How Many Characters In A Driving License Number? [A Character Count Guide]

When you hold your driving license in your hands for the first time, you may not look at all the numbers printed on your license in detail.

How Many Characters In A Driving License Number [A Character Count Guide]

But it can be useful to understand certain parts of your driving license as you may need them in future for insurance or to obtain certain documents.

One of the most common number that you’ll need from your driving license is the driving license number, also known as DLN.

But did you know that your DLN varies depending on where you live? We take a look at how many characters a driving license in each US state has.

How Many Characters Does A Driving License Number Have? 

The length of your driving license number depends on where you live. Driver license numbers can be between 1 and 10 characters.

They can be made up of either just digits, or a mix of digits and letters.

You can find your DLN on your driver’s license, your Learner’s Permit and on correspondence documents from the DMV.

Your car insurance provider will also hold a copy of your driving license, so your insurance will be able to let you know your driving license number.

Driving License Number Formats By US State

The exact format and number of characters for your driving license number varies with each state.

Here is an overview of the exact format a DLN has in each state of the USA.


A driving license number in Alabama (AL) is between 1 and 8 digits long.


A driving license number in Alaska (AK) is between 1 and 7 digits long.


A driving license number in Arizona (AZ) has one letter and 8 digits, or your 9 digit social security number (SSN). 


A driving license number in Arkansas (AR) is between 4 and 9 digits long.


A driving license number in California (CA) has one letter and 7 digits.


A driving license number in Colorado (CO) is 9 digits long, or includes one or two alpha numericals as well as two to six digits.


A driving license number in Connecticut (CT) is 9 digits long.


A driving license number in Delaware (DE) is between 1 and 7 digits long.

District Of Columbia

A driving license number in the District of Columbia (DC) is 7 digits long, or your 9 digit social security number.


A driving license number in Florida (FL) is one letter and 12 digits long.


A driving license number in Georgia (GA) is between 7 and 9 digits long.


A driving license number in Hawaii (HI) is either one letter and 8 digits or 9 digits.


A driving license number in Idaho (ID) is either 9 digits long or two letters, 6 digits and one letter.


A driving license number in Illinois (IL) is one letter and 11 or 12 digits long.


A driving license number in Indiana (IN) is either one letter and 9 digits long or 9 to 10 digits.


A driving license number in Iowa (IA) is either 9 digits, or 3 digits, 2 letters and 4 digits.


A driving license number in Kansas (KS) can have three different options. It is either 9 digits long or it has one letter and 8 digits.

A Kansas DLN can also be a mix of letters and numbers.


A driving license number in Kentucky (KY) is either one letter and 9 digits long, or one letter and 8 digits.


A driving license number in Louisiana (LA) is between 1 and 9 digits long.


A driving license number in Maine (ME) is either 7 or 8 digits long. It may also contain one letter.


A driving license number in Maryland (MD) has one letter and 112 digits.


A driving license number in Massachusetts (MA) is either 9 digits long or it has one letter and 8 numerics.


A driving license number in Michigan (MI) is either one letter and 10 digits or one letter and 12 digits long.


A driving license number in Michigan (MI) is one letter and 12 digits long.


A driving license number in Mississippi (MS) is 9 digits long.


A driving license number in Missouri (MO) is either your social security number, 9 digits or a mix of letters and numbers.


A driving license number in Montana (MT) is either your social security number, 9 digits or a mix of letters and numbers.


A driving license number in Nebraska (NE) is one letter and between 6 and 8 digits long.


A driving license number in Nevada (NV) is either 9 to 12 digits or X followed by 8 digits.

New Hampshire

A driving license number in New Hampshire (NH) is a combination of 2 digits, 3 letters and 5 digits.

New Jersey

A driving license number in New Jersey (NJ) is a combination of one letter and 14 digits.

1 Alpha + 14 Numeric

New Mexico

A driving license number in New Mexico (NM) is 8 or 9 digits long.

New York

A driving license number in New York (NY) can be either one letter and a sequence of digits or 9 digits.

North Carolina

A driving license number in North Carolina (NC) is between 1 and 12 digits long.

North Dakota

A driving license number in North Dakota (ND) is a combination of 3 letters and 6 digits, or 9 digits.


A driving license number in Ohio (OH) is a combination of one or two letters and between 2 and 8 digits.


A driving license number in Oklahoma (OK) is either 9 digits or one letter and 9 digits.


A driving license number in Oregon (OR) is between one and 9 digits long.


A driving license number in Pennsylvania (PA) is between 8 digits long.

Rhode Island

A driving license number in Rhode Island (RI) is either one letter and 6 digits or 7 digits.

South Carolina

A driving license number in South Carolina (SC) is between 5 and 11 digits long.

South Dakota

A driving license number in South Dakota (SD) is between 6 and 10 digits long, or 12 digits.


A driving license number in Tennessee (TN) is between 7 and 9 digits long.


A driving license number in Oregon (TX) is either 7 or 8 digits long.

How Many Characters In A Driving License Number [A Character Count Guide]


A driving license number in Utah (UT) is between 4 and 10 digits long.


A driving license number in Vermont (VT) is either 8 digits or 7 digits and a letter.


A driving license number in Virginia (VA) is either 9 digits or one letter and between 8 and 11 digits.


A driving license number in Washington (WA) is a combination of alpha and numerics with a total of 12 characters.

West Virginia

A driving license number in West Virginia (WV) is either 8 digits or one to two letters and 5 or 6 digits.


A driving license number in Wisconsin (WI) is one letter and 13 digits.


A driving license number in Wyoming (WY) is 9 or 10 digits long.


The character count of your driving license number depends on where you live, so it’s a good idea to check with your local DMV office where to find your DLN on your license.

Alan Reiner

Alan Reiner

Hi, my name is Alan Reiner and I have been in the writing industry for almost seven years. I write articles that can span from 200 words all the way to 20,000 words every single day. How do I do it? With a lot of determination.All my way through school and college, I hated long-form assignments. I could never get into the groove of working on one piece for an extended period of time. My pieces were always late because I didn’t have the motivation to type them, let alone edit them.