off the TV if she hears annoying voices too often from the television – if she hears sort of cartoon ‘acting.” – Pendleton Ward

‘I’m inspired by my surroundings. That’s why I create dresses or videos around simple everyday things! I also love playing with nostalgic things from my childhood like cartoons. I like my art to trigger some sort of memory from my viewers, something they can relate to.’ – Manila Luzon

‘So many cartoons are about real fun, happy-go-lucky simpletons.’ – Raphael Bob-Waksberg

‘I wanted to do what Mel Blanc did, and that was cartoons.’ – Russi Taylor

‘Music for cartoons is sillier, funnier.’ – James Newton Howard

‘Cartoons, if you ask me, are the most powerful weapon in today’s politics. Balasaheb Thackeray has proved this.’ – Raj Thackeray

‘Cartoons only showed you certain things. The comic books go in deep.’ – Derrick Favors

‘I grew up in the 1970s. It was a super open-minded time. I was taught through my parents and TV that everything was possible. You’d see cartoons where superheroes would fly. I always wanted to do these things.’ – Dean Potter

‘I have a fascination for cartoons. No matter how many times ‘Tom and Jerry’ fall, you never complain, and watch it again.’ – Priyadarshan

‘In every sport you have to have a Plan B. For me, Plan B is already set. It’s to do everything from voice-overs for cartoons to action and adventure movies, not only in the United States but here in Japan.’ – Bob Sapp

‘Fester never talked in the ‘Addams Family’ cartoons. So I raised my voice an octave and I gave him a beetling look.’ – Jackie Coogan

‘When we grew up, we had three channels on television and only one day of cartoons and if you missed it, you missed it.’ – Butch Hartman

‘There’s been a stigma out there that cartoons only equal kids.’ – Butch Hartman

‘Being a parent is not an easy job, which is why we try to create cartoons parents know are safe for their kids.’ – Butch Hartman

‘Miss Minutes was inspired a bit by Felix the Cat, and cartoons of that era.’ – Kate Herron

‘There was a point where I was just saying to myself, breathe. Inhale, because I felt really heavy – I felt like those cartoons when they experience G and your face is just sagging down.’ – Victor J. Glover

‘To be honest, I kind of skipped over watching cartoons, and reality TV shows raised me. Literally, in fifth grade I ran home from school and watched ‘Jersey Shore’ every Thursday, girl.’ – Bretman Rock

‘When people would ask me what do you do, I’d say I make music for cartoons. I could see the compassion in their eyes. I gotta tell you, there was no room for compassion: I was making money hand over fists.’ – Haim Saban

‘In fact, if you look at the early Warner Brothers cartoons, you’ll see the precedent for Roger Rabbit was really the earliest Daffy Duck and even the early Bugs Bunny.’ – Rob Minkoff